MgND^ JtmE 16, 1941 THE ,J6t®lfAL-PJ(aWl0T. NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C, ' ® ... -iinirmiiifiiipfiiiiffTirirm ^~fy* ■** > jc * » vrajm w ».*' vy ii« ■• 9 ▼ IV TAnd Social Actiyities - MISS .MAMIE SOCKWELL. Editor—Phone 215 Tfe* H. jJ Ogihrie Hostess Oakwoods W. M. S. ‘Itm were present for the June meellng of the W. M. 8. Friday night at the home of Mrs. H. J. Ogilvle. The president was In the chair for the toisiness session. Re ports from the larlons commit tees were made and plans to send a group of Y. ..W. A. girls to LIBERTY 10c Wednesday 10c Extra Special Attraction A JUNCIE PRINCESS RUIES THE WILDS OF AN UNTAMED AFRICAN EMPIRE! Rldgecrojt were discussed. The Bible study and opening prayer were given hy Mrs. Rex Stroud. The topic for the month: “An Urgent Gospel—Night in Europe’’ was discussed by iMrs. A. T. Jones, -Mrs., Glenn Anderson and Mra Fred Blevins. Mrs. Carl Can ter and Mrs. A. T. Jones sang. ‘Send the Light’, and Mrs. R. L. Jones offered the closing prayer. A social hour followed, during which the hostess, assisted'by her daughter. Caroline, served delic ious refreshments. The next meet- •ng will be with Mrs. A!. C. Jones. Miss Beach To Be Manied To Reid B. Kellam I Mr. end Mrs. Marion Willard I Beach of Boone, announce the I engagement of their daughter, Annelle, to Mr. Reid Barnes Kel- |lam, son oC Mr. and Mrs. Reid I Barnes Kellam. Sr., of Binghani- ’ ton, N. Y. The marriage will be I solemnized in the First Baptist I church at Boone on June 25. I The Be: chs are former resi dents of Wilkesboro and have many friends throughout this sec tion. i^. SoduJ CafeiKUr«^ Sooieijr ;»f"' ’iroiai aitenooi at ^ IhOp ihetiibm W iiid Bnm^ C^rde will be in ot the , prognm. - : v-]. ■ » j The Preebytertaa Auxiliary, meets 'I'neoday aftemocHi ’ at 8:80 o’clock In the Religious Education building, and wUl be preceded by the executive meeting at 2:80 o’clock. *Tendrei?-Pipe9 ‘ Marriasfe Is Announced ' ' iMr.- and Mrs. J. "A. Hendren of North Wllkesboro Route 3, an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Myrrle, to Mr. George Pipes On June 7, 1941, at Moun- trln City, Tennessee. The groom Is employed by the American Furnlutre company. They are now living In Wllkes- boro. Current Topic Club Met j M'ith IMi’s. F. C. Forester j A delightful club party of the ! week was the one given by .Mrs. |c. G. Poindexter at her home on E Street Wednesday entertaining ; for the members of the Current t Topic club and a few additional I guests. A two course luncheon i was served at one o’clock rfter which tour tables were made up for rook, which were arranged in a festive setting of roses and i sweet p-eas. j The piizog In the game were 'awarded to Mrs. F. -C. Fore-ter for high score. Mrs. C. B. Eller ■ low score, while the traveler’s a- I ward went to .Mrs. Weaver Starr. I Books were exchanged during the I afternoon. The screen’s most loautiful blonde, Madeleine Cwroll, proves to be irresistible te Fred MacMurrav in their latest tilm r ^ ' a- mount’s “One Mffht in Lisbon,’ which is being featured at the Lil^ ertv Theatre Thursday end Friday. It is one of the festes^naced cor^iedies of the year. The story makes use of present-day Europu and sounds an “all clear” signal to love, laughter and Lisbon. W. L. Moses, Spring Hope, Route 2, has purchased a pure bred Hereford bull from the Mur- by herd In Ontario, Canada, re ports E. P. Barnes, assistant fram aigent of Franklin county, m f0| ghbd paf^;" lyim ■ and^^codonber vei^ "WkMis; ' No^l $35 Specifications: 14” and up in diame ter. Any lenfirth between 36” and 84” Hickory Fibre Co. SAWMILLS, N. C. 8 Miles South of Lenoir on Hickory Highway For the fourth time , in the past two years, four top Holly wood names have gotten together to turn out another important Hollywood production, “() n e tjjpjrj Night in Li.s'hon,’’ which opens Brame-Ingrair Marri'age Vows Spoken Thursday Card.s inscribed thii.s were is sued here last week-end; Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Marvin Brame announce the Thursday at the Ltberty Theatre, daughter, Rebecca Loiitse. to Mr^ | “v “"itth’T'juL l Madeleine Carrol, and Fred Mac- T hursda t . Murray, producer-director E d- uinefeeti tin re . " Varo i Griffith and Virginia Van lina. At home Taylor.