■t'f.-jj. -li - -0." S. AirplAiiM ; Score Heavily tacking in ware after ware, and oaing new sn-per-bombe, started hnce tires in the southwest Ger man industrial center of Mann heim Tuesday night, the eir min istry announced, and also heavily attacked Nazi airdromes and shipping off North Sea coasts. Oil More* Rotterdam . also were bombed, the air ministry said, admitting that from these night operations one British plane failed to return. It was the 36th raid of the war on Mannheim, whose docks are the third largest of Interior Ger many, but the first since Febru ary 8. Large railway stations and storage yards- adjoining the docks and industrial installations are eztensive. To Fort Bragg Ten Men Will Go From Each Board Oil That Date; Two Colored Going May 5 Wilkes draft boards have re ceived crlls for'.White and colored men in tae month of May. Wilkes draft board number one j will furnish two colored men to | go to Fort Bragg on May 5. On i May 16 that board will send ten white men to Fort Bragg. Thrt number will Include five white men rejected for technical rea sons at Fort Jackson recently. Wilkes draft borrd number two does not have a call tor colored ' men but will send ten white men to Fort Bragg on May 16. Wants Two Million Tons To Aid British Washington.—President Roose velt last night ordered the Imme- i diate pooling of 2.000.000 tons of , « merchant shipping to expedite na- £jV0r6ll T03.15011 tional defense and aid Great Britain in winning the battle of the Atlantic. The order was transmitted in a letter to Chairman Emory S. Land of the maritime commission. The President said the drastic step was necessitated 'by growing congestion of viUl war materials , on the docks. ' He called tor sacrifice and co-1 operation by ship owners, empha-1 sizing that “we must supply those , ships at once." .A. II. (Lon) Folger, of Mount -Airy, fifth district con- Igressional representative, died ill Mount .-liry b'.st- niglit from auto accident injuries he r“- ce'ved yeterday in Mount Airy. Buys 1st D0f0us0 .*.-.1 ,'ic'Ill .Tivuiii riir^. Bond Here Today | “Lon^Fo^ Die ^ n 1 & _ -1 CA.^ ^ A W m ptsr uk &vr ya,i tick- patlon .J^^e 'soll program this year, lo'a statistical re-, port TecWlred front the state of fice' by Lawrence Miller, Wilkes Triple A aecretary,- Wllkee this ye.-r had 4,24 8 to sign upi which is a record high nnraber;.lter the county-and about 250 ov« the number tor last year. ' The flw counties which exceed ed Will^ai ibis yoar were: Samp son, 5.4.}h: GOtumbus, $5,139; Union, 4^804; Robinson. $4,679; Wake. 4,604. Dare county had the least number of signers in the state with only 52. Defense Bonds And Stamps Went On Sale Today At Postoffices In Nation British Claim More ©f B. E. F. To Everett Pearson, local I wholesale merchant, goes the ] honor of purchasing the first de- I fen.=e bond at North W'ilkeslioro postoffice. I JThe bonds, in denominations of $25 to $1,000. went on sale here today and at other postoffices cent—or throughout t h e country. Mr. Pear.son bought one of the $25 ' bonds at nine a. ni. today. Post master .T. C. Heins sc id. j .Mr. Reins also explained that ,1. . tho ■ postal savings stamps from ten indications thct f cents each to five dollars also is continuing despite , From Auto Injury Clements Is Elected President Student Body School Here , . itf. t -.k Smoulderiiig ruins pf the home of Maggie Wyatt -near Daylo 18 miles'of North Wilkesboro, where Saturday at noon her three children were burned to death. Charlie Wyatt, brother of the mother and uncle of the fire victims, is shown pointing to where two of the bodies were found. Below is a picture of Maggie Wyatt, who said she tied twa of the children and put the ba'by in a box before leaving the house to go to the store and postoffice two miles away. (Photos by Dwight Nichola). Congressman Hurt On Mt. Airy Streets When Car Strikes A Tree Escaped Nazis per London.