THE wI M les il«%«gU^ to ' %.. • A- Bhip eommlt- A In >WllkM dlacussod ’ the mroject'Wider the extenelon ^ Stnth College and roted «• nrjawtwi and put ttie project Wn ■r^liheb'hMn as poestble. ^petinc was called > by 7. B. Snipes and Qwmhoase. Other or* •bMi^:wmnt at the meet- tag pad .4hUBg part in the' dis- Phpl^yna ereio the county com- MlMOMn. TtitBsentatiTee of the TOraa Secnrity administration, O. 9. McCrary and MUs Anamerle Arant, northweetem district a- ■•nta Miss Elisabeth Williams, kone demonstration agent, ex plained the process of mattress anaklng and assisted In answering laestions as presented. They explained that the mat tress project is two-fold in its Mope—first, to use up some of tte snrpluB cotton, and second, to enable low income farm fam ilies to make mattresses for home awe. The project also has an edu cational value In that it teaches families how to make their own mattresses. Appli(^tion blanks for mat tresses are already in the hands of the township committeemen throughout the county. Farmers arishing to make applications should contact their local triple A emoMulBf farm tamn^es who are eligible. >v ■ * ' ' T ...Who le EUgtUe Any 'honatide fhmlly whose gross ehsh Income does not average' more than |400,b0 per year. ThWdneOine may‘6ome from farm crope, food supplies, or farm labor. one fuH iUed do^le cotten ’mAt- tress, and certify that (1) to^'Qt'e best of my knowledge end belief the ehoTs InformBtlon'' Is u^e eommlttt from the emen or secure blanks office of the county gent befhre September 1. The mattress project, it was ex plained dt the meeting, is in ope ration hi various counties thorugbopt the state and in a majority: of states in the coun try. Any further information re lative to the project will be given hy the county agent, home agent or the triple A office in Wilkes- boro. Ijisted below is information Any farin family living on the land and doing work other than farm labor Is eligible to receive free cotton and ticking, provided the food grown and used by the family has a cash value of $100.00 or more, and provided the total gross income of the family from all sources does not exceed $400.00. This must in clude the value of food grown and consumed and income from any other source. There is no charge for this mattress. The cotton and ticking being supplied by the Surplus Commodity Committee. However, those qualified for such a bed must make a deposit to cover processing cost, which will in clude supervision, needles, thread and working equipment. Only ac tual cost of such materials will be paid by the people receiving these mattresses. Making The Beds A center will be set up where eligible people will work under trained supervision and make their own mattresses. It will be necessary for four members of a family or their neighbors to come in on the designated day and work on the mattress each family will receive. It will be necessary that all applicants work on the day designated in order that the program shall go for ward as rapidly as possible. The application form, in addi tion to giving Information about the family, farm and income, contaius the following statement to be signed by the applicant. and correct: trpon 'hotlflca- tion, I win report at the time and place speedfled, to procees ’ the reqneeted material into a mat» treA in accordance with the dl- rebtlOBS issued by the State Hlx- tetislon Service; (3) I will fur- nlfth the addlUonai material need ed to prepare such mattress; and (4) when the4 mattress is com pleted, I win utnise it for the use of my family and 1 agree not to sell, trade,'or dispose of it in any manner whatsoever. _ for — ‘Back-to-School’Davs COMPLETE STOCKS- REASONABLY PRICED! Colored Pencils, 8 good colors box 10c Chicago - Boston Pencil Sharpeners $1 18 Sticks White Chalk 5c Peerless Fountain Pen In!{, bottle, „ 5c Pencil Leads, red, blue, black, 5c-10c Art Gum 5c Gummed Cloth Patches, box 5c Pen Points, 6 for 5c Genuine Leather School Bags .. $2.25 All Size Note Book Fillers, pkg. .... 