reipionilirws 'feemsCM {Merest I^AKGUSON, March 10.—Hiis to has been unmal in that Gtia* Rasper has exacted an ^ al toB IB the Kves of oar d- Among those who have re- vtoitty answered the final summons t* OBr friend and neighbor Samu el J. Walsh who died after a lin- Cning illness in a Winston-Salem hospital. 'Ole funeral was conduct- ,.ed March 1st at the Beaver Creek Baptist church by Revs. R. L. Is- bel of Lenoir, and A. J. F oster and interment took place in the local BLESSED REUEF from DBmtoioktie pain aad dlso^> fort mScnd br memben of "The Look - of - the - Month Leane". Trr CHI-CHES-taRa PILU u thoueende of women ere neppUy dotiw. Con. mni tela no hehlt-formlnc 90c CHI-CHES-TE8S PIUS „^ry. ^ wife, Mrs. filady* Walsh and four children, besides. several brothers, Alfmzo, of Mo»^n brothers and sisters. Altho, totil Falls, L. Chap and Zachary lecently he had been able most of gusot, and threo sisters, Mrs. A. the time to attend to business af- J. Foster and Misses fairs, he had been in poor health Gertrude Ferguson of R. No. 1, for several years. Any one who Boomer. She was a consi^nt has always enjoyed good health member of the Beaver Creek Bs]^ neve^ uS^ fully the tisr church ^d was a re^ar at- racking pain experienced by those tendant at is serviMS. who have no health. Altho cut off of “ at an early age of forty two. ti, nlAv si Sam's friendly attitude and con- ly m the homeland by all stant smile in the face of bodily ^**ose who knew her. pain will remain unforgelable by Rev. B. F. Peeler of Taylorsville, those who knew him. conducted the usual 2nd Sunday The community was shocked at services at the f""; the rather sudden death of Miss accompani Belva Fergruson March 1st. The ^ler. vo,mAn " * . Bom fb Mr. and Mrs. Vernon funeral ntes were conducted at the to home Monday by Revs. A. J. Fos- Marley a son. ter and Ernest Bumgarner of Miss Geneva Rash of Patterson Taylorsville. Interment took place vas a visitor among relatives and in the nearby family cemetery, friends here over the week-end. Miss Fergfuson had been ill for on- The local Grange will m^t m ly a short time and prior to this regular session Tuesday, M^h time was seemingly in the best of 26th, at the school building. The health. Congratulations BEL'K’S DEPARTMENT STORE Recent improvements in fixtures, light ing system, etc., at Belk’si have added wonderfully to the attractiveness and convenience of the store. Our congratu lations! Forester-Prevette Ins. Co. All Forms of INSURANCE AND BONOINQ North Wilkesboro, N. C. fortunate that he was. I did have ». « ^ 11. ——^lao*n« roasting ears. One evening el tte British l^Lury, Miown j«'y I seemingly in the best of 26th, at the school huiiding. me „„ y, arrival In New York. He j ^ gathe^ some grera She was the daughter of order now has its new regalia and came to America to straighten out and ramed it on our back to the will have its newly elected officers dollar exchange “technicallticf/* McEJwens. Little William got a installed at this meeting possibly | ^ ^|P* by the master of the State granger tjjat Mr. Smith was a for-linked ^1 the way down there and ! or by one of his deputies. I resident of this vicinity and back. I have done noting much Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hemphill of had many relatives and friends|for the past 26 years but ride so 'wlsboro were visitors among here who will regret to hear of, —s.onally I would have ^ . i^hd ap(3 there m«»y. BlMir deep-i^we, of abode in a wagonrl^ far aeV-'j^^e frosts’-'‘ah4 ileaW thuhder; era! days. ."i _ miapjr times and are by no Btewut I never went to their home in spring chidcens. Hie ques- life that Mandy failed to give me tion is who ..will fill their plama some apples, green com, tomatoes, when they are gone? Like, the watermelons or'any thing they had great Will Rogers who drbpp^ grown in thair garden. In fact I into ‘eternity with an airplane in never went to Arth and Handy for Alaska it is aad that no one has a favor that they refused to grant, ever filled his place. I remember after the recent Aug-| jn conclusion: here’s wishing ust flood that Arth toU me he and Mandy may live at least was in the worst shape he ever one hundred years of good health was in in his life. He said the' 3],,} happiness and that the rest of flood had washed everything he ug n^y never die. had away; his bees and honey and' all his crop and garden stuff and, that he didn’t even have a mess of green com. I was' in a way more . j i- BB Adndniitab*' rtased,” ‘a#-' Wilkes Csnite Morth Car^a, this it to notSS/iM persons having claims against ■» ^ estate of said deceased to $; ;■ r.s'iii them to the undersigned at Bh^ North Cardina, R. F. D., on or to ; fore twelve months expiration m the publication of this TuMtt, this notice will be deaded m of their recovery. AH persoiw to iebted to said estate will piMto make immediate paymei^ -Riis the 11th day of Feb., mL M. L. PETTYJOHN, Administrator of th» ‘ BsUte of J. F. FieUa. .(j) 3-20-6t (t) relatives her Sunday. I Mr. Roby Bishop has been rather indisposod for several days and was not able to be at his work in Lenoir for awhile. Among those attending the fun eral of Mr. Marcus Slnith at Ce dar Valley in Caldwell County Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Cousin Arthur and his wife Aman- Mas. Fred Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. da McEwen. to use their 0^ Vilas Walsh, Mr. Hayes Walker fcinguage I will call them what ami Rev. A. J. Foster. It will be h' assing mares would Our wise cracking genial rural give out on me. I told William we mail dispatcher, Mr. Foster, gives would have nothing to cany back us another interesting sketch of h""!® we could make it ■vwth the lives of two or our local citi- ^“^e ease, lowMd tehold 7cns Mr and Mrs. Arthur M. Me- when we reached Mc^ens, Cousin Ewcii. The article follows: Mandy had some fine cabtoge My subject this time is about beads some of her relatives from Insurance Servke & Crefit Corp. INSURANCE — BONDING — FINANCING “PROTECTION PLUS SERVICE” OFFICE: Hotea Wilkea Building “B” Street ’Phone 76 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the ; /wer contain- they call the ^fher Mrs Me- ^ Ewen calls Aithur Art and he glth day of Mar. 1940,' calls her ‘‘Mandy and some times j,y Welbom and wife Vean- ,“|Honey.” Arth is a son,’ of the ^ah Welbom, to the undersigned late John El McEwen, who was Trustee, same being recorded in one time high sheriff of Wilkes the office of the Register of Deeds I county Mandy is a member of the'for Wilkes North C«ro- well known and highly respected |on ^the^ ^^a^^o I Reeves family in Ashe county, having been made in the *)!’ • They moved to our vicinity forty payment of the note secured by the ^ The defendants David Watkins iroov^c oern nii#» milp past of - - — • - j .. xi__ — NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (North Carolina, ' Wilkes County. „ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK I John Watkins, et al vs. W. O. Watkins, et al ^ le defendants David 'Watldns years ago, one mile east of and wife Grace Watkins, Ho^r J yad- Watkins and wife Mrs. Robert ♦Vo.-,. Watkins, will take notice than an. km river, /^ile their farm is action as above entitled has been just a little bit out of the way, j said Deed of Trost and at the re quest of the holder thereof, I will offer for sale at the Court House action as above entitled has been just a little o.c ouc ox way., Door^m WUk«^ro,^^^^^ commenced in the Superior Court (Art sometimes calls il Robinson. , Mg,.gi, 1941 at 2-00 P. M. the of Wilkes County, North Carolina, Cruso’s Island), they have a splen-^^jj^^^jj 'gg^ate towit: to sell real estate for a division 1 ij^^ig fgrm and grow almost! Beginning at a stone the North and the said defendants will fur- pyg,.yjj,mg on it but the Grace of West comer of division No. (1) ther teke notice ‘■®: Qod and u bunch of blue wool, and and running South 69 degrees West the aerk" o??hTsu1erior C^r\ of' I believe they have P-enty of the Wilkes County in the courthouse in Grace of God in their hearts. They 5^3^^ J branch; thmee down Wilkesboro. North Carolina, wi^- raise hogs, cows, calves and tur • branch to the North West keys, chickens and all kinds of gpn,gp pf division No. (1) thence farm products too numerous to^gputh 6-30 degrees West 98 poles mention. There is no doubt they to the beginning. Contaming live at home and hoard at the same (14.60) acres more or less. This sale made to satisfy the . principal, interest and cost of jale allow^ by law. This February 17, 1941 M in thirty (30- days after the 3rd day of March 1941, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion or tba^plaiw^. will .^ply to toe- I in said complaint. 