i^mti » -Wi 11 »ro \lih op*ot tli«>^ . .Mar a>l13 tn flk« nrm* aj^irUb dalax.'.Viu, h1«b • f •ebool rx IW j^'^lAtnlBilibK tb« oppbaltlon. klt ^ack !Aa jll^ iack !Aas8er 1* banding ' ai^nd only three'letter m Tait year’# team. They litl^i^^biarles Wiliams, Lomax Oroek"'^hd K. D. Dancy. Others mn Joe Hunt, Jack roster, Wayne ^ntry, Robert Triplett, - Mack Bier, Tommie Gilreatb, Sammy Black, Bill Brewer. Prior to the Varsity game Fri day night , at eight o’clock a mid get game will be played. The Mld- •g^^ere are coached by Ray Cline and are from the sixth and •erentb grades in the elementary ■efaool. Between halves of the varsity game Friday night will he a cake wralk and other entertainment. Admission charges will be 10 cents lor school children and 25 cents for adults. Jihtfs IWrtnfQht of ' Mtlictioii, b«lleye''tV^ jn*- gram has compieteS nwiltal'’ iWgeiA pertodT^ ba^on* ' BO tov fMl that their pow be?*gaiTW j»a^ ‘ worttlng** divyito, io^ mept. / ■ '- ititat belief and ' that i behind the divialDB’s rt^ttPaat State Is Loser Somewhere In England, and in aa EnglWt phrt, thla deatroy'if now fliee the atandard of the Free Frmich feTMd who fight on tot liberty. It waa one of the ships of war that came ow to England rather than sur- ' ;':nder When the French government capltnlated to the Naxis. Craft of the Free French navy are now doing regular duty with units of the British fleet. Washington, Jan. 13.—The Su preme court refused today to re- Tlew a decision enjoining North Carolina from enforcing state game laws against United States foreet service officers who killed deer in the 97,000 acre Plsgah National Game reserve. Officers of the state deartment cf conservation and development appealed from the fourth federal circuit court, which upheld an injunction decree issued by the eastern North Carolina federal district court. HOW MUCH TI.ME DO MEN WASTE? Judith .T. Chase, veil known quiz expert, gives men a chance to find out whether they fritter away precious moments which, if used intelligently, would earn them a pile of money. Don’t miss this illustrated feature in the January 26th issue of The American Weekly the big maga zine distributed with the Balti more Sunday American on Sale at All Newsstands. Ads get attention—and resultal Meet the ^un in FLORIDA tomorrow J Real Bullets Found In Army ‘Blanks* Relax on a eouthbound Greyhound Super-Coach today —and on a golden Florida beach tomorrow! Save extra money every mile for extra days in the aun! One Way One Way Jacksonville .... $6.05 Miami $10.20 Key West .... $13.20 Tampa $8.60 GREYHOUND TERMINAL. M. C. Woodie. Agt. ’Phone 216 9th St. Ln. t... Tvooaie, /\gi. i iiuiie ^id acu oi. ^srBHEYHDUHD Ft. Dix, N. J., Jan. 14.—Brig. Gen. Ralph K. Robertson, acting commanding general of the post and the 44th Division, disclosed today that a number of live car tridges had been discovered in 3-upposedIy blank animunitlou be ing Issued to troop® for use in a combat problem. Issuance of the “blanks” was “immediately recalled from the troops before any were fired,” Robertson said. He added that “an investigation is being con ducted.” Officials said the “guard cart ridges’’ found in the allotment were capable of Inflicting deadly wounds. Officers explained that “guard cartridges" are deadly and nor mally used by • army sentries'. They differ from bullets used in combat in that they have lead instead of steel jackets and that they do not contain as much powder as the bullets used in the field. Um the ' chis papei g& yoor shopping gnld JAMUAIir I n i > >y \- , Jlfx- AflOiOLlb*' *' Ridgp, Hatehfli '^rga^ 'WMMBgtou .'pulf- 'A ”-'-1 ■•V: -,-.e message placed the esti- it^'for the opentton ot the Smoky MomntUns Natlbnal if> the Adtleory Budget: '^>t i» Nwth Caroline and Tenn- BETWEEN •ion for an Increase !h fW ftpjflfo^ priatlon from'$$0,600' toi$liA,T 000. They realize that anch a tre* hiendous percentage increase can only be Justified on a' basis ^ accomplishment, but they are confident that an examination, gf the division’s record .will furnish all the Justification necesaary. In a brief for the division, sub mitted to the budget commission, Mrs. Elizabeth Morrlss, Us direc tor, reviewed the work of her di vision since Its authorl$atlon In 1937 General Assembly^ (which provided a meager appropriation of $25,000) and declared It has proved Its practical value through the teaching of Illiterates, through getting public school children back In school, through home making, parent education, nursery schools, safety, health and civic education. “The superintendents who have participated at 100 per cent for expansion of the program,’’ said the brief. Chief purpose of the division is to make possible organization of a program of adult education in every county of the State and with the $145,000 requested, an opportunity would be offered to make this a reality. The larger fund would make possible, Mrs. Morrlss explains: (1) A full time white worker and a full time negro worker for a maximum of 20 counties to be paid for entirely from State funds. These counties would bs the ones least able to pay for a program ot adult education, as determined by income. (2) A county director and teacher in each of the other coun ties which appropriate money to match State funds. This would be possible if all the other eight counties should apply tor funds. It could not be expected, howev er, that all of the counties