ear W' V**' r in*eS^K Of North Wlttwsboro'ii- fWJj AnBlromrr C^l*fcT»tloii e^fceoatlTo Cdnmtttee. -wo wlrii to: ttta opportnnlty tp thank "tho spoiaora. mombors of com- catttMo, m«ht^r« of caat and oto- rr aih that gtrre their time and l%ltorts to make the celebration 1|ie huge sncceaa that It waa. . * Ton have rendered your town ^a xeal service by taking a part Id celeA>ratlon, and yon are to be ^bly commended on the >irondwful cooperation In helping to midce the celebration a memor- «Ue {«t« that win go down In the ii|«ni’8 I'tetory as the greatest datahratlon that the town has evw U will long bo remembered ^ h greiU gesture of progress to ;ih» future posterity of our be loved town. tie ettliena of North WllkM- boer have always been known tor thA cooperative effort. This cele- btadoB has proven doubt that this kind of spirit still predominates. W* now pass o'l to the pages of history this mumorahle occas ion and every one that had a part in K will long be remembered for IbftT efforts In giving North Wll- koaboro a real birthday party. J. R. PREVETTB, Bsecntlve Chairman of North meaboro’s 60th Anniversary Celebration. W. P. KELLY, Brecutivo Secretary, North Wll- keaboro’s Commerce Bureaus. Inc. $7^.00 In Public Assistance Funds Paid During June S68 Aged Persona Receive Aid But Many Remain On Waiting List Needy aged, dependent children nnd blind in Wilkes county were added In the sum of S7.354 dur- . 4ng the month of June, figures Mleaaed today from the office of »tha county welfare department bowed. .jts during' the moi ,8. Thev receivad 'TPhs euA of »1.840 wee paid In ‘^ Brants to 148 families with 328 dependent children. Thirty-seven blind received 1472. Records also reveal that 129 aged persons who have been cer tified as eligible to receive old age assistance and whose appli cations have been approved by the county welfare board are not re ceiving any assistance due to lack of funds. There are also 133 ap plications pending, which have not -been investigated by case workers and have not been pass- ^ ed on by the welfare board. During the month of June the welfare department received 488 applications for various types of welfare services and assistance. A toUl of 76 5 cases ecelved sur plus commodities from the ware house in this city. Red Cross Fund Reached $137*65 Fifteen Donations Are Made Since Last Report In This Newspaper you »aS nOBTH WlLBtetioBOi'n^^BStlaY, TTJLY 'll’ IMP iia« m 8TijTa-4S.ilffOfaT OF . ■ - ri.19 City Clerk 6-CoitD^eaM Is Vot(^ By,tbe Ctunmissionim Eight-cent Reduction Made in Debt Service Fund; 2 Cents More for Schools iO UONS CLUB BAND . .. -r.:...:.. .. .. ........ I. H. McNeUl, Jr., city derk and treasMirer, who today re leased budget esthnates and the teiitative dty tax levy of gl.lO as fixed by the city board of commlsaioners. The tax rate for thU year Is six cenU under the 1939 levy of gl-M. The North Wtlkesboro board of commissioners have tentatively adopted a budget calling for a tax rate of $1.19 on each hundred dollars assessed valuation o f property for the coming year, a decrease of six cents under the 1939 rate pf $1.25. A reduction of eight cents was made in the levy for debt service which calls for an expenditure during the year of $37,183.74. During tke-^5f year bonds In the sum of $35,600 were paid off, leaving the bonded debt at the beginning of this fiscal year 8267,600. The budget for tne fiscal year beginning for bond maturities of bond interest In the sum of $12.- 983.74, revenue anticipation notes of $5,000 with $500 Interest. (Continued on page eight) rior C^nrt 180 Cum On Dm^ket Criminal Term; Jwlgw - Gwyn To Presido Here is showp, the North Wilkeabor® Lknv aa H bratim paratk- last week. The navement^ orgjM^.i ^p£.% ^52,Kil Si Valuation Increases HistoricalScrapbookCominenionjtiiig City’s Fiftieth Aniriversary EvenMo Be Made And Kept For Refereke Will ConUin Signatures Of All Sponsors and ParfcipanU; Pictures, Historical and Cunwt SkfichOa . nd Many Other Interesting Itiiims and Aged Mm Kaid ’^11 o p e r t y Monday Night On Highway No. 268 Year’s IncrdjK in Valuatik Is About $360,000 Hit By Pickup Driven By C. E. Jenkins, Jr.; Driver la Absolved, * - Funeral service was held Wed nesday at Rock Creek Baptist church for J. B. Poster, 78, who was killed Monday night when hit by a pick-up track driven by Charies Jenkins, Jr,; on highway 2j68, seven miles east of this city. After hearing evidence Monday Day It Elected Director " State Merchants Group C. G. Day, president and gen-i eral manager of RhodesrDsy Fur niture company, was elected a di rector, of the North ' Caroling Merchants association. at Its an-- nuat, convention held this week at Blsibeth City. Hr. Day will represent the Merchants Barean Aitvi uk»ia«6 rOPrUBeilh WHO xaoiuumiMpe night, a jury empaneled by Coro-« ^ North Wlllas^ro’s Commerce T \Mmre%va aiKA/sIvAsI Tanlrina as.,,.. A.# «9$wraAtAs*a A historical the. city. Hbtertiiirr- sketches and pictures. th WllSesboro’s 60th verstT?!^ celebration held here last week, will he made and placed In the archives of the city gov ernment, It was learned today from a committee of the annivers ary celebration organization des ignated to supervise the making of the scrapbook. Some of the material to be contained in thr^ scrapbook will Include siignatO As of all spon sors and partiahants in the cele- Several recent contributions have swelled the war reUef fund raised by the Wilkes chapter of the Red Cross to $1,107.85, a re port teday from W. Blair Gwyn, chapter treasurer, showed. C8BttrM>utkMi8 since the last pubUahed report were as follows: Prevtoosly reported $1,012.28 Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Stew art and sons Mary Morehouse ;ary and Elsie Nichols _ rs. Pat Williams — Hampton Sheets Sherman Jennings — Mrs. Henry Moore Orpbeum Theatre 5.00 .41 2.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 16.25 Employment Division WPA — First Baptist church — Mrs. L. G. Critcher R. 8. Ogllvle 5.60 10.80 2.50 5.00 17.75 Grier Mills Employes _ North Wilkosboro Jdeth- odlst church - 1710 Mrs. W. R. Absher 100 TOTAL — —$1,107.86 Chapter officials point but that ^ „ the need for funds to aid war over Crook: ®-®> sufferers In Europe continues o^er Behelman, Williams " „d urge other, to give as 6-4 over Steelman. Halgwood and [^ly a. poralhle. Contributions Faw, and Coffey and WUllams ^1. .» » 0 W. BliUr UW3rn, chapter treasurer, at the Bank of North Wilkeehoro. •UoQjsg for a few days at aatchee. I week. /“X-' program of the celebration and many oth er Items which the committee deems worthy of preservation. The book will he attractively bound In morroco cover and will be appropriate to commemorate the celebration event. The committee in charge of the making of the scraipbook is com posed of W. D. Halfacre, J. B. Williams and John R. Prevette. Lions Cluh Tennis Tournament In Progress; Many Players Entered nor 1. M. Myers, absolved Jenkins, voung business man here, of apy blame for Foster’s death. ‘ Coroner Myers said the / ^1- derce was to the effect that. Jen kins was driving toward North WUkeshort>:'»d wMJ —- .4u» a--uu ing when the pick-np struck Fos ter, who was walking on the pave ment about three feet from the side. Jenkins said that he did not see Poster u’■-til the instant -when the car struck. He and a colored man, Claude Vannoy, who accompanied him, picked upTFoster and brought him to the Wilkes Hospital but he was dead when they arrived. Foster who lived near the scene of the accident, Is survived by four children: John Foster, Mrs. Mamie Combs and Mrs. Thomas Brewer, of North Wllkeshoro; and Mitchell Foster, of Raleigh. Bureaus on the board of directors of the state association. Junior Order Tp ^tall rfepw* Officers for tho' ensaing six months will be Installed at the meeting of North Wllkesboro