raS JOUBNAL-FATWOT, NORTH -N. G. E&Nfiiiin wJm\ O. O. G«mbill, one of WUkes oowtys best, known oitizenn, is shown here in the Wilkes Hntcfaerjr, which he owns and opemteek Mr. Gainbtll predicts eoaUnoed rapid growth of the powltry indn.try In Wilkes ooosty. Wilkes Hatche^ Is Pioneer Hrm C. C. Gambill, Owner, Is A Very Successful Produc- Jf er Of Poultry The Wilkes Hatchery was the first commercial chick hatching outfit established in this section of North Carolina. Although it was ultra modern in its day, the equipment of Wilkes Hatchery when it was formed was insignificant compar ed to the modern Hatchery plant which is now Wilkes Hatchery iiji ipa uh: c. c. ombwu. , Jlr. OmbAUI hatoherr ^ Hsttty 1# 1SS9. It was opwratsd 1o* eatioB kt UULt time on tbe'^eoraer of Sixth and F street* for' two years and In ISJl wna mored to the Phillips ^bnlldlnr on TentH street. Us present location. At the time Mr. GamtilH pur^^ chased the hatchery 80,000 chleks were .being hatched yearly and some idea of the growth of the business can be gained by a com parison—360,000 chicks ir con sidered a good year’s business . r now. Seven years ago Mr. Gambill began the manufacture of Oam- bill’s feeds and the business has grown rapidly until at the present rate an enormous amount of feeds are manufactured and sold by Mr. Gamblll’s plant yearly. I Mr. Gambill is one of the coun ty’s best knov/n citizens. He ha* lived in and near North Wilkes- boro since 1900. He remembers very distinctly when he came to North Wllkosboro there was only one thing In town that could be classed as a sidewalk. That was a board walk from the depot to Dr. Hauser’s (hoarding house. He has wltne.(ised and has ma terially aided in the tremenduous growth of the poultry business in Wilkes county during the past ten years in Wilkes county and freely predicts that the next ten years will show even greater growth because poultry offers such a splendid opportunity for the per son with a small farm to supple ment Income from field and gar den crops. Chickens exhibited by Mr. Gam bill at the North Carolina state fair and in Charlotte during the past five years have won prac tically every honor for which they were entered. He says his is typical of Wilkes chickens, which are the best in the country. He attended the World’s Poultry congress last year with the inten tion of buying some better chick ens but- came back without any because he did not find uny which he considered better than the barred rocks In his own poul try yard. This picture shows Gilbert T. Bare,, yenng but, highly snccaaafnl local merchant, at work kf hia 5, 19 and 28 rent stor* hare. (Story on page 3, section fire). AMBIDEXTROUS NECKING! TflE [«Sj^^'Op4r nt , Bainih^ t>een Mlfitt'nil «o*k. but Troop 86 mambhn Imd plan; for an otbrnlght" cn^t so vw their leaden motto-^'TUln ey Shine We Ob,” aeren boys were •present with 'their Scootmatter, to take anything the tjpjrihnr^man could Bring forth. Our ddetlnation was Mountain. We arrived there safe and sound. Immediately...we pitch ed a 8 by • 10 foot lent, and trenched It for bad weather., , The boys cooked In two's, pre paring some of the best meals yet cooked on any over-night hike this season. After sapper there were hlkee, and general merry making until bed-time. The night was cloudy but the moon peaked out several times. war* np hf IrOO a. m.. "'Ikhd another mbai anilM' flnWhad whan . dnpjiiitpd rnfcn-- .JWlto'' w* hyoke, tmmp' Alt ‘ ■«a*»ttrpp4 to ab':.irn|bj^gi^l*er»: w# lana inelntiag a ■i- Wa &~r^dera of Troop 86 plan tK^ bvprnlgfat camp weeks In adva^^ ,Wo prepctra them to take e'llre r>f * the hoys under any eondltions, and have fonnd from years of camping experience In all kinds of weather, that. C the largest , majority of boys, rather enjoy a"tew hardships In prefer- 5 1 — • . The tww line cl General Electric Wsshers his arrived at our store. ONLY $5.00 DOWN QUESTIONS —and— ANSWERS KEY & WATKINS ELECTRIC CO. 3 Miles North On Highway 421 ’PHONE 36-F-02 Question: What variety of soy beans is best for hay? An.swer: The fine stemmed va rieties make the best hay and these include the Otootan for the coastal plain section, the I.aredo in the piedmont, and Virginia for the mountain section. When otlier varieties are used, they should be sown very thickly to reduce thy size of the stems. Do not cov er the seed over one inch deep when planting. In the Mountain and Coastal Plain sections, soy bean hay should be cultivated in rows or the weeds may choke it out while in the Piedmont sec tion drilling gives good results. The United States has diplo matic representatives in over fif ty foreign nations. Salaries range from $2,500 to $10,000. Ads. get attention—and results. 