'ATRIOT. NO» >' Built For In- C^lectioB Of estinc Aniinala is reconstructing his iP^M^ster'a Nu-Way'Ser- N«w ^1 Krtera have been erect, ed ibf titO rapidly Increasing n«a^ oil«pi^als and the cages •r* to Mistructed to make It coarphlent for vUftors to spe all tW animals. Mr. Forester already has a very InterOstlog.,'collection of animals and others will be added soon. Included in the zoo now are por cupines from Maine, African li ons, black bears, a bobcat from Smoky Mountains. Meiican arma dillo. Chinese dragon, golden pheasants, ringneck pheasants, chuck quail and many others. POSTMASTER WRITES I wish to express my sincere thanks through your paper to those rural patrons of Route 1 from Reddies River who r^pond- ed to the request of the post of fice -department during “Paint up week”. As I made my yearly trip a- round this route last week I was greatly pleased to see that many had painted and adjusted their boxes. No doubt many others are plan ning to paint and letter their boxes at an early date. So let me thank you in advance. I know >-our carrier will appre ciate any needed Adjustment that will be made for better service or to make his work more inter esting. Even the children might like to plant a flower or shrub by their fathers mail box. How intere.st- Ing that would be. Respectfully, SALLIE V. VANNOY. P. M. nadUn by '^blrth;*Hlii ^ plant here at .the elhrlae tlM 1d5j, hay 20; n te=?= L’SERVIC^^: be’ held hi , , - ipal Church Sun . . r-.^- WMtfn«,4ane 1st. at 7:45 o’clocl.' tana bntter"as fresIf^lF pnhUe ii^jlordially invited to and offer the . that V _ .wg liM o( erehlnh fa«Uie^t^ Mttflhw ery afe * ! ■aETii W«kna.,4M||iliily. cleana, BEIfiC E^T-J rfi’to.from »hw,.h.hJ--' .«loBtlttnad Iromr BUTTER |>tA|t ^kb MiV» ilrin >h£t^ rorifttil Chiii^ f in the absehch';^! i^tbr is pr^htng the baccaknr- eate sermon to the gradnates til the Rocky Mount high' sohool at Rdcky Mount,. N. C.! this'Sunday,' the pulpit of 't)ie First Baptist cbprch will be 'supplied this Sun day morning at the regular wor- sWp hour by Mr, 1. G. Greer. Mr. I^^r Is supertiOhndent of,’t^|^ -yfk'ptlst Orphanage at Thoma^ villa. N. C., end te .well known to Hbrth Carolina' Baptists. . Mr. Greer has, spoken dn other occm- ions at the EgiBUIt church and he is well’iSed" by the peoji a market r'fhcon^O^V year .at ^e .ouu-ket which is quoted each day W th* .Chicago butter market, The Rosemary Creamery hep gone to a lot of expense In erectr Ing this plant hefe. It ig 091^91104 . with stainless steel vats- fad t stainless' steel pipes. This plaiq^ when complete, ha ee(d, wiH. meet ail requirements 6f the U. S. and N. C. Pure Food Laws. ' %■ }■ The Roeemary Creamery head* quarters rre in Atlanta, Ga:', where they^ mahufacturgr fhf RMeleaf Process ' Bqtter>.,Y Wltf sales oyer a million pounds A year. They are also 'erectihg a plant at. Port Payne,.. Ala. This plant here In North 'Wil- CO-STARS OF “ADAM HAD FOUR SONS," Ingrid Bergman and Warner B ixter are shown above in a scene from the new Columbia romantic drama, which opens Monday at the Allen Theatre. BasM upon Charles Bonner’s best-selling novel, “I,eg»:y,’ and directed by Gregory Ratcff. “Adam Had Four Sons” includes in its cast such stellar players as Susan Hayward, Fay Wray, Helen Westley, Richard Denning, Johnny Downs and Charles Lind. auu uc 10 well irseu uj iud pwiiic. kesboro will (be a great benefit to He Is an able and fluent spe^ejf, I the fanners and merchants of ; iJr. Willlam^dft.. Purrefi-, '.^of.North Carolina. The plant here Weavervllle lii&’>been Invlt^.