^ 4-T'^^ r., *;^v^ % % S>^/ - ' ^ v^/i . _ ’^ET^. fli CoBgO, is wjjtwrtgg nlcrty from major otfbiwtton performed at- the *U»ea Hospital. ^ ^ f^Jitr. a. I. WatU, well known Baptist minister of the Boomer ''eqfismaBltr, was a Tteitor In this , cKy today. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvel, Jr., spent the week-end in Chapel Hill with Mrs. Harvel’s mother, Mrs. Irene Scroggs. Her. Watt M. Cooper and Mr. a' Q. Finley attended the ses- of the Winston-Salem Pres bytery at Mocksville Tuesday. 8.'^ ^ - , Lumber oom'pany, attended* the anBual coiiTeh|lon of the Carolina Wlpdpr ap^; Building Supply as sociation i£ Charlotte yesterday and today. Misses Anna Bedle ' Minton, of Loel Ahdsl|ia^ial Vallle llfom- la, and Mr. and Mre.’Major Min ton, of High Point, spent the week-end here visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Clyde Handy, of Dehart, who before her marriage was Miss Pauline Pruitt, popular young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pruitt, has been ill for c. »» sometime hut has recovered. friends are glad to learn. il^V:;#o«pftai in Wllilrtdipfel. ■ ■ ■ - ^ Panersi service 'will be ,h^d Unfos Baptist church Trlday^ ll: a.'m. 7- ■. 8he was the widow of . tb® la^ C. A. Parks, who died in t)e^Mn* her. 1988, and was the mother of Hev, Perris Parks. Other sui^lvi- 4^'sons and daughters are C, A. Pdrka of Winston-Salem; Ray mond Parks, of Wilkesboro: Mrs. j. V. Parrtne,' of Winston-Salem; and Mrs. Harvey Lackey, of BoonvlUe. ^iMaime; th. IbjOCtOrR^Wlli Bb . [ ara ? bepdaptafi, to,, , count ^ . , atweri^ ui1 riijU^ ^ . was learned 1 'S-:l •sm ' c5fe4(ith' a to)Kt(b' igte- to The Goodwill Store An acearate estimate of their numbw was not available at se lective sarTice beadquarterm but it wae belisyed there would be several hundred. 1:1 he vioocivnn Oaore •' t ''t\» Ha> Clearance Sale **"• D»e. Rev. R. H ai^well known Presbyterian min ister In northwestern North Car olina, was a visitor in this city yesterday. and Mrs. W. R. Hamby. I ^ Mr. . L|jp[)f Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown, of Winston-Sal em, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Handy and faipily recently at Dehart. ' Mr. F. J. Hartley returned to his home Tuesday from Davis hospital in Statesville, where he was a patient for six weeks. Friends are glad to learn of much improvement in his condition. Charles -McNeill, county wel fare officer, said today that here after all relief food orders will be filled at the storeroom which has been set up in the Jarvis building In Wilkesboro instead of the warehouse in this city. The county storeroom has been locat ed in Wilkesboro for filling or ders of Wilkes relief cases. Mrs. M. H. Vestal, age 81, fell Monday night on the stairs at her home at Yadkinvllle and received a broken hip. She Is a patient at the hospital In Elkin. Mrs. Vestal Is the mother of Mr. Paul J. Vest al of Moravian Falls. Little Miss Carol Raye Woodle, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Woodle, of thld city, underwent a tonsil operation at The Wilkes Hospital Thurs- day. She is recovering nicely, we are glad to state. — CLOSE OUT 3 sizes Automatic Heaters as low as .... $7.50 Carlton’s Hardware Mr. Pete Antonakas returned yesterday from a Winston-Sblem hospital, where he had been treated tor sinus trouble and complications for the past few days. Some improvement is re ported in his condition Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Church and daughter, Miss Peggy Church, re turned Tuesday from Palmyra. Va., where they attended the fu-1 neral of Miss Eva Martin, a cous-1 in of Mrs. Church. Miss Martin died Sunday morning at Tarboro, N. C. 1 The Goodwill Store, one of the largest and best known stores In this section, today announces its annual January Clearance Sale. Thl® big sale starts Saturday at 8 a. m. and will continue for 15 days. Prices have been slashed throughout the store, and hun dreds of bargains will be waiting for the thrifty shoppers of this section when the doors open Sat urday morning. A Goodwill Department Store sale is a real sale. Be sure to read the firm’s page advertise, ment appearing on page three of this Issue of The