HM :THE lifinS Is Formed dS jt f*^£ £ Pmkleat RoomtaU* today Kp- pobkted two promlHont .Bep'ibli- oMa to hlKh'cabtaet" pobU In what appoara to har« Ibeen th« fonnatloB ot a coalttlov cabinet In the face ot an' international crials. Col. Frank Kapi^-. Chicago- BgjfiM^er pgihUahfgfiiha iraa Re- nomir -^Pi^i^ted sec- 9t '4i9 '^Vy, ''raCeeedlng C-iaiT Ehiiaon. Stim^on, who iigpi/a member of President Cool- idiete cabinet, was appointed sec- rethTF ot war today. inam rift W**" jl I.M OUT«TAtK Cekbrato Be dj^dieil'By, M A^essByTirnttr KingMj^orge Quite a ‘Sbot’ ,yv-. --~ Dr. j. Clyde Turner To Speak At Annlvertary Celebration June 30 Britim Bombed W kbU in ,4 '^HTthei "^Tntu HoafUitlea between France and the axis armies are expected to cease IMday—or Saturday at the latest—the official Italian news agency reported today, asserting that French plenipotentiaries hare started back to Bordeaux with the terms dictated by Hitler Qd Massolinl. ^^e place ot meeting between 'French envoys, who arrived in ’gt ^aow-'whlte idane “nome- e'* in German - occupied hern France, was not given. ...tier’s high command mean- wh^rasnoonced the tall of Lyon, FqjihM’a third largest city, 200 nates north of Marseille, and the capture of more than 200,000 prisoners. Including General Alt- mejer, commander of the 10th French army. Fifty thousand French poilus from the eastern Maginot line surrendered their arms this morning to Swiss soldiers and poured across the Swiss frontier. Waves of German planes, at tacking from midnight to dawn, rained new death and destruction on England in the opening phase of the “battle of Britain’’. The German radio, in a cryptic report, declared that “members of the French government are not at all agreed on the Question of laying down arms”—lending cred ence to unconfirmed reports that France has learned the gist of e ■yia terms, found thMn too _ i gor-"the nation’s honor, and resolved to fight on. London.—More than 100 Ger man iplanes raided Britain last night as the Royal Air Force struck back fiercely with bomb ing attacks deep Into German territory. The German attack on Britain was the second^ on successive nights. German "plane.'? bombed * ts of England, Wales and tland. An authoritative source said 'that “considerably more’’ than 100 German planes carried out .je attack. Three German bomb- ^rs were brought down by R. A. F. fighters, another was believed to have been destroyed by anti aircraft fire and several more were believed damaged badly. “Large numbers of bombs,’’ it was said, “were dropped in vari ous parts of the country. It was the biggest raid yet.’’ Visibility last night, it was said, was poorer than on the previous i Dr. 3. Clyde Turner, widely known as one of the outstanding ministers of the Southern Bap tist convention, will open North Wllkesboro’B 60th anniversary celebration here on the evening of June 30 with a sermon at the fairgrounds, where the historical spectacle, “On Wings of Time,’’ will be shown the following four nights. Dr. Turner is pastor of the First Baptist church in Greens boro. For four years he was president of the Baptist State convention and at two sessions of the Bap tist World Alliance, held at To ronto, Canada, and Atlanta, Ga„ he was a speaker before that body. He has addressed several sessions of the Southe'n Baptist convention and is one of the out standing speakers in the south to day. With the grandstand and addi tional seats which will be placed for the anniversary celebration, there will be sufficient seating arrangements at the fairgrounds to accomodate a record crowd which is expected to gather here for the opening of the celebration and to hear the sermon by Dr. Turner. Services will not be held at the churches in this city that evening and the combined choirs of the First Baptist, Methodist and Pres byterian churches will furnish music. The Celebration will have a full program of activity from the evening on June 30 through July 4. Highlighting the event will be the historical pageant each night, a mammoth parade oach-dny-*®* • an address by Governor Clyde R. Hoey on July 4. #■■1 ^ Cross' F|p^ Here Pass'$900.00 Vifiitors Barred During a itcent Inspection tour of a gun factory that Is operating — t--- — — night and day onder war pressure. King George tried out a Bren etlll far short of the revlsod Quo- machine gnn. He puj 60 boUeis In or close to the bulls-eye at 20 yards, ta of $1,600 set for the chapter, and remarked: “I had no Idea the gun was so steady." The king has made according to today’s report from a number of personal inspections In factories laMy. *»-•- r>—- -v..