^.to will be the receiving plant for all speak ft the evening servlce’^ot 1 North Carolina. Butter will be WfttBhlp. Thei t#Tlce will bertn melted, pasturlzed, filtered and at|;s p. m. Dr,''Burrell has held then sealed airtight In 56 gallon paWorates In..Virginia and; North J tin-pie ted drums tor shipment to Carolina, and[fyis veil known Atlanta. Ga. throughout thd'state. He Is a Ca- Mr. Jameson, who Is erecting her* And' WUImboir^^lg wnmmer, H« well fcnowi^^ many . parts . WM eUUdl’’' by ar bit 'ipldnlfM^ Ncuftl^ day night,. plftkedijg^^if y "' ambulance driyetwho wds North jbg, two other -.. J^' Meeiiii§ ■ At: 1^:, Ira''#h9mate„ Aelns-Stu 'h^lftwp men an'* antomc The revival campaign ^ing condQcted at .the fairgrounds by Bhrangeilst Kathryn Bolyn, assist ed by Rev. awd Mrs. G. B. Kim- brell, ,1s liii progress. "(3oul stir ring messages are being deliver ed dach evening at 7:45. Come and share the joy of each feast for the soiit;” a leader In the meeting said in an unnouncement today. >Vheat Election To Be Held Saturday The referendum on wheat con trol will bo held Saturday, May 3T, end the eight farmers in Wilkes county eligible to vote may vote at the county court house, which will be the only polling place. IIw,4^ident that nlght^ilil ai hg was the interseelion of highways and 116 in the eastern part of town he heard cries for help. Investigation revealed Davis lying some distance the road and under the railrdit trestle. He had been kn^k there by ah automobile which not stop and which he did recognize. He was carried by tl ambulance to the Wilkes hospii al, where he Is now a patient, has a broken leg and a bad frh ture of one shoulder. Davis Is a former re.sidentj. Moravian Fails who has making his home here recently. 1 POOR HUBBY “Dorothy is getting a wages.’’ “Yes, I heard ^he was Tied.” man! ma] Ingrid Bergman, Warner Baucter Star In ‘Adam’ PRESIDENT PROCLAIMS UNLIMITED EMERGENCY (Continued from page one) Let the advertising columns of this paper be your shopping gnid& Rates: Ic A Word WANTED W.IN'TED to buy lOO .sawed lo cust post 6xS 7 1-2 feet long See or write C. Gambill at Wilkes Hatchery, North Wil- kesboro, N. C. 6-2-4t WANTED: Renter U> lend 20- acres of land nerr Boomer known as G. A. Eller farm: house and good outbui'dings. Write R. F. Eller, 704 Oak land Avenue, Charlotte. N. 0. • S-29-3t FOR SALE FOR SALE: One >t«*e of work steers, good loggers, one six- year old mule, one five-year old mule, one three-year old mule, one coming year old mule colt. Paul J. Vestal, Moravian Kalis. N. C. 5-26-tf FOR RENT TEN-ROOM Hou.se on D Street, will rent whole hou.se or three apartments: repainted through out. See Clyde Hayes at office in Duke Power building. Phone 457. 5-29-tf FOR RENT: Four rooiii.s wliere A. & B. Beauty Shoppe wps lo- cated over Jean’s. See or write A. F. Combs, Cycle. 6-2-2t-pd FOR RENT; Five-room hou.se rm Moravian Falls road two miles from Wilkesboro: has running water and bath. Call at Journ al-Patriot for information. 5-26-tt control of the seas. M’e insist np- family’s ^on the vital importance of keep Hitlerism away from any Timelesis saga of a fight to survive, tense drama of ing the ageie.ss war of women for the i point in the world wh;ch could men tlie.v love. Coluintic’s “Adam 1 he used and would be used as a Had Four Sons” ollens Monday base of attack upon the Americas, at the jUien Theatre to reveal one! “Second, from the point Of of the most amazingly candid | vie’w of strict naval and military stories ever iirought to the screen, the heart-warming story of five fascinating men and the women in their lives! Hailed for its in timate. burning reality, “Adam Had Four Son.s’’ is based upon the sensational liest-selling novel “Lega''fcy.’’ by Charles Bonner, and stars Ingrid Bergman and Warner' Baxter w ith a stellar sup porting cast. Featured in the memorable njw film are Susan Hayward necessity, we shall give every pos sible assistance to Britain, i.nd to all who. with Britain, are resist ing Hitlerism or its equivalent with force of arms. Our patrols are helping more to in.siire de ivery of the needed supplies to Britain. All additional measures necessary to deliver the goods will be taken. Any and all further methods or combination of meth ods, which can or should be uti lized. are being devised by our UOW »»!»»