- lUBSDAYfeSBPT. 25. n» omen’s Church, Civic And Social Activities MISS MAMIE SOCKWELX., Editor—Phone 215 JOUSHAL-PA N(»UrH lew Nodd Fwds'^^ Ford'Curran Marriage In California Aug. 30 Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Ford an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Mildred Elizcbeth, to Lyle Clifford Curran on Satur day, August 30, in Saint Monica’s church, Santa Monica, California. Miss Ford was a former resi dent of North ^’ilkesboro. D. A. R. Chapter Met Tuesday Afternoon The September meeting or the Rendezvous Mountain chapter of the Daughters of the .\meric?n Revolution was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. Williams with Mrs. R. G. knley as associate hostess. The neeting opened with the usual ritual after which Mrs. Claude by Mrs. Jack Brame. Refresh, ments were enjoyed during the social hour that followed the meeting. i Social Calemlkr The B>*e6utive Board meet- big of the Woman’* Society of ChristlAn Service of the North Wflkesfcoro Methodist ehurdi will be held at th^ home of the president, Mrs. Bdd F. Gardner, Friday evening * at 7:30 o’clock. It Is hoped that everyone will he present for Mrs. Gardner is ver>- anxious to have a hundred per cent atteil- dance of the members. Fa Hohnan Bible Class Holds Monthly Meeting- The Ila Holman Bible class held its September meeting or Thursday afternoon at the ^^me of Mrs. G. W. Watts with Mrs. Zeb Davis as co-hostess. Twelve members were present. Mrs. Ev- eret' Tedder led the devotionals. using as her theme “Love.’’ with each member quoting a Bi ble verse with a brief comment. Mrs. Sherman Colvard. the, president, held the chair during' at Wilkeshoro. The groom is a the business session. The follow- gQ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Philo H"!!, ing officers were re-elected for of North Wilkeshoro route one. the Incoming year: President. the rresent time the counle j Foster and ''Mci'Ieill At Preriew Of New Fords In Charlotte z' The new model Fords for 1942 were shown to defiers and sales men at a preview'in Charlotte Tuesday. Yadkin Valley Motor company, local Ford dealer, wag represent ed by A. F. Kilty,' president, and Raymond Foster and Q. A. Mc Neill. of the sales personnel. They report that the new model Fords, which were shown in fll body tjmes, and also the new trucks, received high praise from those attending the show. Dealers and salesmen were sur prised at the many changes made .t. j.iPAG8^ a ♦^rac-* T*“a'' Anderson Is Bride of Mr. Wall Mr. and Mr». Sam Anderson, of North Wilkeshoro route one, notmce the marriage of their | and the number and significance dauehter. Grace Dean, to Bruce j {,( j^e improvements incorporated N. Hall on September 13. 1941.|]nto tj,e new models, which are ""■* ■“ outstanding in quality and appear ance. Definite Jate war not set, but ^eet.ng openea wun rue usua. year: President. At the rresent time the counle ,t e.xpected that the new models ritual after which Mrs. J; Mrg. Colvard; first vice-president, are making their home with the ! Doughton the Mrs. Brin Doughton: second vice- bride’s sister, Mrs. Bud Watts, in | October 3. for the business session duri g j r Turner; the Fairplalns community. following news story about which time plans were made for attending the district meeting in Statesville Friday. For the pro gram Mrs.' Finley read an ad dress of the President General. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served tea with sand wiches and cakes. Mrs. J. H. Whicker, .Tr. Is Bridge Club Hostess The members of the 8th Col umn Bridge club were delightful- ■|y entertained by Mrs. J. H. Whicker, Jr. Monday evening, having all of the club members present. The top score prize in Uhe game, which was played at two tables, went to Mrs. Vt illiani Prevette. Refreshments were served at the close of the game. Four School Buses In Wreck in Forsyth the Ford dealers meeting appear- ! ed in yesterday’s Charlotte Ob- Fellowship vice-president, Mrs. Carl Bullis: Assistant Fellowship vice-president. Mrs. Collie Parker; Ministers vice-president, Mrs. G. W. Watts; Assistant ministers vice-president. Mrs. Everett Ted- Winston-Salem, Sent. 23. — der' secretary, Mrs. Charles Three Forsyth school bus drivers i .. u Steelman; assistant secretary, fgce court charges in con- a tendawe the Charlotte brrnch Mrs Chas. Howard; treasurer, section with a fonr-hus accident of the Ford Motor company was Mrs. T. M. Foster; reporter and which five children wore in- puhlicity chairman, Mrs. R. L. jm-ed, authorities disclosed today. Wellborn. The accident, which