Journal-Patriot. Miss Vannoy Buys Wilkes Beauty Shop I ^ ★ ^ ' WOOD CIRCUL.ATOR 1 SM ALL COAL CIRCUL.ATOR 1 MED. COAL CIRCULATOR —Close Out at Cost— Carlton’s Hardware Last For Your Cough Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the im- derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Couzhs, Chest Colds, B ronchitis I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONRAD’S GREAT STORY . . . NOW A GREATER PICTURE • NOW SHOWING • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Watson Brume, of this city, Tuesday at noon, at the Wilkes Hospital, a fine boy—Cyrus Watson Brame, .second. Mr.s. Brame is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Forester, of this city. Mother and child aro getting along fine. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Eller, Jr., returned a few days ago from an extended wedding trip to Florida. Mrs. Eller Ls the former Miss Frances Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J^. M.rOrawfbrd. =of this city. They are now residing in their new home in Finley Park. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Blackmon have moved to one of the apartments in the apartment house of Mrs. W. M. DeBerry in AVilkesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Black mon were married in Cheraw, S. C.. on December 1st. Mrs. Black mon is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ■V^^ Pardue, of Winston- Salem, being the former Mi.ss Frances Pardue. Mr. Blackmon is manager of the local Miller-Jones Shoe store. Sunstroke is very rare ami. Fla., where the sun mo.st of the time. in Mi- shines Miss Eula Vannoy, who has several years experience in beau ty culture work, has purchased the Wilkes Beauty Shop located in the rock building in Wilkes boro and will operate the estab lishment. She is a graduate of Mae’s School of Beauty Culture here. She worked for 15 months in the Arcade Beauty Shop in Asheville and for six months in a shop at Hiddenite. Special prices are quoted in an advertisement else where in this newspaper. Girl Scout News Troop number 7 >*.et January 10 at the Little Scout House. We formed the horsiieshoe for mation. Margaret Ann Hutchens was the Hag bearer and Blair Coffey and Cortnne Finley were the color guardBi! Blair -Coffey led “My Country ’Tis of Thee.’’ We voted on Treasurer and Scribe. Jane Carter is treasur&r and Corlnim Finley is scribe. We had a mock congress, .lanie Mc- Dlarmid, the leader, read what the treasurer and scribe were to do. Mrs. Carter read some on 'What Is Girl Scouting.” Janie explained the Girl Scout promise. CORINNE FINLEY, Scribe. Ads. get attention—ana resuita We Save You Money on a CLOSE OUT of Automatic Wood Heater as low as $7.50 Carlton’s Hardware R. C. Ingool Is Claimed By Death Funeral service was held Sat urday at Pisgah church for R. C Ingool, age 70, citizen of the Hays community who died Fri day. The surviving children are: J. C. Ingool, Jone-ivllle; Mrs. Blanche Luffman, State Road, Dennis Ingool. Jonesville; Fence and Crom Ingool, Hays; Mrs. Verna Bauguess. Benham; Clyde Ingood, South Carolina; Eartie and Mae Ingool, Hays. Monday - Tuesday .. :3.U’.i744t^ GRANT HEPBURN the 3-STAR' LAUGH 1 aatflBnfllHUSSST • J*haHOWAKO ' *S«laa4 TOUNO • loha HALLIOAT ^ ITASH • Vir«laU WEIDLBB I Ray by Douald Ogdaa Stewot _ nneltd by QIOBSE CUKOR rriniiantil by lOSlFH L. MANKISWICZ lllllllllll - CLOSE OUT — ■sizes Automatic Heaters as low as $7.50 Carlton’s Hardware W Hfrom **Th8 I^)ok*ol* I Aestgneu League —tlLanks to the help of CHI- CHES-TERS PILLS In rellovln* symptomatic functional pftln and discovert.^soInteUsafe to take asi directed. Con tain no hablt-formins^^i^ drugs nor narcotics. CHI-CHES-TERS Tn'isi. PIUS SPECIAL! Permanents from $1.50 “$10.00 Shampoo and Finger Wave 50c Will Do Our Best to Please You WILKES Beauty Shqi NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF LA-ND After due advertisement and on December 21. 