KAMIS SpCKI^Eli^. Bditw TdCphOtM 111 Mrs. Be^t>v P’.»-n‘r Is S. S. Class Kost.«^-s Mrs. BentleiF Parlier waa hos tess to the Young Uidies Sunday school class of the Walnut Grove BaiiUst church at her attractive new home Friday evening. To open the meeting Miss Madge Jen nings led a devotional period aft er which Mrs. Earl Meadows pre sided tor the business session. Daring the social hour, the re- PRIMARY MAY 25 Giles Y. Newton FOR CONGRESS "Free Men Vote Free Vote*” Don’t Fool People—Serve Them freshments which consisted of homemade candy, roasted weln- ers, and slaw, was prepared by the guesta Wild lillles made col orful decorations for the home. Mrs. Mack Proffit Entertains Music Class To observe National Music Week the members of the Orph eus Music club, of which Mrs. Mack Proffit is counsellor, were entertained at Mrs. Proffit’s home Friday evening. The meeting also marked the final one for the pres^ ent club year. Both divisions of the club met with Mrs. Proffit, and for the program they played piano solos, piano duets with Mrs. Proffit. and rendered some vocal numbers, all of which were of the pupils own selection mak- Yours SINCERELY... / €sso ttTHE NEW ESSO PERFORMS LIKE A PREMIUM GAS, GIVING EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE. FOR A GOOD SPRING TONIC, GIVE MY CAR ESSO. >♦ ED C. CUEOTS OMENVIUf, S. C, TMEATMOWNEt ,ttinswiniouTADOURr ,TNE ILST 6AS0UNEI JAVE EVER USED. IT GIVES HE lETTEI na-UP AND KTTER MIL£AGL» ccnstrr cHAtiorn ADDMO MACHtU UP. €sso EXTRA STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY FOR SALE BY Dick’s Service Station DAY and NIGHT A* aoieittliv. Afound tviftty-ftr* w*r* Ineludlay swnraT .v^ton JOUMIAt^PATBIOTt and at the dow of evenlttg were aohool a«d^i served ice ctpam and cake. The emoon th^ fw the men homa waa attractively decorated preeent echool r^. Mm C. C •***“ with ‘spring flowere. Pr. Gi Iroop of Music Lover’s Club In Monthly Meeting The monthly meeting of the senior division of the Music liov- er’s clnh was held with Miss Ellen Robinson, counsellor, at her apartment on B Street, with Ma- zle Williams as hostess. A pro gram on American music was giv en by Mazie Williams, Annie Ruth Blankenship, and Roselle Caudill. During a short business session plans were made for a party to be given for the next meeting. Re freshments were served at the close of the evening. Mrs. R. P. Casey Entertains G. A. Group The Mary Currin group of the Girl’s Auxiliary of the First Bap tist church held a delightful meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. P. Oasey, coun sellor for the group. The mission study, which was based on the life of Fannie E. S. Heck, was taught by Mrs. Eugene Olive. After the study class the group, which numbered around twenty- five, enjoyed a weiner roast, with sandwiches and tea on the lawn of the Casey home. Y.W.A. Gives Mother- Daughter Party Friday The Young Woman’s Auxiliary of the First Baptist church en tertained at a Mother-Daughter party at the Legion hut Friday evening, having around thirty mothers and daughters present. Decorations for the spacious room of the hut consisted of a variety of vegetables, with the games and contests being in keeping w-ith the same idea. At the be ginning of the evening Beth Jones extended welcome to the mothers, to which Mrs. H. G. N'ichols responded. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Mrs. H. T. Clark is counsellor for the Y. W. A. and special guests at the party were Mrs. Eugene Olive, the pastor’s wife; For the business part of Use tae advertisinj' columns of meeting Beth Jones was this paper as your shopping guide ., .Hi;: Tdtioiui Md Aft- lldom Faw, the prealdent, wu in charge social of the business seEHion, and Rev. Eugene Olive gave the devotions. Mrs. Ruth Vick Everette, field worker for the North Carolina Education Association, who was scheduled to address the meeting was unable to be present, so for the program the school band played several selections under the direction of W. P. Grier, Jr. Mrs. Gordon Finley was in charge of the inatallation service at which time the following offi cers were installed for the coming year; President, Mrs. J. B. Mc Coy; first vice president, Mrs. Faw; second