m iky] fdtthl trading i ^^ifQtwe3teni [**-% X^’-' 12 .T6l. XXXIv7 No. 31' U: & Aid Hits A Day Rate h East b! . w Flow Of Arms To Egypt Accelerated Under Lend-Lease Law Washington. — The flow of W lead-lease munitions to Kgypt to reinforce Britain’s defense of the Middle East was reported authori tatively yesterday to have reach ed almost a ship a day. Officials familiar with admin istration of the $7,000,000,000 lend-lease fund sc id that between 20 and 25 ships a month were being dispatched by way of either the Atlantic or Pacific routes to the Red The manner in which ship ments have been accelerated after a slow start tended to relieve the pessimism of some American mil itary experts over British chances of holding on in the Mediterran- ean. Top defense officials were said reliably to be hopeful now that the diversion of Xazi forces to the invasion of Russia would provide sufficient time for the British to secure needed arms. World Crisis Theme Of B. T. U. Assembly Ridgecrest. .Inly 7.—Plr. tt'1- liam Harrison Williams, president of the North Carolina Baptist State convention and pastor of Pritchard Memorial Baptist church. Charlotte, told the almost 1.400 delegrtes here for the state wide Baptist Training union as- ^sembly that Christians must lead establishing of a nation- wide spiritual preparectne.ss if the church and the country are to withstand the crisi.s which they face today. He declared that the great danger confronting Christianity is the substitution of secondary matters for the prime essentials love and good will. NOW is the TIME to PAINT This is ideal > weather to paint and there is no need to wait for enough cash to 1 pay for the job. Home in and let us arrange K. H ,\. Budget Plan Terms, the low est cost type of budget plan avail able. F. H. A. TERMS AS LOW AS $6 MONTH 2 COAT SYSTEM ROGERS PRIMER and ROGERS PAINT SAVES UP to’1-3 ROGERS COSTS LESS PER YEAR OF BEAUTY AND PROTECTION JENKINS [hardware Store North Wilkeaboro, N. G Economic Advisor •• Isadore Lubin, commissioner of labor statistics, who has been called in by President Roosevelt as his economic advisor on the $7,000,000,- 000 lend-Iease program. Cafe Ratings For June Are Given 915 90.0 ,SS.5 91.0 90.0 90.0 H. B. Howie, Wilkes cour*v .sanifari.cn, today released, the s.anitarv grades for cafes, hotels nd tourist homes for the past month. The county sanitarian was a.ssisted in the inspections 1)V J. S. Canady, district sanitarian. The ratinirs of the cniinty and district sanitarian are both given here. Figures in the fi-st column are those of Mr. Canadv and in the second by Mr. Howie: Grade .A Rock Gables .... Twin City I.nnch Goodwill Store Grade B Staley’s Cafe Rock Ttiner Little Grill Pardne Cafe - Red Cross Pharm. ... Bine Ridge Cafe Princess Cafe Princ&ss Cafe Broadway Cafe Brame Dnig Co." Soiithside Cate Grside (’ Rondola Tavern Palace Cafe .... Horton’s Drug Co. 79..5 74.5 Beeches Place 79.5 74.5 Newton’s Drug Co 79.5 74.5 Sandwich Shop 79.5 79.5 .Avenue Service — "2.0 71.5 Blankenship’s Place .. 71.0 72.5 Snappy Lunch 70.0 70.0 Tom’s Cabin 70.0 70.5 Three cafes were closed until repairs were made and a reln- spection made by the health dept. hotel r.atings Grade .\ Wikes Hotel 99.0 Smithey Hotel 99.5 Vrnnoy Tourist Home 92.0 92.0 95.0 ,99.0 92.0 82.0 82.0 81.5 81.5 81.0 ■in).5 79.0 80.0 84.0 89.0 89.0 82.5 82.5 89.0 89.0 83.0 80.5 80.0 72.0 Many Receiving Old Age Insurance Social Securityi Payments To 299 In Salisbury Area French Premier Visits Air Base ^tFimutnre ’ Price Increase required to' suhsift '’erplahatlon* to OPACS later. . Replying to of^^apeahera discussed the quMtlon of avail- abillty of various woods, Bogant- U8 said; Administration Announces “I will not be at all surprised ■ Rise of Five Per Cent ! ® priority put on mahogany i will !