■Reach ^Plirts na 0«rmMi8 fought ttorcelr •today to extend their foothold 1 on the English Channel, drlrlng I toward Calais ,l^d bombing the t British channel harbor of Dover i deoplte sharp allied attacks on } the flanks of their narrow cor- I rldor throngh northern France. I An allied spokesman In London 1 warned that the "altaatlon r»- * w»ta«a wery grave,'’ particularly as fgfiiirils raoMnhnleatlons with the I gilM siwlss la nnrthnm France, £, The renewed German thrust { toward Calais and the nanweet I part of the English Channel ’ (Dover Is only J5 miles from. 4 Calais) was accompanied by a \ sunburst of declarations In. Ber- \ lln that the attack on England k will begin shortly. ] ' Allied forces both to the north and the south of the German oorrldor were lighting stubhomly to break through. The French high command re- ported that Its troops had driven r back Into the outskirts of Cam- |t brat and that tho battle In the (* nsfth was being waged with ’^Vj^kateet violence.” The British ll^rted that fighting of equal ttolence was going on a short distance to the west between Ar- H|b and Baupaume and that their Tnbps were holding their orwn. The British high command said the Germans had attacked along the Une of the Scheldt in western Belgium and had forced a cross ing of the river at Audenarde. The Germans said their drive in this region was now beginning to pick up speed. 1 Jf Jod^e Hayes and C. B. Eller Talk At WPA Banquet SptHMors Give Dinner For Project Workers at Club* boose Monday Night Judge Johnson J. Hayes, of the lKoeIA jOiurollaa district of court, hwd C. B. Bller, •Wilkes county superintendent of schools, were the speakers at the ^WPA banquet held on, Monday night at the Woman’s clubhouse on Trogdon street. The dinner was one of hun dreds given simultaneously throughout the country by WPA sponsors for project workers. W. D. Haltacre, local banker, was toastmaster at the banquet, which proved to be a very en- jMeble occasion. Total attend- was 135. ■ In addition to the address, the program Included solos by Miss Marcella Pendley and Miss Ruth ris and numbers by the Bar- family colored quartet. Judge Hayes and Supt. Eller spoke of the relief afforded Job less by the WPA and of the great assistance WPA has been to sponsors in carrying out many public improvements at compara tively small cost to local tax pay ing units. Epidemic Of Car Thefts Reported Four Cars Stolen Here Dur ing Past Few Days; 2 Bum, 2 Recovered There has been a veritable epi demic of car thefts In North WUkeaboro during the past few days. Police Chief J. E. Walker uM today. Of four cars which have been reported stolen two have been recovered and the other two have boon found totally destroyed by r e. One arrest has been made. Alvin Lee Llpford, a negro res- ^ant of the Ferguson commun ity, was arrested in this city while In a car identified as being stolen from Wilkes Anto Sales Saturday. He was arrested and charged with theft of the car he was occupying and also of a car Stolen a few days previously from the same place and albandoned near Hlllsvllle, Va. Llpford was turned over to federal authorities for trial in federal court at Wll- keeboro. ^ A pickup truck belonging to B. F. Smlthey was stolen from Main street Tuesday night and tound burned near The Jumping Off Place on highway 16. : A car belonging to ,'eter Bum- fsmer, which was stolen from ■Acre it was parked near Home jlRr company Friday, was found (burned north of this city. Interest In Primary SatarMf I ^ Dr. Brtidey Is Elected Member Welfare Board The Wilkes County Triple A office Is asking all farmers who wish to purchase lime at the goT- ernment contract price for sum- mer and fall use to make appll- Will Succeed Wm. A. Stroud cation at the Triple A office as At Expiration Of His Term June 1 Dr. J. G. Bentley, of Pores Knob, a well known physician, today was named a memiber of the Wilkes county board of wel fare. ' . He will succeed Wm. A. Stroud, whose term as a member of the board will expire June 1. According to the plan of ad ministration of public welfare, the board is composed of three members; one is appointed bflr the state board of charities and pub lic welfare, one by the county board of commissioners and the other by the two first named members of the board. The election of Dr. Bentley as a member of the board was by the other two members, P. J. Brame, who was appointed by the state board, and W. E. Smlth- ery, who was appointed by the Wilkes county board of commls- sloners. Included In the other business transacted today was exaanlna^ tion oi applications for public as sistance and a discussion of the welfare Wudget with memibers of the county board of commission ers. L0CAL5" Mrs. Dick Parller, of Charlotte, arrived Wednesday to spend a tew days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lambeth, of High Point, were North Wil- keshoro visitors today. A daughter was born on May 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lank ford, of Reddies River. A son was born on Mry 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Romie Jarvis, of Cycle. A son was born on May 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Blevins, of Dockery. Miss Bertha Sockwell, o f Greensboro, is spending the week here in the home of Mrs. C. L. Sockwell. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hcothe. Williams, of North WUkeaboro route 3, a son, weight 12 3-4 pounds, on May 9. Miss Helen Bumgarner spent Want Applications For Limestone Now early as possible in ‘order orders may be filled. that Only Two^RamSeyeD.Seekii^ In Eadi, P.arty On Coinl^ Ticket Ike GoTeffiiTi DemocroU .T9 Select .Nomi nee Fer ^|te Senate Andfl’^Honae 27 Defendants In Federal Court Get Terms In Prison Many Liquor Casea Being Tried In May Term Of Federal Court Twenty-seven defendants 1 n 1 WeUt/-OCVCU »*»--- —- federal court at WUkeaboro this this city. According to a time hon- week have been sentenced by ored custom ncxw Included In the Hayes to fed- law the nominations rotate among Judge Johnson J. — — — eral prisona and reformatories the three counties of the district and many cases yet remain to bo Wilkes^ Yadkin and Daviei and tried. Court convened on onorning and will be In session for two weeks. Practically all cases on the criminal calendar Involve alleged violations of the federal liquor tax iawa. Manufacturing, possess ing and transporting.liquor dn which federal taxes were not paid constitute the liquor charges. List of defendants who have received prison, and reformatory sentencea follow Chlttfeofke , , Ehigene Johnson, IS months 4h Chllllcothe. Homer Transou, year and a day In Ohillicothe. Will Benge, 18 months In At lanta prison. Dwight Cheeks (Ashe county), year and a day in Ohillicothe. Richard Shew, two years In Atlanta. Wilson Shew, five years In At lanta. Thornton Thomas Brown (Ca barrus county), year and a day in Atlanta. John Mitchell, year and a day in prison camp at Lewlsburg, Pa. Lawrence Henry Russel, 15 months In Chllllcothe. Bryan Htuchison, 15 months in Chllllcothe. Clyde Curry, 18 months in Chil- this is Wilkes’ time for the noml- Monday nation. It Is Yadkin’s time to name the Republican nominee and Miles Shore is unopposed for' the Re publican nomination for state sen ate. The Democrats In Wilkes also have a }»ntest for- nomination as memiber ef the hongs of rqpreeen- tatives. A. A. CMblon, of this city, and Jkttomey H. A. Cmnor, of Wllkl#oro> are .;he q^dl^tes Harrison Call (Forsyth 15 months in Chilli- James county), cothe. Andrew Williams, year and the week-end in Marshville and day in CLilllcothe. V 1 L Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Lester )aeea. of this city, a daughter on fay 6. Monroe with Miss Margaret Phil lips and Miss Virginia Eldwards, who were classmates of Miss Bumgarner at W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro. Dr. R. F. Parker, of Murphy, visited his mother, Mrs. J. L. Parker, on North Wllkesboro route 3 Tuesday. Dr. Parker, a pharmacist, was connected with a drug store here several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Vick ery and two sons, William Mc Call and Thomas Nelson, of Wheaton, 111., are spending a few days here with Mr. Vickery’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vickery. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Crltcher and children, of Oxford, ylslted Mr. Crltcher’s mother, Mrs. J. C. Critcher, Sr., and his brothers, Messrs. J. C. Critcher, Jr and L. 0. Critcher, at Moravian Falls this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Osborne and Mrs. Joe Mott, of WUkeaboro, and Mrs. R. I- Smith, of Draper, returned 'Tuesday from a few days visit with Lieut, and Mrs. Guy Gregg, at Fort Belvolr, Md. Mrs. Gregg Is a sister of Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Smith. TThey also visited Washington, D. C., and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Settle will leave the last of the week to at tend the commencement at Wake Forest College. Their son. Mr. Lee Settle, Is a member of this year’s graduating class. Mr. and Mrs. Settle wUl go from Wake Forest to Norfolk where they will visit their sons, Messrs. Ernest and Robert Settle. Miss Mildred Dan cy wiU accompany Mr. and Mrs. Settle on the trip. Lester Combs, year and a day in prison camp at Petersburg, Va. Robert Pierce, two years In Atlanta. Albert Brooks, Alleghany coun ty, 18 months In Chllllcothe. John Wesley Bryant (Allegh any county), 18 months In Chil- Ilcothe. James Russel Brooks, one year and one day In Chllllcothe. Ford Shepherd, year and a day in ChllUcothe. Roby Williams, one year and one day In Petersburg, Va. Walter Sebon Gambill, Claude Caudill and Clifton Johnson, year and one day in Chllllcothe. Roy Caudill, two years in Lew lsburg. Pa. Charlie W. Hanes (Forsyth county), year and a day In Chll llcothe. Lewis B. Prevette, year and a day In Chilllcothe. Commencement Is Under Way In City On Sunday night, eight o’clock. Dr. Raymond Smith, of Greens^ boro College, will deliver the commencement sermon for the senior class In a service at the first Baptist church and on Tues day night, eight o’clock, will be the high school graduation. The program will be entirely by the students. Although there are only two contests in each party, consider able interest has already been shown in the primary Saturday, May 25, for nomination for coun ty offices as well atb state. In the Democratic party there are contests in Wilkes county for nomination for representative and for state senator. The candidates for the Demo cratic nomination for state senate, 24th district, are Floyd C. (Tom) Forester and J. B. McCoy, both of Hve Candidates Ask Demo cratie Nomination For Congress In 8th toi^ With the date of the primary to be held Saturday, May 25, drawing near, maximum interest is being shown in the race of sev en candidates for the Democratic nomination tor governor but a five-man race for the Democratic nomination for congress In the Eighth district and contests for several state offices are sharing a part of the spotlight. 'fhe candidates for the Demo cratic nomination for governor are: Wilkins P. Horton Paul Grady Thos. E. Cooper A. J. Maxrwell J. Melville Broughton L. Lee Gravely Arthur Simmons. The Democratic candidates for nomination to congress In this district are: W. O. Bnrgln C. B. Deane Bob Steele, lU D. C. Phillips Giles Yeomans Newton. There are four candidates for the Democratic nomtnstlon for geimmor: jOHiimiHiBe Iie«i0blllay31 ToIwAnaitt A .meiniMal service, will be conducted Sunday night, 7:45, at Wllkeeboro Bapt^t church. Rev. C. C. Holland, p^ttorr^ho is a member of the American Legion, L. OrgnnixnrioB Compo—d Of .Six Dmaiom Wtdi Muty Conuinttees j^Q^AV/UUASa vs caav w csvsvru. \jm, awva Ma TV AC* In a body. The pobllh i|as a cor- kesboro here July 1, 2, 3 and 4 dial invitation to the service. 1941 ConvrtdHm OfV.F.W.ToBe Held In libb City ^^BStenant r ^ eandidafes T, Story, of .^Tllkeeboro, and A. Candlll, of Hi^s. The only other conB^t for nom ination for county ojpee Is for Republican nomination for rois ter of deeds. C. C. iildden, of Joynes, and Carl Church, of Pur- lear, are the candidates. Polls will open Saturday at sev en a. m. and close at seven p. m. Voters may vote In the i primary as they are registered. Voters registered as Republicans may vote only for Republican candi dates and voters registered as Democrats may vote only for Democratic contests. Dance Revue Held On Tuesday Night A large audience thoroughly enjoyed the dance revue by pupils of Mrs. R. G. Finley’s stndio of Dance on Tuesday night at the Liberty Theatre. The program gave evidence of splendid training and was thor oughly pleasing to the audience. Pupils taking part were Rebtecca Hayes, Nancy Rousseau, Harriet Crutchfield, Betty Gwyn Finley, Jane Carter, Carolyn Moore, Billy Jo Zimmerman, Geraldine Gaddy, Jean Somers, Ruth Long, Vivian Blanche Miller, Mickey Somers, Jimmie Blair, Tomnry Reins, San dra Brewer.Aan. Smlth.Bllly Pear son, Billie Barnes, Margaret Ann Hutchens, Bobby Wells, Nell Gwyn Brume, Carolyn Deans, Carol Hayes, Grace Frank Kilby, Jeanne Moore.''