^TBI( BLAZ^ttBE -■#- OP PR ni^TATE^ :es ff '-m Im t.iss I- ■43a- .'^■1 ■?; ^'• *v'. r- Captwre 2S,000 Italians In Bardia Battle s Yim “•t. (- -- iiziMFi yntr,1 UkMboi ntpr of: •..ML" VOL. xxxm, No. 82 ,, Cairo.—Italy’s base of Bardia ^ Ml in shambles yesterday to Brlt- V aln’s inraation of Libya, after 20 ' days of savase siege, and all its «J5.000 defenders Including the 'Its cist commander were taken ^rtsoner In the first major Brit- victory of the war on Italian a^i. ■ i^.'lf’ifThe complete capture of Bardia Joim K. Biadibun Wilkes Chaihnar Birthday Par ties Drive Is Planned to Raise 1 p. m., after the rout of a sni-1 Funds to Fight Infantile force of about 5,000 Italian | paralysis This Year ^orrlbili’’ holding out in defea-e i ^ _ to. the southeast, was announced la a communique of the British atlddle east command last night. Our Newest Bomber in 5’!' Civic OfiabSSk That Hai ^ ^ Be Retained On Commission a— John Kermit Blackburn, who has been appointed Wilkes coun- . {y chairman tor the organization The hoisting of Britain’s Union I president’s birthday parties Jack above the Bardia govern-1 funds to fight Infantile house meant the complete i paralysi.5, said here today that he jlfcrattering of Marshal Rodolfo . , ^ ’ Grazlanl’s Italian army of inva sion, which In September struck 75 miles across Egypt to Sidi Bar- rani only to be thrown back in one of the most disastrous routs in military history. 70,000 l*ri.«ioncc» ' With the taking of the 25,000 Italian prisoners, in the final as sault on Bardia, the number qf Italian troops falling prisoner in the sweep of Britain’s desert blitzkrieg rose to perhaps 70,000 men—Grazianl’s entire invasion army, it wa.s said. General Bergonzoli. handsome bearded commander who resisted mm « |V| i valiantly within Bardia jflftlOr rl6lCD6r Premier Benito Mussolini had i , j J dered the base defended “at all | costs,’’ surrendered to the Brit ish conquest, led by wildly-shout ing Australian troop.s. Last night’s comnuiniace said that Gen. Bergonzoli wa,s captur ed along with a corps command er and tour of his senior gener-. r, land hour division for the Caro “ Thus. Britain’s offensive has I Unas, has been called to report L i 6 n 8 EndfM’se Power for Defense HackettRerard Highway Gtoi^l r r. is perfecting a county-wide organ ization to carry out the activities, which may include a President’s Ball in N’orth Wilkesboro. Mr Blackburn said that he had just received notice of his ap pointment as county chairman from Dr. Julian Miller, state chairman, and that he has not had time to complete the local organization here. However, he said that the drive will he put on and that all people of the county will be given an opportunity to participate in the infantile paralysis fund this year Aak For HU Reuppointiaent:' Judge Hayes Delivers Ad-' dress Before (the' Club I Called to Duty At Washii^on M Sii 1^., The newest and best of the D. S. medium bombers is B-26, shown here taking off (above), and in the air (below), doring a test flight at Baltimore, Md. Product of the Glenn L. Martin factory at Baltimore, this high performance dealer of destruction will soon be rolling off the production lines at mass production rate. Raleigh.—-Major A. L. Fletch er. regional director of the wage inus. nriLain s» unriirvivci . stripped Italy of at least 10 of Its j to Washington for act ve service best fighting leaders in the past with the selective service board, month.' according to official ac-' Major Fletcher ,s orders stipu- I late service of a year or less. A specialist on draft procedure, he . ssr«ii will serve as assistant to General Mazis Will Marcn \^is b. Hershey,;executlve of- In Bulgaria Soon' flcer of the selective service sysi tern. Belgrade.—All Russian envoys MWiilftJfl - have By federal regulation, his A'ood last night as reports spread of an impending German “Peace ful occupation" of Bulgaria per haps within two or three days. Usually well-informed quarters said that Wednesday has been fixed as the "zero hour’’ for a march of German armed forces Into Bulgaria from their new Ru manian l)a.-es. - - Nazi quai'ltrs said tliat Russia •will not interfere in any way “with any forthcoming German action in Bni.garia.’’ "Ki-ee lliind’’ Sway One German source went so far as to say tliat. as result of the^ recent Berlin 4^it of Soviet I’re- , mier and Foreign Commissar | Viacheslav M. Molotov. Russia • ■will give Germany “a free hand | in Bulgaria. . Ing his absence on military duty and he is expected to return to his post at the conclusion of his service In Washington. During his at.senro his duties will be performed by Steiihen MacRae. supervising in.spector with headquarters in Colninlita. S. C.. who will divide his time between Raleigh and Colnm'’^. Mrs. Pauline W. Horton, asst./inl regional director, will he in charge of the Ra’.e'gh office. Major Fletcher set up the In spection Branch of the Wage and Hour Division for tlie country and served as assisiaiil adininis- i trator of the Wage and Hour Clark Baby Is | l ax Listi^ Begins Winner Awards|To(lay In Several Precincts of Wilkes Son Born >n Night of Janu ary 1 Is First New Year Baby Bom uv Wilkes ; Division during it- incipiency. He is an expert on wage and hour I regnlations. He lias been an ac- Itive .National Guard officer since ■IhlT. He organized and captain- , 'ed a unit of the I’-SIh Field Ar- Greeks Repulse ItiUerv and led it overseas. After Italian Onslaught he world war No. 1 he helped Athens. —Italian forces, rein forced by .'lock troops rushed reorganize the National Guard and since 19S2 he has been n a- jor and judge advocate genet al ^Vom Italy, have been driven hack on the State staff. About five ’uOOn the .■VIbanian Adriatic sea- years ago he was assigned to port of Valona after surrendering make a study of selective service! strategic positions to the Greeks land to draw up a State Selective ® ** • I'll - __ — r''«» »-/vl 5 ty fl and suffering heavy losses in dead, wounded and. prisoners, it was stated officially last night. An official spokesman said the Italian defenders of V’alona, try- Service I’lan for North Carolina. , He W recognized as an expert on selective service jiust as he is an expert on the wage and hour. Temporarily he will he witli llie Cripple Clinic January cripple clinic will he held al the Wilkes hosiiital here on 'rhnrsday morning, an an nouncement from the Wilkes comity he. lth department said. A speciali.sl from Charlotte will jniaite examination of cripples at the clinic and efforts will he made to liave as many a.s possible there for free examination. ty. According to reports reaching this office, a son horn to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Clark, of North Wil- keshoro route three, was the win ner of the several awards offer- ^ 'hshofB-htrerneWtli^Tdir flrrfls to the first New Year Bahv. Dr. G. T. Mitchell, attending physician, said the son war- hern to .Mr. and Mrs. Clark on January 1 al 11 p. m. According to announced rules of the hahy marathon, the eiitrio.s honld have been turned in to The Journal-Patriot office by six o’clock on Friday. Prizes await the first Italiy are given by Belk’s. Emily’s Beauty Salon, G. P. Store, Toralitison’s dei>ai'tment store, Rhodes-Day, Rrame’s Ding store. Rare’s Fair store. Duke Power company also of fered a prize for the first baby of the new year to a family on Duke Power company lines. The Clark baity does not (ittalify for that prize and the conte-:t for the Dtike Power cotnpany prize is still open. Appointments by Tax Listers and Assessors Announced By C. G. Poindexter Tax listing and the quadren- ■Jl.l .aottoagiiffliajis. prnnertv for 'to^sy in ■HoM^'’’wlth many townsalps is Wilkes coiin- C. G. Poindexter, county tax supervisor, said that the task will be completed during the month on January and urged early list ing In order to avoid the rush ott the last days set apart tor listing. A.S a convenience to the per sons required to list for taxes, the county tax stj^vvisor has .an nounced the B.'^wing appoint ments tor list takers in practical ly all of the townships: Antioch, C. A. Spark-s. list tak er—Dellaplane church January 6, Lee Martin place January 7. R. C. Segravea’ service station Jan uary 8 and 10, Tom Mathis’ ser vice station January 9. Beaver Creek. G. H. Walker, list taker—V, T. Walsh'.s store (Continued on page four) North Wilkesboro Lions Club began the new year Friday night with an enthusiastic, meeting, an attendance of 43 and a splendid program featured by an address by Judge Johnson J- Hayes on the subject of “Liberty.” The club also discussed some items of public interest and unan imously passed a resolution ask ing Governor Elect J. M. Brough ton to appoint J. Gordon Hackett. of this city, to another term on the .state highway commission. The resolution, identical with the one passed by the Kiwanls club earlier F’riday. cited Mr. Hackett’s splendid record as a member of the commission and the progress made in highway work during the past four years while he has been a member of .the commission. The program Friday night was in charge of Grady Church and he presented Judge Hayes as the speaker. The federal jurist deliv ered a stirring message which brought enthusiastic applause from the membership of the club and several visitors. Included among the visitors at the meeting were 14 members of the Lenoir Lions clubs. Guests of members here included Paul Wiles, of Taylorsville, and Robin Vernon Deal '‘and Frank Stafford was d: guest of Emmett Johnson. Several members of the club here plan to go to Lenoir tonight to attend a meeting of the club there. Kiwanians Pass ResoIuticHi Here At Fridiiy’s Meet Splendid Record of Comiiu»* aioner Hackett Is Pointed Out In the Resolution Story Leaves For Raleigh Tuesday ing to stem the Greek push upon | Army and the Selective Service ^ - X ..a 1.