vice president. Miss Estelle Ardrey; and treasurer, Mrs. Edd F. Gardner. The service was closed with prayer. The study course In which both groups joined wav taught by Miss Evelyn Sharpe; using as her topic, "Can we educate our children for peace.” The attend ance awards went to Miss Nonle Gordon’s sixth grade room in the high school building and Miss Lucille Ivey’s third grade In the elementary building. Fine reports were given by Mrs. F. C. Hubbard, Sr., treasur er, and Mrs. Faw, as president, of the year’s work. The report as given by Mrs. Faw will be pub lished later. Dance Pupils To Give Fifth Annual Revue Mrs. R. G. Finley will present her dancing pupils in the Fifth Annual Revue at the Liberty Theatre Tuesday ovenlng. TIhe program is to begin at 7:30 o’ clock. Announcement Mrs. Belle Warren, of Wilkes- boro, announces the engagement of her daughter, Lois Elizabeth, to Edgar Lee Rich, of Durham, .soil of Mrs. Mattie Rich. The wed ding will take place In July. r was neiu luo uumo Mrs. R. T. McNeil, president of Jones Monday evening. Mrs. the Missionary Society; and Miss .... Lunda Hendren, director o f Young People’s Work. :ii*r A Poe 8^gB/l!Bialain Misses Lucille and Breta Poe Scroggs entertained the memberff of their bridge club' at their home at Moravian Falla Friday evening, at which time four table* were made up tor ptay. The top score prise was won by Miss Lcni'* lae Pearson and the bingo prize went to Mrs. Janie Howell. A sal ad coarse preceded play. Smith-Morriaon Vows Spoken On AjprU 27. TOe marriage of Miss Florence Mureen Bmlth SAd Ray Cameron Morrisen was solemnized in an informal ceremony in York, S. C., April 27th. The wedding was at tended by only a few friends of the bridal couple. Mrs. Morrison is the daughter of Mr. W. L. Smith and the late Mrs. CalUe Smith, of North Wll- kesb|Oro. Ray Morrison is the son of C. K. Morrison, of North Wil kesboro. The bride attended North Wll- kesboro high school and Ray Mor rison is a graduate of Scotts high school and for three years was a student at North Carolina State College. He is now a member of the sales force at Gaddy Motor Co. The bridal couple will make their home in North Wilkeaboro. Beth Jones Was Y.W.A. Hostess Monday Night Around thirty-five were present for the May meeting of the Y. ... W. A. of the First Baptist church two children of her first marriage Death Claims Aged Wilkes Woman Mrs. Lucinda Riley Swift, 92, a native of Wilkes county, but for many years a resident of the State Road community, died Wed nesday afternoon at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. S. L. McNail, In Winston-Salem, with whom she had resided for 8 years. Mrs. Swift was the daughter of the late Mrs. John Riley. She was twice married, first to J. D. York, and after his death to Walsh Swift. Both husbands and was held at the home of preceded her in death. Funeral services were held Fri- W. V jonesT mother of th^e hos- day afternoon from Pleasant less, led an impressive devotion- al period to open the meeting. ‘ in county. The rites were in Surry charge the of Rev. L. B. Murray. Grandsons tn and great-grandsons of the de- Sweeplng Price .Reductions Now In Effect! Big Beau tifully Styled Cabinets! Spacious Interiors! New Conveniences! AND CON DITIONED AIR! Greatest Values General Electric Ever Offered. Present prices are the lowest in G-E history, yet the new 19^0 deluxe models are the most complete, the thriftiest G-E Refngeraiors you’ve ever seen. Shop around, compare values' See now much you now get for your dollar in a big, new General Electric. JH/fTS THE HU// YOU’LL ALWAYS BE GLAD YOU BOUGHT A GENERAL ELECTRIC CONDITIONED JURI Controlled temperature, humid ity, and constant drcularion of freshened air. SELECTIVE STORAGL All four needed zones—Sub- Freezing Storage; Extra-Cold Storage; Crisping Storage; Safety-Zone General Storage. ALL-STEEL CABINET, built for long life. One-Piece porcelain interiors—and porcelain exteriors, too! STAINLESSSTEEL Super-Freezer—STAINLESS STEE Sliding Shelves! IliUMINATED TEMPERATURE DIAL Tel-A-Frost In dicator. Thriftometer. Interior Lighting. Easy re leasing, fast freezing Quick Trays. Pyrex Dishes. SEALED-iN-STEEL 6-E THRIFT UNIT famed throughout the world for quiet, low-cost operation and endur ing economy. LUXI 0- HODELM-40 Read Wfiaf General Electric Says; "We believe the new 1940 G-E Refrigerator to be the fineit product of its kind ever offered to the American public—one that will coat you leai to own than any other refrigerator you can buy at any price.” Key and Watkins Electric Co. 3 MILES NORTH ON HIGHWAY 18 ’PHONE 36-F-02 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING meeung oetu «#\^saco •- - - charge, and at this time delegates ceased were pallbearers. ) Ridgecrest camp, July 2-12, ere chosen as follows, Billie Barnes and .