Farm llprimr work It In tall sirinc on f tbn tnrm, nnd April nnhen In one r«f (he ibnaieot months ot the ngrl- tnml enlendnr. As reminders, College eepeciallsts otter lie tollowlng suggeetione, nhich, accepted, shonld result In a bountitul harreet season: H. R- Niswonger, Extension ortlcuHurlst, advises the plant- ot all t3rpes ot home garden He Hats the tollowlng vege- Mes to be planted this month, id the number ot days after r planting when they should be rea- ^dy tor use: Beets, 60 days; beans, *40; carrots, 7B; sweet corn, 60; Icucum'bers, 60; cantaloupes, 120; )chard, 40; celery, 120; Irish po- /tatoes, 80; kale, 90; garden peas, ,40; lettuce, 60; onion seed, 130; I'okra, 100; parsnips, 125; rad- 1 dishes, 20; squash, 60; spinach, f’80; tendergreens, 30; tomatoes, 100; and watermelons, 100. J. O. Rowell, Extension en- , tomoioglst tells farmers to delay planting corn until May If they have been troubled in the past [ with stalk .borers. However, he ' says that doubling the amount of seed when planting corn in low ground will usually allow for a i; good stand despite root worms, drill worms, and bud worms. In iin, Rowell advises that in- "jJiy flea beetles that some times eat small round holes .in t vegetable seedlings and potato can be prevented by a Bor- dttgKk spray, or by dusting with roienone dust. The suggestion' of E. Y. Floyd. AAA executive officer, is: See your AAA committeeman or conn- fty farm agent immediately and 'sign a farm plan before April 15 ■ to qualify for Triple-A payments in 1940, if you have not already I done so. The 15th is the final date for signing Farm Plans for 1940, and a grower must sign one of these plans it he wi'hes I to receive a payment at the end of the year. F. M. Haig, professor of ani mal husbandry, calls attention to the need for care of young ani- ^ mats born on the farm. Sanitary [quarters are doubly important for |the young, and control of lice and Mother parasites will result in more ^profit from tne dairy, beef cat tle, or swine herd, and the sheep he says. lu A. Arey, Extension dalry- phasizes the need for ^0 carry the cows over He suggests 1‘^'groiW'ing of four tons of sil- and two tons ot good hay tor mature cow in the dairy Iherd. Also. Mr. Arey advises that Icows should be kept off the pe.- [manent pasture until the ground is firm and the grass has mace a good growth. H. W. Taylor, Extension swine speiitilist, says .spring pigs should North CaroHoh, Vilkag CoDBt?. Under mad by virtae of anuori- ^ of A jadraent of the Snperior Cooii of wiOcei Coonty In a necicl proceedin(s entitlM Wade Hoock Administrator of Isabel! Howell et al vt. Bethel Howell et al in which judgment the nader- eigned was applied commission er to sell certain lands and per- soant to said order and under the an^ority and direction of same, I will on the 13th day of May, 1940, at the hoar of 12:00 o’clock noon at the Court House door in Wilkes- boro, North Carolina, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the 8jLUM)r»dx>B^i!nr ^ Niriii CtthHiiih 1Dm•Oon»^ Utt^ and by ot the pow er of aale containea In n entaia ^ deed of tm^execate^ jy C. fi. GaioHna for a^ on behalf of the Trtplette to Flora WUttmKtop, o«( North Carolina, ^^"iHB'^PSaUOR COURT Corporatimi Comsniasion of North Bank of Wilkes G. G. Elledge and W. H. Foster, Ehidorsers of Frank Carr. By virtue of an execution direeU ed to the undersigned, ^ " ^ughton. Sheriff of the lat day of Novomber, 1982, to secure the payment ot a note of even date werewfth, said deed of trust being recorded In the office ... of the R^iister of Deeds of Wilkes C. T.lcounty, in Book 167 at page 115, 'V^es and default having been made in County in the above entitled action,!the payment of said note on de- I will, on Monday, the 20th day of May, 1940, at 12 o’clock. Noon, at the courthonse door of said county, sell to the bi^iest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the following described lands, lying [right, title and interest which the and being in 'Wilkes County, North' said W. H. Foster’s estate, one of Carolina, and more particclarly de-:the defendants, has in the follow- scrib^ as follows: ing described real estate, to-wit: 1st Tract: ^ginning on a hick-' ^ginning on a whiteoak stump ory, Laxton’s comer, and running running a conditional line with the fence to the creek to two small ashes on the bank of the creek; then down the bank of the creek with an agreed line between Howell and 9omers an eastward course to a sourwood on the bank of the branch, then crossing^ the branch a northward course with a marked line to a holly bush by the old Ferguson road, then with said road dto Laxton’s and Parson’s comer, then S. West with the pub lic road and Parson’s line to How ell’s comer, then with Howell’s line South to the beginning. Con taining lO acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Beginning on a red oak near the wagon road, Fergu son Howell’s comer North west of T. C. Howell’s house, running South 53 East 13 poles to a small white cak, near the old mill road, then North 3 each 19 poles to a South 36 West 14 poles to the be- to tbe bend of .the creek; thence to Thomas IJiolman’s hickory comer; then with said Holman’s line_ to 'Wm. Dyer’s line to the beginning containing about 80 acres, more or less. The interest of W. H. Foster, or bis estate in the above tract being an one-eighth undivid ed interest. Also the following tracts of mand; Now Therefore; The undersign ed Trustee will on the 27th day of May, 1940, at the hour of 12:00 o’clock noon, at the Court house door in Wllkesboro, North Carolina, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder tbe follow ing described lands; Lying and being In Wilkes County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to wit; Beginning on the Southwest corner of the Lewis Pork Advent ist Church lot, then running a westward direction with the Boone Trail Highway to B. F. Proffit’s line, then with said Prof- fit’s line to J. o. Tri'plett’s south west corner, then with said Trip letts line to Casey’s branch, then down said branch to the north east corner of the said church oar Nwth Carolina, ’mikda Coiorty. Under and by virtiie of an prog ot tbe SnjMTior Court of Wflkaa Coi^, nmda in tbe Specikl Pro- eeedli«8 e^tled Joimson Sanders, administrator of C, R. Tripletts et al Bx-Parte, the same being No. , upon me Special Proceedinga docket of said court, the under- IWnQBi UndtFg ■ ibo point- of .eale eonttibed i , eMturUbed of Ttaat executed by CoOsty Aknao Porter and. wife. Linda Por- Ifiec' signed Commissioner will, on 26th day of May, at the hour of ^ TsBiMed •’priOom ter, to the oadenigDea tinutee, to eigMd Oomfrtnrfonsr will, on the secure the peyment of a note IKhidiBr of-lfty; 1940, at the therrtn menmaed, which (bed of Codit 0Mae doer in Wilkssbor^ trust is recorded in tbe office at N. C., at 12:QD nklock, Noom otter Registn of Deeds for W^es for sale to the hiidmst Mdchr te County in Book 189, page 275, and tl^ certain tract of land, ^ default having-been made in tiie hdqg in Elk l^eminip^ o”cK''Noor'.rthe“(Sia;:if^^ « «•; ' 'deiSSS^H;SS?£JrtS^- na. offer for sale for.cmih to ^ ™ highest bidder the following de- snribed lands, Mng and being in Wilkes County, North Corotaia, and bounded as follows, to-wit: 1st Tract: Bscinning in ths center of the Old Boone Tndl ten (10:00) o’clock A. M- at the Cred^ __ courthouse door in Wilkesboro, of- lar on the fer for sale for .cash to the U|rtt'' running eat bidder, the following desbrioedi^l jioles real estate, viz: ' ' A tract or parcel of land in Tftvknv > Iitebe onnosite .'Wilkes Ccunty, N. C., and more Lying and being in Rock Creek Township; FIRST TRACT: Adjoiitfa* the lands of Joan Myers, C. W. Wiles, tiie Brown; vene; then running iin »ald ravene and continuing a straight coarse up a ridge to the top ot aamc; then with the top o J R Tf ridg.; tl»ns^ me | ^ ^ ^ Charlie '**« *'7' the lands of Southward course with J. R.Tnp: ^ Cl^Ue Byrd and others; on J jSonth by the lands of Lee Bto> t dlyEies the lanoe «r J. i _ x. ^ ^ /nsm lette'd line to the center of the^ld the_lands of Jonah Myers; land in which W. H. Foster, or hisij^f^ the said church lot estate owes a one-ninth interest, • ]jj,g to the Beginning. Excepting as follows: Beginning on a hickory, the ori ginal comer of the Phoeba Goforth tract of land, running Southward down the creek to the ford of the stake in the wagon road, then creek; thence Northeast a condi- . Tmstpp tional line to a stake at the road;5J3^4t^ Attorned one-half acre where B. B. Cornett now lives. This the 22nd day of April. 