-.*— Lucas Meets With The Registrars For^ Pimary Says Elections ShaBBeHeldln View Of Public j ournal-Patriot Not To Be Issued Monday, June 24 There will be no Lssue of The Journal-Patriot on Mon day, .lune 24, and the new.s and features originally sche duled for Miat l!«>»e wlU be combined with the Thursday edition. The Thursday Iseue, which will be published earlier than usual during the week, will be the special edition commemo rating the !SOth anniversary of North Wilkesboro. Rattlesnake Is Held By* A Young Man Held For Forging Note George Wyatt Tried In City Court and Given Sentence Of Eighteen Months George Wyatt, 25-year-old res ident of the Halls Mills commun ity, drew a sentence of 18 months on the roads after being convict ed on a charge involving forgery. According to the evidence Wy att presented a note for the a- mount of $26 at the Northwestern Bank here, bearing the purported signatures of Mrs. J. D. Hall and W. M. Osborne, well known resi dents of the Halls Mills and Mc- Grady communities. was LiiMu — r-- ^ Belic^viag that there was some- night, a factor that aided the Ger- | wrong with the note, Po- ^ — V— I„ inter- j g -^valker was notl- msc bombers in avoiding inter ception. The raiders concentrated to a greater extent o n industrial areas, it was said. “Some damage was done to cer tain industrial factory buildings,’’ it was said, “hut considering the great number of bombs dropped, the damage was slight through out the whole of the attacks.” Amateur Program ‘ At Boomer School fVn Saturday night, June 22. V. the choir of Boomer is sponsoring ^^an amatenr program at the iitehoolhouse. All amateur mnstci- m. are invited to be present and -part with lastmmental and vocal selecUons, stunts, etc. There win he a'grand prise of $5.00 giv en to the heat musician. Other prtaee are offered as follows: In- aWi»ental—best band, quartet, trlhk itiet. «oioi Vocal—best quar- *’tetfctrlo. duet and solo. Fanl B. Collins, of Llncolnton, and his quartet, will be present aid entertain before and after the ‘program. Ice Cream Supper ^ On T’riday Night cream supper will Ahi be K«id okHhe lawn at the home of and Mrs. Earl Meadows at j||e3 Knob on Friday night, Juno *1 eight o'clock. ^ ice ub^aily by business flijis knd "of yttoufe individual, of North Wilkesboro. ®2^' ]^ti^‘ehttrch. -rhe-pnln a nwet cordial inviUtion 4^: tied and it was soon established that the names had been forged. In order for the case to be within the jurisdiction of the eity court here, Wyatt entered a plea of guilty to forcible trespass and was given 18 months by Mayor R. T. McNlel, municipal court judge. Hanes Hosiery 9 Will Play Here A large rattlesnake having 16 rattles was killed Wednesday near the home of J. I. McGIamery in the Purlear community by Rom- mie and Claude Whittington, of Lewis Fork. The snake was held at bay some 15 or 20 minutes by a dog owned by .Miss Nettie Y. McGIamery. Three Get Terms On Larceny Count State Election Board Chair man Says Marking Of Ballots Restncted Rulings by W. A. Lucas, of Wilson, state election board chairman, that all primaries and elections shall be held In the view of the public and not behind closed doors, and that no person who is employed by the United States government or the state of Wirth Cardtrtia" shalT serve ns sn '^ecflon ,official, .were tl»« highlights of the meeting of reg istrars and judges held this morn ing at the courthouse In Wilkes boro. The state election hoard chair man was .accompanied to the city by Walter Woodson, of Salisbury, a member ot the state iboard of elections. Mr. Lucas spoke briefly to the election officials and other citi zens who attended the meeting, telling them that the free ballot was one of the greatest privileges I enjoyed by our democratic gov ernment, and that the rights of Northwestern Bank Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson R. W. Gwyn, Jr. International Shoe Co. — Forest Furniture Co. employes — — Stony Hill school and teacher — F.. B. jBkJwarta .