\lice Wells. Fine re ports of the circles and the per- lonal service work were given. This is to inform the public that Sherman Anderson, formerly partner in the firm , of Parker Electric Co., has purchased the interest of Mr. D. R. Parker, and will con tinue the busineea at the same location, under the name of Anderson BlecMc Co. We shall strive at all times to render complete and satisfactory service and will welcome the opportunity of fitpiring on any kind of electrical work, including electric wiring, etc. ■ Radio repair work will be given prompt and careful attention, and the sales of ra dios and relfrigerators will be featured. Roy Creasman IN CHARGE AS Electrician and Radio Repairs C. W. Smith IN CHARGE OF Refi^erator Repair Work ELECTRIC CO. Sherman Anderson, Prop. PHONE 22-J WILKESBORO, T*. C. Friendly Circle Met With MLss Annie Laurie Hulcher Miss Annie Laurie Hulcher en tertained the members of the Friendly circle of the Wilkesboro -Methodist church in their month- NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of power and authority vested in the under signed Commissioner by a judg ment of Honorable J- WUl Pless, Judge Presiding and Holding Court in .the 17th Judicial District, said judigment being of record in Book 26 page 360, thel undersigned did advertise and sell the hereinafter described lands, and efore the piration of ten days an up-set bid was filed and an order of re-sale entered by the Resident Judge di recting the undersigned to re-sell said lands; . , The undersigned commissioner did, therefore, advertise and re sell said lands and before the ex piration of ten days an up-set bid was filed and an order of re-sale has been entered by Honorable Wm. H. Bobbitt, Judge Presiding and Holding Court in the 17th Ju dicial District, directing the un dersigned to advertise and re-sell said lands starting the bid at ^85.00, the bid now offered; Therefore, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 20th day of May, 1940, at hour of 12 o|clock, noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Wilk^boro, N. C., the fol lowing described lands: Bounded on the North by the lands of M. E. Fletcher and Thomas EUler, on the West by the lands of Thomas EWer heirs, J. A. Cooper and James Bumgaroor (now Adeline Nichols); boooded on the Bast by the lands of John Vannoy and W. H. EUler. Contain ing 20 acres, more or less. Said property being known as the old Eliza Davis farm and for further description and authority to sdl same see judgment recorded in book 26 page 360. This 3rd day of May, 1940. KYLE HAYES, Commisisoner 6-16-2t t — STEARN’S— 1 INSULIN Recognized by the medical pro fession. New low prices at— Red Cross PHARMACY "Your Service Drug Store” ’PHONE 98 _ lOtk Street H Our Store Will Be CLOSED Saturday Night After 7 O’Clock Here^i We are anxious to CO-OPERATE with our clerks by shorten ing their usual long hours on Saturday, thXis affording them an opportunity to have a little time off. It is difficult to work late, go to bed late and then arise in time to attend Sunday school and church. Shorter hours will eliminate this handicap. We are glad to CO-OPERATE with our local business firms in observing the Saturday night closing hour; of 7 o’clock. We believe the public will co-operate with us in co-operating with our sales force to the end that shopping will be done be fore 7 o’clock on Saturday nights, thus causing no inconveni ence to anyone, and offering a great advantage to store em ployees. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. . , i.. . •-•'.I- ilW -i •'iTTi-iTfiri-n' ntn-’rliifrBiffMi iifflraiM' Mi