bvec '>y-\ »»'S ^ world tp^nyji in wwdtt« W failoire dlif tht patrons of tills pttl.,—. ..■ Iliondred rod foi^ ^ W tho AiSbasasdor oTi porjeNknd ^ '— heave f0^w.ll was sent from heaven riurUi and at this Christmas ^ «ra celebrate the anniversary blessed event rpaii' 6f mmUif udhb^^ people to accept and live by tl^, grreat princij^ of,goodwill so coi^ venientjyi® down by Heaven’s Ambainadofvi; - t x But this gieat-American nation to day renMdns aloof from the holocaust of war ahd Christmas holiday season ns not marred by the sacrifice altli^ 0^ tfcs ^ of war. manhood on the^ la ASneriS hove abt ‘ancTshall^ feel itahouldl^be with our othel " notfe bight d^ tMe teal pqrpbee of Cbimaa, whicl^¥J» «el«lmoi« the Amerteana^oum^^t iii^Mfffiise 3F^w-gt iH aiat rlgk bnt^nly # ili^r^atBieh ' W eomia* of the P^fl^e Of Peaeb, who taught ihe world;’Ae pfaiioso|fhy of\V who haw*? lost sight of ||»e way d Ufj We are‘gli^'^'the f?eeddmwe have to celebrate Christmas as we Cfagiat may not in theJi - shftu. ftg wlthoii^ inlW of living their own rabe andfttxi In tba^true^spli* of of the Joy' with _ malice wishes fc hone, this new. •dAl and ewb]r bne ^ ■ t'aS=~~ . 3-"- -f HAS BLAZH) THE T^IL OF PROGRESS IN THE “STATK OF WILKES" FOR OVER THIRTY ■ TWO War News London. Dec. 23.—The Ger man luftwafte battered a north west English town heavily last night and early today and bomb ed other northwestern towns in a series of raids that reached in to nearly every section of Eng land and the capital. (Censorship withheld the name of the town but earlier the Ger mans were reported over the vital western port of Liverpool for the third consecutive right.) Nazi raiders attacked London shortly after night fail but the all clear was giveri in the capi tal area about an hour after mid night. Other raiders were reported from numerous sections after giv ing the British a virtual rest dur ing Sunday’s daylight houis. JOURNAL - fp/. 12 PAGES t Section One VOL. XXXIII, No. 78 Published Mondays and Thuradays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C- MONDAY, DEC. 23, 1940 $1.60 In the State — $2.00 Out of SUt» London, Dec. 22.—After show ing its strength with a record night assault on axis objectives from the Ruhr to the Adriatic, the R. A. F. was reported to night to have carried out rare daybreak bombardments oi Ger man naval base.s at Wilhelm- shaven. Germany, and Brest and Lorient. FYance. From all these far-reaching at- tasks one British plane is miss ing. a.cording to the air minis try’s statement. During the night other aircraft .-.Ot the coastal command bornhed Defense Classes Are Explained To Kiwanians Here Paul Cragan Tells Club Of Plans For Classes To Be Here Soon I’aul S. Cragan. superlnten- cleiit of North W'ilkesboro schools, in an address Friday noon before the North Wilkesboro Klwanis club explained the government’s plan of establishing defense train ing classes in industrial trades. He said that the North Wilkes boro board of education had a- greed to sponsor the cour.’es lo cally and that instruction w'ould be given in mechanics, welding and sheet metal w'ork. Young men between ages of 17 and 25 may receive training in the classes with the cost paid by the federal government, he eaid. Courses here will begin ear ly iu January and will Continue for 12 weeks with 30 hours train ing, 8sr.,V«ek.. .. ' A im 01 1)1 tf) L jimm tm te k sm i mti fi)u: ^ appro ii/miititilmg ilotliro, Mm nr ior Journal-Patriot Not To Be Issued Thursday, Dec. 26 In order to allow 'The Journ al-Patriot staff and employes a brief holiday rest, 'The Journal-Patriot will not be Is sued On Thursday, December S6. Tlie next i.ssue of the paper after this one will be on Mon day, December HO, at wliich time we hope to publish as much local news of the holiday season as possible. In the meantime, we wish one and all a MERRY CHRISTMAS’ Boy Scouts Rdl» Call Conducted ‘ By Troop No. 3S Inventory And Roll Call D»> tenninea Number Eligible Fw Emergency Service lU Building & Loan Meeting Is Held Wilkesboro Association’s Stockholders In Annual - Meet Friday Night BUlldln Boy Scout troop number 3S here' on Thursday evening cois- ducted its annual inventory and roll call. The year, the Scoutmaster ex plained, Boy Scouts of America are taking Inventory and roll call to determine the number of Bojr Scouts eligible for emergency service. On Thursday evening James M. Anderson and Dewey Minton, ap pointed by the Wlnston-Saleai council, were present at the troop meeting place to conduct the ia- ventory and roll call. \'Z- The roll call started promptly at eight o’clock. T^vraty-thraa wxG Int ministry :d -xae _ at several points, the said.' The other night assaults on the continent, reported to have cost Britain nothing in planes, includ ed a l.BOn-mile roundlrip to Venice, near where, the ministry said, liffs "’■‘'■0 start’’'* *•' * P®' troleum lefinery at Porto Marg- hera and “extremely heavy’ bombs fell on I’. eks ami factovy buildings. Cairo. Egypt. Dec. though there still were that Marshal Rodolfo sending help to was 22.—Al- no signs Graziani h.s be leaguered Italian garrison In Bar- dia. British troops continued to- dav to mass around the Libyan seaport which has been under siege now for six days. Today, however, brought little other change in the situation, military source.s indicated. Brit ish batteries, placed along the 17-mile perimeter of the town, continued to pound the Italian defenses and the fascists replied. A general headquarters com munique said merely: "Reinforce ments are steadily reaching onr troops in the Bardla area. A fur ther seven guns have been col lected from the enemy frontier posts which we recently occu- which cooperate with the' pro gram. Skilled workmen will be employed as Instructors and hours of classes w'lll be arranged to suit those who are In them. The classes will probably be.gin at 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon. rersons entering the classes must make application with the employment service office here. ;Vli persons within the age limits may take the courses regardless of their work in any type ot bus iness if the classes do not inter fere with their joUa. Prior to the program the secre tary read a telegram from Dr. O. L. Miller, ot Charlotte, thanking the club for its cooperation with the health department and with iiim in sponsoring work for un derprivileged and crippled chil dren. The president appointed J. B. WllPams, W. D. Halfacre and Rev. Watt Cooper to write the club’s expression of appreciation ro Dr. Miller and Dr. F. C. Hub bard for the splendid work they have done in the county. gora bitU roioari ■ -.1V AvtUv;} Nine Persons Die In Wilkes County In Auto Accidents Over 1,000 Ask To For N. Wilkesboro Make Mattresscs On Wilkes Project State Highway Safety Divi sion Release* Figure* For 11 Months Of Year Reins-Sturdivant Now Re-Building pied.' were ward I Athens, Dec. 22.—Greek troops reported today to have skirted the well-defended Adri- aUc coastal city of Chimara in Albaaia, laving other units be hind to clean out Italian opposi tion there. The advance units pressed on ward toward the strategic port of Valona about 30 miles farther north, and in fierce hand-to-hand fighting were said to have cap tured several hundred Italians on Imporunt heighU bordering the A government spokesman de- under the Modem Funeral Home Will ConUin Four Floors; Several Departmeat* Work Is progressing rapidly on re-building Reins-Sturdivant Fu neral home in this city, which was badly damaged by fire sev eral weeks ago. In rebuilding the structure, which also houses offices of Reins-Sturdivant Burial associ ation, the building will be en larged and will contain four floors instead of two as formerly. Beginning with the foundation, the entire building is being re built. A floor is being added on the bottom and one on top. the dared fclitop noor being constructed es- h. *'“L" .P-l ’’>• vsMlng “steadUy and smurely/" CbolM Italtsn troop* IlghtlBg m the Klisura-T^pelenl region re- strongly bnt were unable Jifo check th Greeks and seffered heavy losses, the spokesman add- ed. ' Rome. Dec. 2*.