—- -- ■C. D. Jr. h. andkri; Jgke’Cftinill Mrs. B. S. Call — !the people should be safeguarded Esteil Hayes, Alvin Coffey And Ralph King Sentenc ed In The City Court Hanes Hosiery nine from Win ston-Salem, widely recognized as one of the leading semi-pro base ball teams in the state, will play North Wilkesboro at the fair grounds here Sunday, June 23, three o’clock. One of the best games of the season is anticipat ed. Police Chief J. E. Walker said today that three young men had been sentenced for larceny and receiving of tools valued at over $200. Estel Hayes and Alvin Coffey, of the Pairplalns community north of this city, were given an active sentence ot 18 months on the roads tor larceny and 18 months tor receiving stolen goods. The third member, Ralph King, of Yadkinville, was given eight months at the county home and eight months suspended. According to information gain ed by police several days after the theft occured, the trio stole carpenter tools, brick layer’s tools and copper pipe from a tool house by election officials at all times. Mr. Lucas read several sections of the election law, especially that section pertaining to marking baUots in the primary. “Markers are not permitted in the pri mary,’’ Mr. Lucas stated, and no election official has any right whatever to mark a ballot under the law only in two exceptions: If a near relative of a physically disabled person or a person who cannot read or write Is not pres ent or an elector present who has not marked any other voter’s bal lot Is not present, then, and only then, can an election official mark a ballot. Mr Lucas stated that the same election officials, both Democrats and Republicans, if not already resigned, shall serve in the pri mary to be held Saturday. June 22. He also stated that the bal lot boxes and booths shall be in view of the pubUc. and be roped off as required by law so that ,, , people cannot gather around too near where a residence is being voting place.' Mr. Lu- erected for Edd Gardner in this city. The tools were the property Lytle Howell High School Band Uniforms Arrive The North Wilkesboro high school band, which progressed splendidly during its first year, will blossom out in beautiful new uniforms at its next public appearance. A sample of the new uniforms is now on display in the show window at Marlow’s Men’s Shop. The 'unds to purchase the uni forms .nd equipment for the up- snd coming band were donated and Um the advertlsinf ecltmiu d paper m-)»v eh^nteafKitei of A. C. Coffey, and others. King was picked up by Yadkin officers and police here learned that some of the tools were found in the car he was driving. Police Chief J. E. Walker went to Yad- klnvllle Saturday and questioned King, who confessed to his part and implicated Hayes and Coffey. He told Chief Walker that the bulk of the tools had been sold to Geno Brooks at Dehart in Wilkes county and officers went to Brooks’ home and recovered several tools. Coffey had pawned the remainder of the tools to Pet Hayes at Mountain View for work done on a car, it was learn ed, and officers were able to re cover all the stolen tools. At least two of the trio had been under suspicion relative to other tiefU in thla lecaUty and officers brieve that their arrest tod convietlosL will ^ ii^stto to cas said he thought the voting should be so conducted that the poblic could know what was go ing on. , The state chairman also in structed the registrars to return all used, unused and spoiled bal- lots to the cc'”--cy board of elec tions when they bring in their poll books. One of the most far-reaching rulings made by Mr. Lucas during serve as an election official. He? lows: “No person holding any ol- the convention, flee or place of trust or profit under the government of the United States, or,of the state of North CaroUna, or