12, THE JOj MAMIE SOCK^EIA, Bditoi TatoohoM >11 r,1af( A Bride And A B’ide-Elect 'Mifis Grace Joines Are Honored In W-lkesboro Entertains S. S. Class ,* An outstanding social event oJ ^ The Young Ladles ouuuaj' 07 me nev. vv«i.i. v'wper ui : the week was the lovely party | school class of the Walnut Grove Wllkesboro, pastor of iboth given by Mrs. Tal Pearson. Miss Baptist church held their monthly " • Bea Godfrey, and Mrs. Alene lyieetlng Friday evening with Miss ^ Godfrey Upchurch at the Pearson home Friday evening honoring, Mrs. William Booth, of China' Grove, a recent hrlde and who was a honseguest of Mrs. Peer- son, and Miss Nina Jones, a brider elect of the week. Miss Jones and Vance Maurice McBride are to be married Saturday in a formal cerennony at the Wilkes- boro Baiptist church. A dessert course preceded the card game, In which two tables were made up for rook and three for 'bridge. A color note of green and w h-11 e was emphasized throughout in the decorations Grace Joines. Mrs. Earl Meadows, •the president, was In charge of the business session and Miss Joines led the devotional period. Lemonade and cake was serv ed during the social hour. RAukw-Draft' scene of a beantlfol ooremonyf uniting In marriage Mlse Harrirt Lee McGoogan and Forney Holler of Union Mills' and Ra leigh. . The vows were spoken before a background of southern -^smilax and long-leaf 'pine before which stood floor baskets of white glad ioli. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Watt Gooper of North Wllkesboro, pastor of both the bride and bsidegrooRnj assisted iby the Rev. Malcolm P. Calhoun, CamUlieii of "the Montreal. — Mayor Houde, chief executive largest city In Canada, was In terned early today .by order of the n^lnhrter of .Justice. ■ . ' He was arrested late last night under section 21. of the defense of C \nada regnlatlons. Friday night he created a sensation by c^rs at 11:16 o’clock last night body and taken to headquarters of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Mrs. R. M. Pound To Lead Meeting Tuesday Mrs. R. M. Pound, of Charlotte, who Is spending the month of Au gust with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Smoot, on the Brushy Mountain, will lead the Spiritual Life group of the North Wilke&boro Meth- where be was questioned for more mai^ XKriieles where jota^ ;.. „ .J,.- 1ft trol be effectively il50*ii8if odist Missionary Society on Tues- tnrot^nout in tne iecorauons ^^iernoon. The meeting will and table appointment while the, M J j'ones w"as marked with | W. E. Shuf^d. U « hoped silver bells tied with a satin | Higb and low score prizes x t> , As-o I? \f ' to liea’* Mrs. Pound’s messa-ge. bridge were won Mrs. E. M. ft Jill and Miss Annie L»urie lo .her. and in rook the winners '-JJrs J. G.^\ey Is were Mrs. Raby "W’ood and Mrs. ^HostoSS At Pa . It S. Miller. Both of the honorees j On Wednesday afternoon at ire remembered with lovely 1 4;Oo o’clock Mrs. J. G. Bentley 'ts by the hostesses. | gave a lovely party in honor of Among the out of town guests her si.ster-in-law, Mrs. Lou Kane, attending the party were Mise Edna Brj-g. of Jonesville, Miss Juanita Robertson. Mrs. J. M. Robertson, and ^Irs. Dick Kim ble, all of Harmony, Sewing Club Members Spend Day .At B .owing Rock A number of the members of the Wednesday Sewing Club were guests for the day tV’ednesday of Mrs. Chai-lie Smoot, of Alexan dria. Va.. who is spending the summer a' Bi.'i'.ving Rock. Mrs. |,„an and Miss Jessie Coachman. Smoot, a former resident of North of Clearwater. Florida. I Wllkesboro was a vParrer meni- ' her of the ci.'b. l.uiieheoii was served at one o'clock. Those going over for the day were Mesdames C. D. Coffey, Jr., , Ward Eshelman, F. C. Hubbard, i