-.* xcriti Via Urn Bombed! the port, used large numbers of fresh troops but "all Italian at tempts were repulsed with heavy losses.’’ i Farther north Greek forces stormed and captured a 4..500- foot peak in fierce fighting, add-j ing a mountain of “considerable | strategic importance” to their | line pushing upon Valona, the i Greek spokesman said. j l.'U) I’rl-ioiiers Taken " | this fighting, the Greeks Division hut lie will only he a- vay on leave and a.s soon as he is released from military service he will again become the Director of Region VI for the Wage ami i Hour. - ' T. E. Story, who was elected to the legislature a-s Wilkes county's representative, will leave for Raleigh tomorrow in prepara tion for opening of the 1941 leg islature the following day. Mr. Story, for many years one of the best known educators In this section of the state, will be one of six Republican represen- ♦ atives in the legislature. He was elected by a majority of 1,473 in Wilkes. This senatorial district, composed of MHlkes, Yadkin and Davie, will also be represented by a Republican, Miles T. Shore, of Yadkin county. North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club in meeting Friday noon went on record requesting Governor-Eleet J. M. Broughton to appoint J. Gordon Hackett, of this city, U» another term as member of the State Highway and Public Work* Commission. The resolution, presented by W. H. McElwee. was unanimous- ; ly and enthusiastically passed by the'efub, membership of which 1* composed of many of the best known and most influential men. of the city and immediate coi»-' munlty. “More progress has been made in the 12 counties located in this division in road work during the past four years than at any time during the history of North Car olina: which progress, in onr opinion, has been due, in a large part, to the erfergy and untiring ^ - service of Mr. Hackett,’’ the ree- and rifle, is shown at work in hta ojutlon said. model shop at the Sprlngfleld, ,jjg business session of the Mass., armory, where his grand gnn luncheon meeting the list of cons- ia in mass production to arm our ^y defense forces. _ secretary, who called atten- Ition to the duties of the chairman I of each committee. J. H. Rector was received Into membership in the club and waa given the induction ceremony by ^ . A. H. Casey, who also prosentoi 41 art- 1 him with the Kiwanls button. About rebniaiy-H- j -b. canu«, who * (as president of the club at UUK Machinery Installed In New '^'^’^’s meeting, delivered his in- ... ¥ . II I i augural address, which received Plant; Offices Installed J\ John C. Garand, Inventor of the army’s famed semi-antomatlc Gar- * Home Chair Co. Begin Operation In lO'Room Building Annual Report Of Clerk Is Published Funds Held by Clerk of the Court Listed on Pages Three-Six Today The annual report of the Clerk of Sitperlo’’ court of Wilkes coun ty, which shows the fiind.s being held in court actions and other matters by the clerk, is published in this issue of The Journal-Pa triot on pages three and six. Publication of the report is required by law. Persons who have funds being high piaise from tlie member-thip of the club. The Resolution Text of the resolution asking another term for Mr. Hackett on the Highway Commission was as follows: "This Resolulion, made thin Hie 3rd da.v of January. 1941. by .the North Wilkesboro Kiwanln gu.st 14 the company purchased | The Home Chair company will begin mamifacturing operations at Its plant at Rnnda alioiit Feli- riiary 1. i( was learned today from an official of the company. After Hie company’s plant here was destroyed in the flood on .4ii the Honda Cotton Mills plant and ‘ transformed it into a niodern fitrniture factory. New and modern macliinery. inclitding conveyor systems, lias been installed and workmen are putting the nnishing toiiclies to remodeling and enlargitig of the factory huildings. Plant offices have Ijeen moved to a ten-room building in Ronda, but the postoftice address of the company will remain North Wil kesboro. Twenty-two dwelling houses, which were included in tlie sale of the cotton mills property, tiave been renovated and placed in 111) in a iiieeling duly assemW- held for them by the clerk are reqtiested lo make notation of the judgment docket number t^’fien eondition. calling for the money at the j clerk’s office This information I Twenty-six North Carolina cities Is essential in order that records are listed in the 10.000 and over can be looked up without excess- population class in the 1940 ceii- ive delay. ‘The Olympics of Aviation’ Resources Grow At Northwestern i* In lllio L.eu-.