- E. 4*;’’ U A) MhrttH. For secretary of state Thad Eure, the Incumbent, is opposed by Walijer Morphy. Georde Ross Pou and Charlee W. Miller are candidates for the Democratic nomination for state auditor. W. Kerr Scott, commissioner of agriculture, is opposed by C. Wayland Spruill for the Demo cratic nomination for that office. For insurance commissioner there are two candidates, Dan C. Boney, the Incumbent, and Wil liam B. Oliver, one of whom Democrats will select as their candidate for that office. For the first time In the his tory of the primary system the Republicans also have a contest for state office. Three Republicans are asking the nomination for governor. They are: Robert H. McNeill, a native of Wilkes: John R- Hoff man, of Burlington, and George M. Pritchard, of Asheville. Chrie OrcanizalkMU Help Veterans In Ittvitxtion For Tke Convention North Carolina department of Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold its 1941 convention in North Wilkesboro, according to a decis ion reached at the convention In session in Winston-Salem Mon day. R. C. Pancett and J. F. Wll- lluns were the delegates who rep- redented the Wilkes post Monday In asking for, the 1941 convention la North wilkesboro. were aided by Invitations extended hV Mayor R- T- McNiel, North Wilkeaboro’s Commerce Bureans, and H^e Lions -club. delegatee pseered the eon ait tiite the-lleiegatee and thM Noru Wilkesboro will be an Ideal con ventiou city for the V. F. W. Delegates from the local post carried to the convention a num ber of North Wllkesboro’s adver tising booklets, which received much favorable cosiment and Im pressed tho convettlon delegates very favorably. The representatives of the local post were Informed that an at tendance of about 500 may be ex pected at the 1941 convention. The poet here, which was re cently organised, was well repre sented throughout the convention, which began Saturday and ended on Monday. Special Service At Boomer Church On Friday Night Paul Collins, who has been conducting a singing school at Boomer BtpUst church, will con duct a special service there on Friday night, 7:30. Quartet music will be featured and the public has a cordial Invitation to at tend. On Friday night the element ary grades of North Wilkesboro schools win give a program in connection -with the seventh , j grade graduation. Pupils of eve- degree work In the Pjlhian IMge ry grade In the elementary de- Monday night and a full atten - partment will take part Pytiuans Will Have. ' New Class Monday A new class will be ready for ance of members is asked at the meeting. Home Coming Announcement haa been made of a home coming service, to be held at Liberty Grove, church t»n Sunday, May 26, and everybody is Invited to attend with baskets well filled with food for the din ner to he served at noon. Cooper Brings His Campaign Here Advocating 15 state automobile license tags and other reductions In state taxes, to be made pos sible through greater economy in government, Tom Cooper, colorful mayor of Wilmington, brought his sound truck campaign for gov ernor to North WDkeoboro Tues day morning. Friendship Home Coming On Sunday Program Banquet Farmers, Business Men Is Outlined Following completion of the or ganisation of committees for'tho will deliver the ipessage and all event, plans for the 60th annf- Leglonnalres are asked to attend versary celebration of North WQ- are rapidly taking form and tho celebration Is expected to be one of the outstanding events in northwestern North Carolina tbio year. The anniversary celebration will be sponsored by North Wn- kedboro’s Commerce Bureaus, of which R. G. Finley Is president, and the exeentive chairman for the celebration is J. R. PreTetU^ S. V. Tomlinson Is exeoutiTO vice chairman and W. P. Kelly, executive secretary of the Com merce Bureaus, is comptroller- treasurer. AdvertislDg materials and wooden money have been ordered for the event and -will antvo soon. Highlighting the celebra tion will be a pageant presented by the John B. Rogers Prodno- ing company, of Dayton, Ohio. ’The promotion man will be here on Friday, May 31, and will meet all committees In a sreclal meeting at the city hall that eve ning at 7:30 p. m. It Is expected that other meetinge of the com mittees of each of the dlvlslOBe will also be caltod. The anniversary organisation is coQiBoeod^of stx divisions ae'loir State