rF&nlb ^mstrov ■linl}i liiid)er , 7> lI*yT-21—Forest fires -,^^oyed more timfMr in this far in 1941 than will be hi« the entire year in North a, Dr., J., V. Hofmann, head IMTisioD of Forestry at N. |8tata College declared today, aponsibitity for stopping the lltm, he said, rests with the hip and law enforcement of North Carolina, which eighth among the timber- _^^ng states of th nation. Dinting out that most fires are Imidiary in origin, Dr. Hofmann ulprits must be apprehended. I*wever, this wnll accomplish no Id unless the law-enforcing' agen- Ts, have the will and the courage 1 convict and impose sentences in ^,ing with the crime. Incen- rism which threatens ' and de- oys hundreds of times those val- ; in timber too often goes free.” estruction by forest fires is all more serious now, explained Hofmann, because the annual liber cut in Nor;'"i Carolina at present is more than the !iWth. ‘‘This in itself is cause I serious consideration of a bet- program of forest production ithe state." he commented. | 'tating that a 30,000-acre forest has not been unusual in the Ptem section of North Carolina Ijing the past two months. Dr. tmann said five such fires de- ty as much timber as would l^ply the lumber industry of ,ith Carolina for one year. j hDuring the present fire season, Dst fires in one group of eoun including Brunswick, Colum News k ROARING RIVER,' Route 2, May 27.—Mr. B. L. Johnson, of' Ashevit arrived Saturday and ba.s be^n a()ending a week here A.#' . Tgtvt nntfire'Df ^ com boti' ^«Qns, Martlw *- here KDvmt»er. - ^ ,-J ' Mra.^^siier Joyner ssyif v she has a’cdWtthni. gives ' over^ two The .singing trio in this happy-go-lucky scene co Merle Oberon and they are couceined wiih d spen.,i re-fiCn Feeling.” the gay comedy slated for its pre . s .. 1> igess Meredith. Melyyn Douglas and f ■“ and laug ter in Krnst Lubitschs “iliat L'n- -/ 1 Theatre today. have destroyed timber exceeding Piedmont sections. These fires the entire needs of the state for are unnecessary, they are man-set — I. I4S, Pender, Onslow and Jones, (-oming year,” stated Dr. Hof- and altogether too many are in- cendiary fires and maliciou.sly set. ‘ ‘The area burned over in these “The only method of t-ontrol is, counties has exceeded 150,000 fit'st of all, to arouse the people acres, which would be sufficient to to a realization of fore.st values produce the amount of timber a»d to arouse a determination to mentioned.” A 30,000-ac>-e fire, he stop these fires by law enforce- ^vashington. — The Supreme explained, destroys a 20-year Tf 'Court ruled yesterday that state growth of timber which, at the moans 0 aw e woods Primaries and nominating conven-' iroduction rate of 9,000,000 board People do not want the woods Supreme Court Holds Primary A Federal Act production rate of 9,000.000 board Peopm uo nor wane ene woou. ^ c . ,T,r,....llv ie pnihvalent to burned, they will not be burned. ; ^ feet annually, is equ.va ent to ’ ulation the s; me as general elec- irrieu, iii?y win nut uc uuincu. ,SO00«;0O0 bi.,,. f..l by .h. -'North C.ro,™ I. ,.,-y t.vor.- o" .«« - "to ■»; tf-fl o>-"> ilks, take a friendly tip. Keep your biaze. produc- ^ . out of your pockets cind your Iroboois clean. Billy the Kid is dustin’ litotown! lis real name? William Bonney. He's 'Uick on the draw. Shoots with his left d. Can hit a wart on a lizard. Asks Stions later. He’s Wanted for Ar! ■k * * -k in black—to match ‘‘Hassie", is horse—Billy the Kid will lift you ut of your seats with his ways and leans. He’s a one-man prosecutor and one-man court. He’s a menace. And andsome as Bob Taylor.. tion,” said the State College au^ There wa, no disagreement ’ l l addition to this ^oup ot “There arc large varie- over the constitutional right of counties,” continued Ur. Hotmanib growth is Txcep- Congress to legislate against cor- •fires have raged over all of t e forests re- ruplion in primaries, but the coastal plain aiea.i an rnany ave themselves naturally if giv- court split, four to three, on the occurred in the mountain and opportunity; - With-all of the question whether Congress ac- -— _ Tirp ^ natural factors in favor of an cco- tuully had done so in a broad NOriCE nomic program for forest produc- 1870 statute making it a crime e..ute''’r'Norrh‘‘1atIns a it makes the indictment .0 deprive a citizen of his -- " fe, I'auline Salmons, on the 7th stronger against this wanton de- stituiionrl rights. with bomefolks. ■ Mrs. J. B. Wheeler ’and little f daughters, Elaine and Donald Dern, of Kannapolis, spent last week-end • with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. '■"rank Sparks, and oth er kindrea. - . ' Jimmie Joyner, who recently recovered from pneumonia, spent last Sunday with little Jimmie Mathis In the B/ier Creek vicin ity- ' Miss Hazel Joyner accompanied the .Brier Creek Sunda/ school, on a visit to Mills Home, Thomas- ville, last Sunday. •Mrs. Frrnk Sparks, Mrs. Thel ma Wheeler and children, and Miss Helen Sparks visited Mrs. Ida Call, Mr. and Mrs. Thurmond Sparks, and others Sunday. Miss Irene Mathis, of the Brier Creek section, visited Miss Haz el Joyner in this neighborhood Saturday. When the American Furniture Company talked of buying the timber on the old Tilley piece 4 years ago, the president, Mr, A, B. Johnston, seemed to apprehend that, behind each lumber pack, at least one lawsuit would rear its ugly head. But -when the com- , pany really did buy it and Mr. ^ Edminston sawed it two years ^ ago, everything moved with a i smoo-thness most extraordinary, j I-ast week, however, after all the | lumber moved hut three | I packs, it seemed that Mr. John-1 Eton’s “tragic foreboding” was] not groundless. As a last fillip i Mr. Joe Love blocked the road near the home of Mansfield Parks, colored, and hauling lum ber reached an impasse. Last week Coy Love, who was married sometime ago, took hia- brother, Herman, or “Chuck” to live with him. Herman formerly lived with his aunt, “Minnehaha.” Mr. and Mrs. Julius Martin II. of Washington. D. C„ have named their new baby boy Peter for the first of the family who came to America, Peter Martin, or Pierre , „Couii^l'/ WorHi ■ ’Carol^ I ^s is to- Ml persons having ■las a ctrwT loai. kit«b ‘over-v-wo -ClsilKS, against the eS^te 8Wd gallons of milk a day, though she ■vlllw'xrnSh not been freshMn TrU yeers.. ? ^de Valley, North ™ T tarofeia, on or before the 21st day Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Joyner,- jjay 1942, or thi#Notice will be lar. BUU mro. risuer •'vyuer,-J942, or thi#NOtlCe-Will D6 Mrs. Ronie Love, Mias Madeline plead^ in .bar of their recovery. Love,' and little Roy Love, vfalt-t All persons indebted to said estate ed Mrs, Laura Linney a short will_ please make immediate pay time Shnday. THREE REABONB A gentleman upon h^lng asked to, h’.ve a drink replied, “No, I don’t want a drink for three "rea sons: First, because I promised my mother not to drink; second, because my doctor told me not to- drink; and third, be-muse I just had a drink.” ' ment. TTiis the 21st day of May, 1941. P. Q. BLEVmS, Executor of Foy Cheatwood, deceased. 