.ZED* THE TR P«i^al:^9n Hr- into Smolenak jmea. Admitted Oeman troops were reported today to hare staUted to,within 110 lallM ^ sad to bs adraBetng Lenlnrrsd while Rnsslains;.. themselres ac- kabnrledsed « dMp';Geraan thrust to the Tlclnhjr of Smolensk, only 2S0 miles short of the capital. A German news agency, DNB. dispatch from the eastern front declared that German speed troops cleared a battlefield of •ereral thousand Russians enclr- ded in a forest near Gorodische Published lays and In Dad’s Shoes ■ '• ■ fv days ago and had swept on J Alnminnm Drive Is First Pro^t; Scouts Don^Job the east .Anthoritative German Purees ■aid the village is near Rzher, on the Rliga-to.Moscow railway, and is about ilO miles west of Mos cow. Russian acknowledgement of the German advance to Smolensk —^ abrupt, unfavorable turn In soviet fortunes—was contained In an early morning Moscow com munique which reported that hea vy battles were in progress In the Smolensk area. Thus admitted was a German break-througt j some 50 miles deeper than jany previously ac knowledged. Farther to the south, on the famed central front, the soviet command reported, however, that a nazl tank battalion retreating from the vicinity of Rogachev on the Deniper river had been en circled and destroyed. This was in an area where unofficial Rus sian accounts claimed a continu ing advance in a Russian counter offensive. A soviet reference to fighting about Bobruisk—which for some time had been behind and west of the frnot—suggested that the Germans had been thrown back In that sector by as much as 50 ^ miles. . , Too, unofficial German claims ,\J|lhkt nazi troops In the north were ^^rapidly advancing on Leningrad were in effect denied by the soviet war bulletin with the declaration that fighting in that sector still was centered about P.-kov. more than 150 miles southwest of that important city. ij. Similarly, the German drive T on Kiev, the Ukrainian capitel. was described i. 7’1 held up in Wfco ’Of y, W. H. McElwee Cbairnian of Council; First Meeting Held Wedneiulay Na- Sen. ^drew ■seston of Texas, 86, wfawzakes seat oconpied by his father, Sam Houston, in 1846. He Is shown (left) with Sen. Tom Conual- ly of Texas. Charlie Faw Held In Default $5,000 Bond For Murder 130 miles to Judge Hayes Witness In Hearing Held Monday Before R. C. Jennings Charlie Faw, Reddies River resident, was ordered held for court in default of $5,000 bond following a hearing Monday be fore Magistrate R. C. Jennings on a homicide charge. Faw is charged with the death of Hamp Eller, of the srme com munity, in an altercation which oocttp^ Wilkes County Council of tional Defense, a unit of the state council, has been formed here and the first meeting was held on Wednesday night et the City hall. W. H. McElwee, local attorney, was appointed by Governor J. M. Broughton a s chairman for Wilkes county, who suggested formation of a county council composed of representatives of several agencies and organiza tions. The council as appointed bv Chairman McElwee follows: C. B. Eller and Paul S. Cragan, representing the schools; Max Foster , county commissioner; Mrs. Bertha Bell, public health; J. B. Snipes, agriculture; J. B. Carter, civic; Dr. John W. Kinch- eloe, Jr., churches; J. ,E. Welker, law enforcement; P. W. Eshel- man, indur.try; A. F. Kilby, Amer ican Legion; Dwight Nichols, newspapers. Dwight Nichols was named sec retary at the meeting Wednesday night. The first defense activity to be carried oi;t by the council will he the collection of aluminum for defense use. Ii was announced in the meet- (Continued on page four) Wilkes Colinto Rate Set At’ An hcreate Of Cate’ Over Levy! For Tke hot Year. ‘Iron’; Man M^e Bond Mi^tantwo, Moi* Funds For Welfare, and" Building Improvements Wilkes county tax rate for 1941 will be $1.38 on each hun dred dollars valuation of proper ty, M. F. Absher, chairman of the Wilkes board of commissioners, said today. The 1941 rate will represent an Increase of 33 cents over the rate of $1.05 for 1940. The chairman of the board of commissioners listed three funds where practically all of the in crease will be used. Principally a- mong these will be an Increase of 20 1-2 cents on the levy for debt service. This increase was mandatory, Mr. Absher said, be cause of heavy bond maturities The army officially receives, at Aium, •«! 4Aad1H- meter anti-aircraft guns ever made in the V. 'Plipth shomb i* . ®** the fiscal year which be- Harvey Firestone Jr., Congressman Dow W. Hlirter‘’'(AkronlF,’'Brig.-Oen. g«n on July.l Aid. L. E. Conpllo of St. Lonis to Aiding real work pleasant. Because be had grown flabby, CoupUn went back to Iron working, his trade be fore entering politics, and is mak ing |79 a week. He stiU holds his aldermanic Job at $i.s«o p-r year. Charles T. Harris, and J. W. Thomas, president of Firestone. (Man at extreme right nnidentifled). The guns were completed in Akron. Boy, 15, Girl, \3, Hitchhike From Missouri t Quits; Predicts A4 no /lB«e: Tpkyo C Washing On-The-f ence Policy Tokyo. Thursday. July IT.— The cabinet of Prince Fumimarn Konoye. which allied Japan with Germany and Ital.v and a few months later entered a neutrality accord with soviet Russia, an nounced today it had resigned to rmit formation of a government fhore capable of ‘‘coping with the ever-chcpging world situation.” The premier journeyed to the Imperial summer villa at Hayama. on the seacoast southwest of To kyo, to present the on bloc resig nation to Emperor Hirohito last nigut. The sovereign asked him to remain in office until a suc cessor could be chosen. (Tokyo dispatchas give no clear indication of whet direction Jap anese imperial policy may take as a result of a change in govern ment. but there has been recently a rising tide of sentiment in fav or of siding with Germany against Russia end increasing clamor a- gainst what is called “the encir clement of Japan’’ by the United States. Britain. China and now the soviet union. (The British-Russian alliance, the strengthening of British, A- merican and Dutch defenses In southeastern Asia and the possi bility that United States aid might reach Russia by way of Vladivostok have been viewed with alarm in Japan.) The phrasing of the govern ment's anno_uncement of its fall Indiccted that Konoye, who al ready has had two terms as pre mier, might receive the imperial command to assemble a new' cabi net from which some of the re tiring ministers would be omitted. TOTtTnmny was t'o ”'Tfi^‘’'eTfect that Faw, who had some previous trouble with Eller, knocked Ell er down and he was badly injur ed. Faw put Eller into his car. started to the hospital here and wrecked the c r. Eller died three days later with a broken neck and Faw was charged with inflicting the fatal injury when he struck Eller. Principal witnesses at the hear ing was Judge Johnson J. Hayes, of Wilkesboro, judge of the Mid dle North Carolina District of To Begin Revival In Dr. Mack B. Stokes, Brother Of Pastor, To Assist In The Services Speakers; Kiwanis Cluh To Meet With Fanners will be held on Friday, July 25, at Millers Creek school six miles The Wilkesboro Methodist church will begin a .-eries of re vival services on Sundav morn.ng, July 20th. Dr. Mf^k B. Stokes, brother of the pastor, will be the preacher. WliUe he holds the po sition of Assistant Professor of Christian Doctrine at the Candler School of Theology of Emory University, Dr. Stokes is an or- W&=tern feder,*:! court. Judge Hayes and j dained minister of the Virgil Church were on highway North Carolina conference and TG in a car on the evening of the served a pastorate for several He comes to Wilkes officers have in Wilkes jail a boy, age 15. and a girl, rge 13, whose homes are in Cape Girardeau, Mo. George Cauhle, 15, and Betty (Tiny) Evans, IS, were taken in to custody early Mondav when r Kannapolis man who picked them up on a highway claimed that they took $200 from him. Hwntw&,8mtlvg»ri- toW ih* ■•tti- cer.s that they were- brother and sister who had left their homes in Missouri. Sheriff C. T. Dough- ton contacted relatives in Miss ouri and lerrned that they were not related. They left Missouri on July 7 and traveled 1.3G1 miles in one week 'before landing in Wilkes jail. The girl, pretty and talkative, told what she said was a true ac- count of their adventures. She orange. and Cruble. with Wllla Dean j Announcement of the picnic ty Payne, age 16. who left them in (committee urged all farmers to Birmingham, Alatbama, decided There is an increa.se of five cents on the combined levy for welfare'administration. Welfare MisceUaneou.9, old age assistance, aid to dependent children and aid to blind. Chairman A'bsher said it was necessary to Increase the levy in order to match state and federal funds, thus providing that those eligible under the law may receive .Jeter and Caldwell Will Be assistance. The county he said. will receive leas funds from the Farmers’ Picnic At Millers Creek Friday, Jidy 25th state and the county had to make up the difference. Five cents were added to the Ttrii, 7 1 1 levy for repairs to the courthouse Wilkes county farmers picnic and jail. The board chairman said that the funds from the levy will west of this city on highway 421. *"ake possible ° J. B. Snipes, county agent, of an order of Judge Phillips _re latlve to the buildings. New altercation between Paw and Ell-r years in this state er. Seeing the man injured. Judge i Wilkesboro with high recommen- Hayes volunteered to help Faw ] dations for his work with young bring him to the hospital hut aft- people, and it is believed that his er the car had traveled a short | nie-ssages will bo of interest not distance Judge^Hayes got out. j merely to the Methodist constitu- Faw started or jiward North W,I-!ency of the church, hut to all who kesboro and t.' i car crashed at are personally interested in a vit- high .speed inf a bank less thanjal rel g;on Dokies Install Officers Friday a mile from the point where Judge Hayes had Faw stop the car and got out because Faw was driving reckless. Judge Hayes and Church pro ceeded behind the Faw car toward North Wilkesboro and at the point where Faw wrecked picked up Eller and carried him to the hospital. At the hearing Faw admitted knocking Eller down. Solicitor Avalon E. Hall represented the state at the hearing. The case is calendared for trial rt the August term of Wilkes court. Pythian Class To Perform Friday Will Present Plays At Lodge Hall Over Reins-Sturdi- vant Friday Night Dokies clMb in North Wilkes boro has installed officers for the coming year. Lawrence Miller, secretary of the Triple A in Wilkes and for years an active civic leader* is president. Paul Cragan is vice president; Vernon Deal, seere- taryrPaui Church, treasurer; and J. L. Wells, bazooka. The club Is looking forward to ther year of activity In civic ■.Ti^eU as fraternal activity. r. and Mrs. Cyrus Brown and OBlrtren, of Moravian Falls, vis ited relaUves at McGrady Sunday. Thirteen member.? of the Knights of Pythias orphai s' home at Clayton will present three one act plays jp a program Frida? night, eight o’clock, in the nev lodge hefll on the second floor o' the Relns-StuYdlvant building. The group, which has givei performances In many cities aiu towns in the state, has a very en tertainlng program, which give the public an opportunity to ol serve results of the high type c training being given the childre In the horn . D. W. Huggins, superin tender of the home, will be in chrage o the class. Admission charge will be on! 25 cents ind all who attend ar assured of excellent entertain ment. Dr. Stokes will bring the mess age at the Sunday'morning wor ship hour, and—through the courteous invitation of the Rev. Sloan Guy, who wrs scheduled to preach—at the Sunday night un- flhfflr havTb ^ ^ heating plant is plann- most atlractive home for nurses the occasion. Tlie Grange is active In promoting the picnic and the ,, ' . North WilkLboro Kiwanis club Total for operation of the coun will be guests. , .Continued on page^) An interesting program has been arranged fe."luring add ess es by F. H. Jeter, agricultural ed itor at State College, and H. B. Caldwell, of Greensboro, master of the North Carolina state U. S. 0, Closin|[ Drive In Wilkes on July 7 to start ran.bling and after packing a few clothes in small bags began hitchhiking. She seJd she was one of four children, that her mother receiv ed an aid to dependent children grant of 30 dollars per month, that her father had divorced her mother and the family was having a tough time making ends meet. The real reason she left home, she srid, was because she and her mo ther did not get along very well and she was afraid her mother would try to place her in some re form school. She said she had helped run! the family by picking attend end with well filled bas kets for the picnic dinner. It was explained that the picnic will be held regardle.ss of weather condi tions because the gymnasium may be used for the picnic and the school auditorium for the pro gram in case of rain. Following the speaking a pro- grem of recreation has been planned and a most enjoyable oc casion is anticipated. Additional Donations Need ed to Reach Quota, Chair- Carpenter Says man Wilkes Hospital Modern Home For Nurses Is Open Lpcated Next Door To Hos> pital; Hospital Capacity To Be Enllacrged Soon Nursing staff of the Wllkea hospital today moved to the high ly modern Willies Hospital Nurs es Home, which has just been completed. The nurses home is just across E street from the north side of the hospital and Is conveniently located. The large building was entire- Attendini? Bankers* Meet at Chapel Hill Both of North Wilkeshoro’s potatoes I progressive benking institutions bankers’ L. L. Carpenter, clmirman of the United Service Organization for Wilkes county, said today the drive would be closed this \?'vek. The amount raised to date is considerably under the $1,000 quota for the county but the chair man expressed the belief that con- tributiona during the latter part of this week may raise the quota in full. He urged that those who have not contributed to the fund, which is being raised in order to main tain places of recreation and so cial activities .n the vicinity of ar my'camps, not delay sending their donations to him or to one of the ion service which will take place!ten hours per day and that it wa.s are represented at the , . wn i, at the Methodist church.^ ^, M to win'’brferv'iLs each^morning^It r^She said she had completed the representing the Bank of North | the fund in any amount theV rl m and e^ch evening at 8 p. eighth grade in school and George Wilkesboro. and W. J. Young and I -r'e a-'H donations will, be had graduated from the ninth. Miss Anne Duncan, are represent- gladly received through the mails, (Continued on pa^e eight) ing The Northwestern Bank. Mr. Carpenter said. ni. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all who desire to attend. with every modern convenience for health and comfort. The three floors of the build ing, all of which has been at tractively refinlshed, contain ten bedrooms, living room, reading room, kitchen, dinette. Each floor has a bathroom with tubs and showers. The entire building is attrac tively decorated and furni-hed. The furniture, which was man ufactured in North Wilkesboro, to "if solid maple construction. Com fortable, upholstered chairs, beau tiful curtains, innerspriiigs mat tresses and dnmble materials ar» furnished throughout every room. The building has a central oil heating plant, ga.? stove and elec tric refrigeration. The new nurses’ home was the subject of much favo-rable comment today from many visi tors. .Moving the nurses’ home quar ters from the building of the hos pital plant will increase the bed capacity of the hospital material ly. The quarters formerly occu pied by the nurses home will be remodeled and an arcade will be constructed to connect with the new hoepltal building. Army’s Newest Bomber Comes Out of the Clouds Ju^e Mackstock To Preside Over Superior Court New Judge Will Substitute For Judge Sink Fir«t Week August Term Judge Clarence B. Blackstock of Asheville, one of the three new special judges appointed re cently by Governor Broughton, hr8 received his first assignment. Judge Blackstock will hold one week of superior court opening August 4 in Wilkes coun'y. Judge Hoyle Sink, of Greens boro, wae scheduled to preside over the Wilkes court but a sub stitute was named for the first week 'because of some Important matters which had been set to be heard before Judge Sink at that time. Judge Sink will preside ov er the second week of the term. Ice Cream Supper This big aerial dreadnaught coming [The Fo^d Motor Company, under gov-JUSv,', An ice cream supper sponsored i by Union Methodist church will be held at Charlie EllloUe i»t6re at ■)ut of the clouds for a landing at Ford \irport is the new Consolidated B-24. f is regarded by the U. S. Army as 'he world’s most formidable bomber. ernment contract to-produce sub-as-j he br.mb'er weighs 56,000 pounds cricket on Saturday night, T:SO cream* semblies and Darts for five complete loaded and carries four tons bf bombs o’clock. H^e made ice B 24D bombers a day^ i» erecting an j at a speed of 306 miles an hour. The cakes, etc., will be sold “^all flMVSM pUnttoth“job%6lil«j.lup . ta cruMng range of 8,0001wo.g. wul b. .prr«n.»d. ate kniiiiiiliii