Admit Retii^ai^, MQMaW.4r-Tb« R.asai»n Qsntn)! tront torew^ reported k two - fiew smuhlDs Tictoiies yeaterdar !n a coBUnalng eonnter - offeo9lTe which waa ■ declared to have thrown the Germans back on Smolensk with 10,000 dead _ or The latest successes oHlcislly announced by the Soviet com mand in Its afternoon, communi que, indicated clearly that the jpewetion was spread over a wide area. In one sector, it was said, fiO tJermen tanks, 24 field ^iins M I . machine guns, ^3 mine'throwers and great quantities of smaller arms and munitions were cap tured or smashed. In another. Red artillerymen in da'y-long fir - Ing reported smashing 46 Ger man machine-gun pits, ten mi.'ic throwers, 15 Nazi artillery hai- teriei^ a series of infantry dugouts and Mamunition dumps. U. S. I* Convosang Supplies To Britain IK Washington. — American war- .ships are convoying as far as Ice land shlp.s of all flFSs carrying war supplies to Britain and lier • allies, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox revealed yesterday. It was the first official disclo sure tha,t the U. S. Navy hrs un dertaken convoying as part of President Roosevelt’s orders to protect merchant vessels of all nationalities in American defonso w'aters and to shoot on sight all German or Italian warcraft en tering areas. Knox told a press conference that t'le navy is using all known naval means of protecting lend- lease cargo ships, including con voying. The disclosure came when he was asked whether the navy was convoying war shipments to Iceland en route to Britain. Said Knox: “The escort of convoys by war vessels is only one of the meth ods that can be used and arc being used in all our defensive Legion Reverses Stand On Conflict, Favors All Out Aid ^^Inber 'Se|itMii> \PrVO(^pI^, ... Twentf^lg WIlltM then left ' here Tuesday for Port Bragg, to be inducted Into the army as selectees. Wilkes -board numbec-inne fur ' nished 14 and boarfl hum-ber sent li. ' ■ Those going from, board num- i.her 1 were: Lester James Keaton, dllaude Lester Spears, Prank Alonzo, Pearson, Ernest Lee Johnson, Glenn HarrlBon Shoe- mr ker. Garland Frank Fairing-., ton, Thomas Woodrow Russell,.. Hugh Livingstone, James Virgil McLean, James Washington HoWr. ell, Isaac Curry, Armstrong Par-^ij due, John Oscar Rob-inson and Royal Edward Barnett. Going from board number 2 were: Archie Franklin McNeill, lerder, Barnie Reeves, assistant leader, Carl Patrick, Carl Black burn, Harvey Odell Holbrook, Ancel Randon Gentry. StAey Brewer, Albert Dewey Wood, Chester Chelch Sparks, Granville Fred Baldwin, Jasper Thurman Walker and Weldon Robert Ho gan, who was transferred from McDowell county board to the local board for Induction. Wilkes board number one has completed the task of mailing questionnaires to all registrants. Including the second reglsrfation, ■ Board number two is nearing the end of the first registration list and has mailed questionnaires to many of the second registration. The next call will -be on Octo ber 3 for Wilkes boards. Board f „ number one will furnish 16 and Plere is shown the WPA Bookmobile, which will carry excellent lib^ry tacilities number 2 win send 21. to every community in vVilkes county. The schedule of the Bookraobue ^may be j found elsewhere in this newspaper. J Hprse Show Will Be Feature FVidily and Ford Wi)l Be Given Away Satnrdhy t j. Governor .T. M. Broughton, who stopped in North WUkes- boro Monday night en ronte to Lenoir, where he delivered an address at the Caldwell Oen- tennial celebration Tuesday. Governor Broughton had din ner at Princess C.afe and sev eral of hi.s friends greeted him there Monday n*ght. Local Lady Gets Fifty Dollars On Appreciation Day Ai r Obse Operators Are Named Milwaukee, Wis..—The Ameri- can Legion yesterday reversed i 23-year stand a.gainst creation of a .second American expedition«ry force and demanded repeal of the neutrality law in an all-out effort Ten Posts Set Up in Various Parts Of Wilkes County Rev. L. B. Murray Suffers a Stroke to defeat Hitler. ^ Resolutions pledging .-:r.pport ^ Operators and Chief Assis 4^of the administration and “con fidence in our President” went booming through the annual con- vention without d&bate amiil up- roarious approval of 50,000 non delegates attending the session. tants Get Instructions; May Get'Practice W. H. McBIwee. chairman of ■ the Wilkes county committee on 1 i;"rsu"rpreTct;:rt::'"s:itt Civman Defense, said today that ^ *r trt nTAnrtr> warning observrtion post ob- for convention leaders to prepare j - i opposition to it, a proposal was servers and their assistants for rSi°d r«om™"a.n. 1. - ■>“«> Wdto resignation of Secretary of La have been appointed and have le- bor Frances Perkins and it was celved their instructions, passed by unanimous voice vote. The ten posts in Wilkes will Delegates entered into pro- be pert of on air warnin.g service longed debate on a minority reso- throughout the country and op- lution condemning lend-leas^ aid erators will be instructed and to Russia but after an hour’s trained to render valuable service bitter discussion the propo-’-n! wa, in case ol tabled by a vote of 804 to 604. ■ It is expected that tl e> lull Atter the Russian issue hrd get their first real prac ice dur- provoked an exchange lietween ing army maneuvers next month Rev, L. B. Murray, well known Baptist minister, who has made his home in Edwards township for a number of years, suffered a stroke of paralysis at his home Sundry night. j Rev. Mr. Murray was reported ' as being unconscious last night, and his condition serious. The well known minister ha= served as pastor of a number of Baptist churches in this section of the state. Christmas Seal The W. P. A. Bookmobile will begin a , demohStkMjba . 4 Rural Qyer 30 &itri^ Forty*Nine MU* Award* Be- cau*e They Were Not Pre*ent Wedne»day Miss Dessie McNeill, of North tember equipped A. owned about and each month row books akis. sent from the state office to be added to the col lection now m the county. Suiiervisbr’s Statement The Bookmobile is to be spon Eleven Bigr Events Planned; Very Successful Show Is Anticipated i.ic V- — -r—; Over 30 entries have been re sored by the Wilkes County Li- (.givgj foj the horse show to be __ .a a. n —I-.,.*- brary Board and the -.Wilkes Coun ty Board of Education. C. B. El ler, superintendent of schools, through demonstrating to these groups-wishes to establish a per manent rural library service for the people in Wilkes county, one which will - serve the schools and the coipmunities far and near the county library. A library service which will give the books to every one, everywhere. They want a li brary service which would give you books and a Bookmobile of your own, and one that will serve all the people all the time. The books on the Bookmobile are being, “goodwill ambassador during the next week In North Wilkes boro. The award was made Wednes day afternoon,, four o’clock, dur ing the first “Appreciation Day’’ celebration. ^ “Appreciation Day’’ will be a regular Wednesday feature here provided by cooperative effort among many North Wilke^oro merchants. In addition to the cash award each Wednesday, details of which can be learned froni partlclpaltng other ! The Great Northwestern Pair’s 1941 exposition is progressing very successfully on the fair grounds In this city. As the fair played host to school children a record opening day attendance was set on 'Tues day and Tuesday night. In addition to the regular fair program with many features, two added attractions were scheduled. Today "Suicide Bob Hayes’ Hell Drivers’’ thrilled a large crowd with daredevil acts on the track in front of the grandstand and on Friday afternoon a horse .show will be an added attraction. Exhibits of exceptionally high quality in many departments have been subjects of much fa vorable comment. Brushy Moun tain communities again demon, strated their leadership in qual ity apple production as orchard- ists placed a dazzling display of apples On exhibit which H. R. Niswonger, extension horticul turist and judge, .said could not be excelled. He was high in his praise of the apples at the fair this year, as to both quality and quantity. Nrthaii Davis, of Pores Knob, took first place and his mother, .Mrs. D. E. Davis, second on com mercial display. Several others were also of very high quality and appearance. J. W, Brown and Ralph Brown, Of Traphill, were first end second with general farm exhibits -- t^AlllUllS of received., .high meHt mmwt eoa hAlnir. **erAodwilI amb&AfiAdOf'* tfllziod innM YnTT talned more tliaii llfil^ products which were all produced, on their farms. Meeting Oct 2 an subjects, the doctor, t\e lawyer, t'’e preacher, the mer- held Friday afternoon, 3 o’clock, at the Great Northwestern Fair, T. S. Kenerly, manager for the horse show, said today. It will be the first horse show ever staged here and -promises to merchants, there will be be very successful in every re- entertainment features which no spect. In' addition to entries of one will want to miss. The award Wilkes animals, there will be will be made at the corner of some excellent horses from other Main and Tenth streets Wednes- points. Including polo ponies from day. four o’clock. Winston-Salem. Miss McNeill, who said she was The parade of entries, which going to tne 850 to dress will be preceded by the North up" and was going to spend it Wilkesboro high school band with North WUkeshoro’s friendly around the trrek. will be at two merchants, was overjoyed with -'’cloek and the first of the 11 in- the $50 awrrd. , , j .q teresting events will get under She was the 50th selected. 49 DU-ir> M-ling Will B»--s y»» fi"-* » WJ J , J ^ Na„e. ot m. «. Ic.m., .ni. H,M A, Worn,-.-.’, Club -- ,>■.« ."L.T bal House In This City !■ i. team or horses or mores, emnor,toem_ o , _ serve those who are nut neai — i, , i a ia r The Christmas Seal Sale meet-fenough to come to the county li- ’’ace and for bes a y r e . 1 T'ho hrrrce ahoW' IS expecte not near Senators Tom Connallj- '!)■. Each operator appointed ha.s a (Continued on page eight) Te^r'and Bennett Cham'p Clark telephone and the posts were (D) Mo the convention recessed distributed throughout the cou i- until this afternoon. ty as much as possible where Connally. chairman of the Sen- telephones '®.. ; »te foreign relations committee, | Operators and their chief as ing of the northwestern district i brary. will he held Thursday. October; These Books Are Free “"T“ ‘“lfr,,t?rre‘hrine”made 4.n .• .11 2, at the North Wilkesboro Worn-j for old and books for entertainment in addi- At BsiptlSt HOHlC an 8 club. The meeting will be young, fiction and non-fiction, jjjg regular features of the ^ S6SSiOn, I hfNnlrc am) ni/»hirA hrknlris ’fnt* _ . ,«ld the opposition^ to_ Russian ,sistants haje been appointed as li^would Ue the administration’-’' follows: A. T. Nichols and Mrs hands in pursuit of its declared'A. T. Nichols. Wilkesboro route foreign policy. Clark denounced j one: C. K. Morrison and Mrs C. Conna^ly^s position a, comfort to K. Morrison. fifth columnists in the United I F. L. Parks and Mrs. F. I- Parks. The horse show' is expected to attrret a large afternoon crowd and arrangements are being made S. S. Association The 4-H corn exhibit with 24 ten-ear trays is one of the best to be seen anywhere. The entire exhibit, which won community display first prize in addition to individual awards, was made up of “Wilkes County White.’’ The exhibit is attractive and of high quality. Hutchinson boys from Abshers iisT-o rnomc excellent baby beeves which will go on to Raleigh for competition at the state fair next month. ■ divided into a morning States, but his words were shout ed down by boos. WPA Supervisors In Meeting Here Supervisor of Woman’s Pro jects In Eight Counties Here Tuesday Rorring River; Mrs. J. W. Flet cher and Clarence Fletcher, North Wilkesboro route three: B. C. Roop and Mrs. B. C. Roop, North 'Wilkesboro route one; F. F. Bumgarner and Mrs. F. F. Bumgarner, Wilkesboro; Dr. J. G. Bentley and Mrs. J. G. Bent ley, Pores Knob; Mrs. Jennie Vannoy and Miss Ora Vannoy, Reddies River; J. B. Bell and Mrs. J. B. Bell, Ronda; G. H. Walker and Mrs. G. H. Walker, Boomer. Supervisors of women’s pro jects of the WPA in the western half of this district met at the city hall here Tuesday for an all-day conference. The meeting of supervisors from eight counties was called by Miss Euzella Smart, head of the women’s division of WPA In the district of 17 counties. Subjects dealing ’with admin- oration of the projects and tech- al matters were discussed dur "ing the day. Kenerly Is Page In House Congress Jesse Ward Kenerly, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Kenerly. has been appointed as page in the house of representatives in Wash ington, D. C., and assumed his duties there Monday. He received his appointment from W. O. Burgin, Eighth dis trict representative In congress. beginning at 10 o’clock, and a luncheon session at 12:15. The morning program will be devoted entirely to seal sale technique and will be conducted by the staff easy books and picture books for Children. Books that you like to read, murder Story, western story, trav el, light fiction,''etc. aiiu "111 oc -J — I The Bookmobile will make a of The North Carolina Tubercu- cQnjpigtg circuit *of this county losis Association. every three weeks. Watch for the The luncheon session will fee- notice in the paper of the routes ture a talk by Dr M. D. Bomier, and the approximate time it will superintendent of Guilford Conn-Ireach your community, and school, ty Sanatorium, Jamestown. His Where and what time It will stop, subject will he “Protect Your' There are books m the Boo^o- Home From Tuberculosis as a i ^.on for the Home Dem- Part of the NaUonal Defease Pro- gram.’’ This will be 0* interest. of hobbies Good Stage Acta On the stage a two-hour show features some of the best attrac tions ever to visit North Wilkes boro. The lady contortionist, the New York Rythmettes, Captain Happy and his crazy Fords, the Whooper horse and other fea tures furnish a show which would cost much money in larger cities. Mark.-i .Shows Rigger The midway is literally filled with John Marks Shows and rides, featuring former World’s Fair attractions and the mo.-’t popular in thrill riding devices. Fireworks GorgeoiLs Every night the fair presents a climaxing display of fireworks, being one of the few exhibitions anywhere to boast a good dis- I play of fireworks this year after fireworks materials had been re- Church Plaintitf In $100,000 Suit In Wilkes Coinrt _ J I stricted for manufacture of de- Stone Mountain munitions. The fireworks School Association Will Meet On Sept. 21 W. J. Church Ask* Big Sum From Three Companies and Two Individual* stone Mountain Sunday School association will meet with Bap tist Home church, six miles north of North Wilkesboro on Highway 18. Sundry, September 21. at 2 (old time). for the fair here were made be fore the materials were needed for dsfense purposes. New Ford Free On Saturday night the fair will give a' new Ford automobile ab solutely tree to someone at the fair. The new Ford, purchased from Yadkin Valley Motor com- o’clock p. m. ,— The devotional exercises wii! pany. Is on display all this week be conducted by Rev. A. B. at the exhibit tent at the fair. Hayes. not only to the seal sale work- - « .i. i> ■ _ u-i ... o„A «Toi want on the Bookmobile, we can ers. but to the health and wei-1 ^ t , ..l at i- t • fare workers of Wilkes county.^t « N^^h All interested citizens are invited ^ u„i If you cannot* find what you to attend this luncheon. The cost of the luncheon is 5C cents. Please notify bfrs. Boyd E. Stout, seal ?ale chairman of Wilkes county, if you plan to attend, the an nouncement said. ONE \^CE PRESIDENT Books belonging to the Wilkes County Library will be ai^d to the W. P. A. collection and will be circulated throughout the county. Following is the itinerary of the Bookmobile, giving time of arri val at points designated for stops. Monday, Sept. 22.—-Mt. View school, 9:00; Dockery P. W. J. Church, North Wilkes- boro business man and barber, ha? filed suit in Wilkes superior court against three Insurance comprnlee, their agent, and a First subject: Can we impreve, our churchea by improving our Sunday schools? Speakers, T. E Story and C. C. Gamhill. Second subject; How can n Superintendent go a-hout Imnrov- Seniors Going To U. N, C.‘Saturday deputy Insurance commissioner ing his Sunday school? Sp^kers for $100*000 damages because of J. A. Blevins, Rev. A. B. Ra.-^es^ a prosecution of Church on aj Third s“Wect: ’The store of charge of arson In Alamance knowledge gained hy the Sund. y Office Boy: ‘I think I know what’s wrong with the country.’’ Bank Executive; “What s that son?’’ Office Boy; “We .are trying to run the country with only one vice president.’’ county. Actual damages of $60,000 and lew punitive damrges of $60,000 are ' oIa a O asked in the suit; one of the larg- progrwslve Sunday school aid a ® . pastor in his pastorlal work? school. Speakers, J. A. GlUiam and John R. Jones. Fourth subject: How does a 10:00; Absher, 10:46; Double'est Urtal amount evpr naked in a Creek school (Book,,St.),-’ 11115; j damage atstlon la thia ipart of Joynes P. O.. 12:00; Traphill the state. ' school, 12:30; Roering Gap Complaint in the * a^on has school. 1:30; Pleasant Ridge been ffl^ tiy Banaaa_'iyrette. of school. 2:46: Benham P. o' 3:80; Nwlh Nmeeborq, J-• »• (Continued on page eight) ^ Speakers, Dr. John W. Klncheloe, Jr. and Rev. 8. L. Blevins. Fifth subject: My experience as a Sunday school teacher. Speak ers, Mrs. W. V. Luffman and Mra. J. U 'Oragory. Many seniors of Wilke? high schools will be guests of the Uni- yerslty of North Carolina’s “senior day’’ Saturday at Chapel Hill. Seniors from North Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro and several of the ru ral schools In Wilkes will be among the 25.000 expected at the Univeslty Saturday. The festiv ities at Chapel HiU will begin at 10 .a. m. and there will be a fall dey's program. Including the Carolina - Lenoir ^ Rhyne football game in the afternoon. ?.■?. •?