—Eighty . „ , about 48,000 men —of the Brit- I ish expeditionary force sent to Greece has been safely removed from the German-conquered king dom. it was announced early to day amid evacuation Mount .^iry.—.\. D. (Lon) Fol- ger. member of Congress from the fifth North Carolina district, died in a hospital here about 11:30 i matter iiy ucav o’clock last night of injuries .-tif-1 president of the Hi-Y club ^ pre-election pep meeting was Joe Clements was elected pres ident of the North Wllke^iboro high school student body by the very slim margin of one vote in the election held Tuesday. The school paper described the race as the most spirited and closest ever held at the school. Grant Stewart, the loser, auto matic; lly becomes next year’s Maggie Wyatt Held For Court Under Bond of On Charge Manslaughter After Hearing Held Tuesday Morning —• held On Monday afternoon and eloquent speeches were made for Folger was leaving town ^oth candidates. went on sale '.oday and that m; ny German attacks. n i loc:.l people, inclnding children. Prime Minister Winston expected to take advantage of to b«y_ bonds by Commons yesterday that inatalmeuts. The atamps may be rear-guerd tikbting against the Germans by a few ® imperials enabled io.OOO of ish the original 60.000 in the B. E. K. to escape from Greece by sea. instalments. The atamps may be e.xchanged tor t>onds when a sut ficioiii amount lias been aociumi lated. Dr. Kinchfloe, Sr„ Turkey Is Critical, Board to Send Out But Loyal to Britain Questioiuiaires Ltanbul.-•'Belayed I.— Mhile X. scolding Britain for its failure to snpplv Greece with adeqiute as sistance. the Turkish press ston - iv affirmed Ibis nation’s friend ship with the allies yesterday and said that any German threat o Turkey^ ind^reudenct* would mean war Directions Are Sent to Local Draft Officials On Orders From Washington with tluential entitled Raleigh. April 29.—State selec tive service headquarters today to send questionnaires not , -.iliince boards We ere loyal to otii_ allia _ miestionnaires immediately to England. ® , to all registrants who have Aksam in heeii classified. Will Turkey Be Forced 100.000 ^ Enter the Mar.’’ ^ i Carolinians have already been North i nll'fkflHV’ Nothing will change this ''‘"'laiional! who have not received question those fered in an automobile accident on a Mount Airy street yesterday mornin.g. Mr. to deliver\a high school com mencement address in Person county when his automobile graz ed another car. tlien crossed the street and struck a tree.. No, charges were., iifpiight, again.? Meggs Witlafd; pcnter.'who wfs driving rfe other car. Mr. Folger suffered head and chest injuries, a lirnken ankle and several broken ribs. , , _ . , Lung Puiictu.'e Mi..s Futal Dr. J- W. Kincheloe. Sr., pastor Dr. M. S. Martin, the attending >f the First Baptist chme physician, said i> punctured lung ; Rocky Mount, N, C., as r.cce ^ and a chronic asthma condition an invitation to pieac in a s caused the death of the congress- of ^''‘‘“eelistic services at t i First Baptist church. North Wil- Fred Folger. a nephew. ,=aid kesboro from Monday June 1C Mr Folger was suffering from through Wednesday. June 2. . asthma when he ; rrived at nis; The visiting minister has been home here from Washington pastor at Rocky Mount Tuesday night. The nephew ex-, past twenty-five ^ Johnston, Taylor Solicitor Contends Tieing Of Are Volunteers In j Children Was Violation Army Air Corps of Uw. Csiused Death Father Of Baptht Partor To Conduct Series Evange listic Services Here luesnay Illglll. I lu: ncpucw ca- , pressed the belief that an attacking that time has conducted man might have been a contributing! series of revival and evangelistic cause of the accident. A spray I services at churches througho used for asthma was found in the ! North Carolina. His visit to the automobile. First Baptist church ^ EARI.IEK REPORT Wilkesboro in June is anticippt- Mount Airv, April :50.