ji!' Mrly tod«7 from •tMdy tomadac force of Nwt fttackm Irteo left Heary damage a^d 4 ^antlog Hat Of casuaitiee .1% the empire capHat. ''The raiders rlolently strafed the'center of London, drosH>lag fat, blast&g oil bombs In an effort to set fliee In the city to guide them to their targets. More planes took part in the rald-^he 12th overnight attack •luce Oermany bbgan> her "all assaults on London—than Ita the Tuesday-Wednesday over- Lt raid which caused heavy laltles. Bat while the Germans dump ed their bombs on London, Brit ish bombers were visiting de- strootlon on German bases on the Naat-held French and Belgian coasts in violent attacks against “invasion ports.” — The German bombers caused great destruction in the slums of Bast London In the early phases of the raids. Now they have turn ed their attention to the fash ionable sebtors of the capital as \'eU. subjbcthig them to heavy >omblng. In the latest punishing stuck. Ploughing men and women stum bled frpm fashionable apartments after direct hits were scored by incendiary bombs In central Lon don. From All Directions Big bombs were hurled at the metropolis from the north rim to the south, east and west. The shopping area, long the home of many of the world’s fa mous fashion stores, was hit a- gain and again by high explosive projectiles. PuUic Funds This liiHitfa Totaled $7,4D5.00 Needy Aged Receive $5,034; Dependent Children $1,« 922, And Blind $449 Registration For Conscription To Be On Oct. 16th President Signs Bill Author- iz'nng Registration And Draft In Nation conBcrlption the law of the lattd and proclaimed October 16 as the day on which all men from 21 to 35, Inclusive, must register for selective military training. The first peacetime draft of manpower in American history became law at 3;08 p. m. (e. s. t.) with a stroke of the presi- > dential pen. Mr. Roosevelt pro claimed registration day a mo- ment later. The momentous action came two days after Congress gave its final approval to the legislation. An eetlmated 16.500,000 men —citizens and alien alike—^must register at polling places through out the country. From this num ber, the nation will build up over the next five years a reservoir of 5,000,000 trained men for its land and sea forces. .Sees Nation at Crossroatls “America stands at the cross roads of its destiny.” Mr. Roose velt said in his proclamation fix ing the date of registration. He took cognizance of the cur rent world situation and served notice in direct language that the United Slates is ready and able to defend at any cost the heritage of i‘s freedom. Public asslsUnce grants to needy people in Wilkes county this month totaled $7,406, ac cording to figures released today by Charles McNeill, Wllkea coun ty welfare officer. Of this amount $1,922 went] to 160 families with 321 depen-'! dent children, $5,034 to 6$3 needy aged and $449 to 35 blind. The munber still leaves 133 aged per.sons on the waiting list for old age assistance, that many { having been approved ibut who are not being paid because of I lack of funds- appropriated by the state. ^ During the past month the welfare office has distributed foods from the Surplus Commo- j dlties corporation to aibout 900 families. In addition to the usual number about 200 families were ] added because of flood losses and ^ wilt continue to re elve food twice monthly as long as they | need it. I A month’s supply of several staple foods was given to each I familj" who registered because of flood losses Immediately after the flood August 14.. Singiil$r , 29 At - -yp'-Es'xw. 'Ihe next meetiug «t the Hon da Binging convention will be held at Bethel Church', Gve mlloB sooth west Of Blkln, Sunday,. Sep- ttemher 29, beginning at ten o’ clock. The public is invited to attend 'and all gospel.singers are asked to attend and have a part in the days program. W. H. Jones is chairman and Rev. R. ft. Crater, secretary. Here it one of the most recent Bbatoa of Greta Garbo, famons Bwedlah film ai^tress who will pass her thlrty-dfth birthday on Septem- W U. Sate in the United States While her native Sweden remains the Independent state in the Scan- ^vlap peninsula, Garbo retains traditional reticence and dis- for personal publicity. Annual Drive For Membership B y Legion Under Way WdrkFcl - .'-V ■«■■■.'>-■I'tw, -‘A'.* County A«e9^ MQ ler, Highettiillk, ‘ To Take Part pote K Ustei Shorthand, Typing Courses Oflered McNeill Speaks At Meeting Of Young G, 0. P. Out-Of-School People May Receive Commercial Tram* ing In Afternoon! Here Candidate For Governor Blasts Administrations Of State And Nation Gold For Wilkes Post Is 125; Over 70 Per Cent Of Former Members Enroll Fourteen Important 'meetings In various comnranltiea to discuss plan? of work for five agencies . were announced today by J. B. Snipes, Wilkee county farm a-| gent., The meetings will not only j concern extension work but otherj V. v.