—-The possibil ity of “compllcstlons" with the Bo'm»-Berlin-ToWii axis’ K the United SUtea leU Britain get bel- itjfteuntn* merSlutnt ships reinged luJLsaerl®*® harhor* was saggest- sd today by Vlrglnlo Oskyds, tss- gdHor who often reflect# of- offices, display rooms, fireproof embalming and layout rooms, a spacious chapel, storage rooms and all other necessary depart ments. - ’The funeral homk-X here has home office for the buriai associ ation, which is the largest In the state and is also home office for Reins-Sturdivant funeral homes at Sparta, West Jefferson and Boone. Several weeks will be required for re-building. Meanwhile ar rangements have been made to carry- on the husinaas with nnin- terrnpMd ahrriohx.'i; V. r-. Only four of the 100 counties in North Carolina had not had a single traffic fatality charged a- galnst them when the Highway Safety Division released its elev en-months summary last week, and 40 countlee showed increases. Ronald Hocutt, director ot the- division, stated that 108 fkUiU- ties in November brought to 851 the total for the first eleven months of 1940. This represented a two per cent Increase over the 834 persons kHled on North Car olina streets and highways the first eleven months of last year. The four counties with clean records at the close of November were Clay, Gates, Mitchell and ’Tyrrell, all‘.small counties. Two of these, Tyrrell and Gates, were among the six counties without a traffic fatality in 1939. Wilkes county had nine per sons killed in traffic accidents through November of this year, a- decrease, compared with 13 killed in the county the first 11 months of 1939. The largest Increase was In Robeeon county, where 38 were killed through November of this year, against 17 tor the same period last year. Mecklenburg’s^ 48 fatalities topped the sUte, followed n order by Robeson’s 38, Guilford’s 37, Forsyth’s 34, Bun combe’s 30, Cumberland's 28. Wake’s 25, Gaston’s 22, Harnett’s 21 and Rowan's and Alamance’s 19 each. For the state as a whole, (a- Ulitlee by months were as fol lows: January, 88; February, #8x March. 55; April, 49; Ms^. (3 June, 88; Jnly, Beptemher,. Ill; October.,,’111 ■ / V . , •Appointment of tax lister and as«es.sors for North Wilkesboro township was incomplete when the list for the county was pub lished in this new.spaper Monday. T. H. Settle Is list taker and W. R. .\l).sher and L. A. Harris are asGessors. The task of revaluation and assessment of property for tax ation will get under way on Monday, January 6, C. G. Poin dexter, Wilkes county account ant, said. Stodents Aid |n Oiristmas Cheer Authorities Ask That Appli cants Not Duplicate Ap- plicatuMis Made North Wilkesboro School Children Will Provide For Fifteen Families North Wilkesboro school chil dren have helped in Christmas cheer work in this city by pro viding for 15 needy families at Christmas time, it was learned here today. The children donated money and materials la?t week sufficient, to provide Christmas toy*, can dles, foods, etc., for fifteen fami lies and today members of the Hl- Y. club prepared the packages for distribution. J. E. Walker, city police chlSf and welfarexofflcer, said the con tributions by the students have sided greatly In preparations to fin empty stockings this Christ mas. Not content with haring one application to make a mattress already in, some Wilkes people have sent In as many as two, three or fdur because they have not heard from the first one. Already more than 250 mat tresses have been made in Wilkes county by low income families since the mattress project was set up and about 1,000 other appli cations are on tile. The extension service, sponsors of the project, are glad of the keen Interest tak en in the project but It is pointed out it is not necessary to make a second application just because they do not hear Immediately from the first. Applications' will be considered In the order In which they are made and the making of a duplicate application will hinder rather than expedite approval, authorities said. The mattress project now has four working centers. They are in Wilkesboro, Boomer. Mulberry and Roaring Rlrw. A small cen ter will be established at Joyne8 in Janiutry and the capacity dt the entire projMt will be 26 mat tresses per day. TNkeirty-sfe stockfcJUiifs -were present and many others were represented by proxy. The secretary-treasurer read his annual report, which disclosed that the association had a sub stantia) increa.