ii*-' fe; tli« «aaual , XefrtQfttoT #le« C^|[tP«lC« coBdueUd b^'thf l>Bk« company 'wUi: bbA oa _S^ ot this wMh had ysfioS . ^r•r«st«d In baying a ■ft yeu’ should taka’'"adrantag*. t the .aiieclal opponunitles lofded 'daring the oanupalKn. Aajthe camipalgn nears Its end tto'imrth Wllkesboro brahch- of the company. Is standiny rery aaar the top In percentage of duota sales. Chester, S. C., a Otneh larger town, was leading Hm ''North Wllkesboro ibranch by •nly six ipolnts at the last report. The cazopalga h^ has been decidedly successful ^t the com pany does Jiot ■want to overlook any home where electric refrige ration is desired and all are In- VltedL to call at the , company’s showrooms In Hotel Wilkes'hulld- tng on Main street and see the 1940 model Kelvinitors before the sales campaign - ends Satur day. A Kelvlnator may 'be pur posed with only a small down Koehy Mohnt.—0. M. Walked flQ^ ij^Usboro; will be Install^ today ^ i&j9r$tldent of‘'tbe 'NOTtb. Qpdov ns'Itiliii! Letter Caniera ^iao* ilatlon, sncceedtng H. McN. .Tohn- on,’ of Wlllwd. Walker was the .only'nominee dr the presidency. R. C. Lannlng, of Wlfttoh-Salem. was the only no^aee for the rice presidency tf>/;eh^ceed Walker.,, SecretarJ’ H. A. Capps, of Rocky Mount, was noi^ni^ed for an eighth term bat i refnaP a^d Kenneth Taylor, of iMagnoi^, wa's'tftdnnated for that will be be- Using crude Bentonite clay. Dr, Ernest Hauser, Massachnsetto ^ sUtato «f Technology sotontist, has developed a hew substance which is fmpervloiis to the strongest acids and alkalies and Is Ore, oil sad water proof. The substance may be processed to be made as pliable as silk. The clay Is mined in Wyomtog, Cslifomis and many other places. ’‘ayment with the balance dis- tbuted over monthly payments r a period of two years. Nelson Eddy Adds Pipe CoDecting /ewey Think$WiIlkie MakeGood Campaign To His Long List Of “Hobbies” !,Philadelphia, June 28.—^Thom as E. Dewey predicted today that Wendell Wlllkle would “conduct a hell of a good campaign” and declared he would do anything he was “called on” to do to help the new party leader win. Dewey, rested s./mewhat after a seven and a halt hours’ sleep, said he was “tremendously” glad le had made the campaign for the Republican presidential nomina- fion, despite his defeat by Willkie. As to the future, he said; “The only idea I have in the World Is tr render every possible rupport to „iy party, and consist ent with that, to get In as much sleep and horseback riding as I ^■ioan during the next few months.” BIRTHDAY DINNER One of the busiest men In Hol lywood Is a star who wishes upon himself the most outside activity. He Is Nelson Eddy, the chap with a dozen hobbies, not count ing his three-way career in pic tures, concerts and radio. Eddy’s newest film, “New Moon,’’ In which he appears with Jeanette MacDonald, at the Liberty Thea tre next week. During the produc tion of this film the singer-actor not only engaged In his newest hoiblby, that of sculpturing, but added pipe collecting to hig list. “Everyone should have some type of a hobby.” Eddy said. “He doesn't really begin to enjoy life until he adopts one. It broadens an individual’s scope and his viewpoint. Trips no longer are simply trips to be enjoyed and then forgotten. They are definite missions through which one hopes to add to a collection or a certain fund of knowledge.’’ To date Eddy’s hobbles have been numerous. Sculpturing, of course, is the most serious. Then in addition are such items as col lecting T’ang horses, wood-carv ing, Chinese pewter, oil paintings, antique furniture and amateur recording. “And I still work at these too,” Eddy said. “Every concert tour finds me returning home loaded with additions to my collections and with packing cases arriving daily by rail.” PQCh only ^ tween'Ray MlUwjrbt China Grove, and V. C. Ray, of Ralel(j;h, for a place on the state execute com mittee. V-'* Wi^ to. R^eL member of the litClonal exmtlve committee, advtoed the cu^cirs to “go ott and give better,''more efficient service.” another speaker -waa Representative Kerr. , 'The convention'will end today after a speech jgr Representative Cooley. ffillltoHme ' 1* ' & t .Qottwny’e 4 (-407. >g that.coMoere^I four na- ilOBi and ended dbe -gar pn tlM European winttndlil'poet'bia' 199,• 4»S odsltoHSee od iiboiit half the .^Gonnaii .h>8see..lattlM World War battle of Verdnif, 4^if ^Cer headpaarten rep^ed list hi8%t„: Clllng>'‘ln contnkt i^inonhotft loaees', . by Great.. Brftaln> api France, the spo^ai commnhllflto from the' fuehrt^'Hi^aaid^n said that G^miany’s “rewcihiUoii- ary dynamics’’ not onW crashed once-powerful France, ^ut estab lished the Reich 88 the greatest military power in the world. “There no longer are any A!- Hm; there remaiii now but one enemy—England!” the commanl- que concluded. '‘'v- j.,,- Slnce May 10 when Germany inarched into Holland ^and Bel gium and on'acrbae France the German losses were placed at 27,- 074 killed,' 18,884 missing and 111,034 wounded. Against this total of 166,492 German casualties, the communi que said that there were no re- «tit nwTiii niriTii ibe . fart that Freneli - ^ along totaled more than T^f9) 0007 inelndlng five amf corps manors wnd abovf 89,900 ,ei4. ■ “The i^itoest canpa^Or of aR thnes ended after six'weeks with the gfnaM Tietory of the Her man arm^ fgrcas.” it was a^ted lahtii^gAr, in repeUtloii^ tt»e foehreria ortejf^frthe-day Imme- Bg' Frances ear'' Iowa bare da **Wlth ipg ler My tt^Country' I’vi walked my post In every land With many a uniform at my band. Every flag did have its day, But “01s Glory" seomed to stay and stay. tanned The sun boat my anil my skin. My.comrades fell to and fro. Brave men dying just to know Freedom is life; imprleonment woe. ■T When my life has'eonle to Close My uniform I leave to thee. Old Glory” wave free forever. Protect my soul In Immortality. —ALBERT MINTON. Second Balloon Squadron, Air 7.U-2t (t) AD Wilkes North CaroBna. r?.. T)w Wilkss^Codnif ecatirti will receive dv. tM. M ^I^Fumishing coal ifgiF County schools. > « 2.—Pnmtohibg wood irtr County schools. ■ ^ 8.—Transporting auMrw. W lines that are handled by p«*aW owned buses. Blanks fw bidding • on any the above, amount and kind o^ to be purchased or descripn^ (ms routes may be hadhr Board of Education offlce, Wllkesboro, Nrarth Carolina, T Bids for furnishing co^ mu^ be approved by the State DivhwS# of Purchase and Contract. WoM and transportation bids are rab* ject to State School CommiMloi| approval. . The Board of Education reserm the right to reject any or bids, WILKES COUNTY BOAJtt^P OF EDUCA’nON. - C. O. McNefl, Chairman^St New Defense FundiRumaniaiis Broke 'There will be a 'birthday din ner at Nathan Williams’ Sunday, Request Is Ready July 14, 1940. Every one Is cor dially invited to bring a well filled basket and attend. His son, IV li. Williams, with a quartet ftopa West Virginia, to expected there to slng.—t^uportod. Washington.—President Roose velt may ask Congress today for new mnlti-bllllon dollar army expansion program. It is expected tft call tor approximately IS.OOOy Ple^e Says Reds mnt€ Moscow.—The official, news a- gency Tass reported from Buda pest today that Rumanian police at Galatz had fired on and dis- peiead^SVOOO. workere of Bgssaib- ^ T— ((•s origin who had--gathorod at 000,000 in cash and confact au- the railroad station demanding XV I X t M V— . TP %,n Vit 1L9 A *1 vr TVTrtwV— Quick Acvion F0R SALE FAIR YEARLING Mule Oolto, well matched. L. M. Jarvis, Roaring River Route 2. 