6-26-6t (t) i>r. Chas. W. Moseley Diseases of thp Stomach and Internal Medicine In Wllkesboro on Mondays Be ginning May 19th, Honrs 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ferenson Pock Build ing. Thone 139. HUT DNCERfAI41 FHUNG / BURGESS MEREDITH and ALAN MOWBRAY Produced ond Oirodod by Emtt Lubitsch $cr*«iplaybyOoAoldOd9«B$t*wart • AdaptoHoflbyWali«rR«iicli * >»Ua*Ad tfani U«it»d A/tUt» con- ■iy (It .\L.ri-h 1940. to the under- ruction.’ sj-ned tiu.-tee for Bank of Nort.i \Vilke.-.boro to secure a sum « NeWSpaDCF money, which Deed (It 11ust IS le . „» «* corded in office of Register of Claims War Must Deeiis of likes Coun.y m (» \xr v WT m. 193, Page 137, and default having Be Won In WeSt Leeii miiiic in the pajment, and tne York.—The British radio eaile'r'upon to fonlose' said Deed in a l.roadcR,.-t hoard by r.B; last -'f 'Trust by toe power of sale niglit. quoted the Soviet news- tlierein by the holder of the note; jiaper Izve.slia as saying yester- The undersigned trustee will on that, ‘'the war c; n only lie Saturday, June 14 h, ^ ten west.” o’clock A- M- lit the Coui --xhe events in the eastern Jublic"auction"to‘the highest bid- Mediterranean have captured the der for cash the lands describeti in attention of the world press.” said said Deed of Ti*ust as follows: the broadcast version of IzvestiaV Beffinnin^r on a birch on the cromment. “hut it i.- the Atlantic ★ North bank of the Yadkin Ri'crj ^-hich will be the decisive battle- of US who go back to Bill Hart .iu-st behiw the old bridge at a id Tom Mix, who know every wrinkle ^’“ff;. ^ ^ , ,0 "Here, America actively de- lere’sever.beenin oneof thoseshc^t- ^ovLTon Thni fends the British routes of com- m-ups, will react to the esstential poles to a laige ropiar, on a uio, v„ aturVof a movie such as this. North 32 degrees East 24 pole.s to munic.-tion. Already, Admiral .No- a Red Oak Sapling, near a lai;ge hie, commander of the British .4t- * * * * ! Chestnut stump, on the East m-.!e jgntic fleet, has succeeded it l-G-M’s“BillyiheKid”isa"\Vestem" ,of a small branch; thence North 9 ^.j,asing the Scharnhorst a 11 e ^ enough. But you gotta u.se tho^ degrees West 94 poles to a Uog- (26,000-ton Oerinai fds “saga” and “epic'. Real gal- wood outside the fence, on an old -u into novtnm in th- ?ing tintypes and buckets of blood ,,i:id; thence North 10 degrees battlesh.ps) into asylum th Wot Liicnvc -V- o tv along same 29*'2 poles to Port of Brest, where they have another old road; thence North 27 had to .-itay after having suffer- ^er was Technicolor so magnilicetit. degrees East pole.s to a ed damage from violent ettacks le sunlit freedom of the ojien plains, thence Norfi 20 degrees West 36 Royal Air Force’’, e glory of the canyons, the steel blue poles to a Cum: thence North o- g glory 01 Liie Lduyuiib, Liicsiwi uiuc Mum* the revolver, the jet black in horse dejrrec? West 13^ poles; tnen.e d rider, the peacbbloom of the fair North 25 deprrees West 26 poles; msel. Folks, tonight’s the night! itbence North 57 degrees West CTHICKS According to the latest I’. ^ tt>cnce Aortn o vi^c*v -r»iuv\ju ^ . 26Vi poles; then-e North 43 dej- Department of Agriculture poul greef 17 pole.s; thence North 27 try report, the number of youii.r i can have your “Easterns” with degres \Vest 18 poles: thence North chickens on farms May 1 was 16 :ir villainous demitasses, your 36 dt*grees West 48 poles to a p^j. (.gpj larger than a year ago. orthems” with their relentless man- pine, on the road leading to W hite ters, your "Southerns” with their plains church; thence North 6 de- EXECUTOR’S NOTICE grees Bast 12 poles along said Having qualified as Executor of J- 1 Hpc^roes n. - *'• *'—-*•- * — * * * * The majority opinion, by Jus tice