I THEaJOUI»lAL5>ATKiOT HaI^^^ED THfe ^I^IL OF.PBOGBESS-Ig;..TgE "STATE itler*« Foriet Go On Oefencive In Some Sectors i • Moscow, Nov. ~ 5.— — The German drive on Moscow has been stopped dead every where and in at least one area of the Donets basin the Nazis »re in retreat, "leaving behind them heaps of dead and many VOL. xxxrv, Kg. 66 for'OVER TfilR'rY'THREE yEA!^ M:. TT =*•. --T Secti^l Pttb ii*iii4 Ittd&ys and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.. THPRSDAY, NOV. 6, 1941_nfeMhe^gg»^2jH££llj£SS!£^tiR STAFF OF S El^ eiHE LlON^S ROAR” guns ’’ the Russians announced officially toight in a broadcast. The Germans now are burying their huge tanks lor use as pill boxes to counter a big red coun ter drive, the Moscow radio said, iches also are being dug for i infantrymen, it added. Ae development followed a Mg two day soviet land and air | Mfack which it was said destroy- * ■Sd 176 Nazi tanks, 25 field guns, a long supply convoy of 350 am munition and infantry trucks and 30 tank trucks, the soviets said. Last Of Soviet Defense Lines Reported Broken Berlin, Nov. 5.-.- -}er- man armies were reported tonight to have driven spearheads through the last Crimean defense line to the Black Sea and to a point only 31 miles from Moscow, but at other points on the vast Russian plains they were digging ^In to endure a miserable winter. S' The high command reported that Russia’s defense line through the Yaili Mountains on the southeast coast of Crimea had been breached and commenta tors said the red armies on the • peninsula thus had been sliced into three groups which were too hotly pursued to dig in for another stand. ?^)RDEiR IS OBEYED Cooperation Is G >en ‘Blackout’ Of lights, Signs Order To Eliminate Non-Es sential Use of Electri” * city Complied .With Complete cooperation has been extended by the people of North ■Wilkesboro and vicinity in the or der the Office of Product- tion Management for climiniation of use of electric current for non- essential purposes in order that current m.ay be saved for trans mission to areas where shoita- ges of electricity exist. The “blackout’’ of'signs, win dow display lights, theatre fronts, etc., began here Monday evening w'hen Robert S. Gihhs, Jr., maii- of Duke Power company ^mneh here, received the order and it was immediately published in the Journal-Patriot. He and other members of the Duke Pow er company personnel notified as many a.s possible who would be affected by the order. He explained that it was a federal order and that federal authorities have the btirden of enforcement. Lonesome looking street lights ligiits from passing cars do The illuminating at night (Continued on page 5) EXPEfT* CLOSE GAME Wilkesboro Will Play Taylorsville ■ '■HI Uii' Parsons Cliild Falls From Car Near Wilbar Day Honored Door of Car Driwen By Mkm Triplett, Teacher, Comes . Open, Child Falls Out Here are the students in charge of publication of the North Wilkesboro High School publication, ‘ITle Lions Roar.” The paper is published weekly by the students shown above. They are. left to right, front row, Richard Reins, Ralph Church, Justus Brewer, Edwin Long, Dickie Slocpe, Sloan Hill, and Dick Underwood: .second row, Annie Ruth B nn'.:enship, Frances Rousseau. Margaret Rhodes, itlildred Stafford (editor-in-chief), Martha Lou Frazier, Billy Trogden. Ruth Herman Elizafeth McNeil, and Brytha Jean Myers: t^rd row Hill Orlton. Tiidie Hix, Betty Gwyn Finley, Betty Hill, Daphne Gibson, June Whitesides, Evelyn Cri jk, and Vivian McNeill. School Paper Is Popular Publication “The Lion’s Roar”, North Wilkesboro school publication, is one of the most unique papers in high .school journalism. Each week a lively issue of the new magazine rolls off the mim eograph machine and is distribu ted to a large school and out side circulation on Fridays. Few school journalism projects have so many departments which are well supplied by the staff of 24 students. Miss Mary Parham, librarian, is the faculty adTlsor ing editor; Margaret Rhodes, business manager, with Dick Un derwood a*» assistant; Ruth Herman, Tudie Hix and Bettye ’nit the editing and other worl' is accomplished by students with Mildred Stafford as editor-in- chief. The paper has departments for every department of the school and is supplemented by humorous personal Items and lit erary compositions. It carries no ^ rrances,’ advertising and Is supported