Sr.. P. M. Williams, J. L. Clem- ! ents, Gordon Finley, T. A. Fin-^_ gey, L. M. Nelson, IV. C. Grier, parents of the bride. Rev ^ J. Ba.son, and Miss Ellen Rob-I wjUaenhunt, of. Norton, >_ xr.... O XJoi>r\AT> nr . rwaoti announcing he would refuae to comply with the reoently passed — — ■■ „— mobilisation bill and asked the pastor of Saint Paul’s Presbyter- lan church. Prior to the cerennony, „p ,,,y Miss Mary. Stewart McGoogan • - played “Nocturne from Mldsnan- mer Night’s Dream.” Mendels, sohn; “Moonlight Sonota,” Beeth oven and Salut d’Amou-r-'Elgar. Mrs. Clarence Lee of Dallas, Ga„ sang “At Dawning.’’ Arthur John of Wilmington sang "Because” and “O Perfect Love.” To the strains of the “Bridal Chorus” from Lohengrin, the ushers. Clarence McArthur, Jr., of Charlotte, Roibert Lewis of Lumberton, Edward Finley of North Wllkesboro and Willis Chapman of Raleigh, took their places before the altar. Next came the bridesmaids. Misses Mary Louise and Mar.garet iMcGoogan and Misses Elizabeth and Nancy Holler, kowned in quaint dresves of aqua and maize net and carry ing nosegays of mixed flowers. Preceding the bride came the flower girl, little Sarah McGoogan Carpenter of Durham, whq also I wore net and carried a petite ' nosegay. i The bride entered with her 'father, Lee L. McGoogan and was met ?t the altar the bride groom and his best man, Carl VanDeman of North Wllkesboro. “Ave .Maria’’ by Schubert was (oosevdt Of^ for al Jr-chain«; tbMM -.. 4tlwtU luM bqco.nuidgJiAaias W.* rock, Adi^ -— br) the pajmuBt of tiu note «r|GiqiiC* ffRk Mtum’ tfiw and R. bondq secui^ by uid,deed of trust jPerttyjoha's lino W4*t S> ' wd demuid uivinf boop aud* twics croeafag a braa^ to a Upon ttie ridstttnte ttustaa *0 «*U tne said property, 'therafon,: the undersigned substitute trustae Iwili on toe 9th day of SeotombaSi 11940, at 12:00 o’dock M0^ at ! too Courthouse door in Wilkaaboro, Wilkes County,: North Cartdina, sell at public adetion for cask to the last and highest bidder ' the following descril^ to-wft: ait- toreat Wrged 4bat 'k*! ■*' thraugfa ^ "" int caa^i to a\ 001 jent. iroM,,^,,,*. ^us«. Mr.; Rod^lt>Adams and ft. ftb« cruet^stuiddMfaM v- l., eak, C. Ifc Crater, R. H. Petty^w-; and T. M. Swminfa eoruar; tb0ii« South with C. L Crater's and El len Bnrefaam’s line 2'i.\2 chainai,' crossii^ the Trap-Hill road to , 4a rock. Will Alexander’s, Ellen Bur* f ' chain’s and T. M. Swaim’s comedy , thence with Will Alexander’s liaa ijy.. uiuvuu to and with the ’Tucker Road real property, | follows: East 3 chains to a Tluit ^rtain pi uated in Edw: Wilkes Couaty, Carolina,] adjoining nd ft. 8., ^er, J. V. Johnson fihd cornea a tiiaay and mailtUoud Way*. ■ on the Bast, and baanded^jld lol- jlows: ■■ ' North ; 30 degrees Eaat chains North 82 degrees __ lp,{ chains;. South 75 degrees Eaat^ :h; chains!; thence Southwardly ^ ■. L. I Tucker and Trap-Hill ro^ ar , the chains to the beginning, coij|aiiif men tog 82 acres more or less. Tliis 8to day of .'August, 194(k f PAS^ G. HAMPTCnr. 9-2-4t (m) Substitute Trustoa. On the point of .Mi oo.q^ratlon, _ he sald^' who is returning to her hone in Tucfon, Arizona. August 15. Bridge was played at four ta bles amid an arrangement of Summer flowers. Mrs. Cecil How ell won high score prize and Miss Ruth Hubbard low score. The d„r;ng the ceremony honoree was also presented with ^ ^ ^ Mendelssohn’s “Wedding a lovely gift. At 6:3U a delicious Iwo-eourse dinner was sei'ved. . Other out of town visitors were | Miss Ruth Laxton. of .Nasihville. j Tennessee. Mrs. Candler Coach-1 .Mis.s Myei-s’ Vows Heard In Elkin Elkin. Aug. 10.—The of Miss -\my Kathryn Clyde Wesley Rudd, of wa.s solemni'zed at. the wedding Mvers to Raleigh, home of .Mr, and Mrs. Charles N. Myers, Epli . Va.. lawn. Mrs. Gwyn Harper, of [former pastor of the bride, officl- Hiokory. who also is spending the : ated. The bride was given in mar riage !.!