\C"i rownt Are Attacked ^ Atows, Dee. 18.—Greek m«- ehine funnere were reported rak- . tn» the Albanten towns of Kll- '«ir« and TepeJenl from surround ing mountaU) peaks tonight In an ■t.*pparent prelude to a major ef- a. fort to drire out the Italian de fenders. The Greeks declared that In bringing the two nearby towns under their guns their troops seared a “brilliant victory” like ly to have a decisive influence on the' Albanian campaign. Klisura is in middle Albania on a cross mountain road leading to'^Tepeleni, some 12 miles to the west. It also provides an import ant route to the lower Vlouaa river valley. Tell-tale flames such as those seen before the Italians retreated from Arglrocastro and Porto Ed- da ■were said to be licking sky ward at Klisura. indicating Mus solini’s forces had fired the city In preparing for withdrawal. Bombless Period For . British Capital London. Dec. 18.—Bomb-wise „>ndonere went into their second Recessive night without an alert tonight for one of their longest raid-free periods since September. The British capital had a simi lar bombless period last week, ending after 4 3 hours ^“1 51 minutes with a from the nans the night o cember 8. . „ the Adding to the ^ luftwatfe’s absence was the fac that the channel was clear o^ mis for the first time in ^eeks though the sky was cloudy. lUUdA Oemtinue Lt’night’s rain squalls to blast the German f^^ra^ight Mannheim for the second straight ithrthe air ministry announc- :^‘“cerm'’a:held channel ports Ld airdromes also were attack ed. Some idea of the pretty atreet lighting in North Wilkeeboro this holiday season can be gained from this night picture of Main Street, looking ■west from near the rorner of Main and Ninth. As shown by the picture, the street decorations consists of brilliantly lighted streamers wfth si-, over the center of the street The decorations are of a permanent type, purchased at considera ble cost by the merchamts, and may be used from year to year in attractive arrangements. (Staff photo by Dwight Nichols). Moose From Three Italians Retreat In Africa Dec. •. ISA Libyan coast toward Dema^ Force observers easternmost base left fascists in their disastrous E.. P “^ra'^Su appeared s«r- T^nded and doomed to fill to the British. armored cars were reported to have cut communications to tne ^vest From the east, thousands i^f fresh imperial troops brought In from Egyptian desert camps stormed the other end of a clos ing plncer which Imperiled sever al fascist divisions. The British command had but a single seiiteiice in description. "Operations in the Bardia area continue.” The reports of British pilots, however, drew a picture of fas cist flight over a vast area—from Bardia to Tobruk, itself more than 70 miles from the Egyptian frontier and the strongest Italian base In Libya, and on to the west from there toward Derna. while the British Northwestern Pays A Bonus States Gathered For Meeting Here Large Class Admitted In A Gathering Held In This City On Sunday May Come Saturday Holiday Trade Here To Reach A New High Record A well attended meeting was held on Sunday. December 16. at the Moose hall and a class of 25 was admitted into the Defending Circle under the direction of Membership Director A. Jack North Wllkciboro office of the I North Carolina Employment | Service and Unemployment Com- I pensatlon Commission has receiv- Merchants In This City Fre ed word from Raleigh that every - — -- - • • effort w^ill be made to have checks for claimants who are supposed to report' Monday. De cember 23, in the office here for pared To Meet Varied And Exacting Demands Holiday trade is Mount. The ex^plicatlon of the ritual was.JJ.nt tBa exeel- Tent team of "ISaTSt.!^ Va.Lbdge No. 733. The team was composed of Dr. R. C. Bowie, governor: Walter Catron. Junior governor. Glenn J. Musser. past governor: Golden Voss, prelate: Wilson Ramey, sergfant at arms; H. H. Williams, orator. 