^ Allies To Make Sts^^^n SouUi . •( Mountain Ar^ '.V • V ? Adolf Hitler’s rampaging pan- ■columns were reported leas ^ thaa 150 miles from Athens to- thrusting south along ,the ^ sl|mlle wide' plain of Thessaly In 1 i$^tktn}r Greece, as the Allies ac, *toowledged they hare fallen hacV ^g»>n to a new. shorter defense ^_rently the next major 'by the British and Greeks to be made in the southern mountain barriers guarding the i . approach to Athens bet-ween the Gulf of Corinth and the Aegean >p«rt of Lamia. BrlUsh Middle East headquart ers said the Biiti-sh withdrawal ...was “In conformity with the ;moTement of the Greek army fighting on their left.” Australian and New Zealand troops executed ‘‘brilliant’’ rear guard actions w'hlch Inflicted a heary'toll on the Germans, the British communique said. Chairmen For 6 Conuniinities In County Appointed Workers Council Extends Organization To Promote Food, Feed Production Wilkes County Workers Couij- cil, formed several days ago to promote production of food and feed On the farms, met on Satur day and appeinted community chairmen to cerry the organiza tion by communities throughout the county. J. B. Snipes, county agent and chairman, appointed the follow ing community chairmen: Com munity A. composed of Beaver Creek. Boomer, Smshy Mountain. Itish communmuc Moravian Eafls and Wllkesbaro, The London radio declared that Lawrence Miller, Triple A secre- ths new line “is unbroken” and tary. From.Conte^M Mayor .of this City Left Mayor McNiel Unop posed and No Primai^y Was Held Here Today said the German assault was proving so costly that the Nazis had to “throw in still more rein forcements in mechanized units, .infantry and aircraft.” Meanwhile, »a JUvas ( ren news agency) db >tch from Sof ia said the Bulf7ian army start ed this momii / to occupy se.c- tions of northern Greece and fall- Community B, Antioch. Love, lace. New Castle and Somers, Mrs. Mable Smithey. head of WPA garden and lunchroom pro ject. Community C. Elk, Jobs Cab in, Ijewis Pork and Stanton. Dr. A. J. Eller, county health officer. Community D. Reddles River. I Mulberry and Union, Charles Mc- R. T. SIcXiel, mayor of Nortli Wllkesboro who had filed for re-election, wa.s left without opposition when T. .1. Krazier withdrew. Sumlay night and tlie prlniao' scheduled to day was called off. en Yugoslavia. „oiioa ! Neill, superintendent of welfare. Greece’s King George II ea p ,njty e. Rock Creek. Community E. North Wilkesboro Rock rnd W’alniit on'’hte troops to fight “to the very end” amid allied j Qrove, P. W. Edwards, soil con- whlch saw the Germans i servation suipervL’ior. through northern " 1 Community F. Edwards and tenses on the Mt. Olympus-I j p Hlghsmith, head nine)' front, reportedly capiu | Security administration Larisa, and Trikkala. an here. down the flat plains Mr. Snipes has mailed out 5.- toward historic Thermopylae Trikkala l» » control ,^1 .nd feed Production 000 lettera to farmers explaining the railway through Greece from Salonika to Volos, on the Aegean. ^ Indian Motor Troopt^ turn, pledging their pla^B in the interest of national defense, togethfer with blanks showing food requireownts and cards for farmers to sign and re- to t^>«pe have Joined th* produce inefr .wwn food add feed gn poa.- Aistrallan firrison defending To bruk. It was disclosed today. The Indian troops had fought first in East Africa and then In the Akhbar Hills of Libya. A general headquarters com munique reported that further German-Italian attacks on To bruk had been repulsed and th:»-. mO‘blle columns of the army of the Nile had inflicted serious losses on the Germans and Ital ians in the Sallum area, on the Libya-Eg>"Pt frontier, taking some priswners. Respoa-ihle quarters here are quietly confident regarding the general situation in North .i^tnca. The county asen’ , is chairwM of the county council; P- W. Ed wards is vice chalrmi n and J. B. Hlghsmith Is secretary. North Wilkesboro high school band, smallest entered in the state contest at Greensboro Fri day. WPS highly complimented for _ • the quality of its music -but was Jury L-Onsiaers {urged to bund up as rapiaiy as Charge Against I passible to at least 10 instru- Italian Crew. small band here compet Band Is Praised At State Contest North Wilkesboro School Band Smallest Entered; Quality of Music Good Mrs. Kirby’s Songs Are On The ^r Several Numbers By Wilkes Composer Being Used By Famous Radio Artists Mrs. Carrie P. Kirby, of Mora vian Falls, whose aongs are now being published, has been advised by her publisher. American Mus ic, Inc., of Portland. Oregon, that several nationally known radio artists are now using her compo sitions. ...... * 11.. o. Her lo- IWtber with the artist’s folto in T. J. Frasier withdrew late Sunday night as a candidate for mayor of North Wilkesboro,. leav ing Mayor R. T., McNiel unoppos ed for election to mother term, W. H. McElwee, chairman of the Wilkes hoard of elections, said today. WlthdAwal of Frazier as a candidate automaticrlly canceled the prljn^ary which was called to he held today and no primary was held. All the candidate; for city offices which filed notices of candidrcy’with the board of elec tions are unopposed. 'The election will be held on May 6. Frazier told McElwee that be cause of the shortness of . time before the primary, which was 1 called Saturday, that he was not rerdy for a primary contest and I asked that his name be with-' drawn. The unoppo-ed candidates for commissioner are H. M. Hutch ens, Ralph Duncan, A. F. Kilby. CommiMioner Eiglidi OhrisiM- Benton Pribce, of Hender^ ■onville, Will Be CheTn." man of Commission Rftlelgh.—^Governor Broughton yesterday aprpothted LawrenciS * Benton Prince of HendersonvUlb^ lawyer and member of the st hoard of elections, as chairman of the highway and public work* Commission. J At the same time the Governor announced appointment of the Other ten highway commissionenr, —7! r- - -ii . « resignation of Robert Grady Tlie wirld’ii alrplalie, the IWllao B-W, pictured la a new Johnson as director of prison. Msltloii tai Its at 8s Jta Moafca, CaHf„ en the final assembly floor, and Johnston’s appointment to The KCdan saoer-'hoBthor wIng measweo tit leet. It is powered wtth four succeed Cutlar Moore as chair' . Tv .a wlll It DOA- 11^11 Of thfi sIaIa hnArrf nf thlsoi’i. Z,iM bonepow^ Diipto-CycMiie tagbM, which wiU carry it non stop more thnn Wilkes Health Otficer Tells of HeaMi Laws Applications For C.C.C. Are Taken man of the state -board of alco holic control. Law Requires Diphtheria Im R. G. Finley and J. R. Hix. Un- j munization, SntaHpox Vac cinations, Bloqd Tests opposed for the two places on the city hoard of education this year rre Dr. J. S. Deans and E. C. Johnson. The closing date tor filing no tices of candidacy was Tuesday, April 15. Dr. A. J. BJiler, Wilkes health officer, said today that 'he fre quently meets people who say they do not know that the law >ni 13. ; Mr. Frasier said today that he; makes compulsory certain health had no desire to 'pot the city to j safeguards, the extra Wnse of a 'Primary, Discussing the matter of pub and that rumors circulated to' . . that effect were without founda-} lie health. Dr. EU«r reviewed the tion. statutes designed to protect the several ‘public from ravages of He said he wished to expire sincere thanks and «^eepest appre- V". Mvcuer wun iuc arum » katsMhA'il’ He first called attention to the lap which says »hall have Tuesday, April 29 Wilmington.