■^Kad ProdfUDbatioB Is Issued; Di*> plejr Of Fists Sag tested By N. C. GoTsmor Rsletgii. Meat i ■Wednesday wlH be “another day of destiny for ▲nieriea'' If erery cltUen does hU duty, GoTernor Hoey asserted Friday 1 n proclaiming that date registration day for all those irlthln the draft age limits. “In this hour North Carolina urill support the national defense program in its , entirety,” the chief execotlre said In his procla mation. "We stand ready to join the sisterhood of states In prepar ing for the dolense of our com mon country on land and sea and in the air. “We realise the perils which confront us in the presence of a world conflagration. We know the need of preparation, we are conscious of the power and re sources of our nation, we are pre pared to make whatever sacrl- ficea are necessary, and we face the future unafraid." ^ ' Other Ooimtlee Report M^nwhlle, gearing of the reg- ^toratlon machinery proceeded. counties—Johnston, Iredell, ;iherokee. Rockingham, Hyde and amance—reported they were ady to proceed with the listing of all men between the ages of 21 and S5. Chowan sent word yesterday that It was prepared. Governor Hoey announced that today he planned to send to Pres ident Roosevelt the list of 155 North Carolina draft boards. To the clerks of court in the six counties from which draft board recommendations have not come, he sent a telegram saying the names must be reported today. The Governor listed draft boards for nine counties yester day, bringing to 144 the total number he has approved. gchooU To Cloee Though no general holiday will be declared, school officials In some counties will aid election officials, who will have charge of the registration, and some schools may suspend classes. The Stokes county school su- perinteadent told the riiief ^ecu- tlve that teachers throughout rv tjmt conn^ II' ' Captain" I the adJuUht gsMWal’* dai«rt- 4 meat told a conference of,prison 1 oupervisors that each prisoner should be registered upon his re lease if he is within the draft age limits, no matter what his crime had been. Persons released from asylums and sanatoriums are also subject to registration. Captain Jonas Issued a state- f nt urging all registrants to be tain that their correct home [resses are given. The Proclamation Governor Hoey's proclamation, which will be posted in post of- T#ces 'throughout the state, said In part; “Every person subject to re?- Istration is required to familiar ize himself with the rules and regulations governing registra tion and to comply therewith. Heavy penalties are provided for those who neglect or refuse register Democrats'Plan' Rally And Fish Fry Here On Thursday Wai Be Held At North Wil- keaboro Gymnasium; Broughton SpcMiker Wilkes Democrats are planning a big rally, fish fry and speaking on Thursday evening, October 17, at the North Wllkesboro high school gymnasium. A fish fry will tkke place at 5:30 and the main feature of the program to follow will be an address by J. M. Broughton, Democratic candidate for gover nor. ■Party leaders in discussing plans for the event said today that a most enjoyable occasion is anticipated and that a large crowd Is expected. In addition to the address of the candidate for governor, there will be other entertainment. An nouncement of plana stressed the invitation for everybody to at tend. Committees for the occasion have been announced as follows: Committee on arrangements, C. T. Doughton, chairman, P. D. Forester. Jr., A. A. Cashlcn, W. H. McElwee. J. B. McCoy, Rich ard Deans, Carlyle Ingle, Paul S. Cragan, R. G. Finley, C. O. Mc Neil, Jimmie AndelHOO, F. C- Tomlinson and Bill Tomllhson. Committee on entertainment: Mrs. W. D. Halfacre, chairman, Mrs. R. G. Finley, Mrs. R. T. Mc Neil, Mrs. L. M. Nelson, Mr».,C. T. Doughton, Mrs. Emmett John son, Miss Clyde Shepherd, Miss Toby Turner, Mrs. J. A. Rous seau. Mrs. Z. V. Stewart, Mrs. Clyde Crutchfield, Mrs. R. Y. Peck, Mrs. George Foraeter, Mrs. Mis» Ijola Scroggs and Mrs. MoCoy. ^ Scotch Children ..Seeking Refuge ^ ARMenAge To Re^er; Supplies Seirt To Predncts Throughout Cdui^ River O.P.To Meet Wednesday Announcement has been made of a Young Republicans meeting for Reddies River township to be held on Wednesday night, 7:30, at Millers Creek school. The public has a cordial invitation to attend. Committees For Triple A Work Elected Saturday Delegates Meet In County Convention And Name Ad ministrative Groups • • ■ ■ A Urge gronp of some of the mere thsm 3M Scotch children pktnred on the S. 8. Csmeronist when,they srrived ta the ssfety of the United SUtes recenUy. The children, many of ihem sccompsnied, sro destined for homes sU ever the United States. Germany has "washed its hands” of responsibUlty for the ssfety of ships bear ing child refhgeM to America. Wilkes People Charged Part 01 Big Liquor Ring Twenty Men and Women Arrested Throughout Northwestern N. C. Winston-Salem.—A liquor ring that federal agents Ultimate was distributing 1.000 gallons a week in Wnston-Salera has been smashed with the arrest of 20 men and women. One of the big gest alleged conspiracies to vio late federal liquor laws ever un to I covered In Winston-Salem or vl- j cinity was revealed with arrests “'itTs the duty of all agencies throughout Northwestern North of government—county, state and Carolina, federal—to co-operate J. B. Carter Is Named President OfKiwanisClub OfficerAPor Next Year Were Elected Friday; Conven tion Reports. Hewd fully in Six automobiles, one truck and J, B. Csrteiva au«t xiU sirte "leiiaer.'