'Phere was some fine musical entertainment by the Mno-^e Mel ody Boys, of Gala.x. Very inter esting talks weie made by A. V. Nolan, who represented the class, by Gov, Allen, of Elizabethton lodge N’o. 3BP. Also heard were n. W. Cardwell, also of the Kliza- bethton lodge. Loyd Swann, o!' Lenoir lodge No. .385. and W. C. reaching a distribution on Saturday, Decern-1 peak in North Wilkesboro with ,igj. 21 ' the climax expected Saturday Claimants who are supposed'and a late rush on Tuesday, to report Monday may call at North Wilkesboro stores, an- their office Saturday for their; ticipating the high peak in hnsl- checks If they choose to do so. B. ne-^s this week-end. begin tonight G. .r«ttl»il»l?Jr..«PM evenings o’clock. in3"'vriR contigiW open evenings until that hour through Tuesday, December 24. With only four more shopping days until Christmas, retail busi ness is gaining rapidly in mo mentum here hut niercanlile es tablishments have prep-ared for an increa.se this year and were stocked heavily at the beginning of the season. A large nnmlier of C. O. Poindexter, WUkds ty accounta^nt aim tax or, today, announced that task of assessing and listing propr , erty for Uucatlon jrtU ' Wilkes on MondAjfi- tab 1941. -y-o. • He also released the names o( list takers and property assessors for the various townships in the ; county and urged that all prop erty owners and others required to list for taxation attend to the matter on the- dates which will be poiited for each township. This is re-valuation year in Wilkes and the assessment board for each precinct will consist of the list taker and two assessors. Mr, Poindexter has announced the following appointments, the first named being the list taker, . (the second a Republican assessor and the third a Democrat asses sor: Antioch—C. A. Sparks, Robert Segraves, B. L. Johnson, j Beaver Creek—Hayes Walker, Chap Ferguson, Charlie J. West. Boomer—Mrs. John Andrews, Ralph Swan.son. J. M. German. Brushy Mountain—Alonzo An derson. J. P. Hayes, W. H. Teve- paugh. Edwards No. 1—John K. Tharpe, H. A. Hanks, E. F. Ed wards. Edwards No. 2—Jack Hoots, Rev. John Burcham, J. B. Church. Edwards No. . 3—O. P. Hol brook. W; ,L. Draughn, J. F. Fields. Elk No. 1—S. P. Miller, Colon (Continued on page eight) ,3 Hoineless Toti'Q* ]] Jp ^ The Wilkes county welfare de partment has suggested that no tietie| Ghristmas gift could be children the welfare le now has in its care than ;gobd homes. The welfare officer, Charles McNeill, is looking for homes for a seven-year-old girl and two hoys, ages five and three years. They are Intelligent children and are badly in need of good homes. Persons interested' in taking one or more of the children are ask ed to get in touch with the wel fare office as soon as possible. lb Ar^ No. Tii|o Volimtewn ll«i;e To^Foi Qubtt orii^^ For Secomi CsJl Empty Stockings Fund Solicited By Welfare Officials Persons Who Will Care For extra .-ales people have boon fJOi 1,002 Persons In ^ jCou^ On )Iic As^tance WPA Project For City Talked Include Armory Armory, Athletic Field, Drill Field, Stadium And Re creation Area Interested citizens here are talking of plans for a big WPA project to fill several needs of North Wilkesboro. Included In the project would be an armory building, the arm ory here having been destroyed in the August 14 flood. ' There would also ■be an athletic field, a drill field for the armory, a recreation area and seats along side the athletic field. It has been estimated that the total project may be secured for j8s little as $20,000 for the spon sors part, not Ipoludhig the cqst of the situ. Wilkes ceunty's quota for th« second .selective sbiwtee call tn eleven men on January SO and. unless there are additional voluh- teers someone is going to bu drafted in Wilkes draft board area number two, according' to present indications. Wilkes draft board area num ber one, with office in'Wilkw- boro, has ten avallabla . Totals-' teers, which will 'fin" the^'tWiifr jla quota of six unless an unnsnnBy. ^ large percentage fall to pass tlM J physical examination. ‘ Wilkes board number twx which has office in the city ball building here, now has a muxi- mnm of four available volunteers and a quota of eleven men to fill on Janu.'.ry 20. The first call of five men from Wilkes,.»two from area numbw one and three from number two. was filled on December 11 ■with, volunteers. However, one of the men from board nnmber one, Belo Queen, of Gilreath, was re jected at Fort Bragg when ho failed to pass the physical exam ination there. A man to fill hi* place will be sent with the Jan uary quota. K'-dlXi>fg%evwra|r-yiwr8—ttrere ■ been agitation for a municipal : playground and the flood’.