*ORQ, ra^bMttoa/ :-«UkJe'; m* » P««QIUl »t '*R0OBtt- |lBi«(«r' CburchUl, ' ■'- iinft«rni|)ted work A|ft> CBEDIt CORPORA tlQH;MfeW FIRM HERE (jOdiitlat^Bd fram pa«e one) «Mro« Bupuge iB to IWllkle a bittr" cokterence . they tho WMto Roaee. Tho two Wien , who battled for •» preaidoney in laol fall’s polltl- •■•ttPalgn talked In Mr. Roose- oral stndy for about 30 ■intee. Secretary of State Hull 3—-With them. _*'^b talked about the Euroeon lApation,” Willkle told reporters ■* ^ l«ft, "and the Preslr.ent 9Kn me a very pleaeant person al note to Mr. Churchill. It le wve than Just a tcrsial Introduc- | w •‘Dear flinrchUI." The note, it waa learned, in- tokdnces Willkie with the com- WMBt that he has been trying to ■aap politics out of the American drfense situation and expresses wMtae for British success. Its aidatatlon Is "Dear Church..!.’’ *T1»e envelope containing the nda was addressed “To a Cer- Mh Naval Person. Kindness of W. Winkle.’’ Churchill formerly was first lord of the adniiralty ■wd shares Mr. Roosevelt's inter- oat In shipe. Wnikle said he outlined to the IrtWBident his plan.s for the forth- oawiing two weeks’ tour of Eng- Ind, advising the chief executive ttart he wanted to talk with all Ite officlaLs who could see him ■ad that he particularly wished h» confer with Ernest Bevin. rain- Mer of labor, and Anthony Eden kreign minister. He will leave flir dipper Wednesday . Stephen Early. presidential aaeretary, gave this description of the meeting between the Pres klent and the 1940 Republican ftesideriial nominee: “I won’t be long—I know what S is to be Interrupted while la yering on a speech.” Willkle said et his entrance. Mr. Roosevelt extended his hand and said he was glad to see Mr. Willkie. Talks With Hull Hhfore going to the White fllBnae, Hull and Willkie discuas- ed both the European and the far •eetern situations in a conference of. thf 8g$xetary's hotel suite ”dMOI-‘rihitBd neerly two hours, ■winkle deecrlbed his talk with ■nil as “a very delightful and in- Wraative conference" and said ttat the secretary of .state had Extended every courtesy" for his Mrtheoming trip. UKK AtrioN Rates: Ic A Word fEacb Inesrtlonl fWTNTMtJll CHARGE Sfle) FOR RENT VIVG-ROOM House for rent. .S-e 1.. F. ••tllen, .North Wilkesboro. It-pd rO-STf>UV hoase at 1011 I) ■treet. Close in. good location. Mis. C. G. P .ndexter. North Wllkesboro. ■DR RK.VT: Sly far«n, hons4- and team with feed, if desireti. See W. H. Edmisten. Champion. dnpgi’^^Bt; J. M. Ander- 1^0 time to the company In NoTeinber •1939. was elected treagnirer nad manager of the In surance department; W. A. Brame. who has been handling the life insurance department for several months, will continue as manager ot the life and accident and health department; J. T. Brame, who has been the chief underwriter in the insurance de partment. will contine In that ca pacity; Miss Elizabeth Barber and Mrs. Nina Call Kenerly are con tinuing in the same capacity as they have served for several years In the clerics I and account ing department. The offices of the company' have been moved from the Bank of North Wilkesboro building on 9-th street to 822 “B" street in the Wilkes Hotel Biiildirg. the q-uarters formerly occupied by the Duke Power company before they moved to 9th .sitreet. This new institution will give North Wilkesboro one of the outstanding insurance agencies of North Carolina as well as a credit department that will be of great benefit and a>«istance to the peo ple of this northwest section. The capital .stock of the cor poration has t>een increased suf ficiently to take care of all husl- nesR offered that is acceptable. The officers and stockholders of rhe corporation invite its friends