en- McNeil, Eliza- rites will tirely by the nominal subscription I Blan-1 Friday, two p. Pr'C®- ' kenship June Whiteside, Dicky The staff of the new magazine re includes Mildred Stafford, editor- SlooPe. Ber • y in-chief; Jackie Frazier, manag- porters. Ruby Luella Parsons, seven- year-oid daughter of Vandee and Victoria Ashley Par»nns, of Wll- bar, died at the Wilkes hospital this morning from injuries recei ved T’uesday afternoon when she fell out of a car driven by her teacher, Mias Inez Triplett, of Purlear. According to reports received here. Miss Triplett, teacher of Piney Grove school near Wil bar, was carrying five children to their homes In her car as she left school when a rear door came . . , . open and the Parsons child, who R- V. Day, principal of Millers was standing up, fell from the Creek district schools, is presi- car to the pavement of highway, dent of the department of Rural Education, and vice president of She carried the child to the the department of District Prin- ■ttve Wilkes hospital, where examina- cipals of the Northwestern dis- lion disclosed the skull fracture trlct of the North Carolina Edu- ' cation association in Greensboro. He was elected to that office in the recent district meeting In Greensboro. Smithey Child KiUedByA^ In W^esboro -A 4 Cwr' DrWvii Bv Mrs. Zefc Dk^ HiU Oii«B Siiutli> ey, Asre Six, Wednesday Hill. associate editors; Carlton, sports editor; Richard iwn Reins. Edwin Long, and Sloan I Surviving the ^ Hill artists; and Evelvn Crook., brothers and one sister. David Billie Rudd Trogden Justus! Richard and Virginia Parsons, ’ ) Brewer, Daphine Gibson, Frances ■ at home. The Journal-Patridt Cooking School Begins Last. Session To Be Held Friday, Three O’Clock Coca-Cola for Ladies At Cooking School Through generosity of Coca- 1 Cola bottling company of North Wilkesboro. Coca-Colas, the na- , tionally famous drink, will be , ! served free to ladies attending Miss Kathleen Crow Delights tj,e Journal - Patriot Cooking Crowd With Lectures | school this and F'riday afternoons and Demonnstrations ' Game At 1:30 Friday Will Be Feature Of Senior Day At Wilkesboro Friday will be senior day at Wilkesboro high school and the Senior class has invited seniors of all the other high schools in the county to be their guests at KVilkesboro. Feature of the day will be the football game between Wilkes, boro high school’s Ramblers and Taylorsville high school team. The game will start promptly at 1:30 on the Wilkes- boro field and all seniors in the passes to the Firs! session of the Journal- Patriot cooking school was held this afternoon, three olcock at till' Woman’s Club house on Trog- don street, with a good attend ance of ladies 'vho were deligh ted with the lectures and dem onstrations tiy Miss Kathleen Crow. noted home economist, and the other features of the sctiool. Several prizes were given and many additional prizes are re.ady for those who attend the final se.ssion on Friday afternoon, three o’clock. The prizes are val uable, things every lady can use in the kitchen. Miss Crow more than lived up to advance notices as she pre pared delicious foods in full view of the captivated audience. She did it very interestingly and with such lucid explanations that any lady attending can accomp lish equally good results with the help of recipes distributed. .Members of Miss Evelyn Sharpe’s home economics class es in North Wilkesboro school assisted Miss Crow in prepara tions tor the session Coca-Colas were served as gifts from North Wilkesboro Co- i ca-Cola Bottling company, which also gave each lady attendin.g a copy of the highly valued flow- ’ er arrangement book which has | become popular and useful. i The Journal-Patriot is gratified at the success of the session to. | day and most cordially invites everyone within reach to attend the final sessi^i Friday after noon. four o’clock, at which time Miss Crow will continue her in Trogden streel. The Journal - Patriot, sponsor of the cooking school, apprecia tes the cooperation on the pa.-l of tlie Coca-Cola Bottling com pany here, wliich will also give lo eavh lady at the cooking school a heaiitifnl flower arrangement hook. SCHOOL HEADS G.ATHEK Long President of Schoolmasters Organization of School Prin cipals Perfected In Meet ing Tuesday Night no PRELIIjHNARY WOUK Made For Units School Building Program cemetery be conducted m.. at Parsons near Wilbar. 