« de struction of the armory building Both hoards hare claaslfied a sufficient number of men intw class 1 to fill any reasonable call.' Draft board number two here mailed out an additional bait I hundred questionnaires Moadavw- to registrants whose. loMi .hydit. 'were^fro'fa ■'iW’to iSh, ' inclusive. Another fifty will bo mailed out next week. Approximately $8,000 Paid made the erection of another es In Monthlly GranU To Wilkes People Families At Christmas Time Wanted One thousand and two persons in Wilkes county this month re ceived public assistance funds ■ , totaline almost SS.OOO. records of ployed to accomodate the increas- welfare office showed, ed unnG -r of holidav shoppers in , $7,983, of ■ North Wilkesboro, which is the , J itradii'tt e. nrer tor an expanding ■ r ly end eoiiniy ve'fsre Ipartmonts and cooperating organ- in t ns pai o • . lizations are makina every effort M’-’^hants here Pemberton, of the High Boint j from honght mere lan ise Iteing an em'*v stocking Ynle- Previons y e a !• ereater lodge No. 693. W. H. Dnhling. secetary of lodge No, 2t:t and president of the North Carolina Moose asso ciation, presented a very timely talk. H. Way Rnssell, vice pres ident of the North Carolina Moose association followed Mr. Duhling at the rostrum. The principal speaker was Pil grim District Deputy Supreme Governor W. 1.- York, of High eing tide in nee.ly homes. I tn North Wilkesboro Poliee 1 Chief J. E. Walker, who i.s also city welfare officer, and Mrs. J. L. Clements have a list of needy : families whose children’s hearts \ will not be gladdened with Christmas toys. cs'idies. fr>er|. and clothing unless someone helps. Persons who will agree to this of volume than for any i holiday -enson in order to meet 'the demands lOf a growing pat- ro'ia 'iid to f'fVther promote this city as a trading mecca. B. & L. Meeting On Friday Night which $5,4 22 was paid in grants to 631 needy aged. The next largest amount, $2.- 062, went to 1.69 families with 333 needy and depender. chil dren. Thirty-eight blind persons re ceived $4 99 in grants for the month. Grants for December set a new record total tor the county for any one month and vouchers were mailed out early as possible sentiai if North Wilkesboro is to 'continue to have a military com pany. There is also a recognized need for an athletic field conven iently situated. Those who have been studying the combination proposal agree that it is a splendid opportunity to secure several badly needed improvements at small cost and it is expected that further detail.-- concerning the proposal may be aired publicly within the next few days. H. G. Minton Is Claimed By Death Widely Knoxm C'tizen Of Ferguson Community Died Tuesday; Funeral Held Banks Announce Holidays Closings Death claimed one of Wilkes county’s best known characters when ftoraee Gree'v Minton, of Ferguson, succumbed Tuesday niorning in a Statesville hospital. A foot infection was the im mediate cause of his death. He carried to the hospital on Friday. Mr. Minton was 68 year.s of age Announcement has been made that both banks here, the Bank and was a member of one of the of North Wilkesboro and the ' best known families In this see- Northwestern Bank, will h^ tion of the state. For many years In order that the receinients closed on Wednesday and Thnrs- he had been active in community might use the money before day. December 25 and 26. and affairs and Christmas holidays. on New Year’s Day, January 1. in polities. He was (Continued on page eight) Governor W. -• ■ ” matre a donation for anv fsm"'’ Wilkesboro Building & Loan' Point, who outlined North Wilkesboro are urged To Have ful workings at Mooseheart, the with Chief Walk- Association To H “Child City.” Mr. York emphasized the fact that the motivating i eas o that there will no' be er or Mrs. Clements at once m , I Annual Meeting for and that there will Deliveries . • Annual stockholders meetins 45 Employes Of Bank Re ceive Bonus Of Five Per ' Cent