1940. FLORA WHITTINGTON, ginnii:g. Ckintaining 3-4 of an on top of the ridge; thence withj ^ acre. I the road to the old line; thence the 3rd Tract: Beginning at a stake old line to the beginning, contain- at the public road G. S. Fergu-|ing 8 acres, more or less, son's comer, running South 6-3| Also Mother tract: Bast with his line 20 poles to a' Beginning on a stake Sidney small hickory in his line, then Hackett’s line, running with a con- South 50 West 21 poles to a white ditional line to Matilda Strike- oak in Sallie Watkin’s line, then leather’s line; thence with her NOTICE North Carolina, Wilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, BEFORE THE CLERK VIrs. Ella Phillips, widow, H. M. North 19 West 22 poles with said line to the old Castle line; thence Phillips and wife, Mary Belle Phil- , ... .1 .1 1-.. Z. _ .1.1. _ TT •• T D DVt^lli'na o nH xirtfo Arlo Walker* line to a stake at the pub lic road, then with the said road 9 poles to the beginning. 'This the 13th day of April, 1940. T. R. BRYAN, Commissioner 5-G-4t m NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Wilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Mary Eller Melton —vs— Ernest Eller aid wife, Paulina E'.ler. The defendants Ernest Eller and wife, Pauline Eller, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina, to have a deed or other conveyance executed by said defendants to the plaintiff re-con veying to the plaintiff a life estate in a certain tract of land located in -township, County of Wilkes, with th Castle line to the Hackett ips, L. P. Phillips and wife, Ada with the Castle line to the Hackett Phillips, Della Frazier and hus- to the beginning, containing acres, more or less. Also another tract: Beginning on a black pine, A. M. Foster s line, running South with said Foster’s line to a stake in the Sidney Hackett line; thence Southeast with said line ,to the road qn top of the ridge; thence with said road to a Spanish oak on top of the ridge thence a conditi onal line between said parties to the beginning, containing acres, more or less. Also another tract which W. H. Foster or hisi estate owns a one- half undivided Interest, as follows: Beginning on a Maple in G. M. Dyer’s and J. W. Church’s corner and running North about 4 de- grrees East with said Dyer’s line 30 poles to a gum in Martin Watson’s line on the top of the ridge; then with the top of the ridge and Mar- band, T. J. Frazier vs. Ralph Phillips and wife, Elma Phillips, Mrs. Pauline Phillips, and Eleanor Phillips, Eugene Phillips and Caroline Phillips, minors. 'The above named defendants will take notice that a special pro ceedings entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiffs are asking that certain lands own ed by the plaintiffs and defend ants in iWilkes County be sold for division and to make assets with which to pay debts; and the said defendants will further take no tice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the courthouse in Wilkesboro, N. C., within ten days after the 16th day of May, 1940, and ans- State of North Carolina described as follows: Adjoinng the lands of J. A. Pierce Heirs, C. G. Nichols, Minerva Minton and ot’iers. This property having been onveyed by Trustee’s Deed by John R. Jones to Richard Eller, former husband of this plaintiff and thereafter con veyed under the terms of separa- ' tion agrreement by the said Rich ard Eller to the plaintiff, Mary' Eller Melton for life, the remain-, der in fee to the> son, Elrnest! Eller. The defendants agreed to I tin Watson’s line 176 poles to a'wer or demur to the petition in chestunt oak in Yates’ line on the said action, or the plaintiffs '^11 Cardwell ridge; then Sduth 55 de-'apply to the court for the relief grees West with the ridge 44 poles demanded in said conyplaint. to a double chestnut oak, J. W. Church’s corner; then a South di- The said Eleanor Phillips, Eu gene Phillips and Caroline Phillips rection with Church’s line to the'will take notice that unless they beginning, containing 40 acres, procure the appointment of a more or less. ) guardian ad litem to appear and This the 15th day of April, 1940. C. T. DOUGHTON, Sheriff Wilkes County. 