jpBHAtJATBlOT BAS K^BKT ■W! *r- * ^*f":V’- . -'r fTMt TietoiT iA A’ : Js^««*k-IOM Mrial coaAt«i>QK tMotr* tluU' sniMbed • idll-dren; Gwman attMipt at lavafton va| etalmad offieiallr by th«^ritb^ yaatwiiay c«d .>ut doa-ii^to;:Ai^ mdr« historic detent of tlwn U'v lasds. v' > • Tbrongh Us new* *ervlce, tbe air mlnlatry told the story—how Brltlab b^bers had doggediy ridden the air over a 2,000-mile Nasi front, alternately attacking and observing, until the German invasion fleet had been dispersed at last and German invasion spring-boards had tjeen wrecked fropi ^Narvik, Norway, to Bor- deanx, far to the south In France. *59“ -3jg(r- ■eU. dm" ‘4f ili S P''''' .'’ji'j 6f‘WlLK^ ’i i-'-v- 3' ^ol^^£S3mir No. fiifil f iJii Stualwant Saturda Chairman Of Red Cross Roll Callj—. . Appointment Announced PUblishad^OBdays and / ^ ^ Novi Sth Chapter Chairman; Oth er Posts Are Filled LONDON.—German raiders re sumed their aerial assault on London at dawn today after giv ing the heavily-bombed capital one of its quietest nights in more than two weeks. A fairly heavy burst of anti- W. K. (Bill) Sturdivant will be Red Cross roll call chairman In Wilkes county this year. Announcement of appointment of Mr. Sturdivant, weU known church, civic and business lead er, was made today by J. H. Whicker, chairman of the Wilkes Heads Roll Call A lixiriy utrttvy uuiot. va . . n a aircraft fire greeted the Nazis county Red Croas chapter. Ac- . . V.«r Ativn o rt A t>iA /\rnaT*a roaring over In the new raid. The Germans began their night attack on London last night ear lier than usual but, after a mo- ceptance by him and the others who have been appointed to key duties in the roll call practically assure its success in the county,” mentarlly heavy stab, the raid \ ^ bicker said, titered off before midnight into I C. B. Eller, county superinten- tnw lightest attack of the last 17 'dent of sfchools, will serve as roll jiphta I call chairman for the rural dis- jfluhe outer defenses, and a hea- trict; Paul S. Cragan. superin- vy rain over the channel, appear ed to have turned back the main Nazi thrusts. Elarly today the sound of ex- plxling bombs could be heard in tbs city, but from afar, and the fla-shes of the anti-aircraft guns rose over the distant horizon. This period of relative quiet was in sharp contrast to the early evening when buildings shudder ed for a time under the Impact of frequent bombs. Lisbon, Portugal.—Adolf Hit ler In person carried the power politics of the axis to the border of Spain yesterday afternoon, meeting Generalissimo Francisco Franco for many hours in a all way car and. it was reported re- llabJy. fashioning Spain’s part in the ‘‘new order" he has designed for Europe. In a meeting reanlniscent of the Hltler-Mussolini conferences in the Brenner Pass, the German fuahrer kept a rendezvous with f^ggatff’s II caodillo (chief) tha* began at 4:15 o’clock yesterday afternoon, was resumed at 6:45 n. m.. and was continuing, ac cording to reliable Spanish ports, later last night. re- tendent of North Wilkesboro school.’', is publicity chairman; Richard G. Finley Is chairman of t h e Special Gifts committee: Blair Gwyn is treasurer; and W. D. Halfacre, secretary of the chapter, is chairman of decora tions and displays. Other workers will be selected in the next few days, Mr. Stur divant announced. The roll call will begin on November 11 nationally but the Wilkes chapter will begin Its drive on November 16. In view of the splendid way in which the Red Cross took care of the flood relief situation In this county In August and the oppor tunity for the people to view the services of the Red Cross and ap preciate their value. It is expect ed that Wilkes will respond to the roll call even more liberally than during the past several years. j I I I New Reg^atifm Called m Wilkes Prior? To Primaiy 1940" —% pifooMto; Li' , - j4.00 (Wtaf tH&g GreatfBHtW Commissioners And Register Deeds Races Will Fea ture Fight In County Yadkiii Pw River Here One^iWay Structure Will 1 ; RMdy For Tyamc With in A Few Days \V. K. Sturd'vant, whose ai>- pointnient as ,Rod Croas roll call chairman for Wilkes coun ty wa.s announced today by J. H. Whicker, chapter chairman. Draft Board Here Organizes; Begins Numbering Cards J. R. Hix Chairman ’f Board For District Two; W. P. Kelly