1 North The Gennan to seize K Russia’s Tltal hearr Industries. In the south and cut the Tonte of U. S.-Brltlsh aW appoared roaring to a bloody cUmat today, with the great city of Kharkor admitted ly lost. Rostov under assault and Nazi forces reportedly streaming into the Crimea. Simultaneously the Germans loosed the greatest artillery bom bardment of the war on Moscow’s defenses and were massing thous ands of tanks preparatory to a grand assault on the Red metrop- _^is, ; With the admitted tall of Khar- ^T. which the Germans claimed Saturday, went control of Rus sia’s greatest industrial district. The city of nearly 1,000,000 pop ulation. often called Russia’s “Pittsburgh,'’ is the administra tive and economic center of So viet metallurgical, coal mining, chemical and heavy iiidustries. Radio Moscow said the Ger mans took the city at the terrific cost of 120,000 men, 450 tanks, 200 big guns and .2,000 vehicles and entered it only after Soviet defenders had evacuated “all the most important’’^ factories, rail way rolling stock, raw materials and stores. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.. MONDAY, OCT. 27th, ~ ifOO Out Knox Reveals More Detail About Kearny Washington.—Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox diclosed yes terday that the crack U. S. Des troyer Kearney, torpedoed by a German submarine in the North Atlantic on October 16-17, had been dropping depth charges in defense of a merchant ship just before she was attacked. He Issued a fromal statement revealing additional information on the attack, in which 11 of the Kearny’s crew were killed and 10 injured, shortly after intimating that the sinkin.g of German sub marines by American forces may not be announced by the navy. County Meeting Home Clubs Held .Jk!r», T. W, Fer*ason Elect ed President Of County Council For Year Meeting of home demonstration club in Wilkeshoro Tuesday night was a combination of achieve ment jjay. fell federation and county council of clubs. In the business session. Mrs. T. W. Ferauson was elected presi dent. Mrs. J. P- Pardue. vice president, and Mrs. Troy Redd ing, secretar.v. Mrs. F. T. Moore. ^Jpresid3nt for the past two years. V nri presided. Ti. W. Shoffner. of State Col lege. was tlje principal speaker and was presented by County Agent J. B. Snipes. The sneaker's subject was “'The Well Planned Farmstead.’’ which was the theme of the entire program. Also on the pro.gram were Mr. and Mr.s T. W. Ferguson, who discussed the parts of husband and wife in a well planned homestead. In addition to an inspiring tdttc, Mr. Schoffner showed tech nicolor films depicting home beautification. Girl Scout Week Being Observed There have been many things this week to remind the public that this Is Girl Scout Wdek. Girl Scouts have had a busy week, which began on Sunday night with a special union service i,at the First Baptist church. On Wednesday the Scouts Jn their meetings gave a program, featured by tacts about the life and works of Juliette Lc^w, Girl Scout founder. Two attractive window displays have been placed by Girl Scouts. # 6efugw&—From Wrath of Nature and Men Legim Port Is R Membenhip Drive In County NEW PASTC# Commander Cite* Objectives and Invites All Ex-Service Men To Participate A. F. Kilby, commander of the Wilkes post of the American Le gion, today called attention to the membership drive now under way and urged that all eligibly ex-ser vice men become affiliated with the Legion. In mrking the appeal he point ed out what the Legion stands for and asks that all veterans have a part in its program for the year. Dues, he said, are only three dollars per year and In cludes the price of the American Legion magazine. Wilkes post of the American Legion has since its organization been one of the leading civic or ganizations in the county and has promoted many worthy activities >■ ' and projects. Refugees from- the high tides cansed Just a few miles below New Orleans, by tropical hurricane, are Following are some of the ihown at left. Here Bed Cross Nurse LeUa Durand looks over children of refugee families. Right: A set which the Legion »f twins in tug of War on the liner 8. 