‘WasAknChM A ‘Gotten tie” Kreeident Den'ec Plan Will Push Hm United States Into, Europe’s War Washlo^on.—President Roose- 'Shlt yesterday denounced 'a s Untruthful, rotten and dastard ly” a statement by Senator Bux ton K. Wheeler (D), Mont., that the new deal’s foreign policy, as embraced by the lend-lease bill. Is to “plow under every fourth American boy.” Wheeler, leader of Senate non- NOnCB Notice is hereby given the pub lic that an application for the par don of John Ashley, convicted at a of Wi n^V . thTM 'leeS' of had employed the.mvreesion sh4 that he felt It was time, to Itlll the dogan at the start, “1 regard It Sa the moift un truthful, ae the -most dastardly, most unpatriotic thing that hae ever been said,** he declared, hts face grim and his eyes flashing. “That really is the rottenest thing that has been said in public life in my generation.” He gave correspondents permis sion to quote him directly—a pro cedure used only when he wante to add especial emphasis to his words. Wheeler Conntetw Wheeler promptly countered that “apparently the President has lost his temyier.” “I sincerely hope that my statement will be proven to be untrue and that no American boys will bs plowed under because of recent term of Wilkes ‘ sliperio?: the administration’s w^-mlnd^ Court, will be filed with the Gov-1 foreign policy,” he said. Notb- emon of North Carolina. Anyone could be more unpatriotic vrishing to oppose the granting of fan the passions of said pardrfn is hereby notified to do so at once. TTiis January 9th, 1941. Mr. and Mrs. George Ashley. l-16-Zt.-t ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of J. Oscar Bil lings, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, whose address is Dockery, N. C., duly verified, on or before the 7th day of January, 1942, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right Will UC picaav* IS. to recover. All persons inaebted tOj i mri/c said estate will please make impie- intimidate other people from ex the American people to the point where they will accept a program that will eventually send Ameri can boys to be killed upon for egin battlefields. “I am not unmindful that the President has said that no Ameri can boys will be sent abroad, but I submit to the American people ‘ that every speech that has been made by the President since the election has been one tending to bring this country step by step into the foreign war. 1 hope his utterances will not diate reUleractit. This 7th day of Jan. 1941. L. G. BILLINGS, admin istrator of the estate of J- Oscar Billiiigs, dee d. 2-6-6t NOTICE Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of tru.st executed on the 26th day of November, 1938, by H. P. Swuini and wife, Bernice Swaim, to W. M. Allen, Trustee, recorded in Book 184, page 289, Office of the Register of Deeds, of Wilkes County, North Carolina, -ind de fault having been made in the payment of .said note and deed of tru.st, and at the request of the holder of the note and deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will on the 27th day of January, 1941, it 2 o’clock P. M., offer for sale rt public auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Post Office, Rdnda. North Caro lina, the following described real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING at hickory in Simmons line and runs West 4 fdis. to a black oak (now a rock) on the old Mill Road; then S. 40 ■ degrees West 30 chs. to a rock near Grassy Creek in Thoma.s line; then .S. 36 degrees East I chain to a rock; then S. 34 degrees East 3.68 chains to a persimmon; then E. 37 links to a sourwood; then £f. 43 degrees East 2 cbs. 18 links to a while oak; then S. 42 deg. W'. 1 ihain to Blackburn's line; then N 4.35 chs. to a pine: then North 25.50 chs. to the beginning, lon- tarning 29 acres be it more or less. This tile 23rd day of De'cmber. 1940. W'. M. ALLEN. l-16-4t (t) Tru.stfe pressing their honest opinions Refu es To ,\n--wer The President’s outburst eame during a general discussion of ihe projiosed British aid bill. He re fused to answer a question wheth or he would accept a limitation of the powers which would he vested in him. e.xr!aining that if he answered this inquiry others would follow at sulx-equent press conferences. He urged that this be avoided. lie was ready witii a quick reply, however, to a query for coninieiit on the label of blank check” which has been apidied to his powers under the measure. He challenged correspondents to draft a measure providing for sufficient power to liini the I nit- ed States into an "arsenal for democracy” which would not he so labeled. This moderate reply, he said, does not apply to those who .said that the British-aid bill repre sented the new deal’s AAA for eign policy to plow under every fourth .American boy. Then he fired his “rotten and dastardly’’ question. N'O’riCE OK KE-S\LE I’rvler and by v rfm- of an order of the Clerk Superior Court of ■Wilkes County niatie ili the matler of the foreclosure under deed of trust executed by J. M. Vanhoy, W'idower, to W. .