Is Named Clerk Wilkes Is one of many counties in the state which ordered a new registration this year and there are many who had registered for previous elections whose names are not now on the books to vote In the fall election November. Persons who wish to vote In the November 5 election have on ly through Saturday of this week to get their names on the regis tration books. Various reports from Wilkes precincts indicate that there has been no heavy reg istration since the books opened on October 12. Many registered for the pri maries held this year and will not have to register for the elec tion. But those who did not reg ister prior to the June primary j must register not later than Sat- ' urday of this week in order to vote On November 5. On the Wilkes ticket this year are candidates for register of deeds, representative and state senator, county commissioners and county surveyor. Voters In Wilkes this year will not vote for a sheriff, clerk of court or coro ner because those officers are now In Che midst of four year 1 w A Lockheed bomber, Uie first of several bombers which are being manufactured in this country tor the British government, which took off recently from the Detroit city airport on the final leg of its flight from CaUfomla. The camouflaged plane is shown In the hangar whero It had been placed under a apeolal guard. Draft board for Wilkes district number 2 with headquarters In „ ,^0 full Nelson Elected. Vice t^a city met y^terday afternoon fn^ "minder "1. rH^namS'chairman governor, T bejcjt^ts Of American Legion Wllllams secretary. The ana J. H. Wlinams secrmary. luc —- - -loMnrQ third member of tbe board, who ; and L. M. Nelson, commander of was named Instead of Ernest Ed- ‘•'a Wilkes county post of the American I.^'gion, was elected district vice commander at a wards, who could not serve. Is R. G. Finley, also of this city. W. P. Kelly was named clerk to the board and headquarters will .be maintained in the city (No aamparable mystery c.w l..gion. was has surrounded Hitler’s “^"au-j vice commander vers. Military secrecy, | meeting of the American Legion naturally, cloaks his Jefferson Saturday and the start of his i night Ke succeeds Scar Morrison, I kail, o^this occasion even the cor-,^^ Mooresville. who was elected The board immediately began tllUndents in nominally "autra commander to succeed' to place serial numbers on reg- - unable to make direct Johnson, who resigned this istration cards. The numbers will be posted and published in order Spain were reports of the meeting.) It was indicated that a com- nique might be expected later. On the Wilkes ticket the fight will be centered on register of deeds and county commissioners offices. A bin Introduced by a Yadkin county representative and passed b.y the last legislature di vided Wilkes into three districts for election of commissioners and each district will elect one mem ber of the board of three. According to previous voting. The- week will open on Sunday, October 27, with a special service at Wilkesboro Methodist church at 11 a. m. Dr. W. J. Pllnt, .pas tor, will deliver the sermon. The feature tor Monday will be a parade by Girl Scouts and lead ers at 3:30 in the afternoon. On 'Tuesday evening, 6:30, place with the legion. posted and pum.snea ' g is predominantly Re- Among those attending the le- that people might know who a ^ large Oemo- g^ique migni ue , auxiliary meeting in called when the numher^ are ^ ^nd the other ^ ... ■ ip he United West Jefferson were Mr. and Mrs. drawn in the national lottery ^ Democratic majority of StalfSrdar-i^ny^-r. ^,^01."^ ^ D' Co'J: "nt«"Lrd for (he Wilkes-' 2 350 votes In the “’IS r'S ■“ properties in neutral Saudi Ara- Belmont, state Whittington as chairman and se- bia by ";i*,.grgd bv ' commander of the Legion, and i lection of Wm. A. Stroud as The protest was delivered Charlotte, state j clerk. Headquarters for the dis- Assistant Secretary p,,g,i^g„i the Legion Auxiliary,, trict are in the federal building Adolph Rerle Jr., to the itaiiaii e Mother (with letter) writes from college that he has amba.s.sador. Prince Tolonna. ' were present and made James A. Moffett, vice presi-i>ng addiesses. dent of the Standarch Oil Com-' paity of California, reported to the State Department several days ago