—Fifth ed with interest by many. While District Congressman A. D. (Lon) in North Wilkesboro he will be “ Folger was injured in a„ automo-, the guest of his son who has been ■ bile accident on South Main I pastor here since February 16. street here this morning and is in Martin Memorial Ha-pital in a „r inrieoendcnce will 1 in class "one' " | critical condition. Congressman coucerning o.ir P _ 1 awaiting physical exam suffered a fractured jaw. force Turkey 'nio (nations. There will'be no change ^ broken left leg. I in the rule of requiring 'and is suffering from lacerations I examinations within Ie.s.s than 60 ; _ . . . Two of North Wilkesboro's best known young men left Wed nesday to enroll in the U. S. air corps as flying cadets. They were Richard Johnston and Robert Trylor. Mr. JohusUm', ,a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnston, Is a gradu ate of the IJnlver.rity of North Carolina and for the past few years had held an executive posi tion with American Furnitiirf comp; ny. He went to Camden, S. C., for a course in Southern School of -Aviation before he will be assigned to one of the army’s air fields. Mr. Taylor has been teacher of math and science in North Wil kesboro high school for the past four years. Prior to leaching heir he taught in Cherry-vdle high school. His home L ft Laurel Springs. Hft will also train a Camden. S. C. T. J. Haigwood. Jr., of this rity, who has taught at Sparta tor two years, succeeds Mr. Taylor as teacher here for the rem; ining month of the school terra. suh is beat for the good. We are ready i nd believe ir our strength. Any demand naires. Officials explained that in class “one’' will be placed in ' Next Move Awaited As Germans Feint Iiondon.—A grand-scale days of induction time. Ger-1 The directions went to the lo- Ihe 1 cal boards on orders from nation- “" caSf Palestine is likely within 10 informed military ciicles last night. Mindful of Adolf Hitler s boa.U that his conquest of the days, said j Negro Gets 24 Months I of the head and from shock. I His condition is complicated by 'an asthmatic attack, hospital at- jtendants said. I The accident occurred about 8:30 o'clock. Congressnirn Folger was' driving down South Main Federation Home I Clubs h Meeting Officer Marine Corps Is Coming Temporary Recruiting Office Will Be Located Here Through Next Week Maggie W'yatt. 26-year-old un married mother of the Drylo com munity in the foothills of the Blue Ridge 18 miles northwest of North Wilkesboro, was order-_ ed held under $590 bond follow, ing a hearing Tuesday morning before Magistrate R. C.' JSteftBjSf \ in Wilkesboro on charges of causing the death of her three children when her home burned Saturday noon. State Solicitor Avalon E. H.Tl. prosecutor in the hearing, called only three witnesses to the chair and rasted the case. T. R. Bry-1 an, Wilkesboro attorney, was au pointed by the court to represent , the defendant and at the close I of the evidence nirde a motion lei dismiss the action, which wa.s. overruled. '• | Charlie Wyatt, middled aged \ brother of the defendant, was the, first witness. His account of the | tragedy was pathetic. He said that he was workin,g lie r hi.-- home about 400 yards from the home of his sster when he heard children screaming in the d st-^ ance. He looked up and saw | ■-moke in the direction of gie Wyatt’s home M.iGGIE WYATT Cowks Is D09utyj Ckrk U. S. Court! Succeeds L. Bumgarner, Who Resigned Because Of III Health, At Wilkesboro ranean would be complete by Au- gu"rsome observers believed the ttuek already might be under way Miss Anamerle Arant Speaks ^Ten Clubs Lay Plans I Representatives of the -T'. S. nisirict Meetin'/ Marine Corps Recruiting Service ^ ^ j will establish a temporary office spring Fedel^tion meeting of at the City Hall buildi^ in For Larceny At ,gagement at prospect Hill, j ^ j* wilkesboro. j purpose of nterviewing and'exam the accident occurred. His car grazed, one driven by I Ten of J, T. Little. These sources said a ""'•‘he';" j’•ecriyimt 20-year-oId ^ grazed, one driven by | Ten of the 12 clubs in ^ne negro, was sentenced in city court I williard and then crossed I county were represented. The this week to 24 months on the ^pp.