m u tiEPLjgcAL ^^WS-^H|I;®PSPV1'V |«f v-UpAGE fork Is progressing on a new tor Mr. Cecil Adamson In rk addition. J^^afed Mrs. Joe Canter visited latlves at Independence, Va., M week. Ir. James Hemphill has re- aed to Banner Elk after spend- a few days with his parents, and Mrs. E. L. Hemphill. iMr. J. R. McCartney and fam- Mr. Dave Mli^f learned yes terday to his home pear this city after spending several!! days at Shatley Springs in Ashs^'Scounty. f Mr. and Mrs. A. W. CoUlns, of Statesville, and Mrs. F. B.’Clark, of Mooresville. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Clark at Moravian Falls, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John 'Wesley Gen try and daughter, Barbara, of Asheboro, spent the week-end at returned the last of the week ; jioravian Falls with Mrs. Gentry’s lom Myrtle Beach, S. C„ ^^ere | jjrg. m. B. ley spent several days. 1 Clark. S. T. Taylor, head of Crest I g. clark. Miss Dot Voltes company, is looking after, ness matters in New Ifork iir. and Mrs. William McPhail fasery, of Rockingham, spent the jreek-end with Mrs. Ussery’s par- Mr. .and Mrs. R. C. Adams. s. Lloyd Rhillips entered Is Hospital in Statesville to- , where she will undergo an ation. Miss Martha Sue M'oodruft, of falnut Cove, was a week-end lest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Church. Mr. Ray Erwin, editor of Mi ami Beach Tropics at Miami riorida. is spending some lime in |the Wilkesboros. |i Mr. D. A. Irwin, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Walter Irwin, of Wil- tesboro, passed the state phar- |macy examination Thursday at 3hapel Hil'. Mrs. Barnes Campbell and son, [James, of Taylorsville, spent a days here last week with Campbell’-s mother, Mrs. J. |R. Marlow. Mr. A. F. Kilby, newly elected coiJmander of Wilkes post of the imerican Legion, is attending the Idepartment convention in Dur- (ham. l^s Nell Gilreath, who holds la pjKition with Reins-Sturdivant. ■Is Spending her vacation at points •of interest in Tennescee and ^ ir- fginia. Mr. J. A. Gilliam, of the uMoun- ftain View community, and daugh- Jter, Miss Mildred Gilliam, of this [city, are spending a few days at (Shatley Springs in Ashe county. Were Behind the Drive To Raise WilkesCounty’s Quota of $1,000 to the U. S. 0. Let’s All Do Our Part LIBERTY THEATRE .Moravian Falls, are spending this week in Asheboro with Mrs. Clark’s daughter, Mrs. John Wes ley Gentry. Mrs. Olen Brewer returned home Sunday after spending two weeks in Elwood, Ind., with her sister, Mrs Cecil Justus and brothers, Lester Comie and Eu gene Walker, Mrs. John U. Tail, who has been a patient at Davis Hospital in Statesville for a month, is now at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vyne, and is getting along nicely. Miss Buena Laxton, of Morgan- ton, is visiting Mrs. Stacey Alex ander and 'Miss Gray Greene, in Wilkesboro, and h e r uncles. Messrs. H. E. and F. L. Parks, at Roaring River. Mr. Grady A. Dimmette and family, of Burlington, .«pent the week-end with relatives and friends in North Wilkesboro. Mr. Dimmette is superintendent of Peerless Hosiery Mills. Mr. Lin Bumgarner and fam ily, of Millers 'Creek, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Daniel Bum garner and Mr. Green Bumgarner, visited Asheville and other point.5 of interest Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Killian, of Newland, were here for a few days over the week-end with Mrs. Killian s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rom H. Pearson, before going to Lincolnton to establish residence. Mr. I. J. Broyhill, prominent citizen of the Boomer community, left Wednesday for a 10-day fish ing trip near Robinesville and also visiting his brother, W. C. Broyhill, of Robinsville. James Kelly Prevetle and Bon nie Ree Prevette, son and daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Pre vette. of Roaring River Route 1, had their tonsils removed Friday, at the Wilkes hospital. Both are getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Phillips and daughter. Fay, have returned to their home at Doth, W. Va.. after a visit here with Mr. Phillips’ sis ter, Mrs. Mont Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Miller’i daughter. Grace, re turned with them for a visit of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spainhour. of this city, hid as their guests yesterday Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Spainhour and daughter. Miss Betty Spainhour, of Hickory, and Miss Sydnor. of Richmond, Va., gne.-t of Miss Spainhour; Mr. and •Mrs. E. S. Spainhour, of Elkin, and .VIr. and Mrs. Jack Spainhour, of Hickory. i-f l| Every man "in eean{ty, who has attained the sary of the day of |jrtk#Jjce October 16, 1940 (witb^jew e- . Pf. lCjlach^o&. Sr., »» With Beef " John W. Kincheloe, Sr., pas- tW of the First Baptist church at Rocky Mount, addressed the North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club Friday on the subject of ‘'Bep Culture.” Dr. Kincheloe, whp^ is here as sisting his son in evangelistic ser- IN ALLEN CO.MEDY—Errol Flynn is having the time of his life playing a modem comedy role with screen wife Brenda (Mrs. Sea Hawk) Marshall—and so will you when you see “Footsteps in the Dark” at the Allen. Miss Ixilinc Pardue, Miss Maiy I Olive McMillpn and' .Mr. Dewey Myers of Dillon. S. C., Mr. and Mrs. Ed'worth Freeman and M.-. Glenn Myers, of Elkin and .lones- ville. spent their vacations in In diana, Ohio and other point.? of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Creasman, of Wilkesboro, enjoyed a motor trip to Asheville several days. While there they attended the Rhododendron Festival, and visit ed Mr. Creasman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Crea.?man at Swannanoa. Mrs. Rufus C. Morrow, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Faw, of this city, received a degree in P^t graduate study at Yale University at New Haven, Connecticutt, on Wednesday. June 18. Mrs, C. C. Faw, Mr. Bucky Faw and Miss Margaret Faw attended the exer cises and returned to this city Sunday. Wheat Dealers Will Get Forms .It was learned from the coun ty AAA office today that all wheat dealers; and by dealers is meant people who acquire wheat by toll, barter, trade, or sale, or any other means, must maintain a .set of records on the forms that are prescribed by the Sec retary of Agriculture, and there Is a penalty for all wheat that is acquired that is not pro-perly identified as “penalty free” wheat. These forms are available in the county AAA office. on July 1, 1941. He also spoke of the uses of Free! The person sending in. accepted name for new Beauty Shop will be given Free Permanent. Send name at once, to Miss Grace M. Dear- man, General Delivery, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Located in Northwestern Bank building, over Dr. R. P. Casey’s office. • SPECIAL PRICES ON PERMANENTS • $4.50 Permanent $2.00 $5.00 Permanent $3.50 $7.50 Permanent $4.00 The Public Is Cordially Invited MISS GRACE DEARMAN OWNER f WITH THE CHURCHES WILKESBORO METHODIST Next Sunday is the fifth Sun day in June, and the pastor is scheduled to preach at Union in the morning, here at Wilkesboro in the evening at 8 p. m. Our other regular service.? are the following: 'Church school Sun day morning, 10 a. m. Young Peoples' Meeting Sunday evening at G:4B p. m., mid-week service and choir prpctice at 8 p. m„ ■ Wednesday evening. Swing Out, the play which is I being sponsored 'by the Wilkes- Iboro Methodist church, is due to be presented on Wednesday and Thursday nights of thi.? week. A talented cast has been secured and fine progress is being made under the direction of Miss Dyer. The proceeds from the play will be applied toward necessary im provements upon the church building. Do not miss it! No prpyer meeting Wedne.?day evening due to the play This con flict was unavoidable. Dstrict Young People’s Ban quet Friday evening at Elkin. Buy a ticket from Don Culler. A successful Vacation S'chool has just been concluded. It was | under the direction of Mrs. J. B. i Henderson. The following teach-1 ers and workers helped make it j a success; Mrs. Julius Hubbard, Mrs. Lee Hemphill. Mrs. Hugh Cranor, Mrs. C. T. Doughton, Mrs. J. C. Stokes, and the pastor. Fifty were enrolled and thirty- seven received credit. Congratu lations! Scout Troop Meets Troop Number 7, of the Girl Scouts, met June 18th at 3 o’clcKk to have a picnic. Katherine Fin lay ’vas our gfuest. Janie McDearmid called the roll. Then we had our picnic. 'There were many good things to eat. During the picnic plans were made for a week's camping trip on the 'Brushy Mountain from June 21 to June 30. —Agnes Kennerly. rSwing Out’ Opens Wednesday, 25th Swing out is a story built a- roiind the Kissler family. Mac I'oore as T. J. Kissler is a suc cessful, satisfied business man who has invented “Kant Kum Off Kissable Lipstick.” Mrs. Kissler played by Mrs. Jay Jones Is defi nitely a social climber and her whole life revolves around mak. ing the right impression on the right people. Annie, Helen Irvin, the Kissler maid, is a good soul but a little slow on the uptake. John Arthur.?, played by War ner Miller, runs the Arthurs Ad vertising Agency and has been handling all the advertising for Mr. Kissler. He uses the pages of The Journal-Patriot and proves it pays to read advertising and that it is educational. Betty Kissler, played by Lillian Linney, is just home from college and has definite ideas of whom she wants to marry. She brings home a‘Frenchman’ who has such perfect manners. He flatters the ladies, kisses their bands, and has the adoration of everyone, but Mr. Kissler. This part is played excellently ty Weaver Green. Rita Phillips, interpreted by Mrs. Carlyle Jordan, is an attract ive widow and a neighbor, and isn’t above ‘Making Eyes’ at an attractive man. Patsy Miller, another neighbor of the Kissler’,?, is thrilled >when she thinks John is in love with her. This lisping little scatter brain is played by Libba Blaylock Alexander. Jake is the Kissler butler and what a butler. This part is played by Ed Crysel and he inform,? us that he had a brother once who, “If I may say so sir, was quite a beau brummel.’’ To aid his promotion scheme, Pierre calls upon Gus Nelson, a theatrical agent from New York. Together they bring ‘Charlie Mac Arthur into the show. Tom Story plays the part of Giis Nelson and really has that brooklyn accent down ‘pat’. The ca?t is working every night in an endeavor to give Wilkes- horo the best production that has ever been staged here. The po'pularity contest which is being staged in connection with the showing of Swing Out in Wil kesboro under the auspices of the Methodist church, June 25 and 26th, promises to be exciting. One cent a vote and who will be the two mo.?t popular children in town? The contestants are be tween the ages of 2 and 8 and are 'being sponsored by the chorus girls of the show. There are prizes, honors, and plenty of fun connected with this unusual contest. Ev*eryone is en- thasiastic. Ail contestants and winners are to be presented Wed nesday and Thursday nights at “Swing Out” in the high school auditorium of Wilkesboro. Betty Henderson—Barry Hen derson and Clara Lenderman. Frances Kennedy—Patsy Up church. Louise Kennedy—Rachel Ken nedy nad Nelson Lowe. Louise Morgan — Billy Mac Stephens and many others. The contest closes at 3:00 p. m. on Thursday, June 26th. Watch the jars. Cast your votes for your favorites today. Jajnes Franklin G«rtlw, Colored Resident, Dies Funeral service will be held Tuesday at the colored Baptist church here for James Franklin Gordon, age 76, well known col ored man who died Saturday. Rev. Alexander will have charge of the service. Surviving are his widow, Fran ces Richardson Alexander, two sons and two daughters. was presented by A. H. Casey, pro- ... ■ t gram chairman. The speaker gave Men required to register in thw ^ interesting talk, giving the second registration are those who ^ ^o^ker, drone and queen bee. 17, 1919, and July 1, 1920. j Aliens, as well as American citizens, who become 21 years of age before midnight July 1, 1941, must register. Also aliens between the ages of 21 and 36 years who have come to the United States^ since the first registration on Oc tober 16, 1940 and who have not’ yet registered, must register on July 1, 1941. j If there are any men t quired to register who cannot appear before the local board because of illness or incapacity, they will please no tify the local board in writing im mediately setting forth the reasons why they could not appear and some arrangement 'will be made for their registration, or if any men required to register are un- jable to appear before the local I board or to notify the local board because of illness or incapacity, their nearest relative, friend or neighbor is requested to notify the local board for them as soon as possible. Men subject to registration on July .1, who are away from home and cannot, ^xcept at great ex pense and inconvenience, return to their own local board to register, may appear before the nearest lo cal board to register. Such men must be sure to grive their perman ent addresses when registering so that their registration card can be sent to the proper local board. (, Men who are required to regis ter on July 1 and fail tb do so will subject themselves to severe pen alties, including imprisonment for Sp«kkfiig‘V,j wSKbees, Di^T he and hil spia wienf Into business to setyi^ esf^^iHMi send hia three sons to'cSOd|iK‘ on« 'time 1iis bees were as high as 12,000 per year. ' . ’* V At t.he meeting the speam mm a guest of A. H. Casey, G. W. of Statesville, was a guest Judge T. B. Finley and Kobot": Morehouse ■was a gmelt o£ Ida father, H. H. Morehouse. ^ SKYWARD Butter, egg and cheese futaw','? on the Chicago market havo ad vanced skyward under gofes»»i'i. ment buying of these coni in ties. , '!,* ’C;.. not more than five years or a fine of not more than ^O.OOp.OO or. both fine and imprisonment. | Two news releases have hereto fore ^been published in the local newspapers of Wilkes county con cerning the new registration. Pursuant to the President’s Proclamation, the registration will be July 1, 1941, between the hours of 7:00 A. M. and 9:00i,P. M. The registration for Selective Service District No. 1 will be held at the office of Local Board No. 1, Gov ernment Building, Wilkesboro, N. C-, and the registration for Selec tive Service District No. 2 will be held at the office of Local Board No. 2, in the To-wn Hall, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 1 Every man required to register in Wilkes county who resides in that section of said county lying South of the Yadkin River and West of the South prong of Rcd-| dies River shall register ■with Lo cal Board No. 1, Wilkesboro, N. C., j and all men required to register, who reside in that section of Wilkes county lying North of the Y'adkin River and East of the, South Prong of Reddies River I shall register with Local Board No. 2, North Wilkesboro, N., C. This article is a joint notice re leased by the officials of the two local boards of Wilkes county. ' Let’s Support the U.S.O. THE UNITED SERVICE OR GANIZATION HAS BEEN 'FORMED TO SPEND $11,000- 000 FOR THE SOCIAL WEL FARE OF SELECTEES NOW ON DUTY, OR SOON TO BB ON DUTY, AT THE VARIOUS CAMPS OVER THE COUNTRY. WILKES BOYS WILL BENEFIT . FROM THIS EXPENDITURE OF MONEY. WILKES COtTNTY’S GOAL IS $1,000. A DRIVE IS ON THIS WEEK TO RAISE THIS SUM. LET’S ALL JOIN IN AND “GO OVER THE TOP.’’ Gaddy Motor Co. SELLING CHEVROLET Tenth Street North Wilkeslioro, N. G Help the U. S. 0. A nation-wide organization, known as United Service Organization has been set up to provide wholesome recrea tion and entertainment for the men in our country’s service. The goal set for the nation is $11,000,000. Wilkes county is trying to raise $1,000.00. Your contribution to this worthy cause will help provide Wilkes county men serving their country the kind of recreation and entertain ment they so richly deserve. Let’s put Wilkes county over the top by contributing to this worthy cause. Member Feiral Deposit Insurance Corp THE Northwestern Bank I I ; North Wilkesboro, N. C.