1 WELCOME... TO JUNE30 JULYI-4 i".£,CELEB RATION You’ll Want To Look Your Best! OUR SHOP IS AT YOUR SERVICE It costs so little to get the service of our expert barbers that no man can afford *to look less than the best. A neat hair cut, smooth shave, massage and' hair tonic will actually make you feel “times” better. Learn our barbers, and learn the value of expert barber service at no extra cost. Clean sur roundings, sanitary equipment, promp service. OUR CUSTOMERS COME BACK! Hot - BATHS - Cold SHOE SHINE SERVICE Wilkes Barber Shop JAKE CHURCH Proprietor v«. Jazz” number with Judy Gar land and Betty Jaynes bo that Mickey and Douglas McPhall were added to make it a quartette. Rooney also does a duet number with Judy Garland, “Good Morn ing,” and impersonates EMdie Leonard singing “Ida.’’ In addi tion he adds his voice to two spectacular numbers, "Babes In Arms” and “God’s Country.” Rooney enacts scenes In "Babes in Arms” that closely parallel his own life. As Mickey'Moran, In the picture, he is the son of a vaudeville performer and is bom back-stage at the Palace Theatre in New York during a perform ance. Mickey really is the son of Jo© Yule, former vaudevlllian, and, although not actually bora backstage, he spent most of his infant life in stage dressing rooms and in the wings as his dad per formed »Il« JaadiMl^ nitht*. ~ the athar han juiya j an4 horror, Juat about tmn sana staying ropf'lh the op*n ifMn. Jt ,1» tho W bit iit- ttenlt for th* Steoutmasttiii. -hF first class outdoor jirO' gram for the membora of tSAv Troop, which are usually plnanadii for * certain numbar of bojfs. ‘Take the outdoor program out , of ^Scouting, and yon take tha^_ fu^damaatal principle* on which'f. Scoutitv is built. Us*' the adverUshig oohnaon^cC this paper as your ahopping gaida. ( MRS. J. L. CLEMENTS n HAMfO OfirMItffOl roi FOUNDATIONS • The makers ef Charis Adjustable Foun^tjons «e happy to aiinottnea tho appotetmant of Mr»e J. U Ue«- ento as local distribator for these natioaaUy famoaa garmente. m MrahClements has reeenUy completed sn IftenMve Mune in modem figure nnalysis and fignre styling. She will provide an up-to-the-minute, peraonnlued Figure Improvement and Home Corsetry Service. • The'suiwrlor features of Charis-designed foundati^ are weU known to moot fashionably mfaiM women, "rae patented adjustable Charis design and nnkue Ufht- ^gfat contour control offer ndvaatngee not found m other garments. ' • Call Mrs. Clements, no matter what y«wr si^isl re quirements may be. You may reach her, after 4 PV M., at 512 6th Streep North Wilkesboro, N. C. Telephone 73-J “Distributor for North Wilkesboro and Nearby Vicinity” CHARIS CORP’N — ALLENTOWN — PA. J Bob Hope goes in for necking in a large way in this scene from Paramount’s mystery-thriiler, wHh a comedy slant, ‘The Ghost Breakers,” whi:h opens Thursday at the Liberty Theatre. Elmbrac ing his co-star, Paulette Goddard, with his mighty right, he stands off the Zombie with his left. Richard Carlson, Paul Lukas, Anthony Quinn and Willie Best are feature players. ROUND-UP OF HITS COMING TO LIBERTY FOR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Adding Another Room To Spencer Tracy’s Famous “Hall of Fame” Spencer Tracy is adding anoth er room to his own Hall of Fame. The star, aside from delivering many of the screen^ finest per formances. invariably leaves one scene in a motion pict"re which survives n memory for years, sometimes after the theme of the story is forgotten. Such settings constitute Tracy’s Hall of Fame, to which he Is now- adding another room in “North west Passage.” which is at the Liberty Theatre for a one day showng—Monday only. Hollywood expects Tracy’s memorable scene in this picture to be that action In which he soft ly coaxes and persuades Robert Young, as the badly wounded Langdon Towne. to muster the fortitude to carry on the march under his own power because, much as, he loves this young sol dier, Major