to use the fatilities of the cor poration at a'.l tiine.s. J. R. Wil liams. who has Iteen in the in surance business in North Wilkes boro for more than twenty-one years, has had varied e.xerience in the insurance busine-ss and will have general supervision of the management of the corporation. Mr. Caroctn. who has had wide experience in Itanking and fi nance. will continue tiiroiigh the credit deparuneut the same' 'ine service he has rendered to ’he people of this section for the past three years. The corporation is not a banking institution hut will solicit and lie pleased to handle all good loans that have hereto fore been sent to outside finance companies. By keeping our money at home with home folks it will help build the community, and since most all of us do from time to time purchase automobiles and other commodities on an install ment plan basis, they naturally pay interest ami this interest mostly heretofore has gone to companies away from North Wilkesboro and in most case^ a- way from North Carolina. The Journal-l’atriot welcomes this new busine>ss to onr commun ity and hopes for it the success that it deserves and we believe ihal it will 1m' a successful biisi- ne.ss and will mean much to our people. i^red t|« triwfly « vntvk v«>rl4 3^ the ""armgmwit ipro- gTm wtklch our country ha« of adopted will have lU liffecti.iuid Influencov on 'kets aW bn»lne*e conditions for montiis and even years to come. WWle’ OUT country is somewliat remote from the Intensity of these conditions, we had our own disaster In August paat when the flood cauiied human snfferlng and low of property amounting to millions of dollars. The scars of this catastrophe j^wlU be In evi dence for time to come. Consist ent with the courageous spirit of our-i people in history past, this flood disaster was the stimulus to bring forth a renewed effort to not only cope with the situ ation but a determination to so plan and rebuild that our com- -m-unlty will recover in the short est possible lime. 1940 was a good year for the bank. Progress has been recorded in pra'cllcally all Rl .activities. In spite of the effects of the flood. “We turn our thoughts toward 1941 and with faith In the future we plan and expect to have the best year in our institution’s his tory;' Toward this end we solicH your continued loyalty, confl- denqa^and .support.’’ betwem tB iRt tl the county coRtMt wtll between March t and . . county chairman will ar fooma;iir«N Ik hatMlnc, wherr.'a ^ were MMdtor of 11^ . contest, select the ladgea^^'prBiidi^^ specialist Mt i]i1d>'^{gt: irom etberl “ Coii side at the gathering a.nd yispori [c^ the Duke Power eoapany’ the wlnner’a iume to the dto.rt^* .ThAy w*>k tben' 'niiow Jdtn . trlct chairman, ‘the district cp(9*)fhroiich this^eftlee and Uke'dsl^'tnpll -.'tv ^4Ul4i ^ [kt« WlMtou-flale' Uifel LEGidN ORATION CON- TEST SOON IN WILKES (Continued from page one) tests and Hve sectional edhtedts will be held dnrlkg part of March. Mr... Hall said, the Legion po^ here plans to preedht a meMtl to the county winner. The sadr. ttonal winner wlO' receive a g(^. f*“dPeuy medal and the state winner wID *’* receive a free trip to the nation al regional oontekt in addition to an appropriate reward. A four- year scholareblp In some univer. sity will be the grand, ^national award, along with an-'engraved watch. Pointing out the splendid rec ord made by students of Wilken county schools in the past in ora^ torlcal and essay 'contests,. Mr. Hall said he was confident that there are potential winners in the county and urged that stu dents who are Interested begin work now in preparation for school and county contesta New Home Local Brauich Duke Power Compstny Is Highly Complimeoted (Continued from page one) quarters of the company’s branch I here were the subject of many subject will be "Our Constitution,; lavorable remarks from visitors Its Benefits.’’ {throughout the Icoal branch of Sci^pol conteels to select school the system, .•-i- - representatives shall be held I Visitors were reived In the i)tu4i«fk>n rooitt, irlmw' a Ughi» ^ demonstration showisg tka ofjtllfiiUng;; for 3,eat |bars‘ had been prepared under direction «fV;f Wilson Man|iii^k. ^BMing engineer .of Duke PowCT^ gompeby- The, demotutrat|0|t iswin ^o contained a modet^ egnlpped kitchen, where.r^reeh- ments tor the occasion were pre pared. Ail 'departments of the local branch headquarters are now cen tralised at the new location to facilitate and improve service to the several thousand Duke Power company custoniers in 'Wilkes. Robert S. -Gibbs, Jr., manager of the local branch, said today that his firm deeply appreciates the many compliments received during the opening In new quart ers and the splendid spirit of cooperation so much In evidence among the people of this section. A delightful banquet of person nel of the company and several guests was held on Friday night at the company’s new offices. A two-course dinner was served un der direction of Miss Addle Ma lone, home economist. Representing the Charlotte head office of the com-pany were Roy A. Palmer, J. E. White, S. L- Duckett and -C. M. Stone, who acted as toastmaster. ^rawn . B^ox'1^4:8U9m* Psdrk^.lgiiQiT, J. R,,^bf^n ud Lsx-Hq^rsri JTt- ^ Lmitt fttws iBcladsd Mayor R. T, MoMlsl fuid the clty . lwgrd of comdiiralOiMrs, Dr. O. Ti'iUltchsit, Attornsy apd ,Mrs. KylO, Hayes and Oar! Canter; L. 'L. Ray, agii- cultiinil Mtglneer of the com pand, and Robert S. Gibbs, Sr„ who, waa a guest of his son. For'entertainment the assemb ly engaged in a number of Inter esting games. Grance Sponsors Plans For Cold Storage Plants (Continued from page one) a plant In the Wllkesboros. should get in contact with some member ot the Grange Commit tee. A report was also to be given from a committee to arrange an entertainment for the March meeting. The Lecturer led a discussion on "Safety’’ hnd how to Insure It. After a social period, at which time refreshments were served, the meeting adjourned. Let the advertiaing eolnmna of this paper be yoor shopping gaide Of Of k eaterftlAiidill.' for ikijw At least tbat M the '^af of'R; L. Dixon, W >l«t 8»gt a^eot.^wlio wilt pay abpnt $Bp In isiiwes for jaaf that thing. Aeeordlng to Plre Chief M, Brbvn, about four er five yonaf^ children alone In the living rooMNv of the Dixon home were having great fun putting pieces of paper into the fire and then bringing forth the flaming torches. That is, the fun was great until one of the torches happened to aligbt on a living room chair. Then the youngsters fled from the room and agreed to say nothing about the whole matter. Neighbors noticing the blaze removed the chair from the room before firemen could reach the scene. But Mr. Dixon’s loss was about $.50. Chief Brown thinks It will be many a day before tbose children try their paper and-fire game again. ; Use the advertising columns of this paper as yonr shopping guide. CLOSE OUT sizes Automatic Heaters as low as $7.60 Carlton’s Hardware MOOSE MEETING HERE SUNDAY; MANY JOIN (Continued from page one) N It-pd L.ARGR ROOM down.stairs M one-way drive. Phone 183-J. Cherry street. Four O .