nrma Deep jGap J.f,. Wsidi, who has bsen 01 h6 i»ast six months, con venes to ImprOTS snd is able to ^ba n» a whiis each day. Born to Mr. 'and Mrs. E. • T. Stewart on Jnne 25 a son, James lAther. • Kent, small son of Mr. fend Mrs. Walter Greer, who has been m the past Week, is still very sick. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Triplett and Mr. and Mrs. Bolce Triplett, of Elmwood, Conn., are visiting rel atives in Wilkes and Watauga. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Miller, son. Morris, and daughter, Louise, vis ited Mrs. Miller’s mother, Mrs. G. Wt- Welch, at Mt. Zion, Sunday. Married on Saturday, June 28, Mis.s Virginia Watson to Mr. Clive Woodie. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gunther and daughter, Betty, are visiting Mrs. Gunther's mother, Mrs. G. W, Smith. Mrs. Belle Hopkins, of Wash ington, D. C., is s-nending a few ■weeks here, and other points in the county visiting relatives. M r. Raymond Hendrix, o f Boone, has been called as pastor to serve Gap Creek Baptist church the coming year. U. S. Takes Over Post in Iceland Washington. — United States naval forces landed in Iceland yesterday to relieve the British ■ defenders of that island, and President Roosevelt issued sweep ing orders to the Atlantic fleet to “insure the safety of communi cations’ between the United States and all “strategic out- poets.’’ Whether this order, applying to vast stretches of the Atlantic, meant that the navy would go Into action against any German submarine, surface raider or war plane found near the line of com munications was not stated, and all officials declined to elaborate on the President’s wording. Mr. Roosevelt, in a special mes sage to Congress disclosing that the United States was occupying Iceland, said the United States “cannot permit the occupation by Germany of strate.aic outpo.sts in the .‘Vtantic to be used as a;r or naval bases for eventual attack against t h e Western Hemis phere.'’ He also said it was •'impera- ti.-e that the approaches between the Americas and sHatcgic *outr»«sts. the safety of which this country regards as essential ^ to its national security, and which it must therefore defend, slinli ic- main open and free Irom ail hos tile activity ami threa' Iheieot.'’ Iceland Action Brings Joy To England London. July 7- ment of United States Re-ces on Iceland won cnthiisi; stic approi- al in London toi.ight. an ant'iofi- tative source sayinu ’ it relieves us of commitments’’ in tiia’ quar- ^^There was no immediate au thoritative elaboration of that ptatemetit. biu qir !tf'*“i observ ers attaehed importance to tne tact that Iceland is well within the -Atiantic Idoekade /one pro claimed i>y (iermaii.i. one ot server .said the Ameri can move might mean ’•there would be many United Mates warships and warplanes commn.- iii- between the liome eoil!iir> aiui Iceland." suggesting that as a rc-ult portions ot tlie lU.^l would l-e f eed for use e.>e- where. Typist Exams Will Be At Earlv Date The Uni'ed States ( iviV S.u- vire ('ommi-sion :: cm'iioee.; o-'cn competitive cxand-ia'io-s R.- 1 'o positions (if .litfior Steiv.ei-a-itiei and Jii’tiof •’■vte- fo- f” cancios ill ’he I't'l i the States ■ f vt-^ ' (-arolin.1. : ml 'Ves, Vir..inm the usual er.iranee silanes _beM- Stllu and n26'.‘. respec’.'--'>'■ These eyaminatioiis .are open to both men and women. Applica’ioiis for these posit.on.- may be filed with the Fourih U. S. Civil ServTCe D trict. Washington. D. C.. unui further notice. Competitors will he required to report for written examination, ■vchich will he held periodically. The dates of the initial lamina tion and subsequent examinations depend unon the applications received and upon the needs of the Service. Full information and ^pplica tion blanks may obtamed from the Secretary, Board of U ^ Civ it Service Examiners, Post Office. North Wllkesboro, North Caro- , THE TO ?ATRI0T; NORTH WILKESHORO. N/ a J A ■ : ^ rauBSPAY? jxjuri --,i VJf s’ ..s'” ;• • -■•.tra-* . 1 county 4-H Cluh mem getting ready tor the fairy Show to be h^ld in ,e this fell, say® , assistant farm agent of . state College Extension ^OfNoy^ SUMMER Cotton Goods Three large 'tables of Suninier Cotton Goods now reduced to new lows—Summer is beginning so buy a supply of cotton goods now—and save. " REGULAR REGULAR REGULAR 10c 15c 19c 12c 14c Mammoth Sale Of Turkish Towels Huge lot of run-of-the-mill Cannon Tur kish Towels—Priced extra low. Come buv a years supply at these low prices— Plain and novelty colors—Come ii’nrW for best .selection. worth 10c-15c worth 19c-22c worth 25c-29c Basement Store Bargains Ladies’ Summer Dresses Lovely cool .style.s. in summer Dresse.s— Smart pastel .solid colors and floral prints, all .sizes—Rayon French crepes and spun rayon.s—some all white includ ed .. . \? [ In the face of rising prices we Clearance Sale—Progressive their stock clean, of odds and ei merchandise in the season it was' our advice and buy for now and y low Clearance prices. Regular $1.98 Regular $2.98 $1.69 $2.29 Clearance Lot Of Ladies’ Summer Shoes 81x99 1 BLEACHED One Lot of LADIES’ SHEETS SILK HOSE 48= 25" At this low price we advise stocking up — snow , white bleached sheets seconds of better grades—see these. (BASEMENT) Full fashion silk, seconds of 48c grades—select the best pairs now and save. (BASEMENT) Clearance Lots One Group Of LADIES’ 97c BLOUSES 79" CURTAINS HALF PRICE Cool sheer styles in ladies blouses now reduced to clear our stock—while and pas tels. (BASEMENT) Special groups of odds and ends, some soiled—Ruffled and tailored styles — Come quick for yours. (BASEMENT) Group of all white, brown and white, blue and white, dress shoes and sport ox- ford.s—now $1.9R — Clear ance price only . . . V REGULAR $1.98 Clearance Of Ladies’... Millinery Summer .styles in cool .smart hats— youthful and matro i styles that are ju-t the thing for vacation — Buy yours now at this Clearance price— REGULAR 97c Clearance Lots Of«.. Ladies’ Skirts Special lots of cotton and wool en Skirts, plain and fancy col ors—Select several now for va cation fun— Regular $1.00 Regular $1.69 88c 1.48 Clearance LADIES’ 48c WHITE BAGS 38^^ Table of summer styles in ladies’ swing handle and pouch styles whites and combinations. (BASEMENT) HOB NAIL BEDSPREADS $J^.98 A -superb buv in double bed size - - candlewick hob nail thousands of them per spread—seamed hut unbeliev able value at this price. (BASEMENT) Group of $1-00 LADIES’ SUMMER SANDALS 84c All whites, blues, red, white blue combinations —; smart cool .styles for vacation an’d hot weatlicv wear. (B-\SEMENT) One Lot of LADIES’ HATS Values to $2.98 Group of d.ark and light wl- ors Straws and felts — Re" duced to clear out. (FIRST FLOOR) Girls’ 59c CHEER COTTON DRESSES 48*= Cool smart styles daughters love — tubiast colors — Big values—Buy summ(r needs now. (BASEMENT) One Group of GOSSARD CORSETS y2-Pric8 Odd lots, but mo.stly all .sizes. 1 Lot of Ladies’ DRESSES Values to $5.95 $J.OO each 1 Lot of Ladies’ DRESSES Prints, Pastels and Whites. $2-00 Values-to $6.50 Spainhonr^s Ready-to-Wci Group of Summer Dresses it| ONE GROUP... Regular $7.95 ONE GROUP... Regular $6.50 ONE GROUP $5.88 ' $4.88fi Regular $3.98 $2.88 SALE! ONE GROUP OF LADIES’ COTTON DRESSES Regular $2.37 CLEARANCE OF ONE GROUP OF SUMMER DRESSES Pastel and Dark Colors—Were $10.95 $12.95.... $7.88 Cle?. saace of Children’s umiiER liivi Regular $1.G0 77^ Regular $1.98 $1.48 Regular $2.98 $2.37 Adorable styles in summer dresses for daughter—all sizes to 14-^ool washable cottons—buy her several now and save— (FIRST FLOOR) North Wilkesboro’s (^4