Rogers knows he can not deviate from his hard rule that it must be every man under his own power and the faltering left behind. Rivaling this scene for memor able Tracy ones Is hii* three-min ute talk to his men as he attempts to convince them not to give up at the moment when they are starving. According to critics, Tracy’s first room in his Hall of Fame was the scene on the stage for “The Last Mile” when convicts went berserk under his leadership as lights dimmed to indicate the electric chair had snuffed out an- othei’ life. Other Big Scenes Among his other “rooms” were: the sequences in “The Show Off’’ where he was proved Just a big bluff; his riot scene in “Fury”: that scene in “San Francisco” where he reveals to Jeanette Mac Donald his boyhood days with the no.orlous atheist, Blackie Norton, played by Clark Gable; his noisy scene In “Libeled Lady’’ with Jean Harlow, when she, as his bride-to-be, threatens to run out on him; the Interior of the circus wagon In “They Gave Him a Gnn” where Tracy faces Pranchot Tone, as the coward with a gun; his courageous death scene in “Cap- tanis Courageous’’; his death in glory in “Test Pilot’’; and the scene In “Boys Town” where, as Father Flanagan, he finds Mickey Rooney, wounded by gangsters, keeking refuge in the silent church. , it -' Gripping, djrnamie. nnA jw£0r»k gettable, “Dark Command,” Re public production which opens at the Liberty Theatre for a 2-day showing. July 4-5. should be seen by every man, woman and child in America. In the troubled days of the present, it is gratifying to watch a pictiirization of troubled days In the past, when the innate character and strength of Amer ican manhood and womanhood i'Urmounted the greatest ob stacles. "Dark Command” is a faithful adaption of the famous book of the same title by W. R. Burnett. Its leading roles have been cap ably portrayed by actors and ac tresses who typfy the American tradition. John Wayne, who became an overnight sensation through his splendid work in “Stagecoach” and later In “Allegheny Upris ing,” was the ideal choice for the hero of “Dark Command.’’ Rugg ed, handsome in a stury American manner, the former college ath lete seems to be a “natural” In all early American and pioneer sagas. Claire Trevor, lovely, blonde and feminine, plays opposite Wayne in the role of Mary Mc Cloud, aristocratic southern girl who is bewildered by the cruel trend of events that He in the wake of the Civil War. Walter Pidgeon, who has prev iously specialized in drawing room roles, exhibits unforeseen potentialities in th© highly dra matic role of Cantrell, the quix otic villain who wasi gentleman- nered school master by day and black-hearted murderer by night. Roy Rogers Is outetandin.g In the role of Fletch McCloud, the young southern aristocrat who i falls under the spell of Cantrell. i Raoul Walsh directed for Re- i public. ' ^ M m CLOSE-OUT ^ ^ J LUX and PENNEY 5c Women’s and Childrwi’s SHEEJR and PRINTED DRESSES Fast Colors Real Cloae-Out VALU ES Here’s One To Really Celebrate Over 2-Thread, Perfect Quality GAYMODE HOSE 2 pair for $1.25 Limited Quantity Odds and Ends at Greatly Reduced Prices* DRESSES RAYONS! GOnONSl Truly marvelous values in sports and street dresses! Sizes and every woman ... at a price that s iitue to pay! Come to Penney’s and see for yourself! .Printed Sheer Cottons .Printed Rayons .Pastel Spun Rayons .Dozens of Styles Ladies’ Summer Footwear Reduced To Values! Men’s All White OXFORDS Reduced To Values! Men’s SHIRTS - SHORTS —values— 15c ea. Men’s SUITS Reduced Mickey Rooney, who has played everything from Shakespeare down to slap-stick comedy since he was knee-high to a turtle, fin-, ally got an assignment that wor ried him. He had to sing In "Babes in Arms,” which opens Tuesday at the Liberty Theatre. Mickey plays the piano and dances like a streak, but he has never sung a note on the. screen,^ and he was scared to death of the outcome. - Arthur Freed and Busby Berka^ ley- talked Rooney into li attar they heard him Irumnring twig Itls ovn ooiDpositlons/ recmuifad. ALL ‘ WOOL Sjwrt Coats Redacted to ONLY FEW DAYS LEFT FOR NATION WIDE ’ SHEETS 81x99 69c CASES 17He ea. 22x44 DOUBLE TERRY BATH towels 15c In Beautiful Checks—SoiHd Colors and Colored Borders Wizard 81x99 Seamless Hemmed SHEETS........50c 42x38 BeUe Isle CASES lOc ea.