5-6-4t. m be castrated when they are about five weeks of ase. Soybeans planted in rows and cultivated twice will furnish excellent graz- for swine from the Mme the ^Brits are about 15 inches high until frost, he says. One acre of beans on good lai'd will carry 15 to 20 shoata. provided they are on a full feed of corn and a good protein supplement. Lewis P. Watson. Extension horticulturist, recommends that sweet potatoes be 'bedded the first •week in -April in order to have plants for setting about June 1. Instead of selling the best pota toes, he continues, and using the scrubs and culls for seed, build up your own seed stock by saving the best for seed. Select smooth, well-shaped potatoes of desirable (X)Ior and tree from disease. look for the blue tag of the North Carolina Crop Improve ment Association if you are of fered certified cotton seen pro duced 111 this State, says A. D. •Stuart, seed specialist. Many deal ers have sold out of certified cot ton seed at this time of the year, and farmers should exercise cau- Aten in buying any but the best •tocX available. Where germina tion of seed is low, enough extra should be planted to allow the failure of the poor seed up. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND _ _ Under and by virtue of an ovder re-convey said life estate to the Superior Court of Wilkes plaintiff, as soon as a deed of county, entitled “Wilkes County trust or mortgage was recorded g yf Billings and wife, the facts with reference to which i jj^g g yf Billings,’’ the under- are set out in the Complaint. | commissioner will on the That the condition has happened,' jgy jj^y, 1940, at 12d)0 namely the Deed of Trust has been q’cIocJj noon, at the court house executed and recorded according Wilkesboro, N. C., offer to the agreement procured by the gg]g t^e highest bidder for representations and promises of pggj,^ certain tract of land, the defendants as set out in the jy,jng and being in Mulberry town- Complaint: that a dwd was pre-ig^p^ wilkes County, N. C„ being pared by the plaintiff and pi^-] acres of land, more or less, list- sented to the defendants to be Mulberry township in the dxecuted by them according to g yf Billings in 1936, such agreement with request that g|j owned and, or they execute and deliver the ^me jjgtgj Mulberry township in to her but they refused and have ^ggg^ j,y g yf Billings, refused to execute the same or For further description refer- any other deed of conveyance re- jg jo description found conveying to her, her life estate ^ _ j„ the R>g- and to said lands; and the said de- office of Wilkes defend the above entitled action or special proceedings on .their behalf within ten days after the 15th day of May, 1940, an application will be made to the Honorable Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County for an order appointing some suitable and competent per son gpiardian ad litem for them and authorizing and directing him to appear and defend the above entitled action in their behalf. This 15th day of April, 1940. C. C. HAYES, Clerk Superior Court for Wilkes County 5-6-4tm NOTICE OF SALE OF I.AND Boone Trail Highway; then the center ot the old Boone 'Rrail Highway; then ■with the center of saM Highway to .the point of be ginning. 2nd Tract; Beginning on a containing 79 acres, more or less. See deed from James Porter and ■wife, Susan Porter, dated Novem- ter 22, 1930, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for sou^ooTr'beiCTlou^east Wf« County in Book 168, page comer of the C. R. Triplette moun- * secoND tain tract; thence north 66 de grees west 18 poles to a stake; then north 67 degrees west 26 poles to a stake; then north 50 de grees west 32 1-2 poles to a stake: then north 30 degrees west 13 poles to a stake; then north 41 de grees west 10 poles to a stake: TRACT: Adjoining the above described tract of land: BEGINNING on a red oak runn ing North 66 poles to a Spanish oak then West 60 poles to a hickory; . at a lasse p^ xrf said crofk mC crossing said crook, oak on a lidga; tbe^ east Idff poles to a pine OB tm of a moanwn; thence nottk poles t« a vrtiite oak in a hol low, tlMnce seoth 99 poles to the li)i|.ieeiiif Seqoqd