-federal srand bands having as many as jury today began consideration of j ninety members, sabotage charges against the j rpjjg piembers of the North Wil- captain and nine crew members of , kgsboro band gong to Greensboro the Italian freighter \ illaperosa. j p_ Grier, Jr., director, one of 28 Fascist vessels seized | elements. Tommie Eshelman. by the United States on March 30 I'. S, District Attorney J. O. Carr said he hoped to obtain a true bill from the grand jurors ‘‘within an hour” after the court opened at noon if a true bill is obtained, the ca.se was expected to be called for trial immediate ly. Will Set Precedent Jimmie Moore. Bill Gardner. An drew Johnson, Vickie Sloop, Tom mie Gilreath. Henry Waugh, T.o- max Kilby. Tai Barnes. Jr.. Bobby Hubbard, Jay Johnson, Jr.. John E Justice. III. Mike Willirms Iowa; 'Old Pal. We’ll Be Restin’ Over 'There,’’ in Tex Ritter’s Folio No. 1: “Restin’ By My Ranch Hou.se Door.” in Cowboy Joe and Horseshoe Mike. Folio No. 3; “Rock River Valley,” in Don White's Folio No. 1: “He's Sleep ing Tonight By The Trail.” in Jerry Smith’s Folio No. 1: "The Old Moss Covered Mill,’’ in Bar- Calendar ^ f commencement ry Wood Folio No. 7; ".Molasses events at Ronda school-hius been Makin’ Time In Carolina,” in announced by B. R. Spruill, prin- Patsy Montana’s Folio No. i; cipal. "Sally Brown.” in Hiram Hignhy The first program will be the Folio No. 2; "Lonesome Moun- coinmencemeni for Ronda, district tain Trail.” in Golden West Cow- schools on April 23. R. It. Church R. R. Church to Address Dis trict Finals; C. B. Eller High Finals Speaker boy’.si Folio No. 1. Dog Thought Rabid Killed Here Today membef of the Wilkes board of education, will be the speaker. A minlstrel by students of th° high school will be given on April 24. Rev. T. Sloan. Guy. Jr., of Wil jvrt > . I . *■ t V. X-.- , , - - , Police Chief J. E. Walker said kesboro, will deliver the bacca- today that a dog -belonging to lam-eate sermon on Sunday. April Dewey Templeton, of this city. 37. three o’clock. was killed today and its head :ent to the state laboratory for e.xamination for rabies. The dog is sa.d to have bitten a child and some dogs. C. B. Eller, Wilkes superinten deni of -chools. will deliver the commencement address at the high school finals on April 29. .tVimouncement is made of rn Iredell county singing convention jreisn of age. Flitters to do nakes parents ’ Hs^lo to prosecu tion In the courts with resultant fine, imprisonment or both In the discretion of the court. The law also requires that children be vrccinated against smallpox before entering school. Moves will be made in Wilkes, Dr. Eller said, to enforce this law. Although there have been no cases of smallpox in Wilkes in many years, an epidemic could happen with so many people not vaccinated. The health officer said that the law requires dogs to be im munized against rabies and point ed out that a dog owner who neg lects this duty is respoarible for damage done by his dog if it has rabies. One other compulsory law la that all pregnrnt women shall have a blood test in early months of pregnancy. A physician or mid wife may refuse an expectant mother attention if a blood test has not been mrde. 'The law is to protect unborn babies from syph ilis. The other law which Dr. Eller cited is that comprelling a person with venereal disease to take treatments. Recently one syphil -3UUC8 oi xiryson uiiy Wilkes Boys May Apply At was named to the state Board of ^ AIaaSIvxmm ^111 - Welfare Office For C. C. C. Enlistment Charles McNeill, Wilkes wel fare officer, said today that ap plications for C. C. C. enrollment rre now being accepted and that the next enlistment period will be In May. Young men age 17 to 24 will be accepted and about the on ly requirement, the wefare offi cer, said. Is that the applicant be unemployed. ’Tlie quarterly enlistment sever al days ago exhausted all white applications: which had been filed at the elfare office, Mr. McNeill said. Under new regulations the C. pndd SWF^ placed ’oh