ALSO " PERCALES each . . . 88' ||,Women** Quldrea’* * P4t)j|TIE Sl ^ if A Pair.... A Pair . . 89' KM • GOOD • 4-SmC BROOMS On Sale Monday July 14 — EACH — (One To Customer) ■4c. CAMAY SOAP 6 for 29" PALMOLIVE SOAP 6 for 29" I I MEDIUM IVORY SOAP 6 for 29" SOPER SODS 3 l)oxe!_gJ= . -k— OXYDOl 3 boxes 21" 4c am-o-— OCTAGON SOAP 6 for 19" 4c LARGE SIZE 0. K. POWDER 8 for 24" LARGE SIZE 0. K. SOAP 8 for 24" poei^o-— JULY 4c —»oi^o-«ro-(>’i»’0-—»(-A- P. & G. WHITE NAPTHA 81«' 24' Ready-to-Wear :: For Ladies’ and Children :: (Ready-to-Wear—Second Floor) $7.95 Dresses $19.50 Dresses All -wcmen’s $19.50 Dresses and Suits —Early Spring and C A Slimmer styles—each $16.50 Dresses Women’s $16.50 Dresses CA end Suits ^0« J\7 $12.50 Dresses Women’s $12.50 Dresses Cfl Only »^V.. $9.95 Dresses A good selection M’omen’s $9.95 Dresses—Sale price $5.95 TTn^-h Wash Dresses About 150 Wash Silk, Spun and other Sport Dresses—regular price $3.98—Sale T^T(*0...._ All our regular $7.95 Dresses for Women and Junior Girls $4.65 $5.95 Dresses All our regular $5.95 range of Wo men’s and Junior d*0 CC Dresses—each $4.95 Dresses All our regular range of $4.95 Dresses—Sale price, $2.91 79c i 1 Cotton Dresses Women’s Regular $1.98 Sheer Cotton Dresses— Sale Price— Each Print Dresses All new Sheer Summer Cotton Print Dresses in our $2.98 range— Sale Price— Each All Evening Dresses $1.65 Vz Regular Price $1.94 WOMEN’S HATS $1.98 to $3.95 Sale Price Each $j[.00 Another Lot Women’s Hats, ea. 50c WOMEN’S DRESSES W’e have about 100 Women’s Dresses--to close A A out at. each-- V L .VfV/ WOMEN’S SLIPS One lot women’s Satin and Crepe Slips—$1.48 and $1.98 Values—Close- d» '1 A A out—each V A .\Jvl WOMEN’S GIRDLES One lot women’s Girdles— 98c to $4.95—to close-out 50c COTTON PAJAMAS Children’s Cotton Crepe Printed Pajamas — regular 59c and 69c— AQ.^ Sale Price SILK DRESSES About 75 Children’s and Misses Silk Dresses, sizes 4 to 1-1 at 1 Regular Price Novelty Sheer Dress Silks rose, navy, black and light blue Regular price 97c a yard—Sale Price Bemberg Silks and Printed Pat terns—^a few solid color A_Q^ crepes—a yard TrOC “Talk of Town” printed Silks and Spun Rayons—Regular 48c a yard 39c All regular 39c silk prints—solid colors—spuns and gaberdine— Sale Price A yard F'bredown Do‘s and powder puff Muslin—fine sheer prints for dresses—^a yard OOC “Tuxedo” Batiste—fine, crisp and sheer printed dress IQ/. materials—a yard 1 */ C About t.OOO yards Sheer Printed Dress Materials—Regular price 19c—Sale Price, 1 C.« yard 4*>C Abotf|{ Drefc;_;| and I; valult:t| pncf; I Julyii A n; I V,oUj!| 80e- Said’ Yar*. Che Hosiery A Special Close-Out assortment of Silk Hose—Full Fashioned—Values up to 59c a pair— Sale Price—Pair 39 ■z^ V2 SUMMER SKIRTS Early Spring and Summer Skirts at 1/2 Regular Price WOMEN’S OXFORDS One lot ol ail white O.xfords—Modem Miss in calk skin and pig Q1 s:;in leather, $3.95 value. - One lot of white and brown Oxfords— $ ’.95 Values— Q1 Closeout Price %p£t»U X Women’s Dress Shoes in patent leather, white, whi'e and brown, me.l. and low heel—$4.00 Values— dJO A 1 Close-Out O"o lot of 12 pairs Natural Biddge white pumps in kid leather—good styles —$5.00 Values— Q 1 Price .p^.^1 Natural Bridge in white and brown 2 tone Pumps and Ties—$5.00 QC value—Close-Out Price MISSES’ SHOES Misses Oxfords—white and brown crepe soles and leather soles— ^'1 Q A $2.98 Values—Sale Price V * Don’t Forget to Shoe Table- BIG V/ We Have About 3,000 Yard* Printed Dimities BATISTE AND VOILES Fajtt Color*—Very Sheer—(today’* regular price 15c and 19c— Sale Price—yard . . . Gvccit L cilii€s lit Ol IOC A Special Group Women’* Regular $1.00 DRESSES Close Out Price—each . . . vtr-r^-yw-n-r WOMEN’S COTTON HOSE A Pair 9" 1500 yards Percale Prints—64-60’s-^—fast colors—a 15c value— lOc Sale price, a yard Exactly 2120 yards brand new Percale Prints and Stripes—We have them lOc for the last time at, a yard One special lot Sheeting—(limit 6c 25 yds. to customer)—a yard “9'‘ather George” smooth bordered Sheeting—(limit 25 yards to 9c a customer)—a yard Sc’id color Broadcloth and percale lOc lengths—A yard Women’s Percale Dresses—short sleeves— fast colors—sizes 38 to 50— 39c JULY CLEARANCE Er Women’s Full Fashioned Hose— seconds, a pair (3 pairs $1.00) 35c Children’s “Fruit of the Loom” PantTes—a pair 15c Women’s Embroidered Cotton Muslin Gowns—each - 23c Children’s Sheer and Percale rrint Dresses—each - - 39c A few pairs damaged Full Fash- ioned Hose—a pair 10c Men’s “Blood Hound” Overalls— Friday and Saturday—a pair 89c Men’s green and blue Covert Work Shirts —values up to ,79c—•, Sale Price—each 59c BELK’S ANNUAL EVENT Boys’ “Blood Houn:- overalls—a pair....p' Boys’ “Jack Rabbit*^’ a pair— Men’s Red Kap Co extra good Chambi 'J each Special lot men’s sortment of materi;p to $1.00—sale prictJij Men’s blue and Work Shirts—sanfM each Work Pants to marl —*1 nair Men’s “Jack Rabt Friday and Satiu'd^ JUIYCI r'r'rt-' SiY-‘