7-4-2t-pd. thorizatlons for a tong-rauge me chanization program. Administration sources said the details of the program were vir tually complete and that it would be sent to Congress either today or tomorrow. The projected army plan has been described as a "companion program” to the House-approved navy bill calling for 200 more w'lrsbips—enough for a two- rsturn to Bessarabia. Many work ers, soldiers and police were re ported killed or wounded. The Tass dispatch carried the caption; “Bloody Provocation.’’ It said the Rumanian police had violated the pledge of their government not to impede the repatriation ot Bessarabians. Bessarabia, along with north ern Bukovlna, was ceded, on Mos- [ cow’s ultimatum, to Russia by FOR S.-%LE: Five-room house with bath, corner F and 5th Streets; lot 50x100. Pansy Fer- three high navy ocean navy—at an estimated cost of $4,000,000,000. That measure comes up before the Senate nav- affairs committee today with officials—Rear al Rumania last week. guson, North Wilkesboro, N. C. I Admirals Harold R. Stark, chief HISTORICAL PAGEANT TO BE HELD TONIGHT (Continued From Page One) 7-4-2t-pd. . OR SALE: Five-room hosi.se, running water, with 240 feet ffpnt on highway 18, 1 1-2 miles north of city. Buell Shep herd. 7-8-4 t-pd FOR RENT ^HREE-ROOM apaitnient with bath and all modern conven iences; close in; suitable for -couple. Absher Real Estate com-pany. Phone 252. It ilWO nicely furnished bed- pooms. gentlemen preferred; also one good, concrete garage for rent. 733 Kensington Ave nue, Phone 22 8. 6-13-tf WANTED WANTED: To do your radio re pair work on all makes and models. Expert repairmen. Sat isfaction guaranteed. — Day Electric Co., Phone 328. 8-10-tf of naval operations, John H. Towers, navy air force command er, and Samuel M. Robinson, chief of the newly-created bureau of ship-scheduled to testify. Hear ings will begin as soon as the committee completes considera tion of the nomination of Col. Frank Knox to be secretary of the navy. Other developments tor defense include: The Senate military affairs committee begins consideration ot a compulsory military training bill introduced by Senator Ed ward R. Burke (D-Neb), requir ing registration of all males be tween the ages of 18 and 65. Witnesses Include President James B. Conant of Harvard Uni versity; Gen. John McCauley Palmer, aide to General John J. Pershing during the World War, and Grenville Clarke, New York attorney. 0>ECIAL: Ice boxes, ice refrige rators and electric refrigera tors traded in on new Frigl- daires; as low as $2. Henderson Electric company. 6-13-tf Max Baer Gets T. K. O. Win In Ring Upset jEADQU-ARTERS for Poultry and Stock Remedies—Walco tablets and other known pro ducts, at low prices. Red Cross Pharmacy, "Your Service Drug Store,” 10th Street 4-19-tf •jyygpai, paRCAlNS in good used eaia and trucks, several QiAkee aa4 mpdato. Wllkee Mo tor oortfew, M Boone TYafl. 10-8-tf MISCaAREOUS man between AS,face with -rarti damastat ' StlSi oSTwrite that at the. finish Wood !jL^MCtt.l94-204,-RWimoB4i4drlwtod from the end of Galento’s '"Tfxa WTv*’ - X 4 4 • XSTABLISaKD RAWLMIOH HOOTW available. Many North ' Carolina Dealers making week ly Sates of 876 to 1109 and moe#. Unamially «ne oDportnn Roosevelt Stadium, Jersey City, N. J., July 2.—^Unpredictable Maxie Baer, still no more consist ent than the weather, got “hot” tonight and chilled Tony Galento in eight rounds, thereby defying any and all comers to challenge his right to be championship of the screwballs. With an assist from brother, who bounced a beer glass off the Galento chin in a bar room row two nights ago, the for-^ mer heavyweight boss cut the walking beer-keg’s mouth so bad ly that Referee Joe Mangold halt ed the fight just as the bell sounded to start the eighth round, giving Maxie a' technical knock out. ’ * ' Up to that point, the playboy pounder of the Pacific had banged go by way of Tenth and Main streets to the fairgrounds. Police have asked that Main street from Tenth to Sixth