->e in assets and number of installment loans dur ing the year. The stockholders elected the following directors: J. H. John son, Wm. A. Stroud, R. B. Pharr, J. T. Prevette, J. H. Leckie, P. J. Kennedy, O. K. Whittington. Dr. M. G. Edwards. C. T. Doughton, j George D. Kennedy. Charlie How ard and G. P. Johnson. The only [changes from the previous board of directors were Dr. M. G. Ed wards in place of W. E. Smithey and G. P. Johnson replacing C. C. Hayes. 'The newly elected board of di rectors named J. H. Johnson, president: Dr. M. G. Edwards, vice president: Wm. A. Stroud, secretary-treasurer; J. R. Hen derson, attorney. 'Hie appraisal committee is composed of B. J. Kennedy, J. T. Ah annlys mbtU suits was as follows: ' nineteen completely uniformed, average ot 18 days and 21 nights spent In ’ camping; troop advancement rec ord good with only five boys reg istered as tenderfeet, six as sec ond class, six as first cla.js, six Star Scouts and one Life Scout. It was considered remarkable that only four boys were absent from roll call and three of those were out of town that evening. Syphilis Cases Few In Wilke* Only 28 Positive In 1,200 Blood Teats Of Men Reg istered In County Only twenty-eight cases o f syphilis were discovered In 1.288 blood testa taken of men in Wilkes county registered on Oc tober 16 for military service. It was learned today from the Prevette, George Kennedy, Dr. wilkes county health department. M. G srd. Edwards and Charlie How Service Station Attendant Hurt Not all of the tests have been heard from but there were only 38 positive in the 1,200 report* received to date from the health department. Sixteen were classed as doubtful. Police Arrest Two For In flicting Knife Wounds On Lance Eller’s Face Dillard Child Dies ChrUtmaB Pro«ram Announesment has been mkde of. a Chrlatinna program to hv pv- «n ¥(edn«sd*y, evening, ‘ clock; at Hotavlan Falla __ church- Christmas 88; Angpat, Sl;‘ tioaa and n eiy. Funeral service was heW »in-. day at Covenant church tor Ba- tel DlUerd, ttye-yeae-oJd sen of ‘ l„»nd MankyCenter Dillard; He ?VMny night. _ ere th*»t*»k8r fwl tlTS Lance Eller, night attendant at Foreater’s Nu-Way Service sta tion, received a painful cut on the left .side df hia face by one of two assallantk aboet six o’clock Sun day morning, police here said,,, Eller told, police that Ru^ Anderson and. iVoodrow Rlchanl- son ’Went into the staUon and "tried to take over the place.’’ A fight took place and one of the two, ESler said, inflicted the wound. Police arriving at the scene took all three to the hospital bnt Richardson, who stepped into a room, took leave through the window on the outside and es- onped. (Anderson to being held for fesanlt chargee. Richardson later surrendered to tke police. ' ‘i :• Mother Of Mrs. R. S. Gibbs Die*. News was received here Satur day of the death of Mrs. John B. Gamblll at her home at Ath ens, Georgia. Mrs. Gamblll wa* the mother of Mrs. Robert S. Gibbs, Jr.„of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs left imme diately for Athens, Georgia and;, will not return to this city untH^ after the funeral service is held,' Mrs. Gamblll, it was learned here, bad been in ill health for somo time. 5tb Sunday Singi^^^ At Walnut ,Grow tHBlrS.CiOT A MONOPOLY %• ia our tanguaga AU«ir(tbe ffcoUtoV Toaga*’,#?:’' --^>^^4 'fnthar “ nav» Next singing conventlott of thw. Southelde Singing assoclathm 4^ will be held at Walnut Batlst church near Pops* on Sunday, December 29, F-.J.. McDuffie, chairman, nunc today. ■ He said the day’s progiMi begin at ten a. A and stngnra to be pmijR*’ ■ gnrt^B the atogiga’^ tovHM and v pd .gregMf Mr