8. Serpa Pinto. They were among the 56 refugee children from Ger- nany and Nazi-occupied counlries, brought here by the American Friends Service Committee. Edward Church Is Appreciation Day Winner $35 *_ - -J I Many Miss Awards By Not Attorney General DOV SCOUt INCedS Being Present At Appre- « «1 ciation Day Event 323 Boys Would Like To Be Scouts Talked Monday In Meeting In City Survey In Schools of Wilkes- boros Reveals Need Of Scout Troops -According to a survey of hoys in North Wilkesboro and Wilkes- horo schools, there are 222 lioys of Boy Scout age who have ex pre.ssed their desire to become Hoy Sroul.s. That was the pertinent fact re vealed Monday night in a meet ing of citizens at the city hall to discuss Boy Scout needs in the Wilkeshoro.s. the present time there are Kdward (’hnrch. North Wilkes- l)oro youth, received a $2.5 “Ap preciation Day’’ award in the weekly celebration held Wednes- stands and the program formu lated at the national convention: National Objective—Our pres- ent national objective Is the de feat of Hitler and what he stands for, and all diverting controver sies should be subordinated to the main objective. We appeal for un ity on this national objective. I Foreign Relations—We approve and endorse the foreign policy of the President and the Congress. We urg^ united, wholehearted and unswerving support of our govern ment's foreign policy by al} Amer icans, so we may survive In a world of tree men. We urge the immediate roperl of the so-called Neutrality Act. Basic Elements of Defense-—We want America strong enough to meet any possible attack before Call for Novembo’ Board Number One To Send 11 and Number Two Will Send 15 On Hiat Date Rev. A. C. Waggoner, who came to North Wilkesboro Methodist church, succeeding Rev. A. L. Aycock, pator for the past four years. ’The new pastor, who has been in Salis bury for the past four .years. Is a graduate of Duke rntversdty. Wilkes county draft boards have two calls for men to be fill ed during the month of October. ■ Today they received official no tice of a call on November 2d, which will follow the November 12 call onctly two we^a. ' On November 12 board number one will furnish 15 and number two will send the same number. On November 26 board number one has a call for eleven end number two is called on for 12. All the men in the two calla will be sent to Fort Bragg for In duction. Episcop^il Service Vesper service will he held in St. Paul’s Episcopal church Sun. day afternoon, November 2nd, at four o’clock, in charge of the rec tor, Rev. B. M. Lackey. ’The pub lic is cordially invited to attend. Farm Leaders Named To Administer Program • Mobile ‘Church’ iGcmian, Robcrts, lf;^ |Absher Triple A j Committee Again dav afternoon, four o’clock, on meet any posayuie aM,in;n. uc.u.c the vacant lot beside the city hall, arrives and to turn the enemy -Aliout 1,000 people gathered | back so that our homes repiain President Roosevelt has named Solicitor General Francis Biddle , ,,g' Scouts in the two towns, (above) as attorney general, to sno I ^ ^ cced Robert H. Jackson, now asso* ^ date justice of the Supreme court, Biddle is 53. for the event,, which i. staged weekly by many'”mcrchants liere, and featured by an "Appreciation Day” ca.sh award to the person selected as "Goodwill Ambassa dor’’ for the week. Seven persons were selected for the award before one was (found to he present. Those who [ missed an award hy not being present and their respective amounts follow: Curtis Nelson. North Wilkesboro, $8.75; J. W. Johnson, route three, $17.50; Marie Hayes, Hays, $8.75; Mabel Mayberry. $2.5; Mrs. Paul Bum- Rev. A. L. Aycock To Gibsonville Church Rev. .A. L. Aycock. pastor of North Wilkesboro Methodist church for the pas'" four years, left today for Gibsonville, where he will be Methodist pastor. Rev. Mr. Aycock was assigned to Oghurn Memorial church in Winstor.-Saleni by the annual con ference last week but his work wrs changed to Gibsonville in Guilford county following adjour nment of the conference. He is suceeded here by Rev. A. C, Waggoner, who had been at Co- bern Memorial church In Salis bury for four years meeting Monday night rml called | garner. $17.50; Elsie Nichols, on P. W. Eshelman, Scout com- North AV’ilkesboro, $17.50; Mar- missioner, to preside. Principal tha Lovette, $87.50. speakers were Herbert Stucky. of | j„ addition to the cash award, .Atlanta, regional deputy e.xccu- others gifts were made as follows: live, and W. E. Vauvhn-Lloyd. i pgans, string of pearls to Mrs. Scout executive of the Winston- _.