4- Sheriff Collecting 1941 County Taxes Wilkes county tax books for 1941 have been turned over to Sheriff C. T. Doughton and pay ment of 1941 taxes may now be -made at the sheriff’s offtee. . . Taxpayers ifett)(ftfBf’''"fB •pay| ulhtu year their count: taxes now before any penalties are added. Architects Have Completed Field Work and Have Turned In Part Plans Mr. Day is a native of the eastern part of Wilkes. He atten ded Ronda high school, received his B. S. degree at North Caro lina State College and later his Master of Education degree at Duke University in 1940. He did graduate work at the University of Chicago in 1934. He taught vocational agricul ture at Burnsville for three years and one year was teacher of science and coach of athletics at Witfcwboro.. He is now in his Lonnie Odell Smithey, six. year - old student of Wilkesboro school, died at seven o’clock Wednesday evening from Injuries received when he was hit by a car driven by Mrs. Zeb Dicksos In Wilkesboro Wednesday morn ing. The child, a son of Mrs. Pearl Eller Smithey, of West Wilkesbo ro, was on his way to school and was crossing Cherry street whea he was hit by the car driven by Mrs. Dickson, who was on her way from her home at Mountain View to Moravian Fails, where she *8 a member of the school faculty. The right side of the car driv en by Mrs. Dickson struck the child. He was carried some dis tance on the car before he fell to the pavement and was run over by the car, according to reports by witnesses. Mrs. Dickson, who said she wa» unable to dodge the child and that the accident was unavoid able on her part, carried the boy to the Wilkes hospital. Both legs were broken, his shoulders were crushed, there were severe abdominal and head Injuries. No hope was ever held for his recovery. His mother Is the widow of the late Sam Smithey. She has four other children. Howard, Florence, Alma and Beatrice Smithey, all at home. ru. i» m/w lu uao at Millers Creek aS ^farSinltliey had gone-from her principal. The school la second largest in the Wilkes system. Wilkes Farmers Asked To Market Scrap Iron .\rchitects have completed pre liminary plans on some of the proposed buildings for the Wilkes school system, C. B. Eller, coun ty* snperintendfint. said today. Coffey and Olson, of I.enoir, and Benton and Benton, of Wil son were employed to make the preliminary |)lans and esti mates on needed tn!ildings and additions ie every school district in the county. This information will lie filed >■' prepar.Tlion for the calling of Walter, Nichols Get High Degree In Masonic Order Wm. T. Long, superintendent of Wilkeslioro district schools, was elected president of the Wilkes Copiitv Schoolmasters Club in its meeting held Tuesday evening at Wilkesl'oro school. Zeb Dickson. Mountain View (Continued on page 5) Ian election on a proposed county iliond :s.sue to finance tlie school I liiiilding program. I The two architect firms have completed field work at the .schools and proposed sites and are now placing the plans on pa per tor study by the county school authorities and as the basis for cost estimates. Join the American Red Cross. C. P. Walter, of this city, and John W. Nichols, who lives near Miller’s Creek, were given the super - excellent masters degree in the assembly of Masons ir. Charlotte Thursday night. A large number of the dignitaries of the Masonic lodge in the Caroli- nas was present for the meeting including C. B. Schulenherger, North Carolina Grand Master He is a former resident of this city, having been connected with the Deposit ami Savigns bank here many years ago." It was the first conferring of the super - excellent masters de- ,gree in Charlotte since 1933. jThe degree was given to fifty i prominent Masons. county will get — - hame Those who arrive late Iteresting lectures and demonslra ire invited to go directly to the ,tions. She has an enviable reputa- I ition in the cul'nary art. having ^^Ceach R. E. Caldwell has put ' been especially trained in Spry the Ramblers through long drills Research kitchens following her ’hU week in preparation for the scholastic career in classes by Taylorsville game. Wilkesboro has improved after a wobbly start this season and last week held a fevered Griffith eleven to a scoreless tie. The Wilkesboro - Taylorsville game will give fans an opportuni- to size up the relative strength the Wilkesboro and North keoboro teams, who