that a petroleum plant operated by one of its subsidiar ies in Saudi Arabia had been bombed. It was understood only minor damage wa.s done. ' to have a new mortar board for j house in iiitorost- ' W'ilkosboio. ’ A moetins of draft boards of !len northwestern North Carolina Richard I coiintie.s w-ill be held Friday morning, 10:30, at the court- Wilkesboro, at which Local Barber Kills Large Ground Hog time government authorities will commencement.” . Father: "Mortar board? Did ; give detailed instructions relative we send him to college to become j to duties of draft board mem- a plasterer?” (hers. *p C. Wagoner, barber at the ;ity Barber Shop, killed an un- isually large ground hog while quirrel huntiag In Ashe county Jonday. The large animal, according to aany who saw it here Monday, ,8 one of the biggest ground 163 ever seen in this section, (r. Wagoner said he was going y find out just how good ground og meat Is. Hallowe’en Party At Mountain View WPA Project May Assist Fanners In Puitting Streams Back Into Channels Wilkesboro To Play Old Town Seniors Of Other Wilkes Schools To Be Guests At Game Tomorrow Announcement has been made (f a Hallowe’en carnival to be leld at Mountain View school on rhursday. October 31. 7:00 p. m. mere will be games and contests Of young and old and costume (riiee for children and adults. A ake walk will be another en- P ble feature and a good time iBured all who attend. A WPA project to a-ssl’t several weeks to get a WPA Pro- Wilkee county farmers in the ' ject Proposal approved for WPA ■-s',- of placing streams hack cooperation with the Soil Conser- where they were before the Au- j vation District, similar to the one rust 14 flood is being sought by | we have in progress in Union •he soil conservation service, it county. We have similar propos- was learned here today. j ala In other districts that are J. G. Hackett^ of this city, either complete or will be aib member of the( state highway ^ proved in a few days. It seems "ommission and who has firs't' now that the Wilkes County Pro- 'tand knowledge of devastation posal will be cleared shortly, and wrought by the flood, recently we will be able to furnish coope- wrote Representative W. O. Bur- j ration with the farmers in gin. asking if some form of aid, j Wilkes county who have signed poasitly a WPA project, could be' cooperative agreements with the arranged to assist farmers in p’tt- i Supervisors of the Soil Conserva- ing streams back into their beds tion District. STEP ON IT A polite sportsman motorist, ksing through a western village, i.hing to show proper respect for le village ordinances, accosted a reet comer policeman. What is the speed law here, ease?” “Ain’t got none,” replied the m. "You fellows can’t get through M faat eitough . - Wilkesboro high school foot ball team will play Old Town school from Forsyth county on Wilkesboro’s field Friday after noon. two o’clock, as the feature attraction for “senior day” at the school. Wilkesboro will try to get-back into the victory column once a- galn. The Ramblers this year tied the opening game with Mineral Springs 7-7, won over Lewisville 7-6 and lost last Friday to Tay lorsville 12-0. Wilkesboro’s coach. R. B. Cald well, said today that he had been strong high school team and has a good record so far this year. Wilkesboro’s Plans Made For Observance Of Girl Scout Week A Church Service, Parmde, Banquet and Cump Fire Meeting Are Included Plans for local observance Girl Scout Week October of 27 tbroQgit^diloTember 8 wMl, ■edninieo''4n WllksehOro '■■eir bounced hM’e today by Girt Scout leaders. Crinimal Court Term To Begm Monday Morning state highway bridge foreoe ara busily engaged In constrie- tlon of a temporary bridge e- crosB the Yadkin at the site at the former structure here, whldi was destroyed In the flood on A*- gnst 14. Highway officials said todag the temporary structure, whiek ' will have load limits, will be rea dy for use In a few days. It ia ^ being constructed on the concreta I piers which remained after tha flood and additional wood sup ports which have been c o n- structed. It will he for one-way traffic only. Meanwhile, a survey for a more substantial concrete bridge has been authorized. Highway offici als plan ultimately to construct a concrete bridge which would not