depqelt monthly and paid at the end of the enlistment period, and »15 monthly are sent home. Finals On Friday At Traphill School Over 40 per cent of the farms in North Carolina are open ted - to he held at Central school au- by tenants, mostly with family ditorium on Sunday afternoon, , j ■ wiiiroQ- labor. reports W. T. Wesson, ! April 27. Wilkes county singers is patient was jailed in Wit - r,. jusni.t. junior stati-tician of the State are invited to attend and take boro for violation of th s aw, r. Bill Gabriel, Bob Day. Dick Me- Department of Agriculture. part. Eller said. Nlel. Wayne Gentry. Tommie Kil- The trial would he the first of some 20 to be held as result of the nation-wide seizures, and was expected to provide legal prece dent for the other trirls. Each of the 10 Italians ts charged with sabotage and con spiracy to commit sabotage, un der a 1917 World War .-tatute making it unlawful to damage wilfully vessels harbored in U. S. ports. by, Glenn Golliher and Betty W. I Hutchen.;. The band was carried to Greensboro bv Mrs. P. W. Eshel man. Mrs. W. G. Gabriel. Mrs. Paul Hutchens. Edd Gardner. A. F. Kilby and W. P. Grier. Jr. America Is Arming, and Arming Fast! a Wilkesboro High Defeats Boone 8-7 Jordon Elected President Of Bar McDuffie New Secretary; Calendar For April Term Of Court Made Out Getting revenge for their only defeat of the season, Wilkesboro high school slugged out an 8 to 7 baseball victory over Appalach ian high at Boone Friday after noon. ^ Boachelle was on the mound for “Wilkeeboro and limited the Boone nine to only five hits. He •track otrt ten but wildness at times aided Boone in scoring. J. Dennis was the other battery man for WSkeoboro. J. Bingham and were the Boone pitcher and catcher. Bingham gave up tax bite but had good control. Aiiomaa snd Bteelman led atuck. wtth three J. Floyd Jordan. Wilkesboro attorney, was elected president of the Wilkes Bar as.sociation in the annual organization meeting held last week. F. J. McDnUie. Wil kesboro, Wilkesboro attorney, was elected secretary. They succeed A. H. Casey and Kyle Hayes, retiring president and secretrry. While In meeting the* bar ar ranged a calendar of civil cases for the two-weeks term of court to begin on April 28. Judge F. Donald ■ Phillips, of Rockingham, now presiding over courts of the 17th judicial district, will pre side. Dr. Kincheloe WiU Deliver Commencement Address On Friday Night W. V. Nix, principal of Trap hill high school, has rnnonneed the programs foT the high school commencement. The baccalaureate sermon was delivered by Rev. A. B. Hayes, pastor of Mountain View church, in a service at Traphill school Sunday night. The gr.-’duation exercises will be held at the school on Friday night, April 25. eight o'clock, when diplomas will he presented and the commencement address will he delivered by Dr, John W. Kincheloe, Jr., pastor of the First Baptist church of North Wilkes-boro. C. B. Eller, county superintendent of schools, will Miss Grace Kilby Is sending, ittril North WUksrtoro.— niiistrste the irive tomniM jdamptelie armament LeH: Owrte thf strals|^ aitr* eowM 8ef«Me got. «,is-,h^ ^ 'tm Wtolfif • fhBN *• » #nMv [ by ibe' 17* lliU and diplomas will be presented by the principal. Twenty-three sen iors compose the gn-duating class. The list of seniors, together with parents’ names, follows: Burr Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Hutchison; Glenn Hutchi son, Mr. and Mrs. W. R son; Paul Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Blackburn; Roby Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Spicer: Silas Newman, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Newmen; Wallace Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Uo>d Billings: Ward Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Reec^ Carter: Hardin Royall. Mr. and iMrs. J. A. Royall;-Austin Hayes. I Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hayes; Disa Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Reynolds; Ersie BUckburn. Mr and Mrs. Lee Blackburn: Lois Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Car. ter; Mae Alexander, Mr. and Mrs J. H. Alexander; Mattie Jane Warren, Mr. end Mrs. H. Y ■Warren; Maude Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Johnson: Melba Bil lings. Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Bil lings; Metta Joines. Mr. and Mrs. Dexn Jolnert Okie Lee Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Billings; Ora- ▼elle Sparks, Mr. end Mrs. Wil liam 'Sparks: Rosa Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cleary: Roxie Mgyherry, Mr. and Mrs. J- W. Mayberry: Velda Warren. Mr. and Mra;; H. H. Warren: Lillie Billie BUgN^s. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hillary BllUBgB. The Governor said that he would recommend to the newly- appointed highway commission the promotion of Oscar Pittas present prison superintendent, to the post of director of prisons. Baxter C. Jones of Bryson Ctty elsctions to fill the vacancy cre ated by Prince’s appointment •» highway chairman. Members of CominLs.sion Members of the highway com mission follow; First division—Carroll Wilson of Roanoke Rapids. Second division—Edward C. Flanagan of Greenville. Third division—Dr. Guy Ver non Gooding of Kenansville. Fourth division — T. Boodin W’ard of Wilson, incumbent. Fifth division — George W. Saite of Roxboro. Sixth division—D. B. McCrair of Asheboro, incumbent and act ing commissioner. Seventh division—^Thomas R. Wolfe, of Albemarle, incumbent. ulfe hf Ldbolr. Gulre is a native of Guilford county but has lived in Lenoir for many years. He is a manufac turer of furniture and has served as postmaster and as mayor oC Lenoir, and is chairman of the board of Appalachian State Teachers College. Guire will succeed J. Gordon Hackett, of North Wilkesboro. Ninth division—T. Max Watson of Forest City, incumbent. Tenth division—Percy B. Fere- bee of Andrews. Here are somfe facts about the new highway commissioners: Wilson is a native of Kentucky, but came to North Carolina -when a child. He served in the U. S. .4rmy during the World W’ar and gradiK'ted from Yale Univensity in 1919. He is now an editor and publisher at Roanoke Rapids. Flanagan has lived in Pitt county all his life. He is a presi dent of a Gjreenville hank and i» president of several other Pitt bu.siness concerns. He is a mem ber of the advisory commission of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and has represented his county several times in both houses of the General Assembly. Dr. Gooding is a physician at ■rm! present the speaker and awards Kenansville. A native of I.«noir (Continued on page eight) 3 Baseball Games For Lions This Week Mountain Lions hasebrll team of North Wilkesboro will play Hutchl- three games this week: A Chinn Grove today; Maiden here Tues day. 3:30; China Grove here Fri day, 3:30. The game scheduled here last Thur.-day afternoon with Millers Creek was rained out. kf. Whltw Myers, -who hol^ *,-.- at Draper, Viu, apent the'j»ta|i^^ ^ wtth Alfi ffiOiUy here Comforters Will Be Made In WOkes Comforter Making Scho*'i! To Be Held Thursday At Mulberry Center ;ir Mattress centers and NYA workers in mattress centers will meet at the Mulberry mattress center north of this city on Thurs day, April 34, for an all-day com forter sehnsl^ • • Sa The project plans to make com forters and the workers will ba drilled in comforter constrnotkMV. The school will open at'nine a. m. and continue throughout th* ^ day. I' >„ ' ^ Miss Pauline OOrdoaT hoiaa laay;^ provement apeeialtat bf the extaotijj sion Borrlee, Miil^ .by ei)Dd«oMiMk-«no(ilg

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