will here next week in the an- p_. wikes county classic. North WHkestero defeated TaylorOTllle M. '-’V famous home economists. Banks Will Close On Armistice Day Chairman Of Agricultural Board Appeal tncreased Flow of Scrap Iron From Farms Ask ed; Lowe Firm Buyer All urgent appeal to farmers of Wilkes county to market their scrap iron as a part of a national scrap iron collection campaign was made this week by J. .M. Ger man. chairman of the Wilkes County USDA Defense Board. Iron and steel collected will be used in the national defense pro gram. Mr. German said that Secre tary of Agriculture Wickard has called on American farmers to cooperate in the national cam paign now under way to help pro vide necessary iron and steel sup plies for the defense program. Information received by the de home to work in a cornfield for a farmer near Wilkes.'ioro. and was there when she was told' of the tragic accident to her son. Earlier . in the morning the question arose of whether or not Odell should attend school yesterday, he is said to liave told his mother that he wanted to go every day, to finish school and get to be a good ball player. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, two o’clock, at Shady Grove church west of Wilkesboro. GETS SIX DOLLARS Hurt In Winner Of Award Here Throng Attends “Apprecia tion Day” Celebration Ow Wednesday Afternoon ronrlland Hurt, an employe of the Carter-Hnbbard Publishing company, received the "Appreci ation Day’’ award Wednesday af ternoon at the celebration held at the city hall in the presence of the largest crowd yet to assemble for the weekly event. His award was $6, which repre sented five per cent of the $120 ■ treasure chest. His was the first I and only name selected for the appointment of goodwill ambas- ^dor and the cash award. Had he noi been present other names selected until I would have been dc. fense board emphasizes that found who was present. America needs all the scrap iron ■ •■Appreciation Day’’ celebrations -nd steel it is possible to get. he' Wednesday after noon, four o’clock. declared. Steel, he said, not only is needed for production of muni WANT DAIRY PLANT Wilkesboro Site May Be Selected For Dairy Plant H. A. Cranor Property Near His Home Being Survey ed; Wells Are Tested Both banks here will be closed on Tuesday, No vember 11. which will be Armistice Day and will be generally observed as a holiday throughout the country. • * At th.e request of Dick Reynolds, Winston-Sa lem's mayor, mayors of North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro have appointed local sponsors for the football game between N. C. Sta^ college and V. P. I. at* Bowman Gray stadium in Winston-Sa lem Saturday afternoon, 2:30. Mayor R. T. Me- Niel, of fi'is city, apDoin*^ Miss Billie ,.Bam^ left, who will have Paul Haigwood as mort’ On the right is Miss ^Itba ErtAson. of im«b^ named by Mayor H. A. Cranor. Her ^rt tm be R. J. Michael, of ’Wllkesbora The lo^swn 8ors, with those a»«b Yw other northwestern take oart in the parade before the gaane and we Invited^to a reception at the home of Mayor Dick i and bf a dance. , ^ . tions, but also for making farm | •yy^T.p DAIRY PLANT machinery. ■*”“ * In a letter to the North Caro lina USDA Defense Board, Secre tary Wickard said; “T1ie Office of Prdouction Mana.gement has been putting on a drive to in crease the flow of scrap metal from the cities. They have re quested the aid of the Depart ment of Agriculture in increasing the flow of scrap from farms. I sm therefore requesting that every defense board put on a drive to get farmers to market their scrap iron and steel. The financial returns cannot be ex- nected to be very large, but the results will be important to farm- , . era and to our whole defense „ fort.’’ Carl A. Lowe and Sons, local scrap Iron buyers, will buy un limited quantities here, members of the firm said today. Farmers are being asked to market their wrap Iron at cur- I (Continued on page 5) Engineers are making a survey of a proposed site for a plant to be erected in Wilkesboro for Co ble Dairy Products company, of xiuekvu. Some property owned by H.A. Cranor, mayor of Wtlkwboro, and located near his home. Is h^ Ing considered as a possible b1*» and preliminary aurveys are un der way to dekermine whethei; or not It would he practical fo* I (Continued on page B)

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