council of the Junior order to be held on Tuesday evening, 7:30. There will also be degree work and attendance of every member of the degree team Is urgently re quested. Every member U asked to be present and visiting Juniors will be welc^ime. Refreshments will be served'iollowing the meet ing. The North Wllkesboro Lions Club tennis tournament Is now In full swing and promised to be the most successful tourney ever held In Wilkes. The tournament, which Is an annual event sponsored by the Li ons, has a greater number of en- tranU in all divisions this year and it is expected that all avail able courts will be occupied dur ing the next several days as the tourney progresses to successful completion. Men’s quarter finals will be played on Friday and the spon sors are contemplating some night games in orde.r to allow tennis tans ample opportunity to wit ness some of the tourney high lights. , (penses of the tournament. In the men’s singles, which 1*''= have Garwood, Cooper, Gwyn and B. Brame seeded in that order, the results so far have been as follows: Williams 4-6, 6-3, 9-7 over Craiwford: Gwyn 6-2, 6-2 over Tomlinson: McNeill 6-4, 6-7, 6-1 over Coffey; B. Brame 7-5, 6-4 over McNeill; Hubbard 6-2, 7-5 over Johnston; Bundy 6-1, 7-5 over Hubbard; Halgwood 6-3, 6-8, 6-1 over Blackburn; Cooper 6-0, 6-0 over Allen. In men’s doubles Moore and Gwyn defeatedN Hubbard and Al len 6-3, 4-6 anl 6-4 In the first match of that division. In junior singles the competi tion has been fierce with the fol- lowwlng results: Halgwood 6-1, 4-6, 6-1 over Moote; Faucette 6-1, 6-1 over Finley: Faw 6-3, 6-2 over Half acre; Crook 6-2, 6-0 over Greer; Coffey 8-6, 6-1 6-0 6-0, be played on Friday afternoon and night. Beginning at four p. m. Dr. W. L. Bundy will play Bill Brame on the Gwyn court. Immediately after completion of that match Albert Garwood, de fending champion, will play Mike Wiriams. On Friday night, eight o’clock. Rev. W. M. Cooiper will play Mike Williams on the Pearson court. After that match Harry Pearson and Blair Gwyn will play. A small admission charge will be made for the games but those who wish to see any of the matches can save substantially by buying a season ticket good for all games in the tonrney for only 50 cents. The tickets and admis sion charges will help defray ex- Winston-Salem Presbytery Tc Meet July 16th Thirty-Ninth Seaaion Will Be Held With West Jeffer son Church * To Bes^n Re^val At Cricket School A series of revival services will begin on Sunday night at the schoolhouse at Cricket and con tinue with services each night during the following week, begin ning at 7:45 p. m. Rev. J. Q. Yates will conduct the revival, assisted by Rev. Glenn Huffman. The public has a cordial Invitation to all services. Detailed resnlta of alt matches are kept posted In Brame Drug company window, together with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNeill timee and places for tutura The men’s quarter finals yHU New Rural Line Will Serve lOO Dehart And Haymeadow Brwch Power Line To Be Conneicted Soon On© hundred more rural fami lies In Wilkes county will have electric service about July 15, when a fifteen-mile rural line ex tension is completed Into the Haymeadow and Dehart commnn- ities, it was learned today from Robert iS. Gibbs, Jr., manager of the North Wllkesboro branch of the Duke Power company. Mr. Gibbs said that the line may be connected the latter part of this week or early next week. The line Is one of several major extensions constructed or iwrov- ed to be built In Wilkes this year. The thirty-ninth stated meet ing of the Presbytery of Winston- Salem will convene on Tuesday, July 16, 10:00 a. m„ In the West Jefferson Presbyterian church, of which Rev. John W. Luke Is pas tor. The retiring moderator. Rev. O. V. Caudill, of Elkin, will pre side and preeent Dr. Chas. H. Nlsbet, of Charlotte, who will conduct the devotional exercises. ^9 