any political sDhdlvlslon thereof, shall he elig ible to appointment as an elec the epidemic of breakr4ne*and ijuto hl«li4w;. ooBupkMlon,^ wd . -4T CCbtttfcilte fttfctl Forest Fnmitiire Cop^any Employes CootrSbute Sum Of $100.bO"' Contributions to the WUkes county chapter of the Red Cross for relief of war sufferers today passed the $900 mark but are W. Blair Owyn, chapter treasurer, who is receiving contrllratlons at the Bank of North Wilkesboro. Todays total was $907.78, rep resenting a gain ot $212.12 since the lost published report Mon day. A $100 contribution from em ployes of Forest Furniture com pany aided materially In the boost, as well as $25 each from International Shoe company and the Northwestern Bank and sev eral contributions by small firms and individuals in substantial a- mounta. The list of contributors since Monday follows: Previously reported $695.66 Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie 2.00 l^oil^Deaiie | Cimd^tes In 2nd PHmaiy Will B« Held On SatnrdaFf Jone 22, In Eight Con gressional District Every armory bi New Tork state has here init under military gnard. The build lugs have been closed to the febUc to prevent possible sabo tage. “Queen” Contest Interest Is Now On The Upgrade A Friend A Friend 1.00 2.00 25.00 Several Girls Yet Have Op- portanhy To Capture Coveted Honor 5.00 6.00 25.00 100.00 Forester Beverage Co Belk’s Department Store _ Forester-Prevette Insur ance Agency — - Mayor and Mrs. R. T. McNiel A Friend 2.12 , 1.00 ;i(nwi5 1.00 5.00 5.00 Democrats of the Eighth con gressional district wilt go to the polls on Saturday, June 22, to choose a nominee for congress. ‘The candidates in the second primary for the nomination are W. O. Burgln, ot Lexington, the present representative in con gress, and C. B. Deane, ot Rock ingham. It is recalled that Burgln and Deans staged a memorable fight for the nomination two years ago and the nomination was finally given to Burgln through arbitra tion. In the first primary this year Burgln, Deane. Bob Steele, III, D. G. Phillips and Giles Yeomans Newton were candidates for the Democratic nomination and Bur gln led In the first primary but lacked several thousand having a majority. In the first primary two yeara ago Deane was leader by a small margin and Burgln called for a second primary. There were many charges ot vote fraud and illegal use of the absentee ballot and the controversy was heard by the state board ot elections and was carried through the courts be fore it was finally settled by ar bitration. 'fne congest tor the nomlnatioa to congress ElghUi dtstg^ .«t1 Ka Anal* AnA 1T1 ■ ~gi irHll# ’ wm ^ the pnly one ip' a wi^oa* primaiy in the state thla year. |H|di«day mona;^ 6.00 Henry Gray Absbor total 6.00 2.00 1.00 ,$907.78 With suffering becoming more acute dally, especially In France, Red Cross officials are urging that those who have not made contributions do so as early as possible. Contributions may be carried or mailed to W. Blair Gwyn, chapter treasurer, at Bank of North Wilkesboro. Interest in the contest to select a "queen’’ to reign during North Wilkeshoro's 50th anniversary celebk."i;v/u July 1, 2, 3 and 4 Is very much on the upgiade here this week, celebration headquart ers announced. the. last tabulation .liiae Re becca Rnjne, of tbds city, had re- margin of difference In votes for seven Saturday evening, fourteen candidates remained A light vote 1 s close and the Queen Contest throughout the district, committee said that it is any body’s race at present. The standing was reported to day as follows: Rebecca Brame, ' ^ XT* * Peggy Church, Bessie Lee Ander- A^/siHArit VirHlII son, AUme Greene, Nell Rous- ACWUCUl T IVIUM seau, Betty Halfacre, Jean Moore, Holt Hudson, Janie McDlarmld. citizen Of Wilkesboro Route Elizabeth Cashlon, Mary Parker _ . . Kelly, Mildred Williams, Mary Bransom Poteat Is T. B. Clinic To Begin July First Will Be Conducted By Dr. H. F. Elasom From State Sanitorium Hulet and Betty Rhodes. Votes for the candidates for “queen’’ are gained through sale the of tickets to “On Wings ot Time,” historical spectacle to be present ed on the nights of