*“ th® near future, removing till Will Be Permitted the furniture industry, Ibut there is an adequate supply F. of domestic hard woods to re- Figures released today by the | .'iocial Security Board show thrt, 299 persons in the Salisbury’ area i were receiving monthly payments of old-age and survivors insurr ■ ance a.y of March 31. 1941. These j tenefits totaling $4,432.00 were paid to men, women, and children j living in the counties of Alle-; ghany, Alexander. Ashe, Iredell, 1 Rowan, Watauga and Wilkes. Of the 299 persons in the Salisbury, N. C. area receiving monthly payments of 'old-age or survivors insurance 132 are in sured workers who have reached the age of 05 and who have retir ed from regular employment in business or industry. Some 97 of these annnilants have wives who re 65 years old or over, and they too are receiving monthly pay ments of old-age insurance. Mr. l,onis II. Clement, man ager of the Salisbury office of the Social Security Board explained that a man who has worked in a fi-ctorv or a store or in some oth er industrial or businfe^s concern since the old-age insurance sys tem went into operation, and has qualified for benefits, may claim navmcnt upon reaching age 6a. When an insured worker reaches rge 65 and begins receiving old- age insurance payments, addition al benefits may go to his wife^ if ,he i.s 65 or when she reaches 65 Each of his children also may receive monthly ” they are under 16 (IS, )f still in school). , The monthly payment are to the wife of an annuitant amounts to one-half of his monthly hene_- fit The monthly payment to each of his minor children is also one- half of his own monthly lJonef‘- The amount of monthly nst IL payments which any mem- Per of the workers family receive depends upon of the worker’.s own monthly in ^^•^^"Trin":^"-rker’s wid^ who has reached age 65. whethe^ earrmav "alsm cla" m monthly hen^ ents: Provided^her l»-|’-d ^died ■ L*. 92.0 99.5 91.5 92.0 90.0 91.0 90.5 87.0 86. 85.0 89.0 89.5 84.0 Long Tourist Home Creenway Tourist Home Grade B .Myers Tourist Home Sunset Tourist Home (W) - — Call ’Hotel Sunset Tourist Home (N.W.) S2.5 ,94.0 I Reeves Tourist Home 85.0 86.5 Oue tourist camp was closed until repairs were made and a re- inspection made by the sanitar ian. MEAT M ARKETS R-A TING Grade .A Moore’s Mrrket Davis & Co Reins Market Grad Miller & Imng Smitlipy’s Store .... .\. E. Wingler (i. & B. Store City Grocery Cash ,9; Cany Store Dine Ridge Store .. Smilhey s Service (>rail) . W. Jones husband’s Widows with -survivors of In- died since three-fourths of her primary benefit, minor children— sured workers wh^^^^^ receive January 1. «„rvivors in- monthly ® Salisbury, surance .benefits, in the ■ N. C. service monthly widows no children re- paymiMUs^ «f benefits. Most children of widows who are a s c.lnlaren ui hi*nefUs Chicpgo, July 7.—James iBogardus of the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Sup ply announced today that OPACS 1iad given furniture dealers per mission to raise prices not more than five per cent above April lev- ekv without prior consultation with government officials. Speaking at a luncheon of fur niture men here for the opening of the big summer marWets, Bo- gardus, who is assistant deputy of OPACS, said that if furniture dealers did raise prices within the five per cent limit they would be place mahogany.’ He said it was ‘‘directly con trary to national policy” to urge consumers to buy merchandise immediately because of threaten ed price increases and that "stronger means” than govern ment co-operation in price prob lems would have to ibe taken un less speculation and price rises were checked. Dumb; "Are you yawnin??” Dora: "No, I’m giving a . lent Indian war whoop.”