IVact: ContaJnng M acres, more QT-leaSf and being aija- ated-oi^ttejMen of Na^an lOR Creek ih wfficca ctmnty, N. C., be ginning at a stake In said creek lear w Date E. Horton 100 acree ract; running south 100 poles to a .take; thence east 20 poles to the M gum tree on the County line in be gum tree gap; thence east 60 )oles to a stake; thence north 100 x>les to a stake; thence.west 86 poles to the beginning. Third 'Tract: Containing 106 acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Elk Creek, beginning at a pine, Dula’s south comer, and running north 20 poles to a pine; thence east 130 poles to a locust; thence south 100 poles to a stake; thence west 120 poles to a stake: thence South 60 poles to a atone;. thence north 80 poles to a stake ia then East 60 poles to the beginn ing: containing 25 acres, more or s oc ‘J -root in less. For further description see 1*1?" A^Jdeed from S. J. Baldwin to Manley “ T .,® QQ !deed from o. J. naiawin zo muniey poles to stake; then north 39 ^ Manley grees west 8 poles to a maple, thw ^ Leander Hall west 25 poles to a stake; theni^J'-" tv. tn'and wife Dora Hall,, and from south 40 degrees east 125 poles to to Linda Porter. Linda Porter deed recorded in Book 164, page 211 in the office of Register of a stake; then north 60 degrees east 36 poles to .the point of beginning, containing 16 3-4 acres. 'ITiis 2^d day of April, 1940. T. R. BRYAN, 5-13-4t Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Deeds for Wilkes County. This the ISth day of April, A. D. 1940. A. H. CASEY, Trustee. 5-6-4t m Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Mrs. Julia Eller and husband, Eller,’’ the undersigned commissioner will on the 6th day of -May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der tor cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Red dies River Township, Wilkes County, N. C., being 75 acres of land, more or less, listed in Red dies River Township in the name of Julia Eller, in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed in Reddies River township in 1936, by Julia Eller. For further description refer ence is made to description found Book —. Page —, in the Reg ister ot Deeds office of Wilkes County. ’This the 5th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFFlE, 4-29-4t-(M) (Commissioner. fendants will furt’ take notice J i, NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND Ikes County, entitled “Wilkes inty versus S. M. Spicer and Mrs. 3. M. Spicer,’’ the un- igued commlsslonea' will on 6th day of May, 1940, at o’clock noon, at the court door In Wilkesboro. N. C.. fer for sale to the highest bld- r for cash, that certain tract land, lying and being in Mul- fownsblp, Wilkes , County, C being 27 acres of land, ”or lees, listed In Mulberry hip In the name of S. M. la 1936, being all the land axd—or listed In Mulberry 1934, by S. M. Spicer, further description refer- tv BVdV to description found Deew o —In tk* Reg. office of Wllkee that they and each of them_ are required to appear at the office of the Cleik of the Superior Court of said county at the Courthouse at Wilkesboro, N. C., within thirty days after the 15th day of April, 1940. and answer or demur or Otherwise plead to the Complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply; to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. This the 15th day of April, 1940. C. C. HAYES, Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, N. C. 5-6-4t (m) This the 5th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUPFlE, 4-29-4t Coinmissioner. NOnClE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an ^ar of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled. “'Wilkes 3ounty versus J. P. Kilby and wife, Mrs. J. P. Kilby,” the undersigned .Commissioner will. on the 6th dny of May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock Wakesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Mulberry Township, Wilkes County; N. C„ being 6 acres of land, miore_ or less, lined in Mulberry township in the nuce of J. P. Kilby in 1936, being all the land owned and, or listed in Multerry township .n 1936, by- J. P. Kflby. Kor further dcscriptuvn refer ence is made to description found in Book , Page , in the Reg ister of Deed office of WUkev County. This the 6th day ofAmril, 1940 F. J. McDUFrtE, 4-29-4t (jornmisskmer. ORGANIZED An Older Youth Club for farm boys and girla above the regular ^ qtyaolsed par, Ci»#tari; emmty xfeaib«t*l«rge. ‘*AB(BOBy. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICA’nON North Carolina, Wilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT J. AT.T.TF. HA'YBS, Collector for Eliza Cauthren, Deceased, vs. Luther Cauthren, Sarah Banguess and husband, Carl Bauguess, John Cauthren and wife, Carrie Cauth ren, Hannie Widls and husbapdi W. T. Walls, Fannie Pruitt and husband, Pruitt, Bill Cauth' eeu OM wHfif Pheobe Riiw and husband. Under and by virtue of an or der of the .Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versus Allen L. Bumgar ner and wife, Mrs. Allen L. Bum garner,” the undersigned Commis sioner will On the 6th day of May. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Wll- kesvboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for rash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Reddies River township. Wilkes County. N. C.. being 35 acres of land, more or less, listed in Reddies River township in the name of Allen L. Bumgarner in 1936, being ail the land owned and—or listed in Reddies River township in 1936, by Allen L. Bumgarner. For further description, refer ence is made to description found in Book —, Page —, in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. ’Hiis tbe 6th day of .^ril, 1940, P. J. McDUFra, 4-29-4t CoBiinissioner. Ring, May-Blackburn and husband, Eli BlackWh- The defendants, Lather Cauth ren, Pheobe Ring and husband, :t^nig Bk^’w4U'hiR$ aetiqp. itotitliid as above: has wm commenced m the Superior Court of Wilkes County, Nortii CaroliBa; to sell real estate for the purpose of paying debts; and the said de fendant will further take notice that *he is required to an>ear at the idKfice of ;the Clerk of the Su perior Ciourt within ten days after the 8th day of May, 1940, and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the tdaintiff •will appeal to the Court for the relief demanded in said einnplaint C. C. HA'Yfe, Clerk of the Si^rior Court of Wilkes County, North CoroUnv. nils 8th day of April, 1940. N-4t (m) RBOQRD More terraces :heve been built in the winter and year in Wilson county NOTICE OK S.4I.E OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled "Wilkes County versus Vance .Adams and wife, Mrs. Vance .Adams,” the undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Wal nut Grove Township. Wilkes County. N. C., being 85 acres of land, more or less, listed in Wal nut Grove township in the name of Vance Adams in 1936, being all the land owned and—or listed in Walnut Grove township in 1936, by Vance Adams. For further de.scriptIon refer ence is made to description found in Book —. Page —, in the Reg ister of Deeds office of Wilkes County. This the 5th day of April, 1940. F. J. .McDUFFIB, 4-29-4t-(M) Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Dula’s line; thence east to the be ginning. Fourth Tract: Lying and being m the County of Wilkes, state of North Carolina, on the waters of Nathan Mill. Creek, beginning at a Spanish oak and running east 5! poles to a slake in the line of Dula’s 76-acre tract: thence witk said line 40 poles to a stake; then west 52 poles to a stake; thence north 40 poles to the beginning. Fifth Tract: An entry of 58 acres patented in tbe name of I. M. Graham and J. G. Dula and bou^ ed and described as follows: Lying and being in, Blk Township on the waters of Elk Creek, beginning at a maple stump, Finley’s comer, and running ■west 73 poles to a chestnut on Dula’s 75-acre trMt; thence south 13 poles to a pine, comer of said tract; thence soutk North Carolina, Wilkes County. Pursuant to the power of sale . contained in a certain judgemmt,61 degrees wert 45 pote to a black County in the case of Garnett Joines vs. Cicero Broyhill and wife Rainie Broyhll, in which judge ment the undersigned was appoint- “ i 'TSi s north 36 poles to chestnut; thence north GO degrees east 46 poles t* a chestnut on the top of the ridge; thence north 26 degrees east 8 er wm expose auction at the Courthouse door in Wilkesboro, North CJarolina, for, to the