attend. During the morning Dr. J. P. Proffitt, of Maxwelton, W. Vn., will deliver an address on “How I To Finance a Country Church.” Dr. Proffitt Is a native of Banner Elk and has spent the years of his ministry In Virginia and West Virginia where his achievements have received much •publicity. During'this session Carl H. Stark, Jr., of Lansing, will be re ceived as a candidate for the min istry from one of the Florida Presb'yte.'des. He will be examined with a view to ordination. The following committees are docketed for a report: on Chris tian Education and Ministerial Relief, on Schools and Colleges, on The Assembly's Training School, on Bible Cause, Sabbath and Family Religion. 'The oom- mlseioners to the last General As- semMy nre also to r^rt. In addition to the ministers of the Presbytery^ an elder and a deaccm frcnn each jjhnrch la ex pected. The vnbUc is invited to aitend. The church has recently Kiwanis Club To Meet At Lenoir Fri4ay Evening GsJn Noted In AsaoMod Valuation Of Real Estate Property 4raolMtantial Increase In real estate valnes boosted the total taxabl^’''assessed valuation o f property tn Wllkee this year to iSbre Umn fifteen miUlon''dollan, Infomatfpa tody,^r«b alSaonm disclosadc,' Although the figures are pre liminary and subject to slight variation, the total for the county this year is 815,056,558, as com pared with the 1939 total of |14,- 759,000. ’The gain was registered In real estate valuations, while there was a slight drop In the total for personal property. The disting this year was of January 1 while stocks of merchandise and sup plies were lower than In former years when the listing was of April 1. Mr. Poindexter said today that payment of 1940 taxes to date total approximately 820,000. A discount of one and one-half per cent Is allowed on 1940 taxes paid during the month of July. Tax payments for 1940 are be ing accepted ,'j.t the rate of $1.05 on each hundred dollars valu ation of property as the county wide tax rate, which is the same as last year. The rate for North Wllkesboro township, which has a special railroad tax levy, is $1.06. Acjpft term Of; wui&'nB«r- $ov co^ for trial cl ' crimiMt ... ... will convene at the ctHirt- ianee In Wllkesboro on Monday, ' Aufnat 5. Judge Allen Gwyn, of Reldc> rlltai reeident judge of the 81te jndlcial district, will preside over the term and Solicitor Avalon M. Ball, of TadUnvllIe, will prow- cnte the docket. Cleik of Court C. C. Hayes said today that about 130 casee hav* been calendared to date for th* term and It is expected that other cases will be added before court convenes. The Wilkes county board of commissioners In July meeting drew the following Jurors for th« term: First Week Charlie E. Brown and W. M. Royal, Mulberry; C. T. Johnson and Arthur Mastln, New Castle; H. it. Beehears, Jobs Cabin; Clar ence Myers, Mulberry; Carl Trip lett, Beaver Creek;. V. C. Cleary, Wilkeehoro; Floyd P. Hendren, Brushy Mountain; H. J. Carter, Eldwards; Joe Mahaffej^ Swaen; Clarence Fletcher, Wllkesboro; L W. Triplett, Elk; Roby Hincbw and Bruce Dearman, North WII- keeboro; N. C. Mikeal, Jobe Cab in; J. A. Holloway, TrapWlIJ Ja cob Bare, Union; J. D. CentfU, Rock Creek; .Archie Fairdillda, Lewis .Fork; Turner InacOra. Antioch; Call Anderson, Wllloea- boro; M. R. Wyatt. Walnit Ototb; C. H. Shumate, Reddien River; A. R. Myers, Mulli Wriboa Carter, ^ ^wwd*l. Bllaiirir -8«e|,' '*■ The NOv’th wllkesboro Kiwan is Clnb will meet with the Le^ noir club at Lenoir on Friday evening Instead of Thursday eve ning as stated in this newspaper Monday. Many members of the Hher:O. Wood, Rock CMk; Lester Walker, North WJlkdikryt. boro; W. V. Stone. Rock Creek; Onvllle Warren. North Wllkes boro; J. W. Blackburn, TraiphlH: John Adams, Walnut Grove; C- W. Haynes, New Castle; Q. A. Me- Nelll, North Wllkesbqro; Clifford Nortnan, Edwards; J. C. Rhoades. Mulberry; John Cranfill, Beaver Creek; Gordon