—Aggierator. With Nazi permission, a French air force Is being rebnilt ‘‘for defense of the French empire,” and here Marshal Henri Fetain inspects the Aulnat air base near Clermont-Ferrand. On his visit here he looked over 15 planes recommissioned by Nazi antboiity, including a Dewoltine 520, fastest French pursuit plane now in service. New Regulations | eit For Sale of Wines To Decide War B (' 91.0 92.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.5 85.5 87.0 8 5.5 81.5 84.0 84.5 8 4.0 84.5 82.0 81.5 81.5 s:!.o SU.5 80.5 80.5 80.5 70.5 ■|’ 2.5 wage ments because the.r lathe, s ;Sc'fnl>y in.t.reA undej the So- :Sd^:'""p-chi)d,^. rhildren of reuren have cUiimed henef„.‘ or 1940-41 ed who for 85 Persons Killed When Lightning Strikes Theatre Guadalajure. Mexico. July 7.— .At least 8.5 persons were reported ■killed. 11 injured last night when lightning struck a crowded ino- Ition picture theatre cau.sing the audience to stampede. Most of the I victims were trampled in the building which caught fire. I'NDER PAT/SE OOIiORS I Topeka. Kas.—Some of the w'heat thrt won the milling and baking contest at the state fair last fall was planted this season. wasn’t the T„. ..nri their depeiuiPiRs. themselves and tne ^^ly lu addition to these n ♦ o 71 luTUP-SHiu clcain payment., $7 043.81 have payments totaliHr, » ■ „een made in tins area ,n c se^ where insured workers died s _ Tanuarv 1. 1940. leaving no -.ur- J-Bors enlUlcd to monthly hene- '"^Upgarding survivors insurance Mr, Clement said that when a.^ d„w who ha,s children in her care receives three tou- ths of the amo ait of her hus band's piimary nsurance ene and each of these minor chil dren receives one-hall of his pri- mrry insui-ance heneiit. Raleigh.—Directors end mem- bei-.s of the North Carolina Asso ciation for AVine Control took di rect action here AVednesday to put the slate’s wine industry in order and to insure full cooperation with the state in enforcement of new regulations regarding the sale of wine, effective July 1. Warned i-V Director John W. Caffey that the wine industry is on probation” and "must show it is making an honest effort to cooperate,” the association acted to make effective, both for sale of fortified and unfortified wines, a program of self-regulation. After July 1 fortified wines may legally be sold only in the 26 ABC counties and there only under strict ABC board regula- itons. . The wine men present for tne Raleigh meeting unanimously adopted three recommendations of the executive committee, which are to apply to the sale of all wines in all one hundred coun- (1) Elimination of all sales to person-s under 18. (2) Voluntary prohibition o sales between the hours of mid night and 7 a. m. on week days and between midnight Saturday, and 12:90 p. m. Sundays. (3) Appointment of an advis ory' committee from retail deal ers to collaborate with the tculive committee and thus give all elements of the industry rep- resenlation. . Mr Caffey arid personnel of this committee will be announced within a week or ten day.3. Prior to the committee meeting at vVhich action was taken the wine men heard a message from Governor J. Melville Broughton delivered through their counsel, Kenneth C. Royall of The Governor expressed appre eiation of the organization’s oh^ -qives rnd confidence ahi'^’y of the association and us Mr Caffey to attain director. Mr. t atro, those objectives. ^ campaign of .„ said will result in the next leg • lature’s looking upon the wine in dustry with a more favorable at- ‘'‘cimmissioner of Revenue Al len J. Maxwell, speaking at a luncheon of the AsBOc.aUon ^old the wine men they must show a suirit of ’’comr/lete, cordial and oonlinuing cooperation” state’s officials or el-ne be faced hv an even more hostile '®sKla ture in 194 3 then they did this year. REMARKABLY RELIEVED; GIVES RETONGA CREDIT AVa.shington.