ISBi LTBIOT. KOBTg^yffitgroORO. N ._C. 1. How many of you know that you are disfranchised when you come to the election of your County Com missioners? Do you know that you can only vote for one Commissioner and that next year three as usual will pass upon the assessment and the tax rate to be placed on your property and that this was SPECIAL LEGISLATION forced upon Wilkes County by outside representatives and for political purposes? Are you in favor of it? 2. —Are you in favor of turning down the Board of Commissioners who with the lowest tax rate in recent years ($1.05) has paid during the past year $43,500.00 on the bonded indebtedness of the county and has con ducted the other county affairs in an economical and efficient manner? 3. _Do you know that next year is the time to revalue your real property and that in accord with the record of the fomer Board of Democratic Commissioners, should they be successful in electing two on the next Board, that you may expect to have substantial in creases? Have you forgotten that three years ago that many of you had your property raised 50 to 75% and some of you were raised more than 100%? Are you in favor of taking a chance on a similar board again? If Messrs M. F. Absher, Dave Mink, and Grover Hamby are elected County Commissioners, we guarantee Lon McNeil and A. A. (Dick) Cashion will not assess yom real property as they did in North Wilkesboro township in 1937. 4. —Are you in favor of your school teachers who have gone to great expense and through years of study to prepare themselves for their jobs and for which they re ceive meager salaries to be assessed a part of their sal ary by a political campaign committee and have their jobs taken from them if they fail to pay such assess ments? 5. —Are you in favor of a state school system that taps you to build and maintain Teacher-Training institu tions and then accepts your children as students and prospective teachers, taking their money and your money as tuition and other expense for four or more years of preparation for such job, and then when they have finished the course be denied the priviledge to teach unless they register and vote as members of the Democratic Party? This requirement is now being so rigidly enforced that there are no longer any Republi can principals and almost no teachers of that party who register as such? Are you in favor of this? 6. Are you in favor of an election law that will pro vide for the use of the absentee ballot in general elec tions where it is used to the great disadvantage of Re publicans but which is not used in Primary Elections where Democrats no longer wish to be found steal ing from each other? Are you in favor of this sort of election tactics? 7. —Are you in favor of a law passed by a representa tive from an adjoining county in which the Welfare Of fice of Wilkes county is selected by the Welfare Board only, while in 99 other counties in North Carolina the County Commissioners help make this selection? The County Commissioners in the other counties help in this selection because the counties put up part of the funds for welfare purposes. It is a known fact that two years ago the people entitled to old age relief and benefits were intimidated by threat that they would have no chance to obtain this relief if they did not vote the Dem ocratic Ticket. We are glad that despite the passage of this law the Democratic organization has been de feated in its nefarious purpose because we now have a Welfare Board which is determined that the Welfare Officer shall not control the expenditure of relief mon ey for political pu^oses. It is a sad affair when any party would intimidate the unfortunate citizens for po litical purposes. We want to insist on every one who is receiving these benefits to go to the polls and vote his sentiment and we assure you that the present Welfare Board, notwithstanding the power of the Welfare offi cer, will see to it that no one is taken off of the Welfare list regardless of how he or she votes. 8. —Do you know also that this same legislature passed a Special Act for Wilkes county granting the sheriff certain authorities regarding jail fees not allowed in the general laws governing such matters? Do you fa vor the sheriff of Wilkes having additional authorities not allowed in the general laws? 9. —Do you favor the disfranchising of men and wo men who have previously been voting but who cannot read and write; and further do you favor the disfran- drfsfng of young men who are ifi the process of being drafted for the army but who are unable to read or write satisfactorily to the registrars of Wilkes county? 10. —The Republican Party offers the citizens of Wilkes county candidates for County Commissioners, Mr. M. F. Absher in District No. 3, Mr. Dave Mink in District No. 1, and Mr. Grover Hamby in District No. 2. All three are hard working business men of high character and sound judgment. H elected they will serve openly and see to it that no citizen is discriminat ed against in the matter of property valuation for taxa tion purposes. If elected no one will sit behind their backs telling them what moves to make regarding the affairs of Wilkes county. If elected, every citizen re gardless of his political affiliation, can depend on these men serving every one fairly. In Professor T. E. Story, a candidate to the State Legislature and Mr. C. C. Sidden, as candidate for Register of Deeds, the Re publican Party offers two men whose many Democra tic friends attest the fact that they are men who put good government first and politics second. It behooves every citizen to vote for the best men and the best rec ord in local matters. A vote for these candidates is a vote for good government. For many years the Repub lican Party has guided the affairs of Wilkes county. No mismanagement of government has ever marred that record. In nearly all our neighboring counties in which the ^publicans do not have control of local affairs the tax rate is much higher than in Wilkes county and some times mismanagement of local government breaks out The people in Wilkes county have never been told why a law was introduced by a legislator outside otOTk^ county and passed over the Representaltive efect^by the people of Wilkes county which would take the con trol of the local affairs out of the hands of the majority of the people. We ask, was this for good government? We say to the people of Wilkes county, “Play safe. Vote for men who you are certain to stand for good government. Vote for the Republican Candidates.” > H You Are Id Faror of the Above Obnonous Practicee Jnst Vole tbe CoddI; Deoiocratic Met aid ’ You fill to Have Hem. If You Ate Not In favor Offteii Vote the Republican Met. (Political Advertising)