^ently out of con- Principal address was by MUs Charge of larceny and ^ | Anamerle Arant. district ho _ roads on a flange of the thrust probably would be across the Black vSea German-controlled Ruman- bases to Balum, in the So viet.^ Georgia Simultaneously, a southern assault would be launch- ed from eastern Mediterranean is lands at Syria, only 500 miles from Rhodes, an Italian base. Little, whom Police Chief J- ining young men for entrance in the United Strtes Marine Corps. Only volunteers serke in the Marine Corps. You mry now vol unteer your servees wth the Ma from ian Viet mn defi-, demonstration ageni - ^ duration of the nitely established, it is believed I the part ' isj=H«n»I Emergency. When this - - - , . that the. congressman suffered National Defense program. ci-iniinal record and had been ott E. Walker .-’aid h; d a lengthy j in :'een on . . . , .L’.« after an attack of asthma, caa-ing him the roads onlv -a ® rarceny, jto lose control of his car momen- R. & o! tarily. of 2 Marriage License Only two license to wed were iBSued during ‘he past week by Wilkes Register of Deeds C. L- Sldden. The contracting couples were: McConnelly Pilkington and Stella Mae Wyatt, both of ^Ml- E G..,w Gvlfiln. ■Wilkesboro. and Myrtle Bowe , of Wilkesboro. serving a ■ p!',-c-’ce admitted breaking into Grocevv stove on the corner Sixth and B streets. Police said Little took 400 pennies, one dime and a few car tons of cigarettes. iWilkes Superior Court In Progress Legion Will Meet; Dance Announced Over April Term For Trial Civa Cases Wilkes post of the American . Legion will meet Friday night. | wilkes county superior court 7-30 8t the Legion and Auxiliary j i^ progress this week with clubhouse. Idudge F. Don Id Phillips, of After ti e meeting a square ' Rockingham, p-esidlng. and round dance will begin at | Among the cases disposed of The meeting opened wth Sing ing “God Bless America,’’ and praver led by Mrs. J. B. Bell, of Honda. Mrs. J. M. Bentley, sec retary. called the roll of clubs and submitted report of the tieas- Uiry. In the business session five, dollrrs were contributed to the Jane S. MacKlmmon fund, which , lis used to loan as a scholarship 'Judge Phillips Is Presiding yearly to ‘^1“ * girl An offering was taken tor the'“Aid To Britain” cause. r Wallace Very HI nine o’clock, script will be 50 were two divorce actions on cent* per couple and the public is : grounds of two years separation. .mi rr«U ..V ^ *>A Plana were discussed for the dls- National Emergency. 'When this emergency no longer exists you 'may reutrn to civil life. 'Why watt to be drafted when you can vol unteer for this colorful and in teresting branch of the service? Your opportunity for advance ment and promotion in the Ma rine Corps is unlimited. Hundreds of young men are trained in vo cational schools of the Marine Corps yearly to fit its needs. This is addition to correspondence courses on any subject derived are offered free of charge to the irict federation meeting to be,personnel of the C^ps^ ThU is „ o.k H.n .chooi I. cid. »yr'?.““r “,.S; well cwmty May 29 “Stories of Work Well Done were Included in short reports Irom the following clubs repre- your education, travel extensively and serve your country with Hb- errl paX- , Applicants to be eligible must J C. Wallace is crlticr41y ill at hia home in this city. Mr. Wal- lace, a lormer register of deeds of Wilkes county for several years, had been an active magis trate in this city until hia health tailed a few moatha ago. invited to attend. They were Theodore Fairchilds [Versus Mildred Fairchilds, and — jvcniiu© mjiuicu a «**%^«**i*ac,, —— One acre of pearl millet plant-; Arowood versus Cecil Arc ed now will graze two cows from wood. « - July to frost and half an acre of j in a civil action J. M. Blackr, Sudan grass will do half as mneb iburn waa, awarded verdict —^If the soil is rich.'