ES^^ FQR i I Protnitet Reich Bomb For Bomb Britain today pledged “no truce or parley” irtth Adolf Hitler or the Nail Teglme and Prime Min- later Winaton Churchill for the first time promised 'that Cermati cities would feel a"^ weight of bombs equal or exceeding any thing suffered 'by the British Isles. . The pledgee made by Churchill came at a moment when Berlin asserted her forces are '’■^“enine through the Stalin fortifications toward Leningrad, Moscow and KIot—a claim qounti^ed by a Russian declaiation that there were no important changes in the front fighting- lines. Churchill spoke in confident, aggressive tones. He revealed that “in the past few weeks” since the start of the Royal Air Force of fensive upon Germany a weight 'of British bomibs equal to about half of all those dropped by the Luftwaffe on Britain since start of the war has fallen on Nazi ob jectives. » This weight, he promised, will grow and grr w and grow as Britain gains greater strength in the air with the arrivai of more and more American-buiit long- range bombing planes. He said Britain wanted mo fav ors from Germany and if a truce on the bombing of cities should be proposed it would be rejected with indignation by British civil ians who are determined to see the ravages of London, Coventry. Rotterdam, Warsaw. Belgrade and other objects of Luftwaffe fury repaid on German soil. Britain, Churchill said, will bomb and bomb and bomb “until the Nazi regime either is extirpat ed by us or better still torn to pieces by the Osborne. Joe Mcl^ean tier sui. .O.U .o Elmer German people Reeves. James Scott Leonard Riddle Claude McKinley Royal, “no truce or parley” Piaceu m ToUiver Shumate, Allie Lee common language the. joint dec- Arthur Calvin Woodruff, laration of Britain and Russia. '"Te'prTme Minister’s pledge of "no truce or parley” placed in For UuitaalfmdYi 'do your in Wllke^lxm, tb« tnuiuuai ojtl:Nortbw«rttint:] ■ WwoSiMdiif^ijiii' ijr-- uTi 41 Wilk^Boys Enlist Ttte^y In C.C. Camps Welfare Officer Says July 18 Will Be Another En- , listment Day Comii^'To City Forty-one Wilkes men enroll ed in the Civilian Conservation campis during the past week and there will be enother enlistment on July 15, Charles McNeill, Wilkes welfare officer in charge of selecting men for enlistment, said today. Those enlisted during the past week wv e inducted at the camp at Laurel Springs but will serve at whatever camps they are need ed. Five colored men were in the ] group. I The white men who enlisted were: Robert Ford Adams, G-eorge Robert Allen. John Eu gene Brooks, Charlie Hrggie Cardwell, Ernest Church, Edward Furchos Cleary, John Roscoe Cockerham. Carl Cohee. Grover Dillard, Claude A11 e n Ellis, George Allen Ellis, George Ed ward Gambill. Morris Hamby. William Marshall Handy. Clar ence James Hendren, Robert Wayne Hendren. Richard Brant- son Holland, William . Edward Holleman, Barney Clinton John son, Jr., Leonard I.,enderman Jones, Robert Andrew Johnston. John Wesley Knight, Jr.. Percie Paul iMcGlamery. Howard Ray Osborne. Hawk announced yesterday, that they would fight to the end against Germany and sign no separate peace. He declared that the sympathy of BritUh hearts goes out to the Russian people “in their valiant struggle.” Heavy Losses Are Admitted By Russia Wood. .Arthur Calvin Woodruff Garrett Elmer Wyatt. Linney Lee Spears and Barney Allen Roten. The colored men .irolled were Charles Edward Brordus. Wil liam Ous Colbert. John Franklin Reddick, Keltz Edward Watkins, Nathaniel Bozo Williams. Moscow.