\I. .Allen, Trustee, recorded in Book 1-')1. page 132, Office of the Regisler of Deeds, of Wilkes County, ordering a re--sale of the lands hereinafter des'i'ibe.l. the said bid to commence at $551.2.5, the undersig .eii T ustee, jrt pursuance of said oi ler and by virtue of the power rt’ sal° con tained in .said deed of trust, will til the 27lh dav of .lanitaiy, 1941. at 2 o’clock P, M., offer f r sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash in front of die Post Office at Ronda, N. C.. the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: New Aid Plan 1$ Introduced Washington.—Here, in brief, are Ihe provisions of the bill in- I reduced in Congress yesterday a IIIhorizing tran.-fer of war ma terials to otner nations: Seetion 1. The title bill to further promote the defense of the Knitcd States, and for other purposes.” Seetion 2.--Defines "defense article” in terms broad enough to include almost any article, spe cifically mentioning vessels, nia- cliinery and materials. defines defense information” as any plan etc., or “information” per taining to a defense article. Srciion — Anthorizc.- the I’resideiit to procure i y innnnfnc- riue or otherwise any defense -ir- R«v, Hu)^ Hamilton, as- Hlstont pa’tor of the PU’^ PresbvteHoa church in Wlna- tcn-Saiem, was on Tuesday elected moderator of the Win ston-Salem Presbytery In meet ing at Mocksville. Rev. Watt M. Coo|)er and Elder E. G. Fin ley were delegates from the North Wllkesboro rtiurch. Be low are pictures of Dr. .1. R. Cunnlng'liam, whose i>astoral relations with (he First Pres- b.vterlan church in Win.ston- Saleiii were dls Olvetl in order that he might acct-pl presiden cy of Davidson C’ollegc, and Rev. I*. .1. Garrison, ,Ir., retir ing imalerator who delivered the l*resh.vterj sermon. ^ , The/stockholders of tk^ Wlsr Irtios-jtMMA iCredit A»-, uo^ktiou hell^Mr WMlU Ing inciil^instoii^^^' Otaiplple iwl dssall^ were gukde t^. ^A ueoeiati.tm. J. Jl.' JaiAiiH^|i't^d repr^entatiT«3iof. the CrediU; Cta^onltdii,'' Ahai U^iinhMyj |he hor*; row . Jr0iB;^:tbW Is not' «b7ehulf^l,^jley, but movif the, atiidcjiatkni borrows from the .-lilteVQSedkU^;; credit Banks, and the bank b turn obtaltis the mon ey' It'^^hs by the sale cit si^ort^ fewm dehenturee or bonds l&ve^iqg public. ; / , After Bu-mmarlsln'g the actlvl- i'lee of the board of directors, 'W. H, Hardy pointed out that ttie principal, functions of the board are to make policies, to'' employ personnel, and to select’ commit tees. Me^ Oil Friday ^'Ilie Porsf Home Demon- - dub^eld^tt# regnlad 1'monthly aou^ng h^il(akrt. at the- home Mrs.'|. Bnrfltf BroyjxMl, The presld«att Mm. Bur- B^hUl, called tbe'ilH^ittf’tci: dmer. ihe dtdt coltei^ yr«u.,re- peated In.i co^rt. Mts. L. ' P. Bentley li^ ’.thp derotloitai;* (ter- lice. The secretary. Mra. Pi M. TiSwe, called the roll and read the mlMtee of tbe December ipeet- |lng. Mrs. C. M. Ashley gave’ the pietnre study of ‘"The Blue Boy” by an Bnglish artist, ' Qainas borongta. The demonstration agent, Miss terus. 1 new sue looa up, rav i^us matters for the^oominc fw’t wosk. Ike clab thelr'&w y^'books and IlMfa*':^ ttt#« to^start JJw heAr ymur wort and the dltforent projfst l«ade«^~^ .wurr-iiaiiied. At Uw oloso^^f the meedna* Mrs. IBroyhill, a^ted by,Mrs. Baker, ser/edX'rMrseh- me^ts, , / MOVIE No woman y« have unlovdy hossard are thin, you may tha^ta- min B CompUnt and IroB la VbiaL V|nol has helped thousands. Wilkes Dmg Store. L. E. Francis, Secretary-Treas urer, discussed the financial con dition of the association. He said each year the association has in creased its volumh of loans and has not as yet experienced a charge-off. In 1940 loans were made to 757 members in the a- roount of $159,169.84. C. D. Slate made an interesting talk from the point of view of a member. Officers of the Association are: Paul J. Vestal, president: W. H. Hardy, vice president: and L. E. Francis, secretary-treasurer. Di rectors in addition to the presi dent and vice president are E. S. Welborn. N. 0. Speas, and C. E. Hartman. At this meeting Mr. Hartman was elected director for a three year term. The Association servee Alle ghany, Ashe. Caldwell. Davidson, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Watauga. Wilkes and Yadkin countleo. MIm Addle Malone, of Wln- steu-Salem, is home service apedollst for Duke Power com pany ‘ in this district. She con- dnets cooking demonstrations and her services are free to any electricity customers of Duke Power company in help ing to solve proUems in cook-. Ing, refrigeration, light con ditioning and other phases of home economics. She may be reached throuifh the North Wllkesboro branch of the Duke Power company, which is hav ing its formal opening in new offices On Ninth street this afternoon and niglit. DR. .1. II. Cl’NXINGH.AM REV. P. .1. G.