Of Year’s Pay will be of the Wilkesboro Building and i Loan association will be held In | the association’s offices on Fri day night. December 20, seven o’clock, according to an an- Northwestern Bank, which has home office here and branch es In eight other northwestern North Carolina towns, has paid a (^ristmas bonus to all its 4 5 '^ployes, it was learned here to day from an official of the bank. The bonus payment, which equalled five per cent of the 1940 salaries, was paid to all employ es of the home office here and branches at Sparta. Jefferson, Boone, Blowing Rock. Bakers- TUle, BurnsTille, ^ Valdese and Taylorsville. Moose home for the young and helpless are sc donations, in the social structure that they have been the sole guide for the I For the r-r-l snon,---. ,|,o formation of forms r.f .socia, se- countv welfare denartment has a Lrity insurance .-nd benefits to list of needy families, which in- 7 ... eludes 16 ill dire circumstance^. , PreVminary arrangements for Th^ famil'es are lifted as oppor-1 nonneement by lAm. A. Stroud, the North Carolina Moose as-o- tunities one to sixteen and were, secretary-treasurer, ciation conclave, which will con- briefly described by a .-pokesman | ^ report of the year’s business vene in North Wilkeshoro the j for the welfare department as , given and directors of the 30. 31. of "Y°MoTher and four children at association will be elected. The Sections were made to Boomer: father and mother and directors will then elect officers hold the mid-winter conference five crippled children. North Wil- for the coming year, of the I.egion of tbe Moose of keaboro route one; orphan boy. | Stroud said today that the North Carolina in the middle of age 14. needs everything. Millers association has enjoyed good bus- February The Legion is the sec- Creek; mother and six children. ‘ inggg. throughout the year. nnd degree of the Moose. Dates North Wilkesboro route one; mo- will be set later as to the conven- ther and four children. 1 ience of the director general, who lains; mother and one daughter,. x UMfCl V/U* Rev. H. J. Ford JWill Preach Here On Two Sundays is founder of Moo,seheart. Senator James J. Davis may be here at that time, also past commander of the Legion. Senator Robert R. Reynolds, of North Carolina. In New Location Only 2 Marriage License In Week Oak woods; mother and four chll-, dren. Buck; mother and four chil- j dren, Wilkesboro; mother and | five children. Summit; mother! and seven children, Wilkesboro; j North Wilkesboro branch of mother and two children, Wil-1 t.Ue Duke Power company has kesboro route one; mother and I moved its offices and showroor.is two children, North Wil'••esboro• j from the Hotel Wilkes building iRev. Howard J. Ford, a former o f wilkesboro Baptist arch and now a student of atlieasteim Seminary, will «11 PQlpU of the First Baptist Tch 1* this city at both morn- Xifl aTenteg sehices on Snn- fj DMenber 8t,. and Sunday, her 19. The public is most Sy iBTlted to all services. ^D«peaiber Only two license to wed '■•er issued during the past week by ther and two children. Register of Deeds C. C. Bidden River, but the decrease is considered only as a lull before the holiday storm. The two couples were: Elmer Harrold and Nora Teague, both of Hays, and Gaither J. Burch, of Elkin, and Irene Coe, of Boonvllle. grandfather and one grandson, j on Main .-.ireet to the new bulld- North Wilkesboro route one: fa-jing recently'erected adjacent to • Roaring I Rhodes-Day-Furniture company on Ninth street. The office moved Faith in a real Santa Claus j Monday.* ^ was proved by requests of needy I The firm extends a cordial In- families that, their names bejTitation to its thonaands of pa- plaeed on the Christmas list. Tea, ft .«ai| when T. over oM times afd old fri I trons in Wllkee and to others In- The welfare department also [tereeted to ristt the office and. reported that H kM recently bad ^ showrooms in their new and at- (CoatiBU^'en page eight) [tractive quartere. ,E. pendrix Crl34XMJt.nf Co- of VernSMi. .. long FergOMt-] m Jf. di bil " He i.; 5*^**?^' rhrod at BoiShix’s hoote - llPhote by eourtesy Coloia^l Mr-."..

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