—A high ranking Catholic prelate expressed the' view yesterday that Had No Appetite, Felt So' Undernourished, Weak, and Rundown He Couldn’t Attend To Farm Duties, . States Mr. Stevens. I Well known men and woinen View yesieraay inai President throughout this section are finding PetonsH iust the medicine they Roosevelt, as commander-in-chief Mr. J. W. Stevens, well of the army, rather than' Con- known farmer of Route 1, Hunters- gress .should decide I when the United States should | j got Retonga it has been enter the war against Germpny. a year since I’ve been able Bishop Joseph P. Hurley, of the ^ square meal,” declared diocese of St. Augustine, Fla.. Mr. Stevens. 'T was afraid to eat. said in an address prepared for Acid indigestion, gassy bloatmg broadcast that this country’s re-j and ano lation to the European conflict I made, me feel I covldnt get ano dlstre’J of agonizing indigestion. was” no longer diplomatic or po- d^Uttfe”worVon*my K^s and bloat7ng. Constipation is „r,enured .he '.elS w .hiSs'S,';: Of .strategy.” Therefore, he rea-^ a„d I feel achy, still and .’ Therefore, ne rea-^ ^gg^j^gg a„d I feel achy, stiii ana . ^ggjj' Retonga is the best sonod. the problem of strategy; ggi-e all over, and a medicine I’ve been able to find in should he left to the commander- down, dizzy feeling would come in-chief "who alone, loyal communication in constant,' all over me and make me se ri with Con-ivous I could hardly stand it. thirty years.” v w i Retonga is a purely herbal loyal communication with me and I stomachic medicine, combined with greasand in consultation with his Jt’s military and naval advisers, is ^ Shield* and oifi§rf ^**^tnncrn capable of bringing us here were saying such nice be'obtel”ed*in”North Wilkesboro it through the dangers which en- Ratonga. Words fail to ex- n-,,,. iQfnro nnH fn compass us ” about itewnga. «Horton’s Drug Store, and in Ads. get attention—and resnltal what ever I like and not suffer the • — 'I- Drive on^ Fair Lady of North Wilkesboro Mvithoul shifting gears K mi Breaks Arm, P*:ib8 In Ten-Story Fall Los Angeles, .July 7.—Harold Holt, 35. fell down a 10-story elevator shaft today, and lived. He grrhbed at beams project ing in the shaft at nearly every floor, slowing his momentum. Although he landed on a pile of two-by-fours, a surgeon said he When It came up it Tenmarq strain that It was sup-1 broke only an arm and fractured posed to be. several ribs. vx; That’s What Makes The Roosters Crow Kpw York. — Radio station WOR wanted a rooster to crow a* dawn when it inaugurated all- nicht broadcasting. Sound effec a men collected several, just m ca.se. hut none of them did any- * They called up Dr Harry Nim- nhins, director of Central P^rk Zoo to find out why. Dr. Nim- nhius told them “One of the rea- sons roosters crow is to chaliense other rooster^ Unless there is a ten In the vicinity there is no rea son for them to make a chal- lenge.” The sound effect® men dug up a hen. Pooche, a Japanese Long 'Pall rooster, looked at the other roosters, then at Clarissa, took a deep ’breath and crowed his lungs out. fOR SAFETY - . . Why Chryjof In- dudtt a Safely Clutch with fluid Drivef The Safety Clutch is like a lifeboat on a ship. You will use it very seldom, but you’re mighty glad to have it when you need it. A very valuable safeguard for parking or dangerous places. - Vkat a toy! So easy —SO smooth! With Chrysler Fiuui Drive and Vacamatic transmission, you glide from dead stop into full speed without shifting gears! And if you don’t think that makes a whale of a difference in driving pleasure— just try it! What a difference! You’ll never go back to the old clutch pumping, gear-shifting type of driving after the thrilling free dom of Chrysler Fluid Drive. Ikink of being able to drive all day without shifting! It takes all the work out of driving—leaves noth ing but the fim! Want to try it to day? Call up and we’ll make a date! BE MODERN With Fluid Drh/n and Vacamatic Transmissioa Motor Seivice Sales Co., Inc. ^15 Ninth Street North Wilkesboro, N. C.