5c 6 packages 25c Rubber bands, bundle 5c, box 10c Black Board Erasers 25c Scratch Pads, special, lb. 5c Scotch Cellulose Tape, roll 10c-25c Velvet Pencils, 2 for 5c, doz. 25c Penny Pencils, 12 for 10c Hectograph Trays, complete with ink and sponge $2.50 Hectograph Fillers, Pencils and Ink, Mimeograph Supplies, Inks, Glues, Construction Paper, Cardboard, Etc. LOOK-PRINCIPALS OF WILKES COUNTY SCHOOLS (Of 4 or More Teachers) Freser.t ‘hi."! Coupon to Carter-Hubbard Publishing Company, and receive FREE one QUART Banker’s Ink. NAME SCHOOL .. ADDRESS Office Supply Department Carter-Hubbard Pub. Co. ’PHONE 70 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. IAL.PATWOT, NC rn Fimeral New Firn^Wm -nmk*. Pe Himila tor Mrik Yadkin Valley Motor Co., of this city, announces its annual sale of quality used cars at cut prices, featuring a fine line of most all makes—Ford, Plymouth, Dodge, Chevrolet, etc., .in tudor, fordor and coupe models, also trucks and pickups, in a range of 1935 to 1939 makes, enabling anyone to find just tbe car to meet their demands. In addition to cut prices for this annual clearance sale, liberal tride-in allowance Is provided, with easy, convenient terms through Universal Credit Com pany. See the announcement in this' Issue of The Journal-Pa triot, and note the fine list of cars offered. Cut Price Sale Go^d Used Cars British Trawler Gets 2 Planes In 3 Shots London, Aug. 24.—The naval trawler Arctic Trapper, firing only three rounds from their an tiaircraft guns, shot down two German bombers and damaged two others, the Admiralty an nounced. 'The trawler, machine- gunned by escorting Nazi fight ers, reported it had no casualties. Porleer-i new Bit qjen *I former ioli’i ftore; , V.' m. Ghh(^,|lpiie of ’troVeii county’s moa^^'^romiAent oaA. widely knoi^ orchardists, pur chased the Claude Pearson prop^' erty some' tlae ago and erected a large store. Wilding on the old location of UiA Pearson st^ro. IDbe new buildlifl’. has dlmhni^BS pt 38 by 62 feeifand has two foorB>.i It will ihe wecepted hy Purtear Grocery company. Vlr^l Moore, who for sereral ypars was connected with North Wllkeaboro iToeeiT company, will be, manager. Mr; Mooire’s wide ex perience in merchandising will j assure good service to the pa- ‘ Irons of the new firm. The store will feature complete lines of groceries, staple and fancy; the famous Peters line of shoes; notions; feeds at whole sale prices; fertilizers; Amco gas oline and motor oils. The store will sell for cash, featuring low prices and will buy country pro duce, roots and herbs. Special values will be offered on opening day and a few of the many low prices to prevail are quoted in an advertisement else where In this newspaper. Free drinks •will bq given on Tuesday, opening day, and the public has a most cordial Invita tion to visit the store at any time. W. T. Martin Graduates From University Ala.' Mr. W. T. Martin, son of Mrs. W. T. Martin and the late Mr. Martin, of Ronda Route 2, gradu ated from the University of Ala bama August 17, getting the de gree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Business Admin istration. He is a graduate of Ronda high school and of Mars Hill College. Mr. Martin is now taking a course offered by the Civil Aero nautics Authority through the University and hopes to get his Privates Pilot License in a few weeks. He is now soloing and is really interested in flying.—Re ported. Roosevelt-Willkie Hog Rae Now On Hayes Hardwa^re company, lo cal dealer for the famous Purina feeds, is conducting an interest ing pig growing demon.stration. Two pigs of equal size and promise of growth from the same Ititer are be-ing fed in the demon stration and to add interest to the race. Mr. Hayes has named one Roosevelt and the other Will- kie. Partisans are asked to visit the store and watch the respec tive growth of their favorites in the race. The pigs will be weigh ed at regular intervals. One pig is being fed on corn meal and shorts while the other ?ets Purina chow. Burl Hayes, manager of the storef" will be glad to tell you all about it. Mrs. Calloway Is Claimed By Death Mrs. Louisa Calloway, 79, died in this city Monday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ber tha Alexander. Funeral service was held Wed nesday. two o’clock, at Walnut Grove church near Dehart and burial was in the Gambill ceme tery. Rev. TToy Blevins conducted the last rites. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Alexander, five grandchil dren and five great-grandchil dren. Wellborn Family Reunion Sept. 8 The Wellborn family reunion will be held on Sunday, Septem- '|ber 8, at the home of the late F. M. Welltorn sixteen miles east of Wilkesooro on highway 421. 11 Attorney Eugene Trlvette, of I North Willcesboro, will be the ' I speaker and additional features on the day’s program will include ' music hy a string hand from Win ston-Salem, Chambers Brothers I quartet and a chorus from Greensboro. Everybody is invited and with well filled baskets for the dinner at noon.. Mrs. T. B. Scott and daughter. Frances, rtfturned to their home at Norfolk, Va., Saturday after visiting Mrs. Scott’s mother, Mrs. George 'W,. Johnson, Jr. Messrs. Hilton Johnson and Hilton John son, Jr., accompanied her to Nor folk. ihTATrlfSt: ft b’ Jbom, llfA'araa WaltoE. : and. Om* Ada.'’t»t'attsatiaa-Md iMolto for lM$ Tty It ifsita' and itlk TIJ room talliii or Roiul horn tau 1 OxfonlA Aht S#apa, JBtaek nil Broim , :e vi^ttiw For ^-SW»i^incl ■ • SHOES ^ '■ i t For Yoong Men $1.94‘‘$4.95 BOYS’ SCHOOL OXFORDS FALL OXFORDS y -IniiBeF Black, Brown and 'White $1.69 $1.94 $2.9S Yoang Ladies*' , Beautiful Sweaters For School Wear 48c •'$1.98 Beautiful Fall Skirts $1.98 Children’s Sweaters 48c •'$1.98 Big Selection For School .Wear Girls’ COTTON SLIPS 25c PANTIES ...„ . 10c LADIES’ COTTON SLIPS 25c 48c Sizes 32 to 52—Basement !4T LOW PRICES! ’ 'BEST FALL STYLES IN LADIES’ DRESSES For School and Dress Wear—Crepes and Plaids in Assorted Shades. #1 SPECIAL AT ' $1,98 ‘ PRINT DRESSES 97c SPORTCOATS $2.95 to $4.95 LADIES’ HATS - 97c to $1.94 Children’s Fall Anklets, Pair- (Basement) Pocket Books for School Q’T^* Girls J / C Bed Spreads, 81x105, Qfi/* Special J/OC Woolen Goods for Saits and Dresses, , yard— . 98c-$1.69' ASSORTMENT OP LUGGAGE $1;00£,$4.95 ^ $1.69 to $2.98 , ^CHibbt^FORDS Sizes 2% to'8 — 8Vi to 2_ Black and Biown—Special • 97c (Basement) 80 Square DRESS PRINTS Beautiful Patterns — for school dresses — worth 19c; Special, at, yard 15c BOYS' SWEATERS 98c •'$1.98 Young Men’s Sweaters 98c •" $2.95 Bovs' Solid LEATHER JACKETS $4.95 Men’s Leather Jackets $4.95 “ $9.95 i See ’These! '"■•it SCHOOL SUPPLIES BIG TABLETS, C „ each OC NOTE PAPER, 1 3 oackage.s for A vl C BOOK BAGS 25c 98c TOMLINSON'S DEPT. STORE NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Big Selection Fast Color SCHOOL DRESSES Sizes 1 to 6—7 to 14 49c Another lot, sizes 1 ’o 6 and 7 to 14 *7 # ANNUIL CLEHMICE YOUR FORD DEALER Offers Cut Prices — Easy Payments! / Trades! What You've Waited For CUT PRICES ON CARS TRUCKS PICKUPS When we hold a special sale of used cars and trucks we put spe cial emphasis upon the futures buyers are most interested in . . . Performance, Good I/)oks, and Low Prices! And that’s just what we have done to make our Annual Clearance Sale the success it de serves to be. We have an exceptionally fin" lot of cars to offer . . . cars w^i-h thousands of miles of unused 'mile age, cars with pleasing perform ance, and cars priced far below their actual worth. Come in today for a try-out of your choice. NOW . . . CUT PRICES ON GOOD USED CARS 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1939 1936 1937 1935 1935 1937 1936 1938 1939 1939 1935 1936 1938 1939 1937 1940 1938 Ford DeLuxe Tudors Ford DeLuxe Tudor Ford DeLuxe Tudor Ford DeLuxe Tudor Ford Sedan Plymouth Coach Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coach Ford DeLuxe Sedan Chevrolet Coaches Ford Coupes Chevrolet Sedan Ford Tudor Tudors Ford Pickup Dodge Pickups Ford Pickup EASY UNIVERSAL CREDIT CORPCMIATION MONTHLY PAYMENTS ! Yuilkin yBlIiy Motor Co. V- Salek^FORD — Service NINTH STREET - , • 'yiLK^BORO, N. C. 4 4