\I;RIS)\, .Ir. $50,000 Fire Hits Town Newland FIRST TR.ACT: Beginning at tide aiu! transfer it. on terms lie mouth of branch (now liitch) orig- "lieeins satisradory.” to tlie gov inai corner J. M. Vanhoy ami N. J. Walls, North 85 degrees East 87 poles to a small poplar at a clavroot; North 28 degrees East 284 poles to a red oak: North 771-2 degrees 12 poles to a Spanish ernnieiit of "an.v coniili’y Newland, Jan. 11.—Damage in IB fi'-B lliat Tl.B,-or1ny niglit do- rover! lonst of llie Imsiness dis- •iet of this .\v'-i-y county town was esti'i'a’eil 1 y officials today i|| Dip I’Bigbl'Orhonit of $50,000. whoso! Pvadicaily none of the damage defense the i’resident deems vital to the defense of the United States.’’ .Also authorizes the Pres- deiit »o ”lest” or repair” any de- oak; North 62 decp’ees East 1,=; fen.jp aitide and to transfer de poles to a post oak: North 60 de- fen.se information to foreign gov- grees East 21 poles to a triple sourwood near ridge road: wi’h road North 65 degrees East 20 poles to a rock on East bank of road; North 9 degrees East 254 poles to a rock in road; North 68 degrees East 9 poles to a rwk on East bank of road; South with R. L. Wall’s line 74 and 1-3 poles to a double dogwood, continuing South 49 and 3-5 poles to a pine stump; South 27 degrees West 60 poles to Little Elkin Creek; up creek as it meanders about North 40 degrees West 130 and 2-5 poles to the beginning, cantaining 97.44 acres more or less. SECOND TRACTT: BEGINNING at a stake in J. S. Poplin’s line: North 32 and 4-5 pole.s to a ma ple; continuing North .38 poles to a rock; Ea.st 16 poles to a rock; North 614 poles to a rock. Geo. Vanhov’s comer, in Martha Las- ter’s line: South 64 degrees Ehst 32 1-4 poles to the ford of branch; South 16 degrees West with road from Little Elkin church to J. M. Vanhoy’a residance 24 poles to a rock in road; East 59 and 1-10 ernments. (Congressional leaders explained that this section would, for instance, permit repair of a British warship in an .American navy yard.) Section 4.—Directs that for E les to a rock: North 70 degrees ist 34 poles to a rock at moutli of old drain. Geo. Vanhoy’s and C. L. Boyd’s comer; South 6 de wa..- eiivered l.y insurance, it was reported. o’clock in a cafe and quickly spread to otlier buildings on Main .street. This town has prac tically no fire fighting equipment Give Advice On - Planting Kudzu Failure to prepare the right kind of plant bed is often re.spon- slhle for poor stands of kudzu, according to P. W. Edwards. Work Unit Conservationist, of the Soil Conservation Service in the Wilkes Work Unit, Wllkesboro, North Carolina. “To Insure a good survival, kudzu should be planted on a well-pKopared,' flrmr plant bed,” he said. “Under no conditions should the seedlings be planted on bed.j where the soil Is in a lno.se, spongy condition.” “When preparing plant beds, space rowf about 25 feet apart. Open a deep furrow along each vow and apply two tons of ma nure. and 200 pounds of super phosphate per acre in the fur rows. Cover this furrow by plow ing enough furrows to it to form a broad flat lied. Harrow- or drag these beds down until they are approximately fiat. “It is best to prepare the beds in the fall or early winter so that the ground may bo well settled before time for kudzu to be plant ed. Where the bedt have yet to he prepared, it is important to harrow-, roll or otherwise firm the ground to produce the firm seedbed so important to the suc cessful establishment of kudzu. “Plantings along large gullies or roadbanks should be made in well-prepared highly fertilized row-s parallel to the gullies or roadbanks. Rows should be far enough from the gully to allow cultivation of plants w-ith a plow. In area.s where the preparation of a plant bed is impossible, plant in w-ell-prepared hills. “The success obtained with kudzu is usually measured by the The blaze started about ,S:.30 care w-ith w-hich the seedling.s two Persons Die In Alleghany Fire Sparta. — Two persona w-ere, burned to death yesterday after- | noon about 2 o’clock- when fire ! destroyed the home of Emory | Edwards in the Edwards Cross- j