^vtllo. ^o> ^1'' g„. Carolina. nf'ciotv.” After that came “Honey- Mrs. Ingram is a graduate oti'^"'--- • • Ills = moon in Bill’ and recently Vir- Salein College in Winston.oalem. i Mrs. Warner Miller, Jr. Is Feted, Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. M’arnei' .Millei’. .Ir,. was given a miscellaneous shower of gifts V (he home of her parents. Mr. rnd .Mrs. R.' R. Crater, in Ronda Wednesday ev“ning by the members of the W’eman’s Mis sionary Society of the Baptist church. Mrs. Richard Mart*. Mrs. O. n. Rentlev and Mis. ^Ernest ' r’r' -a-d^ directed a number of in- tcresting games dining the eve- ^ning, and at the close retre.Mi- i ments were served. Ul.MlMSTRATOR’S .NOTICE I t ’ Carolina, Vilkes County. tL.ving qualified as Administra- >r of the estate of Isaac M. Eller, ' eceased, this is to notify all per- •i.ns having claims against said es- ite to present them within twelve lonths from the date of this pub- i.-ation, or same will be plead in r of their right to recover. All lersons owing the estate are re- luired to make settlement at once, "his the 24th day of May, 1941. MRS. VIRGINIA ELLER Administratrix By A. H. CASEY, .Att’y. 4-.30-6t(m) K> CHECK and for the past three ye: rs has been a member of the T.ty.lors- ville school faculty. Mr. In.gram is the son of Mrs. G. F. Ingram and the late Mr. Ingram, of Tay lorsville, where he is associated with the .Alextnder Motor Com pany. After a wedding, trip the couple will make their home in Taylorsville. Mrs. P. J. Brame Is Book Club Hostess The members of the Friday Book club were charmingly enter tained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jack Brame on F ginia.’’ Now the foursome have turned out their most amliitioiis efort, “’One Night in Lisbon” for Paramount, which promises to top everything they have done in the past. Griffith, who l.nlieves in real- sm of sets and .scenic effects, had aken his entire troupe to Virgin- 'a to shoot the film of that name hat w: S acclaimed for its color and authenticity as well as Its .story. This time, however, the lo cale was a real problem—Li.sbon. Griffith arranged with Para- 'noiint’s I.ondon office to supply ■leressary mateidel tor his timely s"i™e^ witr Mr.-. P. L Br: n,e a ilm. This included rir raid shel Jl ■ J ■ R ■ ■ ■ ■ Liberty Tuesday Only Mickey Rooney And The HARDY’S in “Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever” TEXAS COWBOY ^ (Fred MacMurroy) LOVEBLITZES WORLD'S MOST BSAUTIFUL BLONDE (Modeietne Carroll)! FRED MADELEINE MacMURRAY'CARROLL m, P.»UeiA ilORISON • BILLIE BURKE • JOHN LODER ■ BANE MAY WflITTY • EDMUND 6WENN • REGINALD DENNY BILLY GILBERT • mt SMt k, EDWARD H. GRIFFITH hostess. An attractive arrange ment of summer flowers made a olorfiil lackground for t h e guests who spent an informal Hour together. Mrs. J. C. McDiar- ;nid presided during roll call ••h:ch was made by Mrs, J. 0. leins, members responding with nteresting new.s items. Following the news items the niests found their positions at two tables, the dining t; hie and smaller table, b.v means of at tractive place cards and were erved templing refreshments by Mrs. Jack Brame. Mrs. Wat.son Brame and Miss Ella Brame, An exchange of hooks was made. Norris-Church Marriage Vows Are Announced •\ marriage of much interest was that of .Miss Myrtle Norris and Grady Church which was sol emnized in Mountain Cit>. Tenn essee. Thursd: y evening, June 12, wi’th Rev. E. A. Brown offi ciating. The couple were accom panied there by -Mr. and Mrs. I. H. McNeil. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Moore, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Allen. Mrs Church, daughter ot Mr. .1. B. Norris, of this city, and the late Mrs. Norris, is a graduate of Greensboro College and has been a member of the Roaring Rivet- school faculty the past two years. Mr. Church is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Odell Church, ot North M 11- ka4boro. and holds a pos.Uon with Belk’s Store in North Wil- kesboro where they will ma 'e their home. Mip. Pressley Mye’s Is Bridge C^lub Hostc-W M'ith Mrs. Pressley Myers as hostess the members of the Young viatron’s Contract cliih and a few additional guests were dellghtful- V entertained at her home m Wilkesboro Friday evening. Hon- ,1- guests at the party were two brides of the spring. Mrs. Warner Miller Jr., and Mrs. Russell Gray. Jr., each receiving Chin? as a einemlTance gift. Mrs. Miller Is the former Miss Edith Crater and M s. Gray Miss Annie Vannoy^ Their places were marked with ovely cor.-Jges. Bridge was played at. three ta- bles and rook i t one table. In >ridge Miss Arlee Gilliam was winner of the top score prize ant! Mrs. Warner Miller. Sr., won out in rook. The bingo prize went to .Mrs. Jr R. McCartney. Refresh ments followed play. Mrs. E. N. Phillips ^ntertain:' Hor C ub Mrs. E. N. Phillips was hostess to the member;, of her cl'-b at hei home in Finley Park Thursday evening. Following dinner, which was served at seveti o’clock, bridge was played at two tables. Mrs. Cecil Adamson scored high and Miss Eloise Sterr held the honors, and to each the hostess awarded attractive prizes. ter picture.-; and diagrams; black out rules and regulations: meth ods of hai:dling fires: actual uni forms: posters and signs of all kinds; “ill clear’’ signals and other details necessary to give the audience an authentic feeling of the movie’s hackgrotind--. The first half of the film takes place in war-torn London; the story- then moves to Lisbon—Europe’s last free city of wine, women and song. Paramount photographers and sound men managed to film and record actual London air-raids, icreaming sirens and exploding bombs, and fire fighting. Actor- playing fire wardens in the film got some unexpected experience when one of the prop buildings in the studio fctually caught fire. Several of them, volunteer fire men In private life, put out the blaze in record time. The majority of the all star cast were born under the British flag which may in part, account tor their inspiring performances. Top names include Madeleine Car- roll. horn in Englrnd, where she started her stage and screen ca reer; Patricia Morison, though not born in England. wa taken ithere by her English parents to live as a child: John Loder. Eng lish born and bred, who held the distinction of being the youngest commissioned lieutenant in the British Army during the last World Wrr; Reginald Denny, who did his bit for his naitve country when he served in the Royal Flying j. Corps back in 1917: and Dame May Whitty, Hollywood’s only English titled act re-s. P E N NET ’ S i£ M P L 0 T EES’ lATS E. L. DERRICK Assistant Manager At as-Foster Sanford. ’ tnc 14.—Mr. and .Mrs. John A.las. of Cameron, an nounce the engagement 'tf their daughter. Flo-ra Elizabeth and Wayne Ji mes Foster, of North W'ilkeshoro, son of Mrs. Arthur Garfield Foster and the late Mr. Foster, of Congo. The wedding v,-ill take place on July 6 in the I’leibyterian church in Cameron. Williams Motor Company . T. H. WILLIAMS, Mgr. BEAR FRAME SERVICE Good Used Cars, Trucks and Tractors • EASY TERMS • Will Pay Cash for Late Model Wrecked Cal’s and Tracks Complete Body Rebuilding Electric and Acetylene Welding ’PHONE 334.J Fellows My Star Value Is . . . ALL WOOL Tropical Worsted SUITS $15-00 Bought To Sell For More—Let Me Show Them To You SUMMER SHOES For All The Family Women’s Slack Shoes. $1.98 Children’s Barefoot Sandals 79c Brown and white glove leather! Hoys’ Tennis Shoes 47 Ladies’ Shoes Reduced to $J.OO HOKE STEELMAN In Charge Of Work Clothes Super Oxhide OVERALLS SANFORIZED Boys’ Men’s QQ- Only DIYC OpIv Ol7C WORK SHIRTS SANFORIZED— AQ,* Full Cut MATCHED SETS Shirts and Pants SANFORIZED— $1.98 for Friends—The Manager is out of town and he left orders for us to get the business. So here are our prices—Come in and help us make a record—we re selling at rock bottom prices. Let Me Show You My NEW’ STYLE DRESSES $2.98 and $3.98 They’re Values JEAN NEDRA HATS Pretty flower-trimmed QQc straws, jaunty felts! UO GIRLS’ SPORTWEAR Printed playsuits, gay . slacks, smartalls!— Ja GIRLS’ SWIM SUITS MISS BERNICE RHODES Rayon with snug- S'!-49 !"o fitting “Lastex.”-- i Ladie.s’ Ready-To-Wear Yes, 1 Now Have Those Boys’ Matched Shirt and Shorts SETS Each AQr Only GIRLS PRINT FROCKS Fast colors— A.Ck t* Only BOYS’ POLO SHIRTS A Real Value— OIt/» Only BOYS’ DRESS SHIRTS MRS. MABEL HARTLEY Fast Colors— ACkr Special at ‘Tt/U Children’s Wear The Boss Is Away So— I’m Holding . . . NATION-WIDE SheetSy at . 74c Hurry Before He Gets Back CASES at 19c TERRY TOWELS Gav checks, stripes or "t - \ solids. Very husky! Iv ^ ■ ' ~ '-V * \ Sun Bonnet \ PRINTED BATISTE CLARA ELLER Fast Colors— "I in Charg" Yard—- i Piece Goods and Beddings My Job Is To Count the Money — But Let Me Tell You About Some of These Bargains . . . INFANTS’ SUN SUITS .Cunning styles! AQ/» Sizes I”6! Big 26” Steel Suitcase Sturdy wood frame! ..$1.98 Lock and jeather handle * 21”tWEEKEND CASE Woven Double striped $1.98 covering! Rayon- lined! X jP E N N E Y'S J C PFNNEY COMPANY. Incorp r p o r t C! d MRS. EVELYN DAVIS Cashier ji