JOUBKAL-: ■ «»or» nerroas.; th® robber® o&It a ^Vw Mats SWA-br .^A *.>_ . 'Absurdities •••to awtjr, be pet bis hand pad dre# out a bill It o«t te bistrlead. y*. Sbm." bo said, "bere’s *•• doHbia I owe you.** By Dwipbt Nidiels, et al. — OF TRU8TBE*S SALE OF MMXh ESTATE Carolina, ■--* Coqa^; And by virtue of authori* •••tpined in a deed of bnist mT “V BKAMLETT LAY- , ■•Atand W. M. LAYELL, and de- in its correspondents at tar flung S«e Trus- points In Wilkes county for a w "j’ f*™t band account of the latest •JDjsds of Wilkes Gountyl^rth 1 Cnrohna, in Deed of Truat Book “«“• Traphill. Go IW at page 261, default having ahead. ■MB n^e in the jMyinent of the TRAPHILL •aocatiAi secured tSb" said deed “This is Traphill—^the good •ftmst and at the request of the people of this quaint village. *t|3r appointed sXutute T^tee,l‘° education and yet progreesive. ■wfll offer for sale and sell to the object to the way newspapers re- ^ 1 1 , « • ■ ■ A . . _ . . . A. AMW. IN TUNE WITH TTM^ We have heard It said so many times that we should keep in tune with the times that we are tempted to believe It. Taking our cut front broadcaatlng compan ies, and borrowing an Idea from Pete Ivey and Stuart Rabb, who write “Paaa The Peanuts’’ In the Twin City Sentinel, Abnormal Absurdities at this time will call -S #aa> FltlVlV , ^ ' TENTH STREET ^ , After several attempts our sec ret operative number 1-2 has to- turned with a report from Tenth atreet. Not being acquainted with normal activStiee there, he first i reported that the people had evL dently heard that Hitler’s • war machine was on Its way and had barricaded the street. Knowing something about .the situation, we sent him back for a more search ing investigation and his latest report follows: “Among other things, the rea sons you have been unable to con tact your Tenth Street correspon dent are four double parked trucks, six trucks parked cross-' ways In the street, 11 double is 3b«nm* m Items h Urn MOWDAY, JaS^oS, !• Man' Claris (liqulre ab0dt>i]i^ nui Rev. 8 I. Watts filled dVreg,. SSrbnrwS^S2S*'Iw^-’ and White Plains 8«turday ,baA .ip '-Tj . Si.-, ''-f Bunder. ' • « i /j' ib-the^ H' rf ’ Sunday. ' ' ' i"* Mr. Llnsday Rus«,H la right sick with flu. We hop^e he ^ * geta better.' » month. A Mr. Obey Davis: who has real sick for several montba don’t seem to get any betS^S ‘ i_ .1 j with ha^ * *****" nlnssea. is confined to bed trouble. Mrs. 0. B. Carlton, who wm a patient at, the Wiiku HoepiUl, back home but Is not well Preliminary state cotton acre age allotments touting 21,699,- 917 acres for 1941, according to 11 double IS oack home but Is not well parked aoUmobilee. eight with-*yet. Her many friends hope sbei* . ^t drivers, two wagons and one soon finds-the way back toiAdjnatment Admln- - ' ■ health. IstratUn. over 2 1-4 er lor sale ana sen to me " >•“'= "“i —— and l^hest bidder for cash at port the capture of stills any- H:I0 o’clock noon February 18, where in the northea^-tern part o 2B61 at the courthouse door Wilkes County, North Carolina, Wa following described real e»- tate. to wit: where in the northea^-tern part of of Wilkes at being located at Traphill. There are no better people anya'here than Traphilli- (b»l!k) traffic jam blocka.’’ So you see, ladles and gentle, men, everything Is normal on Tenth Street despite our Inabil- ity to contact our correspondent, CONCLUSION And thus, ladles and gentle men, we reach the end of our re cast schedule for the day. Ab normal Absurdities operates on an Infrequency determined solely by the whtms) of Its authors. We bid each and every one of you !a pleasant “Good Evening’’ (or U it night?) and shall eventual ly return to you on paper again. Beginning on a sycamore, the N aaat side of Big Elms hear the, WMBth of the Big Branch; thence M. eastwanily to a maq>le in Meri- deth Lewis line on Levi Carter’s qring branch: thence down said kraocli as it meanders to a branch i ad Maples; thence northwardly t(>l » rock; thence westwardly to a hniDch of maple on bank of a fcaesjch, L. H. Norman’s corner; [ Mience down said branch to the Big Branch; thence down said Big i Branch; thence down said Big I Branch as it meanders to the be ans. These good people do not | make liquor and if they did they j would not like to be made to j appear dumb enough to be caught ^ so often. We return you now to Abnormal Absurdities.'’ Ladies and gentlemen, you have just heard from Traphill. It is now our pleasure to call in . our correspondent near!)/, right here in the city. Go ahead TENTH STREET This is Abnormal Absurdities Cotton Comforter Program Started Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Chatham, Mrs. B. E. Greer and children and Mr. Connard Carlton, of Stockton, Calif., are visiting rel atives and friends in this com- miunlty, including Mrs. Greer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carlton. With swine diseases appear ing much earlier-than usual this year In Bertie county, some farm ers are ezpeiloncing heavy loss es, reports R. D, Smith, assistant farm agent. Dr. E.S. Cooper -CHIROFBACTOB— Office Next Door To Ratas-StormvaBt, bie. —TalephoM MS-B— Offlea Cleaed Bvarj Tkarsday Aftaraaaa ObISM Coo^ Taxes If Paymrat Is Net Ob Before Fehnary 1st, Pay Your 1940 Taxes Now Aod Save Thb 1% Penaky. T. Doughton, SHERIFF OF WILKES COUNTY correspondent on . Go ahead. Tenth mvaaaaa«.aa cao at laaccaaau^a a w va*\. w ginning. Con:^inmg 28 acres tnuiei‘'ailing our ar 1««. Tenth Stre^ This the 15th day of January,' street ■ We regret our inability at this time to conUct Tenth Street. We B41 X-KMtm H. BRYCE; P.ARKER. Substitute Trustee. shall try again you now to later. We switch FERGf>40N “This Is Ferguson—All is quiet and serene along the upper val ley of Old Man River tonight. NOTICE By virtue of a power of sale ethtained in a Deed of Trust e.x- ccuted by Ray Kennedy to the un dersigned Trustee for W. B. Som ers, Commissioner, to secure a -- . f„r,.ntten and saiof money, dated September The tltx,d t.s all but forgotten and 15th, 1938, and docketed in the of- houses an- going up when, lu y fice of Register of Deeds of were wa.s.ied away in .August. Wilkes County, in Book 184„ Page j iule out of the ordi- 225, and whereas default has I „;jry here except there is some made in the payment of said rejoicing among .some of money which wus for the pur- ’ J • reach chase money of the lands descnb-|of the young men. A “ ed in said Deed of Trust, arid led the village- or «as jX^ned wh6reA3, W. B. Soniftrs, Commis-lijere—to the effect that the ara aanner, has called f-r foreclosure ' [^^g ;,et;n called off because the - «gf said £^d of Trjst: I tt® UM^i^ed Trustee will on ^atitrday, February 15th, 194J, at ten o'clock A. M. at the Court House door in Wilke.sboro, N. t. at public auction to the highest bidder for cash sell the following described land:' Lying and being on the East side of State Highway 16, and 18, te the Town of Wilkesboro, N. C., being a portion of the C. H. Som ers’ land; Being I.rOts 28, 29. :’,0 and 31, in Block 1, as .shown on the Map of nanw 1.. DuUt, (.. E. Recarded in office of Register of Be^s of Wilkes County in Book 185, Page 281. T^is the 16th day of January. 1941. CH.\S. G, GILREATH. Trustee 2-10-4tm BnCBCUTOR’S NOTICE been Ixine Ranger and Super Man have volunteered and the army is now strong enough to meet any com bination of foes. . . . Our people have not forgotten that we need a good highway to Wilkesboro a long the Yadkin. We have beer told that a dam may be buill and that if a road were coastnicled that it would be made useless and under water. In the interest of national defense, we say the road should im ImiH anyway. Couldn't it be used by subma rine-? We return you now to Norlli Wilkesboro" You have just beard from Fer- gusoii. At this time we shall en deavor OIK'C more to reacb Tenth Street. Oo ahead. Tenth Street. Having qualified as tiie executor ef the estate of G. H. Hayes, de- •a®sed, under his will, this is to flotily all persotis having claims against .said estate to present them