^. :.rf, ■ - , • Frank nggiuson, 77, a Canadian Paul S, Cragan, superintendent ol North Wilkaaboro high iSk' aM Bhortfimd for out-of-school persons wjll open at the school on Monday, September 23. The courses will be conducted by Miss Lilyan Miller, commer cial teacher in the school, and will begin for out-of-school stu dents at three p. m. The course will be offered by the school In cooperation with the North Carolina State Em ployment Service and the state Board of Vocational Education. Only a nominal fee will be charg ed because a great part of the cost for such vocational instruc- ^ tion is furnished by the federal I government. Further information j relative to the course can be oh-1 tained from Supt. Cragan or the i employment service office here to his native county and delivered an address Monday night before Wilkes post number 125 of the American Legion is now in the midst of Its 1941 membership drive and the goal is 12’5 mem bers to equal the number of the post, L. M. Nelson, poet com mander, said today. There are more than 400 ex- service men in Wilkes county, Commander Nelson said, and a cordial Invitation is extended each one of them to join the post—without any ' strings at tached—any person who had ac tive service in the army, navy Pr.hprt H McNei'l. v>et)’thlican candidate for governor, returned'-O'- marines and who has an hon orable discharge during the per iod of the World War being eli- sn organization meeting of Young glbl®- ipiS^li^ng in the WllkeajpourV. -nie ananal/dues ar« y^rV"wfii!i VloOuaiiB i ; ^_i hybrid Hybrid corn, b'eing grown on 25,000,000 acres in the North Central states, constitutes more than half of i;he total corn acre age, reports the U S. Agricultural Marketing Service. Mr. J. Horton Doughton, of Statesville, spent several hourt in the city Wednssday. -’His address, a scathing denun elation of what he termed waste and inefficiency of natlonnl and state administ'ratlons. was en thusiastically received by the crowd, which almost filled the auditorium. Paul Osborne, of Wlikeshern called the meeting to order and presided in the absence of A. A. Triplett, county Young Republi cans chairman for the na-st two years, who could not attend be cause of illness. High tribute was paid to the work of Chairman Trip-lett during the past two years in org.-inization and activity among young Republicans. Officers of Young Republicans were elected as follows: Max Fos ter, of North Wllkesboro, presi dent; Attorney Ralph Davis, of North Wilkesboro, vice president: Miss Cora Caudill, .secretary; A. A. Triplett, member of county executive committee. President Foster named an or ganization committee as follows: Paul Osborne, chairman, E. R. Eller, Dewey Minton, S. R. I.aws, Clifton Prevette. Mrs. Louise Tait, Mrs. Jack Hoots, Miss Ruby Blackburn, Carl Church and T. (Continued on page four) can Legion 'magailne. Comfnand- er Nelson hatt asked that veter ans who wish' to Join contact Ad jutant W. C. Grier, John Hall, membership chairman, the post commander or any other Legion naire. “In these times of crisis the American Legion needs you,’’ Mr. Nelson said. Over 70 per cent of last year’s membership in the Wlllyes post has already been renewed. Com menting On the membership in phases of actlvKles among rural people will be discussed ib:* the following: lime,, legume^ and livestock, by J. B. Snipes, county agent; soil conservation, by P. W. Edwards, of the Wilkes unit of the soil conservation,service;- Farm Security, by J. B. Hlgh- smlth, of the North Wllkesboro office of the Farm Security ad ministration; Trtplo A, by Law rence Miller, secretary of the county committee; home econom ics, by Miss Elizabeth Williams, home demonstration agent. The county agent pointed out that the meetings will ha*® some thing of interest for all members of the family and urged attend ance of all rural people and oth ers interested at the most con venient meeting place and date. It was also explained that nom inations for Triple A committee men will be made at the meet ings and attendance of persons participating In the farm pro gram Is highly Important. The plaining motittngs ere be- field fhrongilkt Tfie ,^tate hr order to set working goals and to coordinate activities of the several agencies serving rubai people. The meetings in Wilkes will begin on Monday, September 23, and continue through October 4. The complete schedule for Wilkes follows: Monday, September 23, 3:30 p. m.. Mount Pleasant school. Tuesday, September 24, p. m.. Mulberry school. Wednesday, September 3:30 the nation. Commander Nelson 3:30 p. m., Mountain 25. View said that over 1.000,000 have already joined and the member ship is growing rapidly. Further discussing the Legion, Commander Nelson cited,the fol lowing ten reasons for continued membership: 1. Continued Service—The blue and gold button of The American Legion testifies to your honorable service for God and Country in the World War; to 22 years of'reath. school. Thursday. SeptenubP' 26, 7:30 p. m., Benham school. Friday, September 27, 7:30 p. m., Clingman school. Saturday, September 28, 2:30 p. m., county courthouse. Monday, September 30, 3:30 p. m., Austin school. Tuesday, October 1, 3:30 p. m., Mountain Crest school at Gli- loyal service to community, state, and nation In time of peace: to emergency service, and In com bating fifth column activities during world crises. 