involved server: “^’ith a total of 1,085 Ford dealers and salesmen of North Carolina and South Carolina in The hostesses served refresh- four busses from Griffith school, ments during the social hoilr. Ladies Bible Cla.ss Met Tuesday Evening Mrs. W. H. Duhling and Mrs. J. M. Crawford combined hospi tality to the members of the Young Ladies Bible class of the North Wilke-^boro Methodist ^ Haye.s-Pardue Marriage Vows -\re Announced nirrria.ge of much interest throughout this section of the state was that of Mi.ss Rebecca Haves and James Stacey Pardue, which took place Saturday after noon. -August 13. at York, S. C„ with Judge E. Gettys Nunn offi ciating. Mrs. Perdue, youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayes, of Hall Mills, is a graduate of reportedly occurred last nesday. Highway Patrolman J. A. Len non stated that charges would he placed pgainst Denver Wlwte, James Brewer and Allen Sneed, divers of three busses. 'The in vestigation showed no evidence of any traffic violation by Roy Snyder, driver of the other bus, the officer said. Names of the injured children were given as Robert Miller, Ji.. Buck Martin. Irene Everhart, Willie Gray Ragsdale rnd Homer Martin. Their hurts were chief ly bruises, it was said. x^orui W llAt5'5UUI U , U I in church in their monthly meeting North Wilkeshoro high school in °nuiT. rtJ“". I ;r, trUf .r. „v,,..rts-av.. „t,h.p,»W»t.hebu.lne»,p.r.,rt,r.„ Strl. Te.ch.rs cPlto “, . of the ''colv'aTd ^during i ’"mT Pardue, the only son of drug store. by Miss Ruth Colvard. Quring i>ir. Pardue of Woman: Mv baby hrs swallow- which time new officers for i/'a gfad^are ^f ed a buUet. ^^Gl^t sha.i I do2 Wilkeshoro high school in the I Druggist: Give him ,?ome cas- class of ’3 6 and is now connected tor oil. but be sure you don t in business with hfs father" who point him at anyone. special aispiay ai, luc is a contractor. Mr. and Mrs. And there was the little girl j improvements in mechanical effi- Pardue will make their home who ate bullets so her hair would , ensuing year were elected as fol lows: President. Mrs. E. Hight Helms: vice-president, Mrs. .M. B. McNeil: secretary. Mrs. W. H. Duhlir.g: and treasurer, Mrs. W. Gaddy host to a big convehtion here yesterday at the Armory-Audi torium and Hotel Charlotte where uiiuui, the 1942 model Fords, Mercurys Wed-1 and Llncoln-Zephyrs were pre- ^ sented. “The meeting got under way at the armory yesterdpy morning at 10:45 o’clock. The dealers and salesmen assembled in the center of the armory, following which the meeting was officially open ed by C. A. Burgdorf, assistant manager of the Ford branch plant here. “The rddress of the morning was made by J. J. Donovan, manager of the Charlotte branch of the Ford Motor company. Mr. Donovan’s talk centered around the promotional plans of the Ford organization, the outlook for the Coming winter months end the iniprovementj in the new Fords, Mercurys and Llncoln-Zephyr cars. Mr. Denovah also presided over other phases of yesterday’s meeting. “At noon the new models were | presented to; the dealers in a special display at the armory. Uf^onj tPjmrpMif Ic J elidfta; y»fe tnral t&at lend stlrrinc effe^ to the meltAirama, Itself. Dortn' ifir ttnda beraelf toyB betwewi * j^er' We for the trU>al ' prince^ tJoif'Hall, and his nilainoa# - 1* ^ndn, Philip Red.I^mne Orer.^ ' Wn,' the tribe’s friendly white ihih, has his hands fail trying to keeP; the two husky yonttu from kiliihg each other. Intruding upon the ..ceremonies of the High Priest’s sacred rituals, Reed ma chine-guns the holy man by mis- take and causes the dreaded curse —the awakening of Samara, the sacred Fire Mountain, to erupt. The - entire cast, including hnn- dreds of panic-stricken natives, participate in the thrilling climax when the crater-explosion practi cally blows the entire island oft the map. Broad comedy, furnished by the inimitable Lynn Overman, serves as a breather between breath-taking thrills. Dorothy and Jon are said to top their memorable performances in “’The Hurricane.” And those who are fashlon-mldded can look fcxrward to seeing something new — La- mour’s “pareau”—a streamlined Tahitian sarong, more form-fit ting and colorful than its prede cessor. ’rae devotional period was led with the bridegroom’s parents. come out in bangs. i LIBERTY Monday Only wfmMuliM . . tWITH THC ^ /I SWfN&ING, SIN&IN& SHOW ^ Pt4H AND MIRTH/ / «i+h "i bevy -. -.. GOItOtOUS eiA0'STtPPlN6 6WHT RHYTHM GMOS ^ A MAD M£P-B.y OALAXy Of entcrtainep-s that A WILL FILL yOUP. HEART W WITH -loy ! NOTE: DUE TO THE LENGTH AND SIZE OF THIS STAGE SHOW—ONLY