\rvil Phifer: Red Cross Pharma- Salem district. j cy, bottle of Hinds lotion to Aus- It was an enlhnstastie meeting tin Lovette; Brame’s, Dr. West and file citizens present entered toothpaste and brush to Mrs. into the discussions with inncli interest. It was eener lly agreed that the financial side of Boy Scout needs here could be met without great difficulty and that a suf ficient niimlier of troops could he maintained for all hoys who wish to be Scouts if leaders will as sume the responsibility of lerder- ship. A district meeting will be held soon in Elkin, at which definite plans for meeting Boy Scout needs will be formulated. list Of 4-H Boys Who Furni^ed^ Furnilure Corn For Sweepstakes Win Given Exchange to Move Howard Phillips. ' Those who missed one of the )»ove extra gifts included: Ver non Johnson: J. I/. Pearson, of Boomer: Mrs. Ralph Wright, route throe: P.essie Byers, city: .lessie Huffman. Congo; Ray Barnes, city; R. J. Spears, Con go: Lucy .Martin, route three: E. I, . Mitchell, Mrs. Electa Goodwin, city; Imnine Blevins, route three; J. Paul Eldridge; Mrs. T, W. Fer guson. Ferguson; Pearl Dillard, Willys Palmer. Asbury C. Ballard, Mrs. Phillip Scroggs and Noler Thomas. Organization. For County Is ' Perfected In Convention Held On Wednesday intact and our famBles secure-^ j Universal Military Training and Federal regulation of war supply agencies—Removal of geographi cal limitation on movements of in our greatest potential bulwarks forces—Development of strength the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. These oceans will be onr greatest assets or worst liabilities accord ing to our strength or weakness therein. | While one warrior 4#fes out the Pledge of Confidence—We have portable organ, another testa tho confidence in and pledge our sup- public address system of this motor- port to our Government, our Pres-1 jied “church” of the Fourth division ident, our War Department, and on the Louisiana front. our Navy Department. National Defense calls for National Unity. Civilian Defense—Full and complete co-operation and collab oration with the Office of Civil ian Defense. We urge the members of The American Legion, through (continued on page four) Gaddy Motor Co. In New Building I Organization of the Triple A in .Wilkes vpas perfected in a county convention held in Wilkeshor* Wednesday morning. The convention was composed of delegates elected in meetings held in the nine official Tri]>le A committees in the county. The convention re-elected the present committee, whioh is com posed of J. M. German, of Boom er, H. C. Roberts, of Cycle, and W. M. Ahshev. of Halls Mills, with J. A. Poplin, of Ronda, first alternate member, and T. J. Mc Neill. of Roaring River, as sec ond alternate. 7'].,, then held a meeting and re elected German as chairman and Roberts as vice chriiman. I>awrence Miller wa* re-elected secretary and admin istrator and Mrs. Rosa B. Ghurch was re-elected treasurer. Red Cross Workers Appointed Firm Opens For Business In Wil^esborO School New Location West Of j u a Reddies River Has Another Fire Gaddy Motor comp-any. local Chevrolet dealer, moved today to j its large new plant located west ' of Reddies River bridge here, i The firm will be open for bus- ; iness in the new and spacious (building Friday morning. the formal community in the county has been formed for the annual Red Cross Roll call, it was announced today hy J. H. Whicker, chapter chair man. and Dr. John W. Kinchcloc, Jr., roll call chairman. The organization includes The second fire of the season ocenred in the boiler room of Wilkesboro school building Tues day morning. Some inflammable materials i« the room caught fire, but the blpze was extinguished before any serious damage was done to the building. 'The Wilkesboro fire department answered the call and the fire was put out without dif- i Date of the formal opening An organization to reach every announced later. ' Erected by the company especi ally for its business, the new plant is one of the most complete ficulty. and most modern in the state and County farmers are has faculties to adequately house ^ ^0^0 ” corn and soy- every department of the bus ness. saving labor and ex workers for“eyerr principal com-' bee^’located oTTenth Ttrlet. pense in harvesting the crops. ^ nr, A nnmtinfinn rATltpr &R - H C. Colvard, assistant Wilkes years has taken top honors. Seed ^ county agent, today announced was furnished the boys through j Wilkes Furniture Exchange, lo- thP n-mes of the 4-H club hoys I generosity of the B?nk of North catod next door to the Goodwill . ™iHon Who made such an enviable rec | Wilkesboro and the Northwestern , store on Tenth Street, will move .