>• her father, her only £.t- tendant being her maid of honor, Miss -Madge Eugenia Glazener, of Chillicothe. O. The bridegroom was attended by his best man, end former .cQlle.ge .mate, Milton Cheshire, of Albemarle. For her wedding the bride wore a travel suit, ensemble of leal blue wool crepe with accessories of navy. Her flowers were a cor sage of orchids. Mrs. Rudd is the . ... . jonly daughter of Mr. and Mr- ton is chairman of the circle. :,f.jjg^,.(gg >4 jiyers. 'She was grad uated from Meredith college with the class of 1940. Mr. Rudd was graduated from Elon college with the class of 193B and is now as sociated with the G. M. A. C. with headquarters in Raleigh. Following the reception. Mr. and -Mrs. Rudd left for a two weeks wedding trip to Wa.-hing- ton and New York. After August 2U in Raleigh. Summer at Blowing Rock, was a ’ guest of Mrs. Smoot. Mrs. Harper formerly lived in North Wilkes- boro and was a member of the club. Presbyterian (’ircle Me^tbers Go To Montimt Thur.sday . Members of Circle I. of the I ^oc-’' Wilkesboro Presbyterian ' ^■rch. and a few visitors spent • Hf/ day at Montreat Thursday, I this outing taking the place of their regular meeting. Mr'^. H. H, Klnong those going up besides, Mrs. Morton were Mesdame? L. M. Nelson. T. B. Finley, Gordon Finley. Leonard Vyne. K. (1. Fin ley, Archie Ogilvie. Miss Clara Ogilvie, and Mrs. Woodie. The group attended the Bible hour, had luncheon at the cafeteria, vis ited the assembly grounds, and before leaving were guests of Mrs. J. B. McCoy, of this city, who is spending the summer at Montreat. They were served de lightful refreshments by Mrs. McCoy. Mrs. George Pariier Is F.-iendlv Cirde M s Mrs. George I’arlier was hos tess to the members of the Friendly circle of the Wilkes- Ixro .Methodist church at her home Thursday evening. The Bi ble study was taught by Miss Eleanor Smoak and Mrs. Pariier. presided for the business se.sslon. The eleven mem'bers attending were served refreshments during tlie social hour. Mrs. Thomas Edi son Norman, the former Miss Lu cille Culler, was given a miscei- luieous .shower of gifts by the cir- beli*s a warning 1st City Girl—'vVhy do they put bells on cows? 2nd City Girl—Don’t you know that silly? It s to give warning so you can run away from them. Scarcity In Food Threatens France; Rationing Urged Paris.—Warning that a “se rious scarcity” of food threatens in German-held Paris and i " Seine region. French officials yes terday appealed to the civil popu lation for self-imposed food ra tioning. The appeal was issued by the prefect of the Seine department. Achille Villey, and the Paris po lice prefect. Roger Langeron. “It is oiir duty to appeal to your reasoning as well a.s your Kaniotisn;.” the appeal staled. “We don’t want to alarm you but you must understand the neces sity for discipline which must be freely accepted and rigorous. “The administration has ac complished its duty in taking all the necessary m-iasures to econo- :uize on existing stocks of food but this effort will be In vain if consumers and merchants do not help spontaneously.” than 40 minutes. Then be left with a number of officers. Houde, with two offi cers, vvas in his own automobile and four automobilee of officers followed. Two motorcycle offi cers preceded the cars. The internment order followed a conference btetween police offi cials and Minister of Justice Er nest Lapointe. They discussed Houde’s Friday light attack on the mobilization 'bill. The Interment order said that Houde Is to.be detained "In such a place and under such condi tions as the minister of justice may from