R^“'-». ' Omuuui ...^_ .. toter to »^r««di«« out Mothor 1.090 «4v«ii«od b«am, pro. lip t> lU^, to drop «spIo«. » **lnUItortty important ob« ■ Jiutrtot** In th« Tktnlty oI th* Sow oanal. -»■ Brtdnd them and nasi dlre- vhloh were satd to hay® ’^i|tltvered another smashing at- tlhok today on the crippled British •drerafi, ^ carrier Illustrious at ^•llet^. Malta, a mass of facta Mmors piled up drawing at- tontton to the Mediterranean war theater. I Stltac rumors, not officially dented, circulated In Berlin that > Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini | had a conference during the day. I A goremment sokeaman told fORpS^ 'THl ‘ -j' u A'• VOL. xxxm, No. 88 Published Mondays and Wilked Second Quota Men Leave For Army Nineteen Board Bus Here Today For Fort Bragg Home Via Axis . — V. . ^ •> . i Number Included First Con> •nqalrera nothing is know^ ’ and I mell Informed aourcea who assert- Vtt^detlnHely that the meeting had mea held could not say where the axis leaders had met or what they had discussed. scriptions In Wilkea and Several Volunteers Roma, Jan. 19.—One of Italy’s authoritative fascist writers In- dteated today In Premier Musso- j Xineteen young men, including the county’s first conscripts, boarded a bus here this morning for Fort Bragg, there to be in ducted into the armed forces for a year of training under the Se- Uni’a own newspaper that a tre- | jective Service act. meadous nail offensive might be expected In about two months. Wario Appelius, in an article In II Popolo d’ltalia of Milan, ob- aerved that Germany had piled up vast supplies this winter and added; “The English high com mand has not more than 70-odd days left to obtain that strategic success in the Mediterranean which is the ba.sls for the whole English war plan for 1941.’ Appelius did not specify on which front the expected offen- elvo would start, but usually re liable sources noted various pos sibilities, including a drive through the southea.st towards Seven were from Wilkes draft board number one area and 12 from number two. The county’s quota for this month was 17 but it was necessary to send one from each board to replace two volun teers In the December call who failed to pass the physical exami nation at Fort Bragg. O. K. Whittington and Wm. A. Stroud, draft Iward member and clerk from area number one. were present to see the boys off. They were William Blaine Nich ols. Owdls Johnson. Charlie Cice ro Call. Archie Laws, Robert Hamby, Arnold F. Bumgarner and Alonzo Houck. -All were vol VUIVUSU the Dardanelles, an attack on Gi-' unteers except Johnson and Call, graltar through Spain, or an at-1 .Attorney Eugene Trivette. ap- tmnpt to take Wakar or England | itself. The writer also cited .Adolf * ler’s recent statement that he 1 suspended some arms manu- :uring because of surplus ma terial already piled up and the fuehrer’s promise of victory for the German people in 1941. • ‘‘The power of the German military machine will be greatly iperior in the spring of 1941 to the spriag of 1440,” he Berlin. Switzerland, Jan. 19.— dolf Hitler and Benito Mus.solini aferred today, it was reported here in authoritative diplomatic circles, but where they me or .what they accomplished was >iii- known. Speculation, however, wa.s that German aggressive action in a I ew direction, independently or | [■bolster Italy, is Imminent. I In the pa.sl. meetings between ' the two axis leaders often have portended developments of im portance Italy invaded Greece the same day a.s their last meet. Ing. at Florence, on October 2S. In the background of today's repor.ed conference was the an nouncement in \ ichy that Irent h Chief of Slate Marshal I’etain and his ousted vice premier and foreign minister. Pierre Laval, have “dissipated’ their niisnnd r- Btandlng. peal agent, and W. I’. Kelly, draft board clerk, b'id the boys of draft board mimher two a cheerful farewell. The volunteers and con scripts making up the dozen were William Bud Biirchette, Willie Par.sons. Oid Edward Shumate, Thurman Franklin Bowlin. How ard William Carrigan. Rudy Walker, Sanford David Brown, Woodrow Bain Wood, Paul Eu gene Rhodes, C’liiiide Taylor. Je.s- se Caudill. Conscripts ami volunteers a- like were an.icipaiing their first experience in liic army with no misgivings and were impat.ent to be on their way. The entire group was cheerful and '.evcral express ed the