Stone, held that law covered the ca-:e of five New Orleans elec tion officials accused of altering 97 ballots in last September’s Democratic hongressional primary in favor of Representative T. Hale Boggs. The minority contended otherwise. The specific purpose of the' 1870 act w.f6 to carry out the fourteenth amendment giving the negroes the right to vote. While 1 no question of negro suffrage was involved in the case decided yes terday, Justice Department offi cials expressed belief that the de cision indicated the court would “rule that any Interference with the rights of negroes to vote in a primary to determine candidates for federal office violated the federal statute. SPECIALS WHY PAY MORE FOR YOUR 6I0CEIIES ai FEEDS WE PAY CASH AND 5*^ 39-^ HE MEANT BUSINES.S Clerk: “So you want a gift for yoiir wife? Something electrical, perhaps-.?’’ Local Man: “Yes, that’s not a bed idea. Er—have you any elec tric ch'iirs?” HAND SOAP— 2 cakes 50c BROOMS— Only — 35c BROOMS— Only 25c BROOMS— Only — ASPIRIN—5 grains 2 boxes for. SELL FOR CASH 25 15*^ 29^ 19' 5' PURE COFFEE— 21/2-pounds MACARONI— 2-lb. box — - - 40c Large Jug VINEGAR —Only 5c MATCHES— 2 boxes for PORK AND BEANS— 3 large 31 oz. cans ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualifiei ns .^ministra- •r of the estate of Louise Melville Cole, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said -t-i’p to present them to the un dersigned, whose address is North W'ilkesboro, N. C.. duly verified, on day of ^y. r->- beiore the 14th grees luasi a. navirg quaiuiea ns caciuiaii wj ", . 7. -i?? 1 ' j road: thence North 13 degrees estate of Minday Almedia An-. 19^2, or this notice will be plead in East 14 poles to the fork of the Person, late of Wilkes county, N.' of ^ Jill rive us a “Western’'like "Billy the road; All these lines run with S. jo notify all persons persons indebted to said estetewl I’^any time. And now's as gcod a J. Greenwood’s line from the he- leaving claims against said estate v e as any other. ginning, and with a road from the present them to the undersigned. MEIWI^E* Adminis- trator of the estate of Louise- Melville Cole, dec’d. 6-19-6tt ' m’hlic road leadmg bv Reeves jj. C., duly verified, on or be-1 we can’t help sending along a Mill; thence South 38 degrees g^}, jay of May, 1942, or; note to Robert Taylor for his splen- \v««t 8 ooles' then'-e South 74 de- notice will be plead in bar of performance. Bob. you’re a really grees West 15 poles; thence South right to recover. All persons. It star and this he-man role fits you 35 degrees West 12 poles; thence indebted to said estate will please Smith .*S9 degrees West 20 poles to ir^meHintp .settlement. TRY OUR FAMOUS Sunday Biscuit Flour Every Bag Guaranteed 98-lbs. plain $2.50 48-Ibs. self-rising $1.35 98-lbs. self rising. 2.60 24-lbs. plain 65 48-Ibs. plain 1.30 24-lbs, self-risii^.. .70 the road: thence South 10 degrees I West 52 poles to a White Oak, near : way ★ * ★ another big hit from ter ^berty NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au- oou... ..... .— iiiais.e ii.iii.cu.o.c ecicev..., thority vested in a certain deed of a large Pine, on the North edge of g(.jj day of May. 1941. trust, executed to the undersigned ^ Andrew Gwaltney Anderson, trustee by A. R. Morrison and Executor of the estate of Min- wife, Mary Morrison, and recorded ’• ‘ ’ in Book 199, page 97, in the office; .e •— - r u-ii-ui,. V.