be destroyed by flood waters. The lower Yadkin btridge here is of much Importance because it conpects this city with the short cut road built a few years ago to 421 one mile east of Wilkesboro. The highway division prieoa camp and machine shop is locat ed on the south end of the bridga across the river from North WH- kesboro and while the bridge fa ont all traffic from those points must go by way of the short cut road and highway 421 by Wilkes boro to reach North Wilkesbors and all other points on the nortb side of the river. Judge Gwyn Will Preside Over Court; Calendar Ar ranged By Solicitor » A week of Wilkes superior court for trial of criminal cases Monday, October 28, with Judge Allen H. Gwyn presiding. Solicitor Avalon E. Hall, who will prosecute the docket, has arranged a calendar for the term containing about 125 criminal cases, ranging all the way from drunkenness to homicide charges. ■ The term was onglnally sche duled for two weeks but in view of the fact that the second week Mothers-Daughters banquet will^^ijl be at the time of the elec- be held at the Woman’s Club on Trogdon street. tion, jurors were drawn for one week only. The court calendar as released 'by the solicitor stated that wit- at a campfire on the lawn of the 1 nggses in cases not reached on the At eight o’clock on Tuesday evening Girl Scouts will assemble Dramatic Club At Wilkesboro Is Formed For Year Girl Scout Hut. Wins ‘Articles In Purse’ Contest Rocky Mount, N. C., Oct. 14.— At a meeting of farm women a contest was held to determine who carried the most articles in her purse. Mrs. S. P. Jones won with 35. day calendared are required to attend court until discharged by the solicitor or the case has been disposed of. The' complete calendar for the term is published elsewhere in this newspaper. Special Term A special term of court w-ill convene on Monday. November 11. Taxi Driver Held Under $1,000 Bond In C. 0. Bumgarner Death Hearing ^.^{Sptatic ..Club of WUL— scfcool held a meeting saS elected the following officers for the year: preeldent. Weaver Greene; vice president. Justus Brewer; secretary, Chelcie Mo- Nell; assistant secretary. Grace Marlowe: treasurer, Hoke Steel man. The following standing com mittees were appointed by Pres ident Weaver Greene: progrant committee, Mary Brewer, chair man, Zelma Droyhlll, Margarat Ferguson, Ruby Smith, and Car olyn Linney; advertising commit tee, Jerry Wyatt, chairman, Nan cy Lee Yates and Mary Sue 'Wil liams. Other officers of the chu are; stage manager, Bryce Morrison, in charge of stage lighting; Ijcon- ard Kerley, stage s‘tling: Bleeka Phillips, make up. Eleanor Cau dill, .script; Ruth Ellis, costum ing; Louise Kennedy. Zeb Dick son, club sponsor, discussed plans and .activities for the club year. One of the suggested club pro jects is the presenting of plays at high school chapel programs.- Ed Lyalls, driver of the car which struck and killed Charles O. Bumgarner late Monday near this city on highway 421, was or dered by a coroner’s Jury Tues day morning to be held for su perior court under bond of $1,- 000. Bumgarner was killed as he was walking on the side of the He died al- road near his home moat Instantly after being hit by „u. Z,„,e.b drt.» W informed that Old Lown nas a Lyalls, 21, told the Jury that he was blinded by the lights of starting lineup, he at least two appro^Z cars and and thus aid In reclaiming land badly damaged by flood waters. His request was referred by Representative Burgin to E. B. 'iarrett. North Carolina coordina tor of the soil conservation ser vice. His reply to Representative Burgin, which was forwarded to Mr. Hackett, follows: “This Is In reply to your let ter of October 5, quoting the Hon. J. Gordon Hackett. North Wilkesboro, with reference to work In Wilkes county. “Wilkes county is a Work Unit it the Trl-Creek Soil Conserva “Any cooperation that Soil Conservation Service should be able to render will be In keeping with the program and plan of work as recommended and ap proved by the District Supervis ors, and every effort will he made to meet the requests of the farm ers In the county. However, as you know, the Service did not re ceive the same appropriation that we did las-t year and suffered a reduction In funds which neces sitated the reduction of personnel In the State. We are making eve ry effort to cooperate to the full- said, may have Phillips and Jar vis at ends, Garwood and Adams at tackles, Dennis and R. Moore at guard, B. Moore at Center. In the backfleld will be quarterback Adleman, Bouchelle as fullback while two of the three Linney brothers on the squad, J. and D. Linney, will be halfbacks. Seniors of all high schools In the county have been Invited to Wilkesboro school for' the day and and will be guests at game. did not see Bumgarner, who was walking with Marvin Faw, a young hoy who was pushing a roller cart to Bumgarner’s home and place of business. The jury found by its verdict that Bumgarner came to his death while walking on the wrong side of the road and when hit by a car driven at an ive rate of speed by Lyalls. Mem LUO -- — tion District and soil conservation est extent, with th,e means we work Is moving forward In the have, in all countlee that are now county. We hare, been trying forj (Continued on page eight) -iSfe-'v'V#. tbe Pie Supper At ^ Boomer On Friday Announcement has been made of a pie supper to ))e held Friday night, November 1, 7:30 o’clock, at Boomer school. String music will be provided and an evening of entertainment la-assured all who will attend. Proceeds will be tor tjie of the road going west from this city and that Bumgarner and the taxi driven by Lyalls were trav eling In the same direction. The accident occured at 6:35 Just aft er dark. The officer said it oc cured within the 25-mlle per hour speed limit zone which extends for two miles along the highway, Mrs. Liza Bumgarner, a sister of Bumgarner, wa^ the second witness. She said she saw the ac cident. Her estimate of the sneed of the taxi was placed at from 60 to 65 miles per hour. Mrs. Bumgarner ai^ four other witnesses testified that they did not see any other cars on the highway at the time of the acci dent. Mrs. Nora Byers estimated tbe speed of Lyalls’ car at about 45 miles per hour. Elbert Mc Clure said It was traveling be tween 60 and 70. Marvin Faw. the boy who was pushing the roller cart and was walking beside Bumgarner, said bers of Coroner I. M. Myers’ jury that Bumgwner were C. G. Day, W. R. Absher, F. C. Tomlinson, Felix Holder, D p Walter and Paul Billings. The hearing was held In the city hall after the-coroner and Jury was about the edge of the walking concrete Revival To Begin In Wilkesboro On Sunday, Oct. 27 Revival services will begin Sunday night at the Wilkesboro Baptist church and continue for a week or more. Rev. E. V. Bumgarner, widely known Baptist minister of Tay lorsville. will a.ssl8t the pastor. Rev. C. C. Holland, and will do the preaching. The church ta.- tends a cordial Invitation for all to attend the services. Moravian Falls Community House Donations Needed Payment on the balance of the debt incurred for constrnetton of Moravian Palls community house Is due on Monday, October 28, and those who have not paid their subscribed donation* are urged to do so not later than Saturday of this week. Many have been liberal In their donations, for which th« people of the community are grateful, and they will appreel- ISI/VUt. vaiw vxe©'- ^ pavement aiid that he was push-1 any further donations front ing the-cart on the tarvia strip j^j,y Donations to the tend which was recently added to the | payment of aj&onnto already . . . mSsA Wsvv wHn > • AmwsMSA tdte had viewed the body, visited the highway .pavement. The boy, who and in- was also hit Vy some part of the oar or by Bumgarner’s 'body, was momentwlly knocked nnconscl- 008 and could tell nothing of what happened Immediately aft- scene of the accident spected Lyalls’ car. State Highway Patrol Sergeant Carlyle Ingle told at the Inquest - _ of his investigation of the acc! er the accident dent He said that he had been] Lyalls testified at the ’■*'**: informed by witnesses that Dyalla , saying that he was blinded by wM^Slnl fast.’ 1?»e accident, j lights_ of two «•_ Ihore jt el the school, be said, occured on the ^Idq Vi aasvaam. — - subscrUied may ha turtrfS W L. G. • Critcher, seorota#jmda»- urer of the Motartaa Falla Cons- munlty Association. ^ . (Contianed, on page If fully developed, the as«*a e« cotton for a new asnwnt-odtiow roofing shingle baa million halM St- Dovaitinoat of ticial esUmatee. ;