opinion that since it wa.s necessary to have a Itigger army it was better to co now and get started. Building, Loan To Meet Monday Moose Meeting iSere On Sunday; Taken In Many Hegular annual ineeling of the North Wilkesboro Building and IjOan as.M>ciatioit will be be!d in the city hall liere on .Monday night. January 2 7. seven o’clock, according In a notice given out by .1. B. Williams, secretary and treasurer. The meeting will be belli for the purprtse of electing directors for tlie ensuing year, the annual report of the secretary and treas urer and any other business which may come before the meet ing. The association has closed an other successful year and the 5Sth series is now open. Axel Anderson, 6ve, an American boy who was stranded in Norway p pices Boys Fp^ Join TheCAMps 40 Of That Number Will Be Transferred To Camps In Western States Slxty-two Wilkes county boys were enrolled Friday In The Civil ian Conaervstlon camps. This represented the largest single enrollment of Wi"-°.i county hoys and was the first time that all white applicants on file at the welfare office were en listed, Charles McNeill, welfare officer, said today. The boys were examlRpd and inducted at the camp at Laurel Springs In Alleghany county. Of this number 40 were transferred to the conditioning camp at Mad ison and will later be transferred to camps west of the Rocky Mountains. The remaining 22 were enrolled in the Laurel Springs Camp. Wilkes wa.-- allot ted only 'jS but the Laurel DOy WHO was siranacu lu i teci Only when the Axis took over, arrives in springs camp was below normal New York from Lisbon. The label! g^j.g„gth of 200 and aiithorltie.s ■round his neck shows he had to go via Berlin. Grange Sponsors Plans For Cold Storage Plants Committee Appointed To In vestigate Possibilities In Wilkesboros -At a recent meeting of the Wilkesiioro Grange plans were spoasored to work for the loca. tion of an individual locker cold the extras to he taken I .storage plant in the Wilkesboros. | Rdward Veit Higgins, AAarren A committee of three, C. ".jJohnson. Van Warren Kennedy, Bretholl. chairman. J. B. Snipe.s | Reece Quincy Miles, Carl Blaine and Carl K. VanDenian was j Miller. Baraeg^ltU^k Jullua Ite gar MoiffC M> allowed in. Names of the Wilkes recruits follow: Robert Harkin Absher, Zeno Hardin Absher. George Wil son Anderson, Edd Junior Brooks. Quincy Monroe Brown. Fred Car- 1 i s Bumgarner. James Glenn Bumgarner. James Bryant Byrd/ Jr.. Troy Ezekiel Caudill, Ray mond Theodore Chatham, Theo (lore llamillon Church, Arl Blaine Cockerham. Everett Wiiliaan C.'-mbs, liar Dyer, Jr., date John Eller. OlU Royal Eller, J. S. Es ter. Bynum Talmadge Gamblll, Seldom Eubank Gamblll. Rossle McKinley Gentry. Conley Cool- idge Greer, Frank Edgar Haynes, Hobort Hendrix, Hugh Hendrix. B. i^f2.oa 6 Let For Consl lids W’B Be Received Bfr State Highway Commia- •ion January 30th The State Highway and PubUa Works commiasion will recetre bids on January 30 tor constme- don of a bridge across the Tad- kin at the eastern end of this city. Highway engineers at the dlris- lon office here said that a sub stantial concrete bridge will be erected to replace the one-way temporary bridge which spans the Yadkin where the old bridge with a low load limit was dadroy- ed in the flood August 14. The new bridge will be located about 100 yards west of the pres ent temporary bridge and a flll will be constructed on the North. Wilkesboro side of the river. It* northern end will connect with the Junction of a branch of high way 268 and east Main street and the road level will be even with the railroad. Although it will not be above the high water mark of the flood, the new bridge will be construct ed to withstand flood force, en gineers said. The bridge is on the ‘short cut’ road which extends from the east end of Main .street here to a point about two miles east of Wilkes boro on highway 421. On thte road on the south side of the riv er are located the state highway division machine shop and the prison camp. The road, which is not a part of the state highway system, wa» constructed three years ago. h / named to look Into details and report at the next meeting. Feb ruary 11. The.se lockers are now being built in all parts of the country. They are past the experimental stage and are found to be effici ent and practical. There is one functioning successfully in Kn- Clarence PhiBIps. Jr., Richard Byniim Price. Claude Eugene Reyiioids, Don Royal. Claude Bay Shumate. Clive Alonzo Taylor. Vernest Eldwood Taylor. Albert William Triplett. Page Miller Triplett. Gaither Bradshaw Wag oner. Lonnie Elmore Wagoner. leigh and another underway at | Wilson James Warner. James Jefferson. The lockers are rented Odell Walts. Joe Dallas Walkin.