July 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the fairgrounds. Tickets are being sold In advance at three for one dollar and the low est price gate admission on per formance nights will be 55 cents. Patrons tickets, which will be the best seats available, are being sold at one dollar each. Every dollar’s worth of tickets purchased has 1,000 votes in the “queen” contest. Dr. H. F. Easom, a diagnostici an of North Carolina state sanl- toriura, will conduct a tubercu losis clinic for adults in conjunc tion with the Wilkes county health department, beginning July 1. Announcement of the clinic was made by Dr. A. J. Eller, Wilkes county health officer, who said that examination will be given without charge and urged that all persons who have any reason to suspect they may haye contracted tuberculosis to be examined. Examinations will be by ap pointment, which may be oWialn- ed by calling the health office In the courthouse in Wilkesboro. Hayes Delegate G.O.P. Meeting rulings maa« uz - Attorney Kyle Hayes, Eighth the meeting was that no employe district delegate to of the government or st*te cou o Republican national conven- nfiiciSkL . . a..,.u Another Wilkes Quartet On Air Buhop Gribbin Two Diea Of Injuries; Funeral Today Bransom Poteat, age 41, a citi zen ot Wilkesboro route 2, died at the Wilkes hospital Tuesday from injuries received on Satur day night when an automoblla which he was trying to push out of a ditch ran over him. Injuries to his head and Intern al injuries caused his death. Funeral service was held today at Baptist Home church, conduct ed by Rev. A. B. Hayes and Rev. Edd Hayes. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Dorothy Hayes Poteat. and 'seven children: Irene, Stuart, Grady, Worth, Hubert, Maxine and J. H. Poteat. GospeA Singers Begin Series 01 Programs Over WMFR In High Point serve as an ejectiuu «... -- heij in Philadelphia, read the law on this point, as foi- Saturday morning ta/viriino' unv Ol- _ .. Keith Saunders Visitor In City The Gospel Singers, a quartet composed ot four young men of Wilkes county, have begun a se ries of programs over radio sta tion WMFR, High Point, and will continue to be on the air over that station each Saturday after noon, three o’clock. Their first program, which was well receiv ed, was on Saturday, June 15. Members of the quartet are: Robert Reeves, first tenor; Bal- mer Hayes, second tenor; Rev. T. 0. Adams, baritone: and Rex West, bass. Rev. Mr. Adams is substituting for Lonnie Moore un til he recovers from a broken leg. The Gospel Singers, who have taken part in many singing con ventions and other programs, Is well known in this .part of the state and they invite their friends to hear their radio programs. ime «> Keith Saunders, a tlon official.” This law will necos- tlve of the highway safety dlyla-. sarily bring about the resignation: iqn, was a vialtor here today, of 0. C. Staley as .a member of Ma, Saunders deals witli the opunty bpart. of 'electlpns, safety .education ^ Ih^ep^ U he retalM.hla^’Posltlon with the ~ « Resident Mulberry Township Succumbs Funeral service waa held Tues day'at'Haymeadow church for J. SB* M • re.B — AddJaaAM A# To Speak Sunday The Right Reverend Robert E. Gribbin, Bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, will make his annual visitation to St. Paul’s Episcopal church on next Sunday, June 23rd. The service will be held at eight o’clock in the evening and the bishop will preach and administer the rite of Holy Confirmation. The offertory will be a vocal solo by Miss Bert Holman. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. Expecting Large Crowd To Attend Reunion Of Ellers A large crowd is expected to attend the reunion of the EHIer family to be held Sunday, June 23, at Bolling Springs Baptist . church about twelve miles west of this city near highway 421. The day’s program will begin at ten a. m. and before noon Rev. O. W, Ssbaatlan will preach. A feature of the day will be the pknlc style dinner 'at noon and all are asked to have baskets well ^ filled irith good eats. Judge Johnson J. Hayee will spei^at two o’clock.' and the ' ■•Ht »lao X-