-r,. - I took 150 prisoners and much war i Resources Grow Over One material, it was said. More than j Qne-Half Million In 100 prisoners, including officeis, n . t iere captured in the fighting a-^ the Past Two Years *^“An*^ffi'cial^Rx'yaV"'Air Force Resources of The Nortliwe-t- communique reported that Brit- ern Bank, which has home of ten planes had carried out a dev- fice here and branches tn eight Mtariiig raid on Ttal.v’.s major l other north.we.stern North Carn- mld-Albanian base at Elbasan. ■where many fires were started. Reports from the southern front also told of Greek warriors •inhshlng one of the fierce enemy tanks assaults of the war in Al bania. Carolina Trio > , At Roaring River rh« Carolina Trio and Dwight BaU -h&d his Dixie String Band render a program at Roaring ftirer aeliooi on Saturday night, Janoary 11, seven o’clock. Una towns, have Increased by more than one and one-half mil lion dollars in the past two years. A statement from the bank to day listed resources at the close of business on December 31. 194C, at $5,247,548.41, which represents an increase of $1,- 514,429.11 over resources total ling $3,733,119.30 on December 31, 1938. The total on December SO. 1939, was $4,361,820.32. Annual stockholders' meeting Will be held at the bank’s home office here on Tuesdayr January 1 11 a. m. Fox Caught In Barn And Chicken House On The Same Day Brltfarii fircmeii pearlng a atream of water ea the atUl amonlderlBg 8t« Janua chntxdi, blsteile Landea laaamartt, tallewiag a Qenww ar ;»M an Old Mtah Ihib pie- I Itare it^proved if Brltlah oeatata. ':t' Maybe the man who - when cauglit In a chicken house said he was opossum hunting was not so badly wrong after all because a fo.v was caught in- a harn and a cliicken house on the same day. On Friday niomng Mrs. Ma tilda Eller went to the home of a ntdglibor, Mrs, IV. T, Eller, ill the P“--lear cominnnlfy, and told the boys there that there was a wildcat In her ham. t'lyde and Ernest FSIer went tliere with their dogs and caught the fox in the bam. Later that day the fox was turned loose on Little Moan- tain with all the fox honnde in ^ Pnriear oommwnity looeed on it* tnll. It t>o . tftB' home of Vemon Cfrtkidit where the women folk* caaght .the - ftxk oad tcMbeil. It into Ihe' hen ho»ie to ke(« fbp .dw fNm boro. North Carolina, Wltpesseth: “Thsl. Wherca.’!. The North Wilkesboro Kiwanis Club has in the past and will in the future be very vitally and intensly inter- e.sled in Hie promotion of the welfare of the State of North Car olina. and more particularly that section of North Carolina ia whicli is situated Wilkes County and ihe 'fown of North Wilkea- boro; and “Whereas. The North Wilkea- horo Kiwanis Club has done all things in Hie power looking to ward the promotion of the inter est of the people residing in thia the Northwe.-^t .Section of our State: and “Whereas, During the past fn”- (4) ''ears the Honoral.Ie J. G. Hackett, as a member of tho State Highway and Public Works Coiiiniission of . North Carolina, has given unsparingly all of bin time and efforts, and has render ed unselfish service to the Stata las a whole and to this highway I division particularly; and, where as, as a result of his efforts, mote progress has been made in the twelve (12) counties located in fi his division in road work during A :-4 1#^’ the past four (4) years than at any time during the history of North Carolina: which progress, in our opini^i. has been due, in a large part, to the energy and untiring service of Mr. Hackett. “Now, Therefore, Be It Resolv ed by the Kiwanls Club of North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, that Governor J. -M. Broughton, of the State of North Carolina, be earn- eslly 'requested, in the Interest of the welfare of the residents of the State of North to reappoint for an ad^ term of office the Honon® G. Hackett as a memb^ ^ State Highway & Public ' Corami.sslon of North Uarollwn?*. ' A--; .1- 1 IrBl ill inktirtrlik- fittir pcowcM at the ammal All-Amet3.' m Olympten ef kwbMam -in Miami, FteViammry dtoM “Slaka" Vwnlwakki platvei, npper rigkt. Crack „ M» sfcpwm aMa Bjiat ortt Ike.Mi^ aiqpvC Feari* pinIkaMittr tHla 'MMiMfe puiM M Grange Will ' On Tuefday r- £5- WllkMboro Orange , on Tuesday ; ,»j 7>3fl p. mgyA epeclal *•’- being prepw^ BrelkoH and a latjje at s>- .