Souther, Love lace. Second Week W. B. Elledge, New Castle: M. D. Byrd, New Castle; J. H. Leck- le, Wllkesboro: W. M. Segraves, Antioch; B. F. Norman, Edwards; Carmel Gentry, Edwards; W. M. Prevette, Walnut Grove; R. F, Parker, Brushy Mountain; L. M. Adams. Brushy Mountain; N. P. .Myers, Rock Creek; W. C. Brown. Edwards; J. R. Parsons. Reddles River; R. M. Elledge, Rock Creek; Tom Ashley, Union; T. E. Gray, New Castle; Rex Kilby, Mulberry; H. H. Warren, Trap- hill; R. V. Garris. Edwards; John W. Prevette, Someis; J. N. Dur ham, Rock Creek; B. H. Waugh, North Wllkesboro; A. G. Ohurt*, ■ Lewis Fork; D. E. Luff man. Ed wards; W. A. Porter, Reddle* River; Curtis Johnson. Edwards. WHEAT .,f sttena. me vnarvu •»> The domeetio wheat supply for lisA n«w p«ini installed and the ,fa Ml : _ _ the 1940-41 season now seems likely to total abont one billion b^sitoiSi abont the same e« for. the. cnmnt - msricetfng season ending fig* ' iifc'.'gtS w.ill8 and woodwork'Itate''Htoein decoratW, The ladlea W ib» elrurch are' making primnrationn to serve lunch Ja tee . finnday sdhool rooms to the . detegatoa. Monday. Many memoers oi me Tuesday July North Wilkeehoro club are plann- OjPbeum Thea , y. This is the first of a series of entertainments sponsored by the troop to raise funds for their an- nnal camping trip. The troop, one of the largest In Northwestern Carolina, has been very active In civic affairs, recwtly cooperating 1 n many phases of the 60th Anniversary celebration, such as the pageant, police duty, ticket sales and pa rades. Now that they are the sponsors, they would appreciate any as sistance that could be given in maUng their first venture a suc cess. Legion Meeting On Friday Night I P !■■ ■ > The regular July meeting of tee Wilkes county post of the American Legion will be held in the Legion-Auxiliary club rooms on Friday night, July 18, at 7:30. This meeting is to be held In place of the meeting scheduled for Friday night, July 6, which was postponed, on account of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the town of North Wllkesboro. Delegates who attended the state convention of the American Le gion held recently at High Point win'give their reports at this meeting. Wilkes Midwives - " ^ To Meet Monday Mrs. Bertha Bell and Miss Heldit Rlggahee.'’'-tQunty health aufgaSi have announced that alb peiteba serving as midwires In WUkSB cohntyjmust go to tlih W. P. KMU, MaontlT6i.?secro- eoopty heatth otfloa in 'Wilkea;; boro on Mdndnir. JuIf 16> nine it* a., fw a physical examination fieslns retotfre to date M the an- i^::ilnatnurtiona. The etaito law ' " attondaniM at tea meet- ‘•(4 Troop 35p B. S. A.» To Spo^r Show Purk^n^eaSiig Baseball League “An Angel Prom Texas,” at the Meeting Commerce Bureaus Pos^;K>ned Dne to the fact that a snfficl- ent number of the members to constitute a quorum were not present, North Wllkesboro’s Com- inerco ^raahs did not hold teeir annual meeting Tuesday night aS announeed, > - £!! ..• iary, was designated to canvass the memhera and ascertain their'**' Defeaied Monwian Falls 11 To 8; Other Close Games Are Played Purlear edged into the lead in the Wilkes county baseball league during th© past week-end by de feating Moravian Falls 11 to 8 at Purlear. The game which put Purlear on top by half a game margin was decided in the tenth Inning when Gwyn Nichols hit a homer with two on, his second of the game. In other gamee Traphlll won over Fairplaina five to four and Clingman defeated Rock Creek four to two. This week-end Purlear witt play a double header at Rock Creek Sunday, Falrplains and Mo ravian, Falla will play two games Sunday, Traphlll will play at Clingman Saturday and Oliagmaii wBl piny at Traphlll Saa^. The standing of tea ste-tasaa lesgue 'was announsed today as fldlows: lldnulna FsBs .. w.- _ a ■ _____ 4- rneeChu, time '4- for the ensning year wiU' CUaiteMh IL.'--.—v |. brwSiltelt. ' Roek Creejc 1 * li.'