1940, the land here inafter described was offered for sale at the courthouse door in , Wilkesboro, at ten o’clock, A. M., i which land was sold under Deed of Trust from Eva Barker and hus- bonJ, Linzy Barker, to W. J. Ca- roon Trustee for ’The North western Br nk, at the price of SIX TY FIVE ($65.00) DOLLARS; and an increased hid having been plac ed thereon; a.nd, an order of re- sald having l>een signed by the j Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County; I w II, therefore, on Friday, Janr uary 31, 1041, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M., at the courtiiouse door in Wilkesboro offer for re sale the following described real estate, for cash to the highest bid- 'Bg der, the bid at this sale to start with $71.60; BEGINNING at a stake on the Northeast corner of Blaine Street and Massachusetts Avenue; amd limning Northwardly along the East sWe of Massachusetts Avenue 1110 feet, more or less, to the South side of an alley; thence Eastward- ly along the South side of said al ley 15 feet, more, or less, to the V/estem boundary line of Lot No. 8: the.nce Southwardly along the Western boundary line of Lot No. 8 110 feet to the North side of Blaine Street; thence Westwardly along the North side of Blaine St., 90 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, said lot being Lot No. 9 in Block 109. Map of North Wilkesboro, N.' C. 'This the 16th day of January, . D. 1941. W. J. CAROON, ’Trustee By A. H. CAS^, Atty. l-23-2t t ' * Funml'service was held Tnee- day at Edgewood BapUst church for Mrs. Perry Johnson, wife of Glenn Johnson, of near Wilkes, boro. She died Monday at her home, .v- I ipVtm ..add, l>i|^nahe - • .^1,1 HI -ex0~ *>• I need a holiday,” said the prettr cashier. *T’m not looking best in Fddli Choppers. $1.99^2.39 Carlton s HARDWARE my beet.” ia^ ff£^;U|e these Wo . tfeatxmlts 'when need ’ . SNIFFLE, ... M siSn of nasal u.RTfi4nnN)N ... put a few drops (rf. -Yteks Va-tro-nol op each nos tril right away. Tfais helps to present many colds from devel oping, because'Va-tro-nol is ex pressly designed to help Na ture’s own defenses against colds. „ (If a head cold causes stuffiness, you’ll find that a few drops of Va-tro-nol helps clear the clogging mucus ana makes breathing freer and easier.) IF .. A CHEST COLD OR V^F ways at once. It face of chest warming poultice,VAi - time it releases h^fu. nal vapors that are mreatlHd i reet into the irritated air sages. Both Va-tro-noi and VapoRifc have been tested through yeua of use in millions of hooMK When yon use these two eseflU cines you are not ebcperimtntingb you are not taking needksB chances. Remember: If the dition of the cold fails to reapsiA quickly to treatment—or if bmis serious trouble is indicated—erii your family physician away. In the meantime be Wia- par^! Get a bottle of Vicks ma- tro-iivol and a jar of Vicks poRub today—have them ' ready to use. Miss Ekila Vannoy, Mgr. ’Pbwie 522 - Rock BMg. Wilkeabora, N. C. We Save You Money on ti CLOSE . OUT of Antomat Wood Heater aa low as $9 m ving Event ONE RACK OF LADIES’ CLEARANCE OF CHILDREN’S -SOCKS- Were 25c29c Were 35c 5 pr. $1.00 4 pr. $1.00 FURTHER REDUCTIONS THAT SAY BUY NOW! Clearance of Ladies’ WINTER DRESSES ,4-t UNBEWEVABLE—BUT TRUE Wools, Silks, Crepes, Solid Colors and Florals Special Reduced Lots To Clear— -Extra LADIES’ Values to $2.98 oo Values to $3.95 Values to $12.95 MILL INERY OO Further Reduced to Clear! XXc y X «ss $^•88 Values Up to parf $2.98 ^OC Rdgular $7.95 ^ a Regular $5.95*$6.50 Regular $1U.H5 Values Up to KA fifi (Q OO Ik $3.98 OOC y^rOO • Values Up to i\i\ Regular $14.95 Regular $17.95 Regular $19.95 $4.95 t $7-48 $8.88 $9-88 Group of Gossard Foundation Were $1.50 to $3.75 ym Odd Lots of Brassieres Were 59c to $1.50 now 25c to $1 $1.00 Parka Hoods with Scarf learance . . 79® One group of $1.00 Jewelry 25® Clarence Lot of Suede and Kid Gloves HALF PRICE LADIES’ WINTER CO. PRICED TO CLEAR OUT! Were $1.98 And $2.98 One Table of Novely GIFTS Selected groups O A| 1« priced to clear la ALT I' out at once — PRICE Regular $10.95 $6 Regular $14.95 $8 Regular $17.95 $10 Regular $19.95 • 'N mV‘Xr- Regular $29.95 ' JHi Values to $39.95 $12 ,■ 1 - $15 $19 and leas Lor Clearance G(^ee Tables RDVKD O^ SQUARlt Fotdn MIqkes Fire Screep $1.69 2 CoaU, Were $49,95, now reduced *o — 1 Black Coat, size 18, was $65.00, now on ssde .. $39.00 1 Black Beriian trimmed Coat, size Ifr, war $65.0C^^ifoW $39.{00; 7^

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