- Rus-ian counter-at tacks on the vital central sector protecting Moscow have recaptur ed from the Germans th" towns of Rogpehev and Zhlobin. while Nazi offensives on the Baltic and Vkrainian sectors have 1) e e n stemmed w'ith heavy losses to German panzer and motorized units, an official comm unique .said early tdoay. The communique admitted Rus- su n losses in three weeks of fighting of 250.000 men. 2.200 tanks and 1,900 planes and as serted that German losses were at least 1.000.000 men, 2.300 planes and 3.000 tanks. Tbf? claim of Ru*^sian pains on the pivotal cenln-1 front, the ‘‘Road to Moscow,” came a few hours after Russia and Britain signed in .Moscow a new pact pledging each other ‘’support of all kinds” against Germany and promising thcl neither side would make a separate peace. A Soviet apokesjuan said the new Londou- Moscow pact made the 1 nited States--pledged to give Britain all-out aid—virtually a partnei of Russia “for the inevitable an- nihilation of German fascism. The Sunday nighl communique, describing Saturday’s fighting, said that in the northwestern or Baltic sector heavy fighting rag ed all day Sunday when large Nazi meeha.,nized and motorized units launched a large-scale of fensive. “Stubborn resistance b> oui troops held it up and the enemy suffered heavy losses,” the com munique said. Rogachev is 35 miles due east of Bcbniisk. some 145 miles southwest of Smolensk, and Zhlobin is about 12 mites due south of Rogachev. 2 Draft Boards G. R. Andrews, for the past 12 years In business at I^enoir, ha.s pur‘ha.sed the Somers’ In terest in Yadkin Valley Motor company and will move to North Wllkesboro soon. Andrews Member Yadkin Valley Co. G. R. Andrews Buys Somers Interest In Yadkin Valley Motor Company Here Mrs. O. Vf. (Red) Felte, of North Wllkesboro route three, Wid b^ annoyed 'by t*'- ’'-■as of chi^ens to a Mg chicken Imwk so long that siie oeclaed’ she would put a stop to It'—., she went out and caught the hawk. On Wednesda.v while she was *' engaged in canning' she ,'«w a hawk fly into the chicken house. She foUowed the Itawk Into the house and closed the door. The hawk was doomed. In a remarkably sliort time she caught the hawk with her hands, in much the same man ner as she would catch a cU'ck- en, and put the hawk -‘-into a strong box to await excnnition by her husband when lie re turned from work. She did not receive a scratch. Her husband, who is a Imrber in North Wilke horo, killed the hawk when he returned home. It had a wing spread of 20 i-'ches and Mr. Pelts said It was •' “ largest hawk he liad ever seen. Several people In that com munity who have bhen losing numerous chickens of tlie hawk’s big appetite owe .^Irs. Pelts a vote of thanks, or a reward. G. R. Andrews, for the past twelve ye.-r.s, en.gaged in the au tomobile business in I.kmoir. has purchased an interest in Yadkin Valley Motor emopany in North Wllkesboro and will join the firm in a few days, A. F. Kilby, pres ident, said today. Mr. Andrews, who will assume the position of secretary-treasur er of the Yadkin Valley Motoi company, purchased the Somers’ interest in the firm. The addition of Mr. Andrews in the executive personnel of the company will nm ^ personnel ot the company wm nel"t*onl'C otherwise affect the orgauu^lp^ July 1 Posted By Board Number One Regis tered 106 and Board Num ber Two 138 July 1st Lee’s Rides Here All This Week I,ee’s riding devices, a well known group which hes Oiled en gagements in many towns JvHl L at the fairgrounds all thn, rides are here under au spices of the Wilkes American Legion, share in the proceeds, and the Lhglon will appreciate all patron- rides have some of the newest and most thrilling rides fcjn use, as. well as the old favor ites. Thi highly popular Silver * Streak la one of the newest rides. A total of 24 4 Wilke.s men who reached age 21 between October 16. 1940. and July 1. 1941. were registered in the second registra tion under the selective service act on July 1. according to lists posted (by the two draft boards and furnished this new.spaper. The list of new registrants for board number 1 follows: Joe James Horton, Henry Shew, Jeb Royst Souther. Herman Max Johnson. Carl Benjamin -Ander son, James Charley Wright. Wil li;'m Johnson Mas^agee. Lloyd Elmer John-ion, Charles Richard Joines, Reroy Love, Leonard Paul Clearv, Jake Lennice Cox. Ver non -Martin. Jr.. Lee Romulus Minton. Robert Seth Anderson. Noah Winfield Adams. Mack Jones Eller. Qiienton Arthur Gai ther Hendrix, Paul Testerraan, Charles Edward Broedus. -Tr., Al bert Lewis Shoun. Raymond Clif ton Mash. Norris James Summer lin. George Garland Marley. Er nest Moore, Edward Clay Bishop. Montreal Howell, Vernop Ralph Marley. William Robert Church. Zellis Fidell Lhvette. Calvin Rus sell Hrrris. Walter James Greg ory Charles Worth Hanes. Jr.. Phola Garland Pardiie. Doctor Roland Walsh. Gale Gaither Pre- vette. William Brice Hayes Charlie Anderson Cain, Loyd Worly Parks. Ohrrley Raymond I^ne, Garlan Alonzo Hamby. Her man Lincoln Laws. Ray Ernest Nichols. Willard Marvin Johnson. Thomas William Jone.^. Robert Glenn Mathis, Raymond Larkin Brmes, Frank Dee Weatherman, Jage Icenhour, Jr., Hardin Jim Benton, Kermit Smith Earp, Paul Monroe Privette, James Altar W’oodie, Donald Frazier, Lonnie Preston Somers. Addle ^larvin Triplett* Hebert Hendrix, \irgil James Cockerham, Janies Lawson Parker. Charles Hedley Canter. Cyrus Worth Yates, Lawrence Lee Carson. Mack Daniel Treadaway, Egdon Soka McNeil, Robert Lee John- 3 0 n, Albert Sidney Garwood. Lawrence Edward Andrews, Col lie Odell Wagoner, Joe Horton Bowles, Hansford Lee Bentley, Dewey Monroe Blair, Canner Gil- ing management in all 4^pkrl inents to render the high type service w'hich has characterized the business. Mr. Andrews was reared in Al leghany county. He is a gr-'diiate of Sparta high school. For sever al years after completing higl school he taught in Alleghani county schooL, working during evenings and Saturdays in the Bank of Snarla. He seciireu two years of college training at Appalachian State in Boone, and then went to Fort Wayne. Indiana, to the Teachers University of Commerce, where he took a complete combined commercial course. The funds for his education were earned after graduation from high school. For two years he was in thf automo'bile biisineiss in Alleghany county, going from there to Le noir. In Lenoir for the past eleven years he was connected with Smith Motor Sales, Inc., as sec retary-treasurer. during which time the firm has been highly suc cessful. Mr. Andrews and family plan to move to North Wilkeaboro as ■0011 as’ a residence can be locat ed. Annual Wilkes county tennis tournament sponsored by North Wllkesboro Lions club will open on July 21, club officials said to day. The tournament has been grow. Ing yearly until it is now one of he outstanding sports events in seotioil. . . James R. Church Is Bound to Court On Liquor Charge James R. Church, resident of the Idlewild community of Ashe county near the Wilkes-Ashe line was placed under $.600 bond fol lowing a hearing before J. W Diila, United States coinmissionei in Wllkesboro. Church, wlio was captured ii „ still raid by Feden 1 Agent Reece and Gilbertson and Deput> Marshal Ervin, was charged witb violation of the federal liquor ta> laws'and will he tried at the No vember term of federal court ir Wllkesboro. Watershed Laws Being Enforc«*d Inspector J. V. Baugess hi; had warrants issued for severs parties for violation of the sani tary laws on the watershed foi North tVilkeshoro. One case wAi tried before C. J. Jones. J. P., Sat urday. The defendant was taxed with the cost, which amounted to seven dollars. Several other case- are pending. Martin Child Dies uewey --- Funeral service wrs held Fri- lan Davis, Talmadge Samuel Cur- Baptist cemetery for ry, Howard Russell Segraves William Reid Minton, Charlie Haggle Cardwell, Asa Ralph Ham- (Con tinned on page eight) J. Alfred Martin, two-year-old son of Enoch and Blanche Pender grass Martin, of near this city. He died Wednesday. Tennis Tourney Starts July 21st Annual Lions Club Tourney For Tennis Players In . Wilkes Is Announced Wins Again Ri^h^d Jolmtton Coinplete» Triunlng At Camden, S. C. Richard Johnston, youhg busi ness man here who enlisted as a flying cadet on April 30, has! completed ten weeks of basic training at the Southern Aviation i Of Junior Cham- School at Camden^ S. C., and has been assigned to the airfield at Macon, Georgia, for his second period of training. Mr. Johnson ber Commerce At 7:30; 'Dance Will Follow Final rrrangements were made son of Mr. and on Thursday night for charter Mrs. A. B. Johnston, of this city, [night of the North was one of 32 out of 54 enrolles who was able to meet require ments end remain during the training. He has made a good record. Cspt. Eddie BlckenbScker, who won many victories as an air ace in the World war, celebrates his new est victory. This is his first outing since injury In plane crash. Commissioners Order Land Sale and Other Levies Commissioners Draw Jurors For Almost Session Directed To Levy On Per sonal Property and Gar nishee Wages for Taxes „- - — Wllkesboro Junior jChamJber ot Commerce to be held on Thursday, July 17. It Is expected to be one of the outstanding events In civic ac tivity, according to the plans out lined In the meeting of the or ganization Thursday night. Dr. I. G. Greer, superintendent of Mills Home, Thoroasvllle, will be the feature speaker at the banquet. Dr. Greer Is one of the south’s most outstanding orators. His addresses are invariably inspiring and interesting and are enthus iastically received. The commit tee expressed delight in being able to secure him for the ban quet address. ■Wilkes county board of com missioners in July session direct ed the sheriff to advertise for I sale as of August 1 c.ll real es- Wilkes county commissioners ..... J-4 #vn Onfiiw/losr fho TCXla I 'hat entries inay m»w be made in ill di.'.sions with Trady Church or Bill Brame, wbj compose the nomnilttee. Trophies will be pre sented the champions and runners ip in men’s single, men's doubles, junior singles, women's singles snd mixed doubles. Mrtches will be played on the Cl w y II. Finley. Pearson and Critcher courts. Dr. Wra. L. Bundy, defending •lien’s singles champ, and Mike Williams, junior champ, are a- mong the early entries tor the 1941 tourney. The committee has announced that entrance fees will be $1.00 for men’s single:?. $1.50 for sin gles and doubles, 50 cents each player for mixed doubles and 25 cents each for juniors. Many tennis players have been practicing for the event, which is expected to attract a larger num ber of players than any tourna ment since the club initiated the project several years ago. Jailed For Taking 1,200 Pounds Sugar Three colored men were given a hearing in city court today on ■barges of stealing 1.200 pounds of sugar from S. V. Tomlinson’s warehouse one night last week. The men bound to court under bonds of $750 each were Clifford Watkins. William (Bill) Tidline and Mar.?hal Dowell. Police Chief J. E. Wflker said the sugar was found in Watkins house near this city. Play For Jaycees in session Saturday drew the fol lowing jurors to serve during the Wilkes term of court to convene in Wllkesboro on Monday, Au gust 4: First Week John Jrrvis, Lovelace; T. E. Dancy, Union; M. O. Faw, Stan ton; A. S. Billings, Walnut Grove; R. L. Wyatt, Union; J. R. Hix, North Wilkesiboro; Ray Moore, Wllkesboro; S. L. Blevins, Mul berry; C. E. Brewer, Mulberry; T. Lee Greene. Elk; W. H. Can ter, Reddles River; Frank Tid- liiie, Edwards; T. E. Blackburn, Mulberry; T. A. Petty, Edwards; Johnnie Sheets, Union; Walter Jones, Union: Roy Osborne, Un ion; Worth W. Vannoy, North Wllkesboro; M. J. Beardslee, irttx Wllkflfiboa*; I- Sheets, Wllkesboro; Mrnsfleld Parks, An tioch; Conrad Forester, North Wllkesboro; J. C. Adams, Mulber ry; T. R. Hayes. North Wilkes- boro; I. T. Hendren, Wllkesboro; W A Church, Elk; Ray Caudill, New Castle; W.’ S. Soots. North Wllkesboro; R. Claude Andrews, Beaver Creek; Lonnie Jones. Union; T. E. Blevins, Walnut Grove; R. J- Johnson. Walnut Grove; C. A. Hamby, Elk; Merlin Ball, ’Brushy Mountain; D. B. Holman. North Wllkesboro; L. W. Felts. Somer-u C. W. Gkorth. Somers; T. Y. Watkins. Mulber ry; W. M. Gambill. Walnut Grove; R. D. Parsons. Boomer; J. D. Watson, Joibs Cabin; Frank N. Colvard, Wllkesboro; C. S. Walker, Beaver Creek; J. U. Gregory, Rock Creek. Second Week R. D. Parsons, Boomer; Sara Triplett, Jobs Cabin; W. H. Par sons, Booimer; Jeff L ’ Boomer; John W. Hall. North Wilkesiboro; Harrold Hartley. Reddies River; R. H. Greene. N^’ castle; J. C. Reins. North Wil- kesboro; G. F. Hubbard. Beaver Creek; R. V. Dry, Reddies River; Jeter Royal. Union; P. M. John son. Lewis Fork; T. F. Saunders, Beaver Creek; Millard Frazier. Boomer; F. H. Crowe, North Wil- kesboro; 'M.' C. Richardson, Trap- bill' W. L. Badber, Wllkesboro, S. V. Tomlinson, North Wilkes- boro; A. J. Lovette, Reddies Riv er; F. W. Norman, Edwards; H. C Coleman, Somers; C. W. Brown, Traphill; Commie Pruitt. Traphill: Roby Williams, Grove; Vestal Baugness hill: Luther Morrison to use means to collect taxes oth er than those on real estate. The sheriff was directed by the Also present will be three rep resentatives of the State Junior Chamber and one from the na tional organization. The Jaycees plan to invite a number of civic leaders and mem. hers individually will nave wives and friends os' guests at the ban- commissioners to levy on n^rsonal j After the banquet a dance will property and to garnishee wages i f>e held at the Legion and Auxll- Walnut Trap- Mulberry. Kennedy Home Chorus Coming Will Render Concert Friday Night At First Baptist Church In This^City Kennedy Memorial Home Chor- el club will render a concert at the First Baptist church in North oy lilts xviiiife — Wllkesboro on Friday evening, the Wilkeaboro Methodist church. Uiiv 18 eight o’clock, the pas- and small admissions of 10 and fnr Dr John w Klncheloe. Jr., 15 cents will be charged^ I will I. ’ ^ be more than worth the admission ^^e "club is reputed to be an price just to see some of the well rox'cPDtlonal result of a laboratory known^men of the community ap- In order to collect unpaid person at and p'jil taxes. The resolution follows: “Whereas, under an Act of the Legislature the time for report by the Sheriff of Wilkes county of all uncollected taxes has now passed, and no report has been filed, notwithstanding this fact, however, the Commissioners are advised, informed and believe that there is a large number of taxes still uncollected, and where as, the Statute requires that the governing body shall order a sale iary Clubhouse with Jack Y.-ncey and his nine-piece orchestra fur nishing the music. It is a widely known dance orchestra, being en gaged for Graystone Inn at Roar, ing Gap. Old Town country club in Winston-Salem and other well known places. Tickets for the dance have been placed on sale by all mem bers ct the Jaycees here. Lucas Speaker At ■e« haWm . . Is required to (be sold by the Sheriff of Wilkes County on the first Monday in 'May. or in any one of the four succeeding months, and Whereas, the Com- miasioners are of the opinion that in order to hold a valid sale the same must be had within one of the four succeeding months after the first Monday in May. ‘‘It is Therefore Ordered that C. T. Doughton, be and he is here by directed to advertise for sale all lands on which taxes shall re main unpaid as of August 1. 1941, and shall sell said property on the first Monday in September, as by law provided. “And Whereas, the insolvent tax listed has been increasing in amount. “It is Therefore Ordered that the Sheriff of Wilkes County be and he is hereby requested to use due diligence in levying and col lecting on all other property oth er than that referred to above, (as taxes on real estate) and to levy on the personal property for the tax due thereon, and to gar nishee wages or choses in action due those owing unpaid poll tax in order that the burden of gov ernment shall rest equally upon ai! of the citizens alike. “Done by ^ 'der of the Board of Commissioners at its regular monthly session July. 1941. “The Secretary of the Board is directed to hand a copy of this order to C. T. Doughton. Sheriff of Wilkes County.” ’Problems of Security” Top ic of Address By Duke Power Co. Executive « Beauty Contest” To Be Given In Wilkesboro 17th TiOcal Men Will Partidnate' Hilarious .Affair At Wilkes boro Schoolhou>e In John Paul Lucas, Jr., of Char lotte, an executive of the main office of Duke Power company in Charlotte, addressed the North Wllkesboro Kiwanis Club Friday noon on the subject of “Problems of Security.’’ His address, which was well received, was mainly about social security rnd personal security. The latter he .summed up in skills, traits, habits and knowledge. He said personal security could be found in the way of thinking and believing. Between the ex tremes of the pessimist, optimist and radical can be found the hap py medium, be said. “The funda mental soundness of our people, our towns, our all. depends on the .soundness of what we be lieve,” the speaker concluded. The program was in charge of D. J. Carter, who introduced the speaker, i’rior to the jirogram J. B. iMcCoy distributed booklets by Rev. Lawrence A. Watts, of Ra leigh, on the subject of rehaUIi- tating those who return home from serving prison terms. At the meeting Gordon Forest er was a guest of Robert Gibbs. Captain A. C. Knox and Captain T. G. Hearns were guests of J. B. McCoy, Adolph M. I..ang, of Ohio, was a guest of H. H. Morehouse. Paid Osborne Heads K. of P. Fun and merriment aplenty will take place Thursday night. July 17th. 8 o’clock, at the Wll kesboro schoolhouse, the partici pants being well known men of the Wilkesboros who will be dre=sed in women’s attire. i The 'tig show will be sponsored by the Young Ladies’ Class of Officers Installed In Im pressive Ceremony Mon day Night At Lodge New officers for the Knights of Pythias Lodge were installed in impressive ceremonies last Monday night. Officers installed were: ChanceHor Commander. Paul Osborne; Vice Chancellor Commander, V. E. Jennings, Prelrte. Paul Church: Master of W’orks, Pr&fley Myers; Keeper Records and Seals, George Ken nedy: iViaster of Finance, Clifford Moore: Master at Arms, Tom Story: Inner Guard. Paul S. ' Cragan: Outer Guard, J. B. Snipes. J B. Carter received his Com mission as Deputy Grand Chancel- Jack Yancey, who will br'ng hie nine-piece o'-cbe^ra here to play for the Junior Ctiamher of Commerce diartcr nl^t dance, which will be at the Legion and Anxiliaiy clubhouse following the banquet at Hotel Wilkes. of vocal music over » ye..,-,* — r—■ -- nussiwu »= six years, where the theory that tent judges will lor of the Grand Lodge of North anyone in learn to sing is put that every “beauty’ gets a square | Carolina. deal. Next meeting Is tonight (Mon- ftetter be on hand early if yon f . 5 The chorus wfll consist of >22 ftetter be on hand early if at which time two gl^ and ten hoys. Everyone is want a seat to ' candidates for the first rank will oorJlally Invited to the concert fun-making and .^e presented. ' and no admission wUlhe charied. event. ^