1 This the 3rd day of March, 1941. C. C. HAYES, ' Clerk Of Superior Court (B) 3-27-4t (t) ARE YOU IN ONE OF THESE BUSINESSES? * SERVICE GARAGE SI7PER-SEKVIGE GAS STATION HAY AND FEED FARM IMPLEMENTS HARDWARE HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES LUMBER AND COAL place. About forty years ago a man Scotch descent moved from Chica go and bought a farm joining .Arths. He knew nothing about S-20-4t Harming, but tried to grow about everything his neighbors grew. He grew some cane and had some mo lasses to make. He hauled his cane down to Arths to have il ground and boiled. Arth, (good neighbor like), helped him to make his mo- la.sses and by the lime they fin ished it W,as midnight or later. The Scotchman had nothing to put his molasses in save a wash tub and as he went home that night the tub slid oft his sled and capsized the contents into a gully. 'Ihere was no one along save himself and it is to be conjectured whether he used any Sunday school words. Since Arth and Mandy have been in our midst they have undergone two inudations or floods, one in July, 1916, and one in Aug., 1940. The last one, the most disastrous in all tradition, came at night and in leaps and bounds. The first thing they knew the water was up in their home and still rising. The watei-s had already destroyed the electric light line. They had noth ing but an oil lantern which they j made use of, left it on the table ■w’hile they were trying to carry i things out of the house and while they were out the water still rising got the lantern. There they were MATHIS, Trustee 2.V2% Penalty On 1940 County Taxes ttPayment Is Not Made On Or Before April 1st, 1941 Pay Your 1940 Taxes Nonv And Save This 2H% Penalty. c. T. Doughton, SHERIFF OF WILKES COUNTY ^^EXFRAFROFIT POSSIBILITIES OF SELLING OLDSMOBILE TTERE’S an opportunity for extra income. Jti 'Without interfering with your regular business, you can take orders for OldsmobUe cars and pick up substantial extra profits. Men in the businesses listed above (and many others) are already doing it in other towns tiri, size-why not you, right here at home? V ^ . ^^Idsmobile’s broad line of cars—including Sixes and threeEightsandcovenngevery ^jSoUusS but "high”-makes every prospect for a new automobile a prospect for an Oldsmo- bile. Oldsmobile advertising in national mag azines, newspapers, farm papers and on bill boards pre-sells prospects in every commun ity. Automobile experience is not required— nor any great capital investment. The main thing is to show a good earnings record in your own business and to have an alert, ag- -gressive attitude. If you would like to learn how to make more money by taking on the Oldsmobile line, write to the address below. Mr- P. A. SINCLAIR NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes County Under and by virtue of authori ty contained in a deed of trust ex ecuted by J. N. Cline and wife. T;avadia Cline, Joseph A. Layell, Dicie Layell, Verlie Layell, Bran- lett Layell, and W. M. Layell, and delivered to L. W. Ferguson, Trus tee for W. T. Swink, which deed of trust was dated July 6, 1938 and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, North Carolina, in Deed of Trust Book 185 at page 261, default having been made in the payment of the obligation secured by the said deed of trust and at the request of the holder of the note secured by same, the undersigned having been duly appointed Substitute Trustee, will offer* for sale and sell to the last and highest bidder for cash at 12:00 o’clock, March 22, 1941, at the courthouse door of Wilkes County, North Carolina, the following described real estate, to wit: Beginning on a sycamore, the N. east side of big Elms near the mouth of tlie big branch; thence N. eastwardly to a maple in Mori- deth Lewis line on Levi Carter’s Spring branch; thence down said braricn as it meanders .to a branch of maples: thence northwardly to a rock; thence westwardly to a branch of maple wi bank' of a bran^, L. H. Norman’s cornjjr: thence down said branch .to Big Branch; thence down s^ Big Branch as it meinders to to lQg. Gmtfining 88 if- ■■ Congratulations To The Progressive Firm Of BELK’S Department Store We are delighted to see such improvements among the business houses of our city, and congratulate the management upon completion of the remodeling work, installation of new store and lighting fixtures, and general re-ar rangement for better display and service. WE ARE PLEASED TO NUMBER THE FIRM AMONG OUR LONG UST OF CUSTOMERS pmir^ COMFANY North Wilkasboro^ N. C.