-. l)V the year for a nominal sum. I Arnold R )l>ert Wilson, Arnie Ray to individuals of the crmmiinily. The food to he stored in them is first frozen through the facili- tie.s of the idant. A porker or a beef can be kept fresh until con sumed and taken out as needed: also vegetables and fruits can be similarly conserved. Persons in terested in the location of such (Continued on page eight) Woods. .Albert Wood, John Gar ris, .Ir.. James Milton Childress, Julius Smith Walker. Allen Jack- son Johnsc’i, Dock Davis, Arvin Kent -Anderson. Elisha Elmore Hamly. Howard Eugene Wag- loner.-Edward Lee Johnson. Dean ! Taylor. Wayne Minton Farring ton. Paul Eugene .Moore, John Henry I’arker. New Home Local Branch Duke Power Company Is Highly Complimented FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT v _ pm History was made again today at noon when, Presi- A|| WIiq Want |0 dent Roosevelt became the first chief executive of the United States to be inaugurated for a third term. Hisjn- ‘aflace was iliiugurai president. erm as vice Bank Of North Wilkesboro Has Excellent Year Directors And Officera Re elected In Meeting Held Thureday Eleven'From Wilkes At The Inauguration Wilkes people In Washington, D. C.. today to witness the in auguration of President Roose velt for a tliird term included Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Forester, of this city. T. J. .McNeill, of Roar ing River. Mr. and .Mrs. C. O. iMcNiell and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. j Eller, of this city, and four high I school boys—Bob .McCoy, o f All White Applicants Will Be Placed In Camp At Elkin Next Monday Saying that 1940 was a good 1 North Wilkesl)oro, year for the bank and that 19 11 | tington, Jr.. Robert is expected to be the best year in Alvin Sturdivant, Jr O. K. Whil- Moore and of Wilke.-’- Novlh 4Vilkesl>oro liran-li of the Duke Power company ol>serv- ed it.-' formal opening Tl)iirsday afternoon and night with “open lioiise” in tlie compatiy’s new of fices. show rooms and demon stration quarters at 309 Ninth street. The ’’open house’’ began at three o’clock in the afternoon and continued until 9:30 at night with a steady stream of visitor.^ throughout those hou)-s. The new (Continued on page eight) Team From EHzabethton Lodge Put* On Degree Work For The Lodge Morth Wilkesboro Ixidge 243. Order of Moose, held Us class mutation in the ”Pa- nitic Campaign” ’vhlch clos^ B Runday. January 19. at the looae Hall. The members here Bd the risitlng lodge member‘s out of town lodges wltness- a one of the finest meetings ever eld In lit* southland. i-The outstanding team *Btt pnt on the Ritualistic Work ^the finest style ever wltn^sed Lj and I must say that of al JTteams that I have seen In p^t 1 4hid tGftiTi from (,ne Tenn U will ! hard to beat them at Indian- iflT Indiana, at the Intema- convention. They also have Brize in the bag this coming at the Carolina MtmseAs- ?tlon Conclave at North Wil- ^ A Jack Mount, mem- defend- ,r»hip Director. Jack int. aom* Hne A V. Nolan, and the 4 9-year history of the in- stiUition. J. R. Hix, president, made hi.s annual report to the stockholders In meeting at the bank Thursday. The stockholders re-elected the entire l)oard of directors as fol lows: E. M. Blackburn. Ralph Duncan. R. Ci. Finley, J. R. Hix, W. D. Halfacre, John E. Justice, Jr., S. V. Tomlinson and R- W. Gwyn. Tlie directors in meeting re elected all the officers: J. R. Hix, president; W. D. Halfacre, vice president i S. V. Tomlinson, vice president: R. W. Gwyn. cashier; W. W. Starr, a.ssistant cashier: J. G. McNeill, assistant cashier: W, B. Gwyn, assistant cashier. With a substantial gain of approximately $129,740 in 1940. assets of the bank continued their steady growth and totaled $2,123,449.65 at the close of the year. Excerpts from the report of Pre.sident Hix at the stockhold ers’ meeting follow: It is with a feeling of pardon able pride that we refer to our bank’s long period of friendly service to the people of this county and surrounding