time to time deter mine.” Interment could be for dura tion of the war or It might be for a shorter period. Houde, as a Canadian citizen, has a right to appeal the order. He was taken to an internment camp from police headquarters, but the location of the camp was not disclosed. The mobilization act provides for registration of eve.ry man and woman In the dominion, the men to be subject as needed to being called up for military service In the dominion. They are not sub ject to overseas service. Houde, Frday night. Issued a written statement to the press setting forth his opposition tb the act. He said he would not register added, “1 ask the popula- , BEC 1 i Alexal Trap-I CiiainsJ Will [KING rt::* rock in Will 's line, 1^'toe ^eker and t] Road, rtea eact 12 a V. Johnson, ixander, ns T. M. Bwaim’s I have to fflind, « ^2^1coroe‘iFth;nce‘;ySrj: vTfctoToi;^^ pie,” htt said, "the e»actmen£:|ji’|^^'’' ■ . . .. said, "the eaactmem: 5 ehafcs to a stake, his Congress and the state leglsUb-j cornerf/thence lip 8.8# e^jatos to tures of alws dealing with Qm«li wVift^ -mV wstf' Man,,-- versiye afth^es, with s^tlous acts,'’with tooso things which slow up or break down our com mon defense program. Ads. get attsmtioa—aad nsattsl a smjyi white pak.,his' cower; thence'North 78 degrees Bast 4 chains to a SMnish oai^ his cor ner; thence 'North ADMlNlSTBA’jrOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mrs. W. P. Horton, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all person* having claims against said estate to present them to the undersign- i ed, whose address is North Wilkes boro, N. C., duly verified, on or be fore the 9th day of August, 1941, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 9th day of August, 1940. MRS. PHILLIP ROBBINS i J. P. HORTON, i Administrators of the estate of Mrs. W. P. Horton, dec’d. | 9-16-6t-m 12.60 chains, croastog a branch to a rock, L. Adams, J, V. Johnson's and T. M. Swain’s corner; thence with L. Adams' line North 87 degrees For Sale Genuine Frigidaire Elec tric Refrigerator. Rebuilt. Porcelain Inside aad Out. Size Cubic FeeL— Priced for Quick Sale. WILKES ARMATURE COMPANY ’Phone 166 Mendel.ssohn’s “Wedding March” was used a.s a recessional. The bride wore a gown of white net with a court train. The short puffed sleeves and the bo dice were trimmed with an ap plique of wliUe satin and seed pearls. An illusion veil fell in soft folds from the coronet which ' he'd it in plaqp. A lirooch ®^|jj]id added. “1 asa li dainty forget-me-not.-, the gift of,conform.” the bridegroom, was worn on the bodice. She carried a white satin covered Bible with gardenias -howered with lilies of the valley and white satin rlbibon. Mrs. Holler Is the daughter of Mr. and Mra'^U. L. McGoogan of Saint Pauls, a graduate of the Woman’s College of the Univers ity of North. Carolina and since graduation has been engaged in home demonstration work in Wilkes county of this state. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the joint will of W. C. Watts and Lucinda Watts, deceased of Wilkes, county. North Carolina, this is toj notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased parties to exhibit them to the un- j dersigned at North Wilkesboro, N. C., on or before the 12th day of | August, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate^ will please make immediate pay-1 ment. This 12th day of August, 1940. C. A. LOWE. Executor of Joint Will of W. C. "Watts and Lucinda Watts. 9-19-6t. m NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND North Carolina, Wilkes County: Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed on the 1st ilkes county of this state. imerii oasis. louu. day of Noveinber 1935 a„d re- ..d... .... d..,.™, .Odd, .u .. s Wilkes County, North Carolina, Declaring France was going to and the undersigned Parks G. try to make her 1940 defeat a Hampton having been substituted prelude to one of the “greatest as a trustee in said deed of trust, victories a peonle ever won over See substitution of trostee record- , . /\TTi/»A /\T rns.. Af themselves,” the minister said France’s mother will be artisans of this secret and magnificent triumph. O. J. Holler of Union Mills, is a graduate of State College and is now connected with the State Col lege Extension Service at Raleigh. Following the ceremony an in- fonmal reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, after which Mr, and Mrs. Holler left tor a wedding trip of about ten days. They expect to live in Ra leigh. France To Begin Paying Premium For Big Families Vichy, France, Aug. 5.—One aim of France’s new “family pro gram” Is to pay men to propor tion to the number of their chil dren instead of usual salaries on j merit basis. Youth Minister Jean Ybarnegar; interview. Use the advertising columns 01 tois paper as your shopping gui-i* Ruth—Is it true that you sail ors have a girl in every port? Jack Tar—How silly! Why, we don’t even call at every port. ed in the office of the Register 01 Deeds oil Wilkes County, North Carolina, on the 1st day of July, 1940, which instrument substituted Parks G. Hai"”’'" In the place and stead of R. W. Winston, Jr., and J. Granbery Tucker, Co-Tnistees, i and giving and granting to the [said Parks C. Hampton all of the powers and authority of the nri- 200 SINGLE SHEETS 100 E3NVELOPES 100 DOUBLE SHEETS 100 ENVELOPES Like a spr g of mint in a tinkling beverage . . . RYTEX ' DOUBLE CHECK Printed Stationery adds zest to your letters with its neat all-over check pattern . . . its light pastel jhades . . . its smart Name and Address or Monogram styles. Buy several boxes for home ... for school ... for gifts! Carter-Hubbard Publishing Co. Telephone 70 North Wilkesboro, N. C. Here’s what’s happened to Gulf Gasolines ;.-y FUNERAL SERVICES ■ lAT RLllb THr stP.cAvtD Ol^ ’ Plans ^efais-Sturdhmnt AT THE TIME OF NEED Spending This Term May Total j Twenty Billion Washington, Aug. 5. — The budget bureau adding up of pyra- liding defense outlays found to- I day that pending appropriations land contract authorizations may I T,',«h this congress spending to tal above ^20,000,000,000. j This f. ,ure would not only be the largest to peace time history but would be more than double 'the amount actually spent to the last fiscal ^aar. ^ * I if*.- There is a scientific test, employed by us and by many of our competitors, that is used to determine toe anti-knock value of a motor fuel. According to that test, the figure above represents the old GOOD GULF—famous as one of toe finest gasolines in Ameiical out look at the NEW GOOD GOLF! This is a fair comparative measurement of the tremendous improvement in this great gasoline-GOODGULFhas been so great ly improved that it now surpasses Nprto Carolina specificiilons for premium fuel ...yet it costsyoH rojt onepemty morel An eqnally sensational improvement has been made in GULF NO-NOX. This figure shows the rating of the old NO NOX, then one of toe super-fuels of iu day and IWOCKPROOF under all nor mal driving conditions. Better wmi MOO 8IU iWP OKFIKMIOX EXCGB nORTI CMpf iNiWWnifW IW I Now look at the NEW NO-NOX! Tremen dously better than even the old NO- NOX, it by far exceeds North Carolina specifications for premium fuels. Why not try a tankful of this super gasoline to^y? REE-:"21 Ways to Saw IIomv”i TUs bel^l booklet yoon fee the \ Mlrtnil at your local Good Gulf . daokr’a. Get yowa, right anitr «c It 'toe Sign of the Gulf OiaotalMK.

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