Two Shows will be Pre sented at 2:45 and 9 PM. '■»’S A „ SCORCHER m »T'S A »» SIZzler Now Showing ciency, design and comfort were noted in the new models. Each was more beautiful than anything heretofore presented by the Ford compi'.ny. “At luncheon the salesmen were entertained at the armory, fol lowing which a sales training course was conducted by George Barrett, instructor in sales train- i ing at the Ford branch. “The dealers convened for luncheon at the Hotel Charlotte, lollowiug which a special busi ness session for Lincoln and Mercury dealers was held at the hotel. “E. M. Chamberlain, of the general sales department in Dear born. Mich., was present and took a prominent part in the meeting. “Mr. Donovan stated that in a short while the new models of Fords. Mercurys and Lincoln- Zepliyrs would be on the display rooms of the dealers throughout th« Carolinas and the general public would be invited to inspect them.” Wilkes Men Held On Liquor Charge I Lenoir. — James Hamby and Clifton Livingston of Wilkes county were arrested by Deputy Sheriffs John Chester and Jack ‘ .Messick Saturday night at Whit- uel when the deputies discovered cargo of 15 gallons of iiitoxi eating liquors stored in the trunk of the automobile. The men were charged with transporting illegal liquor. JON HALL AND l»HILIP R®ED battles for the heart of Dorothy Lamour on a far-away Pacific isle in Paramount’s Technicolored thriller, “AJoma of the South Seas,” opening today at the Liberty. Said to be the motion picture 'pectacle topper of them all, Paramouii‘'3 “-\.Ioma of the South Seas’’ opens today rt the Liber ty Theatre, featuring among oth er exciting highspots. a movie duplication of the historic dis aster of Krakaloa — a volcanic eruption that ravrged a tropical island in 1883. Thousands lost their lives in the quake and tidal wave that followed. Its rever berations were felt half around the world and the seas it stirred up rolled as frr as the English Channel. Such is the setting which stars Dorothy Lamour and Jon Hall in what is perhaps the biggest all- Technicolored S'outh Seas specta cle ever filmed. According to the Lamour fans who attended the film’s Hollywood preview, Dorothy’s experiences in “The Hurricane” and “Typhoon” are as tame as riding through Central Park compared to the dangers she’s exposed to in her role as “Aloma.” It’s a highly romantic th lller Hostess: “Now, Tommy, why don’t you go and play with your little friends?’’ Tommy: “I’ve only got one lit-* tie friend, and I hate him.” Ads. get attentliHi—and reralta. WEDNESDAY, OCT. kt WILL BE THE NEXT When you trade with us, be sure to a:k for your coupons. We will be glad to tell you all about “Appreciation Day.” Shook Hardware Co. Headquarters For Automatic Heaters — ’PHONE 249 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. WRECKED CARS REBUILT LIKE-NEW aiHi^SMARTER CIDTHING //^srepmmmruAas/ Townclad DUNBURY WORSTEDS Clpar colors and patterns forecasting next vpa 's favorites! Handsonielv draped dou ble'breasted models. Casual sdngle breasted styles. All at this down-to-eaith price. MEN’S KNEE LENG'TH reversible top coats Here’s a coat Giat can be worn anywhere in all kinds of weather! Rich hernng- i.cnj wc^'.cs in smar’ teal shades. riEN’S FALL SLACKS ■'ril'itnt selection of sporte or dress ;»uerns for fall. Come intoday and i-.ok those over! M- Rebuilding wracked cars is our specialty. We give you an honest estimate and guaran tee our work. We con take m mighty sick looking automo bile and when you get it bock you’ll never knowriwcor wos aver wrecked Motor-Body Young Men’s ^'’Msible CORDUROYS FINGER TIP Coats 33.98 Colors of Green, Tan or Blue with Tan Gabardine Lining — Be Sure To See This Value. AC I's 'Two Tone - COAT SWEATEI« Smart panel ribbed stitch! Rag lan sleeves, zipper QQ closed frontic—- V 1 MEN’S SLACKS ' Pleated drape styles. Fall r';3i.t£!“l.,$2.9S Comfort Plus Long Wear! ■ Shirts, Shorts, Briers Form-fitting Swiss or panel rib shirts and briefs! Sanforiz ed broadcloth OC#* ahotta! TOWNCRAFT SHIRTS Superb woven-in patterns in fall’s newest stripes, figures, all-over des gns, m plain . d» 1 AQ colors and white! •“«' NEW FALL TIES All Wrinkle AQf» Resistance i- fcompare! MARATHON HATS Precision blocked fur felts! Wide brim with dJO QQ welt edge! WING TIP OXFORDS Selected leather uppers! Long- wearing lea'her A Q soles! MEN’S DRESS SOCKS Clocks, stripes, designs and plain colors. Cl Sturdy! TOPFLIGHT SHIRTS •The newest fall patterns— Sanforized with Nu- QQ^ Craft Collar JPOC NEW FALL WOOL FELT HATS For Men and Boys— QQ/» Only mi ■"