^Jf^^^J^eshoro. munlty and population center as well as business districts ."nd in dustrial plants in North Wilkes boro. Mrs. Qordon Finley was named chairman of a large group of uecu lVV.c»vv^%* ^ — Plans Complete For Cooking School I To Be Held November 6-7 Next Week one in Jean’s Shoppe on B. street 'taking the sweeustakes award on and the other at Carter-Huhhard county corn exhibit. Publishing company on Ninth The county exhibit of 100 ears street. ord at the state fair this year in. Bank, which furnished money to soon to the buildipg which has tial parts ^ purchase the seed last spring:. The iieen occupied by Gaddy Motor The goa . i' seed was purchased from the company on Tenth street. been se a , , , . Nichols brothers at Purlear, ori- with moving of Gaddy Motor \than any previous o Mr* Frank Welch I much competition. * - 'uiVffinrr fVlO PnrTl bled and wrs an easy winner over riely. ginators and breeders of the va- The hoys ex 1 'hititing the corn were J. M. Jg Taken By Ueatn Xicpols. Jr., Thad-leus Damell. Mrs Celia Evaline Welch, wife Felix Darnell. Clifford Jordan. Ct Prank Welch, of Deep Gap. Guy Hayes. Allen Elledge. Wil- dled todry at the Wilkes hospital. Ham Burcham, Clay '’astm Blake Funeral services, will be «on- Caudill and Charles McGlam- ducted Friday, two o’clock, at mery. Jordrn won a total of Deep Gap Lutheran church with eight dollars in individual awards AloLo Yount in charge. 'while others were also among the R^rvlving are Her huchand. one winners In addition to being in .. Mrs C C. Mikeal. of the sweepstakes award. ’ o, ■ two sons J. G. I The exhibit was made up of WeTS of Lnolr, and C. W. Wilkes County White, a locally /eieli. of Deep Gap company to their new building the Red Cross in war times is west of Reddies River bridge greatly in need of funds and i The Journal-Patriot’s free cook ing school will be held on Govern her 6 and 7 at the Woman’s Club house on Trogdon avenue. , Miss Kathleen Crow, noted lec- 'turer and home economist, will in the open 4-H cla.ss for corn were the following: Ralph Wyatt, Hoyle McNeill. Jack Brewer. Joe Mathis. May nard Yale. Shelmar Blackburn, Jackie Johnson. Ted Hamby, Tam ture firm, said today. Pardue. .Alfred Prrsons. Rex Huie. J. E. Smith, Jr.. Jesse,. Paul and Robert Hutchison, who won three dollars in individual awards. Others among.Ihe group were also -winners, Mr. Colvard said, but a complete -report had not been received today- O ailM ^ LUit::! * V. . 1 A completed, the trsk of renovating patriotic response tures"^ wiu'’L'’*featnred by actual and refinishing the hnildlng on from all citizens of ^Bkes^ ■,Jm^trations in plain view o' Tenth Street for Wilkes Fnrni-'i ^he business distr^t of Norrh ture Exchange has beun, J. G. Wilkesboro. including the Indus-^ the ladies wn^^^ Wau. manager of the furni- trial plants, has been assigned a o j Many valuable baskets of gro^ number of workers with each I ceries will be .eiven J r- -♦ foot the two-day school, along wuu than twice me amuum, Ui w«y. . r Diver- Wm space the firm has been using and ®nd to Meddles K - - -•,^ j, will receive will make possible the carrying of DdhUnS-east side o h. ^rth requ_^^ much larger stocks of furniture s de ^G LbrlllMUth At each session of the school a with greater selection in the ^ folder containing all the rions lines. '■ H. i and their friends. No ticket is recipes prepared by Miss Crow will be presented to every person in the audience. Miss Crow will demonstrate and explain new, time saving and thrifty methods of cooking. She is an outstanding authority on the culinary art and has .-n at tractive personality which adds much to the effectiveness of her lectures. All are invited to make plane now to attend the school and not to pass up this opportunity to hear and see one of the foremost practlcloners of the art of naring delectable foods in the pnd ti”-'»tle«t ways known to modem science. Remember the dates. Thnrsday and Friday, November 6 Welch, or ^ v«Hetv -which for many not been received today. rions lines. t , —r— —r . ■ —— — - ^ Lions Wffl Play China GroV^ere Fryay Afternoon 3:30 . - --•* ■ • ■ ■ . . . - - ... _

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