-\P.ARTMKNTS rooms and five rooms; good lo- rotion. Call at Teague’s Press ing Club. 12-2-tf ■DR KENT: Nir« dwelling ten miles Kortb Wilkesboro on nf write T. O. pion, N. C. eight-room out from 421. See Minton. Cham- 10-l€-tf F0R sale ■OR SALE: Niee boandary tlmb- er constating of white pine, Boplar and oak. WrHe or see T. W. Ferguson. me at once Ferguson, N. C.. administrator H. H.. Hartley estaite l-23-2t-pd works of the order and "Why every man should lie a moose. There were visitors from Le noir. Virginia, and Tennessee. During this patriotic campaign the following members were tak en in the defending circle; the to tal number signed to join was 6.5 (-andidates of which eight are to re-eive tlieir initiation: Chas. Howard. Doman Thos. I’aviie. Daniel H. Hudson. J. B. Wallace. .Ir.. W. ll Collins. S. T. ,\nderson. .Maurice L. WaDh. .lake Mahaffey. .lohu A. Elliott, Frank H. Crow, Carl Watkins, R. 0. Cox. Tam I-. Shumaker. John K. Walker. W. A. Groce, Eugene Tester. A. G. Hawkins, Cha.s. Vestal, Sidney Hutcherson. Claud Key, J. Jack Swofford. Ctwk. L. G. Watkins. H. linger. Shoun Kerbaugh. Wilborn, Kenneth Moore, G. B. Dearman, Walter W. Dickerson, Jess A. Stout. Rudy McNeil. Fred Shumaker, N. C. Owens, Lm Bumgarner. Cecil C. Hayes. L. W Shumate, Harvey Williams. T. T Hayes. R. G. Holder, Allie tlngton. A. B. Eller. Mack Ma haffey, Chalmer Dyer. John Billings. Joe R. Godbey. Roe, J. Coit Dyer Ralph Shumaker, W. Bowles ■DR 8.ALK: Llmbrrtwlg Orch ard’ I acres In orchard, 4 in ■wtxKUand. 37fl g«ad trees. Lo- 1 n Brushy Mountain Carl Allen. Taylors- L. C. P. W. Bil- D D. Frank A. V. Nolan, Arnel Dyer, R Carr W. Dancy, Clar W ence Fletcher. Odell Wyatt, F. Gaddy. S. S. Hunt, Chas. Shu maker. sated Township. ▼Ole, N. C. l-27.3t-pd M ACBBS LAW. 90 a-res In tfanbar 10 bottom iand. On ““S, „. Addr- ”0" -•« ■Minn' l-20-2t-pd Bruce wAiR work luare*. ■^ one. ANNOUNCEMENT Insurance Service Credit Corporation SUCCESSORS TO Inc. North Wiesboro Insurance Agency, Offices Moved From Bank of North Wilkesboro Buadmg On Ninth Street to WILKES HOTEL BUILDING At 822 B STREET Formerly Occupied bytheDuke Power Co. NORTH WILKESBORO’S OLDEST INSURANCE AGENCY, TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED A CREDIT OR FINANCE DEPARTMENT Insurance - Bonding - Financing SERVING NORTH WILKESBORO. WILKES COUNTY AND NORTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ■J BANK NORTH WILKES BORO HAS GOOD YEAR (Continued tVom Page 'e' OFFICERS: S. V. Tomlinson, President J, B. Williams, Executive Vice President and General Manager W. J. Caroon, Sec’y and Mgr. Finance Department J. M. Anderson, Treas., and Mgr. of the Insurance Department Directors I ll Ntre^ P. C. ■ee or write A. Wilkesboro. w. in»A3 son may be made of total assets by which we notice a gain of $129,740.91 since December 30, 1939. At the close of the past year our lopns and dlscounto to taled $986,690.40. "1940 has been a year of mo mentous events and far-reaching changes. War and Its accompani ments now dominate virtually all oin.-Hatlon’s endeavors. While All kinds of In^ance .Coverage IN OLD RELIABLE STOCK COMPANIES, AND ALL — KINDS OF — Financing at Reatoiuible Rates S, V. TOMLINSON President Grieg M$ls, 'Vice President Bank of North Wilkesboro, atwi Whole sale Grocer. EDWIN DUNCAN Executive Vice President The Northwest ern Bank. J. R. HIX President Bank of North Wilkesboro. Sec retary American Furniture Co., and Sec retary & Treasurer Grier Mills. R. G. FINLEY President Meadows Mill Co. W. A. McNiEL President North Wilkesboro Coca-Cola Co., and Wilkes Transportation Co. JOHN E. JUSTICE, Jr. President Oak Furniture Co. J. B. WILLIAMS Sec’y.-Treas. North Wilkesboro Building & Loan Associatioti. J. M. ANDERSON Treasurer and Manager Insurance De partment. W. J. CAROON Secretary and Manager Finance Depart ment. Office Staff J. Bid WiRUuns W. J. (Bill) Caroon J.M.(Jimmie) Anderson J. T. (Jack) Brame Elizabeth Barber Mrs. Nina Call Kenerly W. A. (Bill) Brame •j ondv^llttry has thus far