fo the undersigned at Nor.ii Mil- iasboro, North Carolina, on or be-, fore the 13th day of January, 1942 | av this notice will be pled in bar af their recoverv, AH persons owing said estate will please see the undersigned executor and make prompt settle- nt. Still no answer and while we wait we shall call in our corres pondent on the Briishiiv. Go a- head. .. ItRt SHI MOIM Brushy Mountains does This the 13th day of Jan., 1941. l stopped HARRISON F. HAYES, Executor ’TRIVEnTE and HOLSHOUSEK. Attorneys Tor the Elxecutor i-17-6t t pd. not answer and we have word from our swret oi«-rative that our correspondent there began eating Brushy Mountain twigs one tioiir ago A cotton comforter program, as a supplement to the cotton mat tress program, has been started in North Carolina, announces Miss Ruth Current, State home demonstration agent of N. C. State College. Every family who eligible to receive four pounds of has received a cotton mattrses is and in yards of percale with which to make a comfort. The program of distributing surplus cotton to low income families is sponsored by the State College Extension Service, the Agricultural Adjustment Admin istration, and the Surplus Mar keting Administration of the U. S. Department of AgricuKure. Although the mattress program did not start until mid-summer of 1940 in most of the counties, already .39,069 mattreaser have been made in 83 counties, and a- bout 46,000 more application.s are on hand. Of these, some 24.000 have been approved and cotton and ticking Is on hand In the counties for making these mat-, tresses. “We feel that the comforter program will be a great aid in our program of helping low in come rural families.’’ Miss Cur rent declared. "We expect to place 50-pound cotton mattresses in 100,000 North Carolina farm homes, and that means all of these families can receive a com fort, thereby 'sleeping not only on a corner of the cotton .surplus, but under a part of it .’’ The comforts will he made in the mattress-making centers, and competent supervisors will be on hand to show the families how to make the comforts, just as they are now instructing in the making of the mattresses. The onlv charge for these materials is a .small fee for the cost of such materials as thread, need les. and fuel to heat the centers. This usually amounts to $1 per mattress. 'notice SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, *'S'THrsJpF:RIOR COURT Vetra Arowood vs. Cecil Arowood .r The defendant Cecil Arowood, street. Liniber- aiid hasn’t liciiiK a native of | that section, he had not learned | how good the apples were until he read Arihnr Talmadge Ahernetliy’s description last week in Ahi'ormal Absurdities. In the meantime and a.s we continue with our recast of latest develop ment here and there, we. have as. signed our secret operative miin- her 1-2 to ascertain why we have not been able to contact Tenth She Kisses Them Off To The Army will take notice that an action en titled a« above has been cotnm^c ■ri in the superior court of Wilkes Csanty, North Carolina, to an aetion for divorce; and the said de- f^a^it wOl further take notice that he is required to ap^ar at the office of the clerk of the superior S of said county In the court- SS in Wilkesboro, N. C., within ttiirty days after the 31st day of temiary, 1941, and answer or de- mar to the complaint in said ac- Clerk of the Superior Court of Wflkea County, N. C. >WMt (m) WE WANT USED RADIOS TO REPAIR to Knoxville. Teiin.—A pert bru nette .-irode into the railroad sta tion on the arm of a draftee leav ing for Fort Oglethorpe. There was a long embrace and a farewell kiss. The train pulled away. The girl patted her curls in place and remarked; “Well, that’s the second man I’ve sent to the army in less than two weeks.’’ Mm make or condition q“*cUy ^ in operation again, at Iw- coat, by an expert repair ^ who knowa how- TBLBPSONE 7K We take you now rovda “This is Honda—^Ronda is a growing town. We are out of the village class again and with the Home Chair company about ready to begin operations, we have taken on a town atmosphere once more. We had thought of emulatinf London because of the fogs and we could make believe that the Yadkin is the Thames, but on second thought we decid ed New York would be a better example, being free from bombs, etc. We older ., residents recall that Ronda has been a town be fore and we can remember the days of mill factories, the cotton mill and furniture factories when this place was really on the map industrially. The depression gave us the appearance of a ghost town but we are coming back on the map in a big way. One diffi culty which looms just ahead is Inadequate school buildings. Prof. E. R. Spruill puzzled about what to do with the Increased number of children who are go ing to enroll In school here. We have no bombs here and don’t frant to evacuate the children be- is Beware Coughs from eommoB c^s That Hang On Creomulslon relieves proirptly cause It goes right to the sci'.t of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phTegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tendeft in* flamed bronchial mucous mem- branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Crcomulsion with the un- tiding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. _ _ CREOMULSION for Cousks, Chest Colds, Bronchitis WILLIAMS le there is no room in the butldlnX- Wo return you 7, ■? V;. _ , ' ■ V . > ^ 1- - jC tst:. f MOTOR CO. TELEPHONE 334-J T. H. Williams. Owner Oldsmobile SaleS'^SerTice Bear Frame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repairing Wrecker Service—Elaetrie and Acetylene WelAng USED PABIS-Fter' al fad Bodda ®f OFFER ENDS SOON MORRISON GUARANTEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN PEN Absolutely Free Yea sir, that’s exactly what we mean! We have been fortunate in making a cooperative advertising agreement with the manufacturer, which enables us to GIVE AWAY the famous Momaon Lifetime Ser vice Pena for a limited time. There are no “strings” to this offer—no puzzles to solve subscriptions to go out and sell. -no numbers to draw—no contest te win—no All fOU need to do to obtain one of these beautiful * Y .ar’s subscription to The Journal-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN will be handed to you with our compliments. :C£r IT NOW!: V >04>000>00000M The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis tinction It is elegant in appearance, yet conservative in style It is hand-turned and huffed to a lustrous finish that never fades »♦•••• It has Micromatic Balance , , ♦ . A Smooth-gliding, especially processed point ,»•#•* •••• To suit your oum individual uniting . • PATENTED FEATURES that no other pen can offer FREE! And it comes to you with an unqualified guarantee of Lifetime Service ^ Better Get Your Pen Now Before This Offer Goes Out. Mail Coupon Below! The Morrison is sold in the exclusive gift shops in New York City, where it is manufactured and in countless other stores in the large metropolitan centers. It comes in both men’s and women’s styles in your choice of points. You Should Act Now! Get This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! Come In and See It! We cannot too strongly urge you to come in and see this fine gift. Every man, woman and child who can read and write has need for a foun tain pen and who does not like to own the best? You wiil need it every time you write your name; yon will be proud of it every time you show it to a friendl MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come To The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT Enclosed Hnd $ for which kindly pay my subscription for one year to The Journal-Patriot I enclose cents postage for which please send my Morrison pen in (Mien’s) or (Wo men’s) style, to me to NAME CITY and STATE STREET Subscription Rate in State, |1.60; Out of State, 22.00 The Journal-Patrio t WILKES COUNTY’S ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAJ^

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