kTiqoT^'y^TH ra« ft. ' .":ipf'=, 3fc ii 4 ,~•.^ • *,,iHi6 m«etlng of tho ^tprs of BMpttot churches in ,'^lkes conn. ^ tr> which was scheduled tor, Mon. No^S^^Mr 10, 'Is^.helnjj, post-.] j vetoed ntoliP Mon^tf' kW^bw i I 17th, dno to the State Pastors | ' Oonterei^o whlph meets at the Vtrst Baptist^ church In Asheville, Monday* of Aexjt week. Ah- Bonneements cdncernlhg the pro- Srsim for the Wilkes County Con- terence will be made in next week’s edition of the Journal- Patriot. The meeting will be held In the Reins-Sturdivant chapel. b Very Popular 'Carolina Tb-lo,’ 'three Wilkef girls who h'aVe been singing ov er tho' - air for the past few months, jsre receiving more fan to^U. «t-^|!l*toon WHKY than any other JWWJBS on regular pro grams at that station. The tpio'ls made up of Edwlna and Frances Elledge, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Elledge. and Miss Jeanettet McGrady, a daughter cf Mr; and Mrs. John McGrady. Miss Lucille McGee is pianist. Sacred and popular numbers make up their program.?, which begin at I2:45 p. m. each Sunday and last for^ one-half hour. ' NOTICE • SPECIALS • MONDAY and TUESDAY Through November Shampoo-Set-' 75- Manicure . PERMANENTS $4.00 for $2.50 ^.00 for $3.50 Grace’s Beauty Salon Grace Dearman Over Dr. Casey’s Office Their programs recently have been exceptionally well received, according to information recei ved from the station manage ment. With a halt hour program, op portunity is given for advertising and commercial announcements at low rates, states C. M. El ledge. who will be glad to furnish any information to those inter ested. Nov. 9 Deadline For Merit Exams iP MAYOR RED CROSS ROLL ClUl IptE fi November 9, 1941, has been set as the closing date for the receipt of applications for profes sional examinations for the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare and the County Welfare Departments, according to DrD. Frank T. de 'Vyver, Mer it Sy.stem Supervisor. Since this deadline will not be extended, all mailed applications must be postmarked by midnight of this date in order to be considered. No examination date has yet j WHEREAS conditions in the word today have necessitated an unprecedented peacetime extension of our Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard; and WHEREAS our national civilian defense pro^ gram necessitates a strengthening of all those services essential to the public health and welfare; and WHEREIAS no section of th*e Enited States .is free from the threat of natural catastrophe or disasr ter, such as flood, hurricane, tornado, drought, earth quake, fire explosion, epidemic; and • WHEREAS the international situation still con tinues to cause intense distress among innocent vic tims, making essential American aid to suffering hu manity abroad; and WHEREAS the American Red Cross is the only organization in our land equipped and ready, first, to assist, advise and otherwise serve the -men of our armed forces and their loved ones at home; second, to carry on in our own and every other community such indispensable wdfare progi-ams as Red Cross Public Health Nursing, instruction in Home Nursing, First Aid, Water Safety and all kinds of Accident Prevention, and through the Junior Red Cross in the schools, to act as the medium for service by our young people; third, to render protection and relief in case of afore mentioned disasters, and forth to undertake the administration of American aid to stricken non- combatants and refugees abroad; THEREFORE, I, R- T. McNeil, Mayor of North Wilkesboro, proclaim the period of the 1941 Ameri can Red Cross Annual Roll Call, November 11-22, a time during which the public spirited people of this community, both men and women, boys and girls, should make every effort to support and strengthen the Red Cross by enrolling through our local chapter as members of the Red Cross, or by renewing their memberships in it; and I further proclaim that it is the sense of all of us who are residents of North Wilkesboro and Wilkes county that our membership enrollmejit in the Red Cross must be larger than ever this year, in order to enable this great national or ganization of ours to meet whatever demands may be made upon it. ft Rev; ulkjf ftp LilMown Mrs parentB Davie o'l PetraeBopday.: .Mr. and Mrs. '^bplphu Rnegell visited tb^Vnpele, Mi^Abd Mrs. Charlie Steele ^und^'i'. Mr. visit ed friends fn a;Slini^d Taylors- siroy^jP, pp^de reekiMtlfn^ and enteriaBuuei^ for one abild for a di^,. |38 'MP clothe a cW|i {op on*fe^ $lol wJU^agant a ebUft HhjM neU I for a whole year. ^ ■" The North Wilkesboro Council will meet oA'i> ^aiday'"' 'bight, 7:80.^NomfnatleUi'hf oKlcers Will be . ohd of "Beverar tniportantl matters tor thP meeting and'all are Invited to. attend. 'Ivt ^ehlo to dc productfoj to hoc about BNdlibpriuiTe' ^toward Increieii th^ have beeaf pi kr^Rar toUl;iN)ift ^ Vftnt them *0 percent of what they need.’ Ill 11 >r Dates! OBDKft AtrtHORIZING THE 171,000 8CHOOL BBUNDING BONDS OF WILKES eXJUNTY ^ BE IT aRDBRED by the Board vlUe Sunday; » Mrs. Oble GllneiflF has a fine' .. „ .u. „„ b.™ Is Lowry Bentley. His father, follows:'✓ Odls Gilbert, was killed In a car Section T That bonds of said wreck some time ago. ' county £or*Hhe maximum aggre- Mr. Sherman Bumgarner of gate amount of $71,000 are nere- Taylorsvllle and Mr. R. C. Par- by authorized to' be issued pur- sons. of North Wilkesboro, visit- suant ed friends In this community «.™«"ded,, for the purpose^ of^re- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Watson, of Lenol^Visited in the home of Mr. InteMrs. Edward Lackey SuDds$||llvning. Mr.rand Mrs. Ned Rogers, of KannSpotis, visited friends here over the week-end. Mrs. Noaraa Porter, of Millers Creek, is spending this week with funding valid subsisting indebted ness of said county which was in- I curved by said county as an ad ministrative agency of the State for providing the uniform system of schools for the sw i months term as required by the i Constitution of North Carolina.! which indebtedness is evidenced by the following outstanding bonds of said county redeemable at the option of said county prior to their j maturity on any semi-annual in-i her grandmother, Mrs. J. B. ^ . ® terest payment date: i Phillips. $71,000 School Refunding Bonds Mrs. J. E. Greer, postmaster jjjiy 1935, payable July; here, is right sick at this time. ] _ i960, of the denomination of i We hope she soon gets well again. ' ' ’ " ■” Mr. and Mrs. John Watts and MR little daughter. Ora Lee of Tay- losville, visited Mr. Watt’s par ents, Rev. and Mrs. S. I. Watts over the week-end. 1 Mr.- and Mrs. Rom Treadawhy ^ of Pores Knob, visited in the ’home of Mrs. T. G. Davis over the week-end. been finally determined, but it is likely that the testa will be given on a Saturday toward the end of November or the beginning of December. Accepted applicants will be notified as soon as possi- I ble of the examination date. Examinations will be given m j Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, j Elizabeth City, Fayetteville, j Greensboro, Morgaiiton. New | Bern, Raleigh, Wilmington, Wil-1 son, and Winston-Salem for the people now in North Carolina. W. F. Absher Owns Real Estate Firm W. F. (Bill) Absher has pur chased the Absