JOUKNAIrPATTOOT^N^ 8tt' wmkidiFabri(ft^i f ^ DmfipsatpfeMT IN KHunca llcMkiliqr* «Bd Tkonduy* at Wtlkad»6ro, N. ^ > j 1. CAJtTBR nad JUXJUS C. BUBBABD ^ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ona Year'^^l, $1.60 {;3ijc Months .75 Pour Months 60 Out of the State $2.00 per Year Ekitered at the post office at North Wilkes- boro, N. C., as second class matter under Act »f March 4, 1879. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1941 ^ticwhCe \®/ Taking Over Plants On Moniday the army took over the North American Aviation plant at Ingle wood, California, because of a strike which could not be settled by ordinary means. Such proceedure is drastic and was a couirse that the government hesitated long, perhaps too long, to pursue. But it means that the workers, by their own abuse of liberal rights granted them under labor laws, forfeited their rights. But on the other hand it represents a victory for the individual. Doubtless many of the workers in the plant were patriotic workmen who were glad of the opportuni ty to help in defense of the nation as well as glad of the opportunity to work at high wages. On the so-called labor leaders lies the blame for the trouble. The way we look at it, the pickets who had been preventing workmen from enter ing the plant were enemies of the United States and aides of Hitler and Mussolini. It took the strong arm of the United States army to remove those enemies and to allow the plant to be opened. Washington on Tuesday became awak ened to the danger of labor troubles and congress voted to make eligible for the draft those who have jobs and refuse to work in defense industries. Why this had BOt been done months before, we are una ble to tell, u’lless the following comment by Representative Woodrum, of Virginia, explains the matter: “The time has got to come when men on the floor of this House have got to make up their minds to vote in the inter est of America even though they know that vote may keep them at home.” Woodrum also said that ‘‘it is ridicu lous for us to strut around bragging and thumbing our noses at Hitler while we haven’t the intestinal fortitude to come to grips with a few labor leaders in America.” Today’s Business Leaders What has brought America’s present leaders of industry to the top of the busi ness ladder? •B. C. Forbes, well-known business writ er, sought the answer to this question from 67 of this country’s present crop of indus trial heads. The answers varied in indivi dual cases, of course, but there were cer tain very w'ell-defined threads running through most of them. Most o'f all, it is observable from Mr. Forbes’ findings, which were published re cently in Forbes Magazine, that the aver age business leader of today wasn’t mere ly content to wait until opportunity came knocking on his *door. He went looking for opportunity, and prepared himself to recognize it when it did arrive! The author found that education played a tremendous role in helping most of these men towards success. The majority sup plemented their formal education and their “school of hard knocks” training b.v taking special courses. The.j’ were united in believing that the opportunities in this country .were great if you worked to take advantage of th6irrr ^ Mr. Forbes lists some of the other dis tinctive characteristics and beliefs of these men; eagerness to learn as much as possi ble about the work they were doing, read iness to accept financial sacrifice if it was necessary to gain a potentially greater op portunity, a keen interest in human nature and an aptitude for getting along with co workers, and. recognition of the fact that less important aims must be subordinated to mastery of all phases of the job in hand. The composite-picture of these men is an kcouraging one for those interested in continued national progress. All our nati- - onal history has showed^nng forward as its industries moved ahead— W here is leadership that has trained it- self^well Ih ^er to guide Ihdustry^on^ ' > ' Ledj^r): In an attack on within past fortnight, Germany landed a terrSii puncb.'^s- ' German warships didn’t steam in and open fire with their guns; warplanes didn’t fly over and dump tons of bombs; there was no sound of marching feet, but the im pact of the blow was felt in many-places. The attack was by the same method used with effectiveness in many nations o Europe—propaganda. With suave reality, the Nazi propogan- da machine spread the information in America that Ambassador Winant had come from England to report to President Roosevelt the desperate plight of the British ar 1 to discuss with him plans for a peace which the British would ask for. President Roosevelt promptly dedied the report and fortright informed the na tion of the origin of the report. Try as he could, however, the President could not wipe out the total effectiveness of this phychological attack by the Nazis. It is our duty as citizens to be on the look out for repetition of such assaults, for they tend to weaken our spirits and de stroy our determination to rid the world of the peril of Hitlerism. If that should come to pass, the attack with warships, war planes and marching men would become easy. bWIGHt NldtCttS, M1^ “It is thrifty to be clean,” says a clean ers’ institute. Or, to put it another way, “Grime doesn’t pay.”—Omaha World-Her ald. Uncomfortable chairs in an office have a habit of getting a lot of work done.- Greenville Piedmont. How about seeing to it that Japan ha? gasless Sundays first?—Greensboro Daily News. And there’s the fellow who followed hi.s “natural best” and grew crooked thereby. —Statesville Daily. Facts Would Be Welcome—Headline. As always, the demand exceeds the sup ply.—Lynchburg News. LIFE’S BETTER WAY WALTER E. ISENHOUR, Hiddenite, N. C. >....... (By the ipjttt)i-aAb*r trotablea thiSMiUB to entire defBaan ibid otfeaiie yro- grh ol tWn priaclpiaitjr tt ‘ l8 nteuMedt: Tem,V-.-iEf Nell’s ^ hi^ heen wOrken^i the indnstry and dem&dn- have ilj: ready been made. The laborers want an Aicreaae of from 20 to 27 cents per hc^i:' for .. working and want honra shortened from 23 to 17. j' This is said to meen^an- In- cr^e In the coat of production of about two cents per gallon'and If the price is raised the businees win go to Hell’s Half Acre, which 80 far has not been bothered by labor strife. The laborers not only ask 27 cents per hour for actual hours worked hut demand the same rate of pay for enforced vacations spent in OhillicDthe, Atlanta, Lewisburg, Petersburg and Alca traz, double pay. The MIO (Moonshiners Illicit Organization) is the collective bargaining agency and the intel ligence department is considering sending agitators into the terri tory of the enemy In order to start trouble there and even things up. Unless things are settled here It Is expected that agents of the government will come in and take over plants very soon. They have done that often before, much to the sorrow of owners and opera tors atlike. NEW WHISKY TERM For your consideration we re print the folowing article from Friday’s Greenstboro Daily News; Judge Johnson J. Hayes of the middle North Carolina dis trict of United States court had a new term added yesterday to his already extensive vocabu lary in the vernacular of whis ky manufacturers and handlers and the officers of the law who deal with them. He can talk with the best of them of “cuttin’ which means destruction of a still, o r “shackin' ” which means the rough type of board and room furnished still workers. But when Sheriff E. L. Ivey spoke on the witness stand yesterday. ..of the'’“hlVckout’’ in Hs ciunty of Alamance, the jurist admitt ed confusion and ignorance. The "blackout’’ was Alamance county’s own term for a whole sale padlock which raiding A. B. C. officers pieced on illicit whisky-making outfits in that county. DO WITHOUT BOTH? With liquor joints being raided on Saturday nights and the gov ernment asking for Sun days it looks like some will have to get along on Sunday without either gasoline or liquor. That will go hard with them but at _ that they will get along better i without either than they have been doing with a combination of both. ^R«r,. BenMrd Mp«8, of lUa^ PFMAltnjl ,the A.'.€. Church here ^unfily night ind lay.nlgllte— , Nrnr. 'S. I. WitU ^ giipolBtnRmU and Mt. Herman Ifainday. ^'-n .Walker,': TlRei Tlnitad filenda in thlfe.-cfl#*' iiwity, ^Sunday.' -1^-' .v,'"tiAj; _ Mr^-Poa'Jibwe, 6t -’NnwHi vlaitedt^imdAr here over *, C. Parson*, of Ci^ektf, and Mr. Albert .Tones, of visited the home of Mr. and Mps. W. O. Gilbert,-Sunday. Mrs. 0. M. Bar® and MrB. 'N. Bj Nendrftj visited 'in the home of Mr. -and Mrs. T. O. Minton at Champion,- Sunday. Mr. Roy Ro^ers^rnd family and Mr. Quincy. Herman and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pennell and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rogers, all of Tay lorsville, .visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Llnsday Rogers, Sunday. •Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rogers pnd family and Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Rogers, all of Taylorsville, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greer, Sunday. Mrs. A. P. Greer killed a large black snake in her yard thte week- that measured five feet in length. Miss Marjorie Howell, who has a position in a clothing store In Winston-Salem, is spepding a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Howell this week. Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Peeler, of Taylorsville, visited Mrs. Julia Phillips, Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Morley, of States ville, is spending a few days with Mrs. Julie Phillips this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Phillips and Mrs. Frank Moore and little sc.n. David, of Lenoir, visited Mrs. j. E. Phillip?, Sunday. We hope everybody will re member Sunday is Father’s Day. We honor our mothers and we should honor our fathers f.? well BE NATURAL Life’s better way is the way of natural ness. Be yourself. Don’t try to imitate somebody else. You can, and should, ac cept the good examples they set before you, and pattern after them in, that which is good, hcoming, roble and upright, but in the meantime be yourself. Don’t try to be them. Many a preacher has tried to imi tate somebody else, and preach just like him, but it doesn’t become him. It doesn’t make for his success. He should be him-, self. No two men have voices alike, norj'o>'is*s to persons who go back to mannerisms, nor makeups. We are creat-i'''®''’^ when a strike is called. We ed separate and distinct one from another in our personalities, therefore we can’t be somebody else. However, we should be our best in our naturalness, in our makeup, in our person alities, in our temperaments. We should have a profound love one for another, a deep de.sire to help and bless each other, and to help each other rise and climb in life, and to make of life the greatest suc cess possible, specially spiritually. This , , „ , -u- „ is right. This makes life noble, great and f sublime. Be natural. Be like God made you. Re member that all the outward makeup, ar tificiality, assumption, puton and’t add to your manhood and woman . „ hood, beauty and strength of character. nor to the salvation of your soul. It de- tracts. It means that you lack something in your heart and soul that is essential to godliness, beauty, spiritual holiness and power. In order to be beautiful on the outside vou must be noble on the inside. You must, be clean morally and spiritually. You must have the love and grace df God filling your heart. This is God’s will concerning you, God’s plan for* your life. It is indeed life’s better way. This gives you spiritual beau- fty and natural ibeauty. This beautifies your face with kindness, tenderness, pleas antness and sunny smiles. It likewise beautifies your conduct and manners. It makes you beautifully natural, and natur ally beautiful, and this influences others toward God and heaven, and toward tliat which is ennobling all along life’s pathway on earth. We have taken our lives, and the things of earth, out of the natural so much until there is a vast amount of suffering physi cally, mentally and spiritually that follows as a result. Unnatural living, eating, dressing, drinking, and so on, indeed has a penalty attached to it that has to be paid. Let’s be natural. Records made at cottoriTlnsect laboratories of the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture indicate that large numbers of boll weevils sur vived the winter and emerged from hibematiou this spring. ' Vu North Carolina’s 1940 tomato crop of 140,000 bushels wa the largest on record, reports the State Department of Agriculture. YiiUU BE SURPRISED TO^ SEE HOW MUCH TIME AND ENERGY YOU’LL SAVE OUTDOOR LIVING. THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO THIS BEEN SO GREAT. APPLIANCES ARE EASY TO BUY; ELECTRIC RATES ARE LOW. ID'S LIVE Electrically this summer • f' DUKE POWER Uu. HOURS 9 to 5 NINTH STREET Come on [Drive a Cor wHh'Seeoad WlmTI Sr.'lB.S AND CORRUPTION Scabs is the term given • by un call I strikes in defense industi .es. If (Strike breakers are scabs, strike jlefders are corruption. There is a more refined word of the same meaning but it would he out of place in this usage. PR.4CT1CAL Miss Leah Franck of Jiickson- ville is convinced of the 4>ractlca- bility of brooding her baby chicks I sion Service. Last year North Carolina lay- □iuc:ai were credited with a total egg om^ai pj 670,000 or 188 egg.- FAST MOTOR EXPRESS SERVICE BETWEEN North Wilkesboro and Charlotte Two schedules Derate i each way every day. SCHEDULE Leaving Chariotte, 9 a. in. arriving Nortli • WiilBcabinro. abont noon. Leaidnit Cliarlotte 8 p. m., arriving here for 7 a. m. deliver!**, i.^'a'ring 1ierc for Charlotte daily 7 a. 2:30 p, m. ■ M. and M. MOTOR EXPRESS Headqnarter* Didi’a Service' Station Y OU say a racehorse has “heart” when he can turn on the drive coming into the stretch and bring the crowd to its feet with an alLuut finish. Okeh —come try a car that can turn on extra wallop like water from a tap - and see what you would say about Compound Carburetion! t For this stunning Buick straight-eight swings you along sweetly on only half- carbfiretion as long as you’re taking it easy in everyday sort of travel. But step down on the gas treadle — and things happen. A Second carburetor opens up. Air supply as well as gas supply is in creased. Power rises instanter. You get your “stretch drive” any time you give die word. But — this isn’t only for thrill. This engine’s actually more efficient because it has this “second wind.” It gives you a car that has the life and lift you like—and still delivers (on owners’ say-so) as much as 10% to 15% fnore miles per- gallon than pre vious Buicks did. That would be important any time; it’s all the more im portant now—at the low delivered prices your Buick dealer is asking. TELEPHONE 871 . North WiHcMhofov N. C mm ^Available on Buick StEOAL models at slight extra cost, standard on all other Seiics. eXHNPlAR or MNOUa MOTORS VAUM , >930 for fhc Business Coupe illustrated obove including Compound Car buretion. dtlhxrti at FEnt, Mich. Stott tax, mmt and acctsstria— jxttv, Priut andjfaciffi? catums subject ta ehaiigt luitheut notice. BLUE RIDGE MOTOR COMP^ 811-313 TeiiiA Street irShgf North Wilkesboro, N. a i-il.. ■ MNCK wm i:: -SiV.-