streets and Tenth street from Main to D streets be cleared of vehlfcles from two to four o’clock In order that all may have an opportunity to view the parade. Governor Clyde R. Hoey will be in the parade and will deliver an address at the fairgrounds at four o’clock. He will be presented by J. Gordon Hackett, member of the state highway commission and for many years a close friend of Governor Hoey. Attention is called to the fact that there will be no admission charge to thb fairgrounds Thurs day afternoon for the address of the governor. However, the his torical pageant, “On Wings of Time,’’ will be shown at the fair grounds at eight o’clock and that regular admission prices will pre vail for that performance and for the performance on Friday night. North Wllkesboro extends a cordial Invitation for everybody to join in the final days of the celebration. Negro Democrats Back Roosevelt Greensboro.—Jndge Frederick K. Watkins, of Durham, was 'named the first state-wide presl- Tony’s dent ot the United Negro Demo crats of North Carolina in first convention session here Monday afternoon which was featured by unanimous indorsement ,, of of Franklin D. Rooeeveit to'euceeed himself and unanimous praise of the “whole new deal admintstra tlon." Sessions Monday afternocu and night at TrinKy A.. M. E. Zion church, attend^ by about 700, climaxed the two-day convention, siUd to he the first of, ito magnl- iade In the entire Soptb. 7-4-ll-18-IS-4t-pd chin like a leaky fauc«^ Ada. get attwttOD—4^ Ati Amazing Offer!! Now at last We can give YOU a genuine MORRISON ■■ V GUARANTEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEN Absolutely Free Thb Offer Is Open To Everyone Yea iift that’s exactly what we mean! We have been fortunate in making a cooperative advertis^mg agreement with the manufacturer, which enables us to GIVE AWAY the famous Momson Lifetime Ser vice Pens for a limited time. There are no “strings” to this offer—no puzzles to solve—no numbers to draw—no contest to win—no 'Aiihscriptions to go'oat amd aelL 'am YOU need to do to obtain one of theae beautiful and useful gifts is to conse into our office, pay a y^s subscription to The Journal-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN will be h^ded to you with our compliments. The Morrison Is One Of America’s Fmer Pens The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis tinction It is elegant in appearance, yet conservative in style *••••• •••• It 15 hand-turned and huffed to a lustrous fim^ that never fades It has Micromatic Balance • • . • A Smooth-gliding, especially processed point To suit your own individual writing . . PATENTED FEATURES that no other pen can offer a And it comes to you with an X unqualified guarantee of Lifetime Service S)O0il The Morrison is sold in the exclusive gift shops m New York Ci^, where it manufactured and in countless other stoies in the lyge metropolitan centers. : comes in both men’s and women’s styles in your choice of pomts. You Should Act Now! Get This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! rrr it now! = MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come To The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT Enclosed find ♦_ for which kindly pa^ my subscription for one year to TBie Journal-Patriot. I enclose cents postage for which please send my Morrison pen in (Men’s) or (Wo- r—— —- men’s) style, to me to NAME CITY and STATE STREET Subecription Bate in State. $lJi0;Ontrtr S9l|^ |8J0 Cdiuc In and See It! We cannot too strongly urge you to come in and see this fine gift. Every man, woman and child vriio can read and write has need for a foun tain pen and who does not like to own the best? You wMl need it every time yon write your name; you wiU be proud of it every time you show it to a friend! itt- ■^'1 NEW3PAP&R- ' ^ ■-I ■;h. f i'' ./j ■ V