-'" j against'Hfs. W.fj: Benib'iL''’’W'' r eented: Boomer, Ferguson, reath. Moravian Fails. Mt. Gil- lie'unmarried, without depend- Pls- gah, Mulbeiry, Pores Knob, Hon da, Roaring River and Roaring Gap. ^ ^ will furnish you with T1i« largeBt open graulto qaik , burning building, found its roof caving in. He looked around the house for trreks to, see it the children might have escaped but found none, fie said he almo.-t knew the children were Inside and were burned to death. He said he threw water futilely on fhe flaming structure and when the fire died down he found charred remnants of the bodies of his sister’s children, Jimmie 4. Claude 3. and Clara M?e 2. The witness showed considerable emo tion as be told of the tragedy and at times his voice broke with stiffled sobs. Coroner I. -M- Myers told of go ing to the fire Saturday aflern^ion and of his conversation with the mother, who told him Ih t she tied the two oldest to the wall •with a stout cord and placed the iiaby in a box before she went that morning to the postoftic: and store two miles away. She said she had been doing tha' when going awry in order that the children would not get out and get hurt. She told him she left a few smouldering coaL ir the fireplace Saturday morning. Mrs. Mattie Ross, a neighbor testified th&t on one' occasion previous to the date of the trag edy Maggie Wyrtt bad told her that she left the children alone and untied and that they rolled fire out of the fireplace and the floor caught fire, but she put it out. ’The defendnat mother was calm' througbout the (riiarles H. Cnwlns. of Wilkes- lioi’o. ban a-'suniod his duties as dp’inty federal coi-il clerk of the Wilkeshoi'o circuit. Henry Rey nolds. clerk of the middle district court, said tod. y. .Mr. Cowles, a former represen- Mag-ltative in congre-.-. succeeds L. He ran to the . Bumgarner. Wilkesboro citizen] who resigned liis posit inn in Feb-1 ruary becjuise of ill liealth. Mr.I Bumgarner had been deputy clerk| for several years. The position of federal deputyl court clerk at Wilkesilioro is al full time job. Jim Somers Able To Be Out Againl ents, white, single. 18 to 29 years of age. of good moral character. The irecrultlng officer at the City Hall Building In North Wilkee- ■ full -'ft. , !»'th»-,»orid arjt-locatq*. fil&.-JSfillOMsIUk j-Ji-ysti.®"'' the latriDu, iSv;, Jim Somers, well known yo'-ugj l)U8ine.-s man here. _is able to ’-el out again after being confined tel the hospital ; nd his home sincel February 13. On that date Mr.l Somers, who is a menvber of thel Yadkin Valley Motor companyj firm here, received a spinal frac-l ture in an automobile accident onl highwry 115. His car wrecked afll be was trying to dodge a lioy whoj was riding a bicycle. W. R. Call, 95^ Is Taken By Deal W. R. Call, one of the oldest! citizens in this part of the state^ died Wedne-day evening at hll home in Antioch township. H« was 95 years of age. Funeral service will be held Antioch church Fridry afternoo* two o’clock. Surviving are his widow. Mr Delphia Call, and the followin$ sons and daughters: Olin Cxh Hugh M. Call, jNaihan Call. Hugh M. hearing, jjorth Wilkesboro; A. D. which lasted less than half an Winston-Salcm; Slater Crll, M hour. She sat with her head rest- Ben Call, Mrs. Berlle Curry, M ing on one_ hand ■Bollcltor'Hall in a brief argu ment against the defendant’# mo tlen to dismiss the charges cited a statute which makes it a mis demeanor'to confine or tie chtt". - onipj^n flw) 'Ujvrti'- . '• jr, ——-I Lonnie Oakley. Mrs. Bdga: brooks, all of North WllkesbM and Mrs. Jim Clark, of West glnla. ^ —■k -... - v4i,m. to. - Ask state CMlW^how hlnaberries at h^e,

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