commun ity, March of this year will end our forty-ninth year of such ser vice. During these years our bank has grown from Us infancy to an Institution occupying a prominent place In the commercial activities of this section of our State. Such growth has been made possible boro. Legion Oration Contest Soon In Wilkes School All Wilkes county white boya who wish to enroll in Civilian I Conservation camps should make application before Friday of this week at the Welfare office, Charles McNeill, Wlikes superin tendent of welfare, said today. The welfare officer has receiv- I ed notice from T. L. Grier, state ' head of C. C, C. enrollment, that 'all available applicants from I Wilkes can be inducted at the ' Elkin C. C. camp on .Monday. Jan uary 27. I All app'licant.s on file at the welfare office were inducted into camps on Friday of last week, there lieing 62 who passed the I examination. That was the first citime that all applicants could lie placed and any other young men and 23 in the Valuable Prizes Offered Fot ' Best Oration On “Consti tution, Its Benefits’ county now have another oppor- •timity to enlist in the camps, j The welfare officer said the •arrangement of pay for the mem- John W. Hall, "adjutant of the hers has been changed, allowiiw Wilkes Legion post, has been ap- a member to save pointed chairman for the legion i camp They ^ Oratorical contest in Wilkes. ; month, of which $15 Mr Hall said today that Uie|h5me. $8 is paid to the men^r Legion earnestly desires that eve-! in the camp and seven dollars ry high school in Wilkes county i are placed in a savings account rirticipate in the contest. The , which they receive when they (Continued on page eight i 'are discharged from camp. The Insurance Service And Credit Corporation Is New Business Finn Successors To North Wilkes boro Insurance Agency; Office Is Opened The North Wilkesboro Insiir ance Agency recently had its charter amended in which it‘ name has been changed to “In surance Service & Credit Corpo growth has been raaae punmuic ration.” However, .he M u “ *i.d !.«■ .«P- Pd"**!" Z. \.rZ- ness men o£ this J’ or finance corporation in “w n® isTo IrCt assets which it will handle loans on $2 in 4l^rand deposits automobiles and other co^nmi^i- ZZl ’ 6: : . White this ties in the same onanner that 7' Here are pictured the members of the Elisabetht n, Tennessee, degree teetm of the Loyal Order pf Moose lodge, who did the ritoalistie work for candilatee of the North Wilkesboro lodge hwe 8uRday Left to right standing are: Robert L. Haskins, P. G; Raymond G^ler, G.; Floyd Myos, J. G.; Jolia b nralato! Albert Hsthswav. orator: Roswell fFritzl Wortea. sermont at arms. Seated are R. Left to right standing are: Kobert L. Haskins, P. G; Raymond Geisier, u.; moya fliyers, j. u.; Jona i*. Stoat, prelate; Albert Hathaway, orator; Roswell (Fritz) Worten, sergeut at arms. Seated are R. S. Cterdww. secretary of the Elizsbethton lodge, and Charles A. Kbby, rcgioul dinctor .of total of deposits is a little less than the peak reached Ip Decem ber 9 In the amount of |1.927.- 375.28 It does represent, the greatest total at tbe.flloso.of any calendar ye*. 'iTUs tpUl the, close of the year IS W !h«reaao of 1114.024.7$ OT)^ date of 10 . Co other credit or financial Institu tions have been making loans In this comimnnKy for years. It will permit local people to deal direct- ly with the hbine folks In hand ling their Installment notes, ' new corporatWn has taken Ijiite 1 i t**: personnel sddMIon* ■UMkholders .nt .• - -» gtoekholdera a iwenilhg board of directors wa.s elected consisting of the“following gen tlemen who are prominent busi ness men of North Wilkesboro; S. V. Tomlinson, J. B. Wil liams, Edwin Duncan, W. J. Ca- roon. J. R. Hix, W. A. McNeil. R. O. Finley, J. E. Justice and J. M. Anderson. S. V. Tomlinson was re-elected as president of the corporation, Mr. Tomlinson having served as president of the North Wilkes boro Insurance Agency for sever al years; J. B. Williams, who has heretofore been secretary- treasurer of the company, was elected executive vlce-preeldent and general manager; W. J. Cn* roon, who has for several year* been connected with the North western Bank, with headqeertmrs here In North Wilkeaboro«,$»cmit- fcr resigned hls posIttoh.^'U^ (ft* bank and comes to ^ .JhmWpon,- Sorrierv* Crelllt Gof*orjfc^ Its seeretezY (OoBtinuod'oi v-»- 'Jh.