.^ivks "e president of the North Wllkes- boro Klwanis club for the year 1941 In the meeting held Friday noon. The other officers elected were as follows: Dr. F. C. Hubbard, vice president; T. E. Story, sec retary-treasurer; J. R. McCart ney, Gordon Finley. Paul Os borne, Robert S. Git)li>. Jr., and I. B. McCoy, directors. The of- 'Icers w'ere nominated by report of a nominating committee at a previous meeting. Prior to the program Friday attorney W. H. McElwee. chair- nan of the Wilkes county 'ooard of elections, called attention to registration of men for the draft Octobe- 16 and as':ed employers to cooperatt by rejeasing men In small numbers throughout the day. D. J. Carter was program chairman and the program open ed when he asked Paul S. Cragan to lead in singing a number of songs. He then presented T. E. Story, who reported on excellent Congregational Singing Oet. 20 An organization to promote interest In congregational sing ing will be formed In a singing to be held at Stony Fork Baptist chnrch on Sunday, October 20. The singing will convpe at 1:30 p. m. and everybody Inter ested in congregational singing Is invited to attend. ' ' •or Thirty Are Needed In Addi tion To Teachem In North Wilkeaboro Township in carry-i 750 gallons of liquor were seized iprograms of the Kiwanls District assisting in every way Ing into successful execution the • during^an investigation extending plans for the complete registri -, over a long period. tlon of all their employees who. Twenty people have been ar- are required to register, and I ' rested, signed confessions have urge all employers of lab?r ia been obtained from 15 and the state to arrange for all regis-, have been ordered held tor trant- to be released fn.m wnr” I federal grand i'>rv nf'er b-av-- on that day for a sufficient length before commissioners in various Of time to enable them to regis- towns, agents of the alcohol tax ter and to otherwise a.-isist in [ unit stated. (Continued on page eight) fContinued on page eight! ail the convention held recently In Win- i;ton-Salem; Pr. F. C. Hubbard, who reported on entertainment; and J. B. Carter, who gave a re port of the business of. the con vention. Their reports Indicated that the Winston-Salem conven tion was very successful and out standing from every standpoint. At the mee'lng Friday W. B. HortOn was a guest of J. R. Hix. A call was Issued today for vol unteers to help election officials and school teachers register men In North Wilkesboro township on Wednesday, October 16. In North Wltkesboro It is esti-. mated that 60 persons will be needed for the work. Thirty school teachers are available and the registration board seeks at least 30 volunteers. Persons who will volunteer their services for the one day of patriotic duty are asked to notify W. H. MqBlwee, elections board chairman, or Paul S. Cragan, city schools superintendent, immedi ately. A meeting of teachers and vol unteer workers will be held In the school (auditorium on Tues day night, seven o’clock, to re ceive instructions for the regis trations. Employers in North Wilke-s- boro have been asked to release men In small numbers through out the day In order that there will not be a rush after factory working hours. Registration will open in all precincts at seven a. m. and close at 9:30 p. m. Triple ‘'A” Office Force To RescOe Of The Officiahi Donate Half Day Of Labor To Patriotic C#use Here Saturday Afteivoon Committeemen for the county and communities to administer the Triple A program In Wilkes county were named In a conven tion of delegates held at the courthouse Saturday. At community meetings dele gates to the county convention were nominated and later elected by ballot of the farmers partici pating. The delegates were as follows; Community A, composed of Boomer, Beaver Creek, Moravian Falls, Wilkesboro and Brushy Mojuntaln townships, Floyd 'V. Hendren. Community B, Lovelace, Anti och, New Castle F..SAt!«rta. and Somers, B. Tvork. Seiwre PenuItiM Prescrihudi By Law For Failur* To Riapater Machinery for the registratfoK of an estimated 4,750 men la Wilkes county on October 1C will be perfected In a meeting of • registrars and judges to be held on Tuesday morning, October 1C, ten o’clock, at the city hall. The meeting was called by W, H. McElwee, chairman of th*: Wllkee county board of elections who will give Instructions to tho elections officials relative to thu huge task of registering men be tween ages of 21 and 36 for ■«- lectlve military service. School teachers o f Wllkeo county and the North Wilkesbons city schools system have volnx- teered their services to assist election registrars and judges lx registration on October 16 s«4 representatives of schools wblefe hove been designated as registnk- tlon points met Friday atteniMU tor Instructions. October 16 will be a school holiday In Wilkes ia order that school teachers mmr help witfi the registration sad school buildings may be used. EMtimates place the number of men eillgible to register fa Wilkes at about 4,750 and «a this basis it was further estimat ed that 200 people will be nee«l- ed to fill out the reglstratlsa blanks.' In North .WUkeMeem township alone it waB'~^ftnl^j|iHd that so workers will be nseeaean’ to carry out the ■ regkdrstta. sWfpn and Leirli Prbffit!'""’ Community D, Reddles River, Mulberry and Union, W. M. Ab- sher. Community E, North Wilkes boro, Walnut Grove and Rofck Creek, J. L. Gregory. Community F, Traphill and EMwards, T. M. Carter. The county committee as elect ed is composed of J. M. German, chairman, H. C. Roberts and W. M. Absher. J. A. Poplin was named first alternate. Lawrence Miller was re-elected secretary and Mrs. Rosa B. Church treas urer. The committees for the com munities were elected as follows; Community A--F. G. Holman, W. R. Hubbard and I. J. Broyhill; community B—B, P. Roberts, G. C. Green and R. H. Green; com munity C—'R. L. Profflt, W. 0. Barnett and H. H. Beshears; community D—A. R. Miller, J. W. Nichols and Q. 0. Kilby; com munity E—P. E. Church. N. P. 'Brooks and N. P. Myers; com- |miinity F—J. A. Poplin. Coy Dur- iham and C. B. Settle. tii6 rescue of the eleclibns board chairman Saturday in work nec essary before the government registration of men on Wednes day of this week. Blanks and supplies had to be counted and packed for the 29 precincts In the county, entailing a vast amount of work, for which no provision is made for pay ment. W. H. McElwee, chairman of the county board of elections, called a number of places to se cure volunteer help but every body was too busy. Later he tried two district WPA offices but was told that government regulations prohibited the office personnel from doing such work. Then he called Lawrence Mill er, secretary of tho Triple A which maintains an office force in the office of the county farm agent. Without exception, every person in the office volunteered their services and worked throughout the afternoon. Mr. McElwee said they did the job very efficiently and deserve the commendation and gratitude of the public. FIRST Box Supper Hrid&y ___ A box supper for the benefit Tommie Speight, now fattening of Center Baptist church will be a beef calf as his olub project. Is held at Mulberry school building Is the first Bertie Comity 4-H'on Friday night. October 18. it boy to attempt such a project, was announced today, and the says Assistant Farm Agent R. D. '■ public has a cord«l Invitation Smith. 'to attend. of the gchoal ‘ t«scMa aad wMI- out exception they offered to work on registration day to a»- slst registrars. No one wll; re ceive pay for the work. W. H. McElwee, chairman of the elections board and superrie- ing the registration In Wilkes Wednesday, said today that aom changes have been made in reg istration places. In Brushy Mountain reglstna- tion will be at Mountain Cnik school and at the voting place. In Somers registration will be at Somers school and Lovelace school. Mulberry number one will be at Rock Springs school. Jn Antioch the registration place will be at Tom MathIK store. North Wilkesboro will be at the elementary school building on D street and at the colored, school. The line will form at the east entrance to the bullding. Cars may park on the street or school grounds east of the build ing. The registration questions wfU he simple and should be easUji answered. The cards will call for name; address, age, birthplace, name of person who will alwaj? know ad dress, employer’s name, place of employment, height, weight, rot or of hair and eyes, complexion, (Continued on page eight) if slides don’t strike in the >dine piBce twice, then mavbe the home shown in the adja cent picture wi'l be safe. It is the residence of Guy Carlton, who has rebuilt on tiie same place near Deep Gap where his home and service station were swept away by a slide in the flood on August 13. The other picture is a view of the path of the slide, look ing from Carlton’s home to- nmrd the top of the B"ue Ridge. Shown on the porch of the home are Mr. Carlton, three chiUren and Mrs. Carl ton. Th«r fourtt diild re mains in a hosiHtal. not hav ing recovered from an injury received when' his father’s service station was destroyed on August 13. Of the nine in the service station when it was hit by the slide, two were killed. They were Mrs. Mar tha CarroU and Johnny- MiH- er, age 9. Hundreds of people have stopp^ to aifli Mr.;Cud- ton‘to t^ of experiences and almost nfiiraeuloas escape of his fa^y from death in ti*e Rebuilds Where Slide Destroyed House, Statioa “If lightning doesn’t strike lx the same place, then why shonld slides?’’ Perhaps that’s the logic fol lowed by Guy Carlton, who has erected a neat little dwelling ox the side of highway 421 next Deep Gap—on the Identical spot where a slide In the flood on the night of August 13 destroyed big residence, store and service sta tion. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton and three of their four children are already occupying their new home. Their ' fourth child hasn’t’ recov^rM fro mlnjuries received when th» sUde swept away the service pta- tioD and has not . been relexaed from the bo^itxl. . Carlton figures that If there, shonld be another flood as as the one in Angiut that anethar slide at the same spot wooiq^ba ooUkely, bedaaae (Contlnoad ottJ

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