ExecutiTe Oflicer of Triple A Will MsJte the PrincipBl Address Sunday, May 26, is tho annual home-coming event at Friendship Methodist buroh a t Millers Creek. The Sunday school will bo In session from 10 to 11 o’clock jap^er, under the direction of the super intendent, O. A. Bumgarner. Special music will be heard In connection with the preaching hour. The pastor. Rev. J. L. A. Bumgarner, -will preach at 11:80. Visiting choirs and quartets are expected to take part at different times In both forenoon and after noon. Dinner will ho served picnic style. All who will are Invited to bring baskets and spread dinner on the tables. The lunchotm hour has heretofore been very pleasant as a social occasion, and It is ex pected It to be so again. ' Ibo. afternoon seeslon will be a medley of buslneea, music and greetings .from visitors from a distance. A number of former pas tors have already written they will be present. ' , An outline of the program to be carried out at a banquet of fanners and business men to be held at the Legion and Auxiliary clubhouse in this city on Wednes day evening. May 29, was releas ed here today. J. M. German, of Boomer, chairman of the Triple A commit tee In Wilkes, will be master of ceremonlee and tho principal speaker will be E. Y. Floyd, state executive officer of the Triple A. The banquet will open at 7:30 p. m. with singing of “America” and invocation by Rev. R. R. Crater. Following the dinner Lawrence Miller, secretary of the Triple A In Wilkes, will introduce the Following the address will be numbers by s quartet and short talks as follows: “The Farmer Business Man, and God,” Rev. A. L. Aycodk; "Lime Phosphate and Beef Cattle,” T. W. Ferguson: Electricity on tho Farm,” L. L. Ray; “The Advantage of tho $20 Payment to tho Small Wilkes Farmer,” Flake Shaw, member of the state Triple A committee; “Limestone in Wilkes County,” W. M. Abehor; “Compliance From the Skloo," L. G. Billings; '"The AAA From a Mailman-Farmer's Viewpoint,” J. A. Gilliam; “What Soil Conservation Means to Farm ers,” P. W. Edwards. A roundtable discussion will close the program. It was learned today that only a fe« of the 150 tickets available remain to be sold. Knt)|r, MseeiMe'chetrman; Pi^ lldty Divisich, D. J. Carter,* chali^ man, and W. J. Bason, associate chairman; Spectacle Diviston, C. O. McNiel, chairman, and Frank B. Johnson, associate chairman; Special Events Division, E. G. Finley, chairman, and Dr. A. (L Chamberlain, associate chairmen; Hospitality Division, J. B. McCoy, chairman, and J. B. Carter, asso ciate chairman; Adminlstratlee Division, J. B. Williams, chalp- man. ’The complete organization of commltteee under the six divis ions is as follows: PINANC® DIVISION W. D. Halfacre, division chelT' man; A. F. Kilby, associate chair man. , Underwriting Committee: J. B. Williams, chairman, A. A. Cash- ion, J. R. McCartney, L. 3. Spale- hour, J. R. Hlx, W. H. McElwee, Carl W. Steele. Official Program Committee: L. £•. Carpenter, chairman, Wm. H. Duhling, Miss Toby Tumor, Mrs. B. R. Underwood, J. D. Moore, Jr., Mrs. Cbas. E. Jenkinx Jr., J. M. Anderson. Novelties Committee: Robert M. Brame, Jr., chairman, Richard. B. Johnston, Chas. E. Jenkins, Jr., J. Kermlt Blackburn, Fred Henderson. Harry Pearson. Queen Contest Committee: Mrs. Palmer Horton, chairman, Mm. B. F. Gardner, Mrs. Ivey Moore, Mrs. J. S. Deans. Mrs. L. L. Car penter, Mrs. H. T. Clark, Mrs. R- P. Casey. Advance Ticket Committee: Mrs. R. T. McNiel, chairman, Miss Elizabeth Cashlon, Miss Vanix Anderson, Mrs. W. Frank Allen, Miss Frances Cranor. Reserved Seat Committee: W. Blair Gwyn. chairman, J. M. Crawford, J. H. Rector, C. C. Faw, Jr., E. R. Sprnlll. Pay Gates Committee: J. Glena McNeil, chairman, Harry L. Sum mers, T. Hyde Waller, Homer Brookshire. Concessions Committee; Frank C. Tomlinson, chairman. PUBLICITY DIVISION D. J. Carter, division chairman; W. J. Bason, associate chairman. Press Committee: Dwight Nich ols, chairman, Julias C. Hubbard, John H. Slkeai, Mias Mamie Sock- well, Miss Frances Cranor, W. B. Pharr, R. B. Pharr, P.-vul HarveL Jr. Distributive Committee: Ed ward Finley, Jr., chairman, • Pqnl Cashlon. J. H.‘ Whicker, Jr„ Rlehard Deans, Bill Bmme, Ivan D. Anderson, Prank Allen. Speakem Committee; J. C. BelBs, chalrmin, J. G. Hadutt, K W. Eshelman,..A. H. Cace«r.'’J- J. Hayes, J. A. Roossean, R.JT,- (Continued on page tonr) ’ r'l'