roads section ten miles north of ; here. j -Mrs. Betty Edwards, 6 6, ill and | unable to arise from bed, and her : invalid daughter. Miss Mattie Ed-1 wards, 33, perished in the fire ; that consumed the two-story' frame structure in a remote sec- j tion of Alleghany county. Emory Edwards wa.s working j in a field near the home. He said | he did not discover the tire until ' the entire structure was a blaz ing Inferno. Let the advertasinc columns of this paper be your aboppinR guide CONGRATULATIONS — TO — POWER COMPANY We congratulate the company upon the constant ly improved service being given our town and section. We, too, shall endeavor at all times to give a satisfactory service to our customers, and make deal ings most pleasant. ANDERSON ELECTRIC CO. S. T. Anderson, Owner ’Phone 22-J Wilkesboro, N. C. are planted. With many there is the mistaken Idea that kudzu will take root and grow no matter how poorly it is planted. That is and trucks w-ere summoned from wrong. Kudzu responds to plant A 2_.— other communities. An engine ar rived from Spruce Pine about 9:30 o’clock and one from Boone about 10 o’clock. A truck from eign governments obtaining de- . Blizabethton. Tenn., didn’t arrive fense articles must agree not to i until aboui 10:30 o’clock. By that transfer them to other govern- time the fire was' being put under menu without consent of the.control. President. | Section 5.—Directs that when a department or agency effects a it transfer of a defense article shall immediately inform an a- gency designated by the President to receive such information. Section 6.—Authorizes approp riation of “such amounts as may be necessary” to carry out the act, and directs that any money realized from foreign govern ments in connection witU trans fer of defense articles shall be Destroyeo in the fire w-ere the buildings housing the C. ,L. Hughes store, the Daniels board ing house. Calloway’s store. San itary cafe, the Ronald Hughe' store and funeral home. Skyland Chevrolet agency, the , Masonic hall and the Avery county wel fare office. All the records in the welfare office were destroyed. Quick work on the part of fire men saved the Yates barber shop. The building that housed Crav- ■badly dam- ici -- gu’s store, although -u available for the same purpose jjg repaired. onnrnnrietlnn 1 plans for rebuilding have was the original appropriation (that is for production of’defense'yg^ j,een announced, articles.) ' Section 7.—Directs that patent C. L. Boyd'S corner: oouui o ae- to defense ar- rrees West-with C. L. Boyd’s line rights of citizens to detense ar 129 and 3-5 poles to a rock in F., tides be protected. H. Howell’s line; West with F. M.( Section 8.—Authorizes the War Hwell’s and J. S. Poplin’s line and Navy departments to pur-’ 149 poles to beginninir, ctfntain-' dj^gg torelgn-produced war im- i)ft 9'».98 acres more or less. Inlements whenever the President Thi. Jan. 16-23 ’ defense. REAL PLEASURE Amiable victim (bowlpd over by auto): “I’m perfectly all right, thank *you. I’m not a. bit hurt.’’ Motorist: “I say, you’fe behav ing so jolly well about real pleasure to' knock Mown thorough sportsman llkelyoa bed preparation and fertilization as much or perhaps more than any other farm crop.” Exemption Income Tax Filing Lowered The First Revenue Act of 1940 provides, among other things, that, effective with returns for the calendar year 1940, the per sonal exemption for Income tax purposes in the case of single per sons shall be $800 instead of $1,000 as heretofore, and In the case of married perwns, living to gether, $2000 instwd of >2500 as heretofore. The Act further provides that the gross and not the net Income shall be the de termining factor with respect to the liability for the filing of In come tax returns. Naturally, these changes In the law will affect many Individuals who have not her^ofore filed Federal income tax returns. Congratulations To POWER COMPANY STEAK A LA CARTE Customer: “Where is the steak ■on your menu?” lyalter (reading) ,air; A Splendid Record Of Public Service This company has made possible the enjoyment of electrical advan tages throughout a great area of our section, and we are happy to add our congratulations upon the progress made thus far. We predict greater expansion in future years, and urge the co-operation of outly ing districts in securing lines where the service is not now available. Let Us Help You ■in your wiring problems of any kind, also in selecting your electrical fixtures for modem convenience. Get our prices . on anything electrical. Convenient terms. Henderson Electric Co. Fred Henderson, Manager Telephone No. 75 North Wilkesboro, N. C;