2. Rehabilitation — You are .making it possible to attain our (Continued on^page eight) Tuesday, October 1, 7:00 p. m.. Boomer school. Wednesday, October 2, 7:00 p. ra.. Millers Creek school. Thursday, October 3, 3:30 p. m., Pleasant Ridge school. Friday, October 4. 3:30 p. m., (Continued on page eight) M«r llvtaiC in the United 8in>en, inkM n close semtiny of the sUea '^Istrnfloa bUnk before filling ent fonn at the Brooklyn pest office. OM ef aliens now living here ^be registered nnd fingerprinted the next fonr months. Tracbt Forester Is Elected i^ident Youi^; Wilkes Democrats Orgaiuzatlon Perfected Fish Fry Meeting In This City Tuesday In P. D. Forester, prominent young business man here, was nroeress of the city elected president of Young Dem- ‘ InthuCries Want Sites Atbnmk; flood Danfor But Muirt . - Have Railroad Tnutk Boi^ueraof. / tbe 6on;hii$^[: compspy havs bheig .worttog-hne this week seekfac a rtrtte fbr a apn/ track to ast elevation above tbe danger eC Yadkia flooda While details have not been inUs public, H lis understood several prospective sites for spur track have been gone by. engineers in aLi effort to flaA a place tor construction of indoe- trlal plants above flood danger. Two large plants, the Hosaa Chair company factory and tka ’main plant of tbs International Shoe company tannery, were fa tally d^troyed fay fire in tha flood on tbe Yadkin August 14 and other industrial plants hera suffered losses upward of ona million dollars. The heavy lossea and the expressed desire of tha eompanlee not to rebuild in tha flood danger zone have spurrsC efforts to find safer Industrial sltee, provided a railroad spar track could* be constructed tor the desired locality. , J. D. Moore, .president oC! Home Chair company, and off!-’ cials of the International Shaa company have stated that avail able sites not in the flood dang er zone will definitely influenza decisions of their companies latlve to reconstruction here. - In furtherance of the mova-' ment to offer every cooperatloB to Industries affected and for to- along ocrats' clubb of Wilkes county In the organization meeting held Tuesday night at the American Legion and Auxiliary clubhouse ja this city. Mr /♦’farester succeeds Sheriff Claude T Doughton, who has headed the organization of Young Democrats in Wllkes' for the past few years. Other officers elected at the meeting were Miss Clyde Shep herd as secretary and Claude Johnson, treasurer. The meeting Tuesday night was described as veiy enthusias tic and a large nunaber at tended. A fish rry added to the enjoyment of the occas.on and the crowd was representative of all parts of the county. Principal address of the meet ing was delivered by Attorney John McLaughlin, of Statesville. President Forester said today that he had not completed plans for organization of clubs but In dicated that the organizntioM may play an Important part in the fall election campaign. Industrial lines, tbe Wilkes coum- ty commissioners have offered to make avaiUbble part of tte county farm lands in close praz- the town at “nominal* dost provided a railroad - track could be constructed to that lo cality. Officials of the Southern Rail way company have expressed a desire to offer every reasonaW* cooperation in efforts to solvw the problem of finding desirable locations and the construction oC a railroad spur trank. Triplett Infant Dies Funeral service was held Fri day at Lewis Fork church for Alvin Blaine Triplett, infant son of Oscar and Estella Shepherd Triplett, of Purlear. He died Thursday. Time and distance have been shortened,’’ he said. “A few ' weeks have seen great nations fall. We cannot remain Indiffer ent to the philosophy of fored now rampant in the world. The -lerible fate of nations whose weakness Invited attack is too “■•well known to us all. “We must and will marshal our great potential strength to fend off war from our shores. J We must and will prevent our Ikland from beceming a victim of aggression. “Our decision has been made. It Is the win of our people.” ’ Conscription i'ecame law on the day that the first contingent of national guardsmen—60,500 militiamen from 26 states were mobilized for a year of intensive training with the . To Be Ozlled in November The first group of conscripts— about 400,000—probably will be ^ called to the colors about Novem ber 16. Then, for the next five years, about a million men wl 1 L Inducted into the army annual ly for a year of training. -a# They will be drawn by lot and Reacted for service from the list \rA6,500,oeO registrants. The cal! euardssnen and conscripts Is de igned to hnlW » trained clvllla? - Mf- Kooaovolt ohcarfod: v. \ oar young'me* "*!!! como o« FM* Towl ... I II ■ I I I I Happenings On Siony Fork During The Night of August 13 ■_£! — : —— — Xa oV- 4A AM itbh, Home Chair Co. Has No Definite' Plans At Pres^. Purchase Or Lease Of Cot ton Mill At Ronda Un der Consideration J. D. Moore, president of Home Chair company, which lost its riant here by fire In the flood on August 14, said today that the company has made no defi nite plans for rebuilding and has not closed any transaction fur purchase or lease of any existing: plant. Rumors had been rampant here this week that the company had y- already acquired the vacant cot ton mill factory building at Rou- da, fifteen miles east of thle city, and had made definite plaea for installation of machinery im- , mediately B^DWIGHT NICHOLS More than a month has elapsed since the most disa.stroiis flood in the history of northwestern North Carolina left destruct ■■'u and death in it.s wake but the residents of western Wilkes and eastern W’atanga. where slides combined with high waters to Sipread terror, will never forget that awful night of August 13. Determined to get at least a straight forward, second hand account of what people exper ienced amid the slides on the mountain, I went to the head waters of Stony Fork creek j iit west of the Wilkes county line into Watauga and tried as best I could to find out from the few remaining residents just what happened on the wogt prong of the creek near Deep Gap. Slides left destruction In their paths at several polnta but at no other place in the flood area did they wipe otit four homes with in a space of one-haf. mile. There were five homes, all occupied by Greens, and out of the five the residence of Lawrence Green Is the only one left except’the bouse of Mrs. Bessie Green and It was moved 300 yards. The west prong of Stony Pork Crert there In normal vresther would run through s three-lnoh pipe. On the night el August 13 and It Some idea of happened; when slides went down a prong: of Stony Fork Creek on the night of August' 13 «ih gained by a study of this picture, which shows the home of Mrs. Bessie , Green. l^e house; wWch waa ^uilt by the peo- Baptist church pie of ' Stony Pork- for Mrs. Green and children after ttie death of her-hn^and, i^cs mbveii About 800^ 'yards by the slides in the yaHjOj’bu^'was not demolished. It lodged Aminat the trunk oLsk maple tree ik tUame- • ter. The tree was uprooted antd broken. S(Steff Photo by Dwight Nicbota) .v. > about Mine o’clock it took the en tire vsiley to hold the water, the (boulders, the dirt, trees and debris of one kind and another. •It had been raining frequently heavily for three days but began to pour above five o’ clock on the afternoon of August 13. Wind and lightning added to the horror of that awful night when nine were killed and others injured in that little community. “The rain didn’t fall in drops, it was in sheets of solid water,’’ one man who survived the tragedy said in de.scrlbing the weather. ’The steep mountainsides were already soaked and the sod was water logged before the rain be gan to fall in its greatest inten sity and for four hours “the rains fell and the floods descended’’ Without letup. Great masses of earth slipped from their moor ings 4,000 feet above sea level and rushed with destructive force down to the ravines below. When they hit the ravines t|tey didn’t stop but thupdered on down the beds of what had been little streams in a madi rush tor the vallsye faeltnr. In the valleys the onnsh of mnlt^Ued tbousande of tons o( water, dlrt,>roelEs and tretf' Blaokened tat little nnti' they disintegrated Into drifts, s W.hile purchase of the property at Ronda has been considered and proposals have been advanc ed to the company by the owner, Mr. Moore said definitely today that no business transaction had been made by the company f* that plant or on any other pro posal and that at the present time he was undecided about f»- ture plans. He did say, however, that early action is necessary and that thw company will formulate plans to resume operations at some loca tion as soon as possible. Mr. Moore lost a plant in the 1916 flood and the loss of the Home Chair company factory is the August 14 flood this year prompted his exj-ressed declsiow not to rebuild on the old location. ri; !f American Legion Square Daiice Fridays .vi. Pat M. WilHams, recogidied a> the best square dance csjier theee hyar hlIU,”,.hM unuMnf|4 that tbe WUkee post o( tha. Aane^ lean Legion wlU eptafiorli; sqtiairw dance at the -Legion aiUI ■ lary eliifahoase Friday alfht^ ec«?> tembcW'fiOj, nntti IX A otBd taad tfm wniaftM'- — — - aish musle and A a > little at a. time, nihny miles trom|g,ij,^|j) atte^^isf^ $2^^ (Continued on pug* eouple.'

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