highest bidder at 12:00 noon, on the - 13th day of May, 1940, the following described lands, lying and being in fVilkes County, North Carolina, and more particular described as follows; Beginning on a pine stump in the forks of the old and new road, running South 180 poles to a stake in the Moravian line, then East 20 poles to a stake in Elizabetb Joines Hne, then South 76 poles to a stake in J. A. Davis back line, then West 70 poles to a stake in C. H. Fergusons line, then North with said Fergusons line jJO p)Ief to a gum in the Moravian line, then West 4 poles to a dogwood at an old road, then a northward course 'with said old road to th* point of beginning, so as to include 100 acres more or less. This the 11th day of April, 1940 T. R. BRYAN, Commissioner, 5-6-4t (m) NOTICE TO CREDITOK.S Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the estate of R. J. Tay lor, late of Wilkes County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per D the beginning. ’This 8th day of April, 1940. F. J. McDUFFlE, L29-4t Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF RmL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, made in the Special pro ceedings entitled, Johnson San ders Administrator et al Ex-Pat^ the same being No. 666 upon tM special proceedings docket of sj^ court, the undersigned commas- sion,er will, on the 13th day ot May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noo» at the Court House door in Wilkes boro, N. C., offer for sale for cask to the highest bidder the followii^ describe lands, lying and being in Walnut Grove Township, Wilbes County, North Carolina, adjoining the liads of B. Holbrook, Baraie McBride and others, and deacribfed as follows, to wit: Beginning on a red oak mnniiN! South 16 West 38 poles to a chest nut, then South 20 IVeat 10 pefles to a double ash, then South 5 West 5 poles to an ash in a hellsWj then South 60 West lOH pdles-to a maple, then North 78 East U sons holding claims said j ieg*i,'a locust in B. Holbrooks ADfofa t/A nrMATif thATn tn tnp tin- r. .V wv .1. til- -_*J NOTICE OF SALE OF L.IND Under and by virtue of >n or der, of th* Supnr^, Court 0% Wilkes Oopaty'/'entltled "Wllkee County versus J. B. King and wife, Annie King; Mack King and wife, Mrs. Mack Klpg and Amanda King,” the underslkned commissioner will on the Gth day pt,May, 1944, at 12:0,0 (^clock noon, at the court house dqor In Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being In “Mulberry Tawenshtp, Wilkes County, N. C.. being 68 .acres of land, more or less^AlitjBidt Mulbenry townsUp in the; name (»f J. E. Kinc, in 1936, hslpg 4|)e luW.O’wiMd hhd-'—or ttrted In Mulberry townehlp In 1934, by J. E. KtaC- pW further desorlptiqa irefer- enoe la made to descriptioffjfotipd; NOTICE OP SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, entitled “Wilkes County versu.s Jessie and Stanley McEIwen,” the undersigned com missioner will on the Gth day of May, 1940, at 12:00 o’clock noon, at the court house door in WII- keeboro. N. C.. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land, lying and being In Roddies River Town ship, Wilkes County, N. C., being 22 acres of land, more or lees, listed In Reddies River township In the name of Jessie and Stanley McBwen, In 1936, being ell the land owned and—or listed In Reddles River township is by Jesrih and Stwley-IheEwen. ' , ^I'or further de^ptlon refer ence Is made to description found In Book —, Page —, in the R' ister of Deeds office of WUki County. This the Stfa day of April, F. J, McDUFFIB, 4-29*4t-(M) Commissioner. estate to present them to the tin derslgned for payment, duly veri fied, on or before the 22 day of April, 1941, or this notlce'will be pleaded in bar of recovery, all j persons indebted to said estate ' wUl make immediate settlement. This the 22 day of April, 1940. MRS. R. J. TAYXOR, Administratrix of R. J. Taylor, deceased. 6-27-6t-(M) F. J. McDuffie, Attorney. line, then North with said Hol brooks line to a sourwood_ E. IL Hutchinsons comer, then with sail Hutchinsons line to a chestnut Us comer, then East ■with J(An Admns and L B. iCaseys line to the’be ginning, containirg 15 acres, more or less. This the Utt day of .^ril, 1944. T. R. BKarAJ^ Camnisskaier 6-5-4t (») oo«B(r.