-/ of the Register of Deeds of Wilkes the branch, just above the fork. . County, N. C., default having been ami thence down the branch as it NOTICE OF SALE made in the payment of the note now runs, Southwardly, 120 poles NORTH CAROLINA, .secured therein, at the request of on an average line to the rock WILKES COUNTY. the holder of said notes, I will sell hrid-e at the edge of the bottom; Under, by virtue of, and pursu- ^t public auction to the highest ■ * * ' i4- 4-Vrt n/vnrAi* uoIa rtftTi+om. X /\XT f19U1? DDTTILT 1 west 52 poles to a White Uak, near Executor of the estate of N. Bine for elaboration, but would just ! tork of a small branch; thence day Almedia Anderson, dec’d. to toss a sprig to author Gene gouth 15 degrees .Wes. 4 poles to s-12-6t. (t) ler for the way he does it. ..u branch, just above the fork. . PEANUT BUTTER— 2 pounds - SODA CRACKERS— 2 pounds for. CORN MEAL— V^-bushel 8- FAT BACK MEAT —pound- Nice IRISH POTATOES— per bushel and • Fresh Vegetables.at Best Prices • >'rid''e at the edge oi tne oottom; unaer, oy virtue oi, ana pursu- public auction to tne nignest thence down said branch on a gen- ant to, the power of sale contain- bidder for cash ON THE PREM- I ..T-ncsino- the Southern ed in the North Carolina Code pro- tcts'S nn Mnndev. .Time Ifi. 1941. thence down saia oranen on a kch- am. to, uie puwei OI aaie- Luiiiaiii- biudei era! course crossing the Southern ed in the North Carolina Code pro- ISES, on Monday. June 16, 1941, Railway, and continuing down said viding for the sale of property for ^t 11 o’clock A. M., the following tile bottom with the satisfacton of storage and .teeA,.iK0.1 T>ee1 ec , Vluing ioi me saie ui jjiujjcilj. jo. pj o CIOCK A. al., me ion branch through the bottom with the satisfaction of storage and described real estate, to-wit: me- mechanic’s liens, . beipg Section Beginning m a black gum (now Lvoette Salmons endering course line in a to mouth We handle all kinds of Feeds at money-saving prices * • Between WUkea Tie and Feed Co. and C. A. Lowe & Sons’ Wh4doaale Store lUCVliaitlC 9 ilVilOj . c — endering course to moutti of 2485 and related sections, the un- ^ stake) runs North 70 degrees b*’”nrh emptying into the Yadkm dersigned will offer for sale, for Epgt 4 chains to an iron stake,, river noar the old Church Ferrv the non-payment of repair and phillins comer; thencg North 2 de- If- - n« V H4J.'*'• •**e> - ' c. - - - ■'* « L.111IU1I9 l«U au IIVII river near the old Church Ferrv the non-payment of repair and Phillips comer; thence North 2 de Site; thence down by the old storage bill the property herein- grbes East 2.26 chains to an Iron bridge site to the beginning. Con- .-fter described of one (Warren stake; thence South 2 degrees 30 taining 225 acres more or less, ex- Handy and Sina L. Handy. Said minutes West 6.64 chains to m cent 11 acres sold to Roaring sale to be held on the 7th day of cent 11 acres sold to Koarmg sale to oe neid on tne vt.’i day oi iron stake, near a» Black Gum River high school, 3-4 of an acre June, 1941. at 12, Noon, at Hayes sprout; thence South 1.50 chains Rnaring River Baptist Garage in Hayes. N. C.. the follow- to nn iron stake in t' in the road; East a xrelt; to Roaring River Baptist uarage in nayes, m. t,., me loiiow- to an iron staxe in tr 1, 2 acres to C. G. Hunter, ing described property, upon which thence South 26 degrees 14 (4 acres to Ethel E. Salmons, 1 the storage and mechanic’s lien of links to the center of . I acre to J. B. Church, 1 acre to S. $126.00 is assessed, to-wft; thence North $ denees i H Mastin. For full description 0"e 1934 Ford I’udor Sedan, Mo- links to tiie llogumniC. » Deed of record. - tor Number 18-668ai9. >-' v _ l acr^jWMtf^ Wii CASH BUYER OF COUNTRY PRODUCE .-rj 1

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