• «»»• V - Pay Wray, Helen Westley, Rich-‘ military and naval techniciana. ard Denning, Johnny Downs and Robert Shaw. Gregory Ratoff di rected the scenes of unforgettable romance of struggle and of vic tory which ha. made ".■^dam Had Pour Sons” one of the most talk- ed-of motion pictures of the year. Tire Opportunity Will End Saturday Anticipating he year’s first new peak in tirf buying, schedul ing of the annual Spring sale by Wilkes Tire Store, local Goodyear dealer, wbich points out that the opportunity is timed to coincide with the lipgiuning of what mey be the country’s bi.ggest driving ueriod In any year. Present plan for sales’ dates covers the period from May 21 to SI during the 10 days of which dealer- nationally will feature the first-line G-S All-Weather tread tire offered on a special trade-in de: l. as well as the All-American in five popular sizes, attractively nrlced for the sale. Backed by a written guaran tee, these tires built with im- nroved Snpertwist cord have in creased body strength, the G-J in aclui-1 te-ts having averaged 20 per cent longer tread wear who, with me. will work out.and put into effect such new end ad ditional safeguards as may be needed." Einplia-sis on Patrol Significant Mr. Roosevelt’s emphasis on the expansion of neutrality patrol operations was considered signifi cant. Secretary of the Navy Frank Kno.x recently stated that it was “silly” to believe that convoys were the only answer to the prob lem merely because they proved effective in the World War. He said a “new and'" more effective’’ .system probably would have to he found. Interest was aroused ?Iso by the President's statement that more ships and planes constantly are being added to the patrol. This strengthened belief in some quarters that the.-’e vessels, tein- porarilv at least, will undertrke the major responsibility for see- nig to it that war cargoes cross safely. Special “task forces’’ composed of aircraft carriers, cruisers, de- .■itroyers and submarines, are to be added to the patrol to take part in protective work. Mr. Roosevelt rejected the statement by German Grand Ad miral Rrich Raeder that the pa trol is “aggressive’’ and that Nazi l I rui is - h-n other first 'ine ^i'es te-ted. 1 expected to With rubhe’- prices steady i^iy by while units of the the time being at least, despite a British naval craft c-pucial international situation, lopaton. ,,aw would be a logical time for | ^jjg original function those who need tires during the ^j^g patrol and the President those w ii replacements on Slimmer to maRe rep are lowered ui a peno •tuying should be increasing. »e- ™ of a seasonal demand or tertlres to .provide safer motor "ar operation on crowded h.gh- This special Goodyear tire sale mds Saturday. FOR RENT raent, newly painted—bath, lights and water. Suitable for ' couple. Phone 295-^^. 0. B. Grayson. 5-29-2t FOR RENT: Bedrooms, men pre- fered; also couple wanted for apartment. 733 Kensington Avenue. Phone 228. 5-19-tf indicated strongly thrt there will be no change. He contended that enemy raiders present a definite threat to this hemisphere and that this danger is greatly lessen ed if their location is definitely known. “And we shall be on our guard agrinst efforts to estaiblish Nazi bases closer to our hemisphere,” he said. FOB RENT: -Small home in Wll- keaboro; most of Interior just redecorated; nice neighbor hood, yard and garden. Mrs. Ray Hemphill, Phone 146-R. 5-8-tf Special Pottery Sale At Roses MISCELLANEOUS Unusual and attractive pieces of pottery and earthenware, in- PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION (Continued from page one) seal of the United States of Amer- SEE US BEFORE yon buy your Venetian Blinds. Lowteet prices guaranteed. Gray Bros. Furni ture Co., Phone 607, Wilkes- boro, N. e. 3-20-tf FAIOIERS—Get your PertlUaer •t Wlllcee Tie and Feed Store. Pligiters, the correct plant of pottery «i oo will lica to be affixed, eluding 5* JS; and ' Done at the city of Washington go on sale ^ ?a’turdav at this twenty-seventh day of May, 25c store Friday and . ^ nineteen only ten cents e^h- at hvndred and forty-one. end of the , If f Wd.y 3 OOO pl«e. «' "" “”‘1'" S'2 30 Frtd.j- ddd S.500 oI Am.rtc. lU oM »""dred .nd pieces at eight a. m. Saturday. * A fertilizer for all crepe. 4-17-tf £ course In Beauty ' of »“« thousand hours . only. Bute approv- CUuMOs now forming. CiMzrcli. Mae’s School l^iPdilitT Cnitnre. 5-1-tf 1. JV -a-i• -.1.' • The merchandise is of good quality and worth several times the price. Ho vever. it was errone ously stated in this newspaper Mon 'ay that it was first class when It should have said second class. Last year in North Carolina, 161 persnos were killed in cars that ran off the road. sixty-fifth. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. By the President: Cordell Hull Secretary of State. Doctor (examining unconscious motonnan): “Did that automo bile hit this car?’’ Conductor: “No sir. You see the driver stopped tils auto to let the car go by and the motor- man fainted.” “ t MORRISON GUi^TEED LIFETIME SERVICE FOUNTAIN Absolutely Free There are no “strings” to this offer—no puzxles to solve—no numbers to draw—no contest to win—no subscriptions to go out and sell. All YOU need to do to obtain one of these beautiful and useful gifts is to came mto our office, pay a year’s subscription to The Journal-Patriot and your MORRISON PEN will be handed to you with complimentSe out You Should Act Now! Get This Pen For Yourself or Get It For A Friend! The Morrison is a Pen of Beauty and Dis tinction It is elegant in appearance, yet conservative in style ...♦• It is hand-turned and buffed to a lustrous finish that never fades It has Micromatic Balance .... A Smooth-gliding, especially processed point ..»••• •••• To suit your oum individual writing . • PATENTED FEATURES that no other pen'can offer •••••••■ And it comes to you wltji an ^ unqualified guarantee o( Lifetime Service Better Get Your Pen Now Before This Offer Goes Outv snaesns Mail Coupon Below! The Morrison is sold in the ezclusiwe gift shops in New York City, where it is manufactured and in countless other stores in the large metropolitan centers. It comes in both men’s and women’s styles in your choice of points. = GET IT NOW! Come In and See It! We cannot too strongly urge you to come, in imd see this fine gift. Every man, woman and child who can read and write has need for a foun- pen and who does not like, to own the best 7 You will need it every time you write your name; you will be proud of it every time you show it to a friendl. MAIL THIS COUPON If You Cannot Come To The Office JOURNAL-PATRIOT Enclosed find % for which kindly pay my subscription for one year to The Journal-Patriot I. enclose cents postage for which pleaae send ..(Wo- my Morrison pen in (Men’s) or men’s) style, to me to NAME CITY and OTATE STREET 1 Subscription Sate la State, $1.60; Out at State, $2.00 I i , 1 V WILKES COUNTY’S OWLY SEMI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER

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