er number conh- ty would be available for those that do participate. Thus every county in North Carolina would have a chance to participate in the adult education program $12$,100 against $101, (|Td for'the current year. Budget esttmatas tor,, the ope ration of . the Shenandoah Nationr il Piirk in Virginia were aet at $104,$40, an Increase over the $93,610 appropriation for the nnrrent year. National Park Service officials said that the cash appropriation for the Blue Ridge, Natchez, and Oegrge Washington parkways wonld make possible the carrying forward of the schedule of work! set up last year under the author- j izations. About $4,500,000 of the, authorlzat’ons have so far been obligated, officials said Other southern park areas which were given estimates ap proximately the same as for the current year Include: $10,105 for Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, $8,910 for Kill Devil Hill Monument National Memorial, and $7,855 for Kings Mountain Military Park. i North WiflcMboro and Twin Oaks By way of Roaring River, Ronda, Elkin, t State Road, Tharmond, Doughton. Roar- • ing Gap to Twin Oaks, connecting at -i , North Wilkesboro and Elkin with all in coming motor express lines from other points. Starting Monday, Jan* 20th Jean*» Dress Shop Offering Big Values ROUND-TRIP DAILY Leaving North Wilkesboro 9:30 A. M. Returning At 5 P. M. Jean’s Dress Shop, one of i North Wilkesboro’s leading la-!' dies’ ready - to - wear establish ments, is offering some outstand ing values during the store’s an- n'ual January Clearance Sale which is now in progress. The op portunity is now being given for purchasing needed merchandise at great savings. The ladies of this section are invited to visit the store during this special sale, | and readers of this newspaper ^ ^ are Invited to read Jean’s adver- ^ | tisement giving a few of the' many values now offered by the management of the store. PHONES NORTH WILKESBORO . . 26 ELKIN - 328 SPARTA - 12 These county programs are un- Come one—come all! We’re ready with a store full of red ho* values! Now’.s the time to stock up on family needs at a real saving! ' V.. RAYON DRESSES $1.33 A Value Reduced to_ Pure Silk Full-Fashioned HOSE pair 39c Perfect Quality CHECK THESE FOR SAVINGS ! uotton BLANKETS 39c Full Bedsize—Plai(^fe Ladies Sport JACKETS . .. $2.44 All Wool 70x80 Double Part Wool BLANKETS $1.49 A Value! Lace Table CLOTHS $1.00 See them! Ladies’ Dress & Sport Coats — now — $4.98 ...$6.50 Men’s Towncraft SHIRTS 98c Close-Out Patterns A Value! ' d e r direct local supervi.slon. j Those coiirF.es are taught which ’the local i.uthorlties feel should be taught. There Is no dictation from Raleigh, or elsewhere, as to the nature of the programs so long as they are Integral parts of adult education. Teachers for the local units are employed from them in all cases where they are available and are paid according to the certificates they hold. This applies to county directors and to all other work ers. The usual proportion of work, by races, Is maintained. Employment of teachers is on an eight nflOnths basis. In addition to the increased appropriations for its .main pro gram, the Division of Adult Edu cation is favorable to legislation which would (1) Provide for establishment and regulation of nursery schools and kindergartens, public and private, in North Carolina, and NORTH WILKESBORO-GALAX MOTOR EXPRESS North Wilkesboro Headquarters: 318 9th St. EXTRA- F4Lf®-EXTRA O « 0 K • 4- Costume Jewelry $1.00 and $1.25 Values Now at 69c OUR FINE Suede Bag That Were $2.95 Now $1.98 Scarfs and Gloves On Sale At Girls All-Wool COATS $2.98 A Value! Children’s Al’-Wool SNOW SUITS $3.77 Men’s All-Woo! Suits and O’Coats ™» ... $10.00 mi J. C. Penney Co. Has On Clearance Event $5.95 Jackets Big Savings! Reduced to VA omr-n’s and Ch'Idren'.s RAYON PANTIES 10c A Value! Amer/jimeK' 8tx99 WIZARD SHEETS A Value! 50c Fleece Lined 42x36 PILLOW CASES, each A Value! 9c SWEATERS 77c W Meet • • ^ Ladies’ White HANDKERCHIEFS See ’Thera Each ■_ 2c While quontitiat lasti Warm, sturdy cotton in fast color flat knitl The manager of the local J. C. Penney store, Mr. J. R. McCart ney, has a n-umber of real bar gains listed for sale during the firm’s annual January Clearance event. A number of outstanding values, of'the many to be fouud in the large store, are offered the public this week-end. and the at tention of readers of The Journ al-Patriot Is directed to the store’s advertisement in' today’s pa^'er. - These outstanding bargains in fall and winter merchandise are being offered In time to be of oi'uch use this wiater as plenty of cold weather; no doubt, is ahead. Be sure to visit Penney’a clearance event. The management states It will be well worth yon*" time. $3. ITS One Lot Children’s Dresses Sizes 1 to 12 $1 and $1.95 Value 69c and $1.39 OUTING Gowns and Pajamas Good Quality and Style Were $1.95 Now $1.39 One Lot Silk Slips Marlow’s Staqii^g' J«^ary Marlow’s Men’s Shop, owned and oi»er*t6a by W. C. Marlow, and located in the Can Hotel building, corner B and Ninth Streets, la now staging Its annual January Clearance Sale,,featuring saVlngs np to 50 per emt. -. - This well known fim line of mra’a^N^. 4*' C/1 o ** Sweaters On Sale! $2.95 Values.... ALL HATS ON SALE! $1.00 - $1.95 - $2.95 $3.95 Bed Jackets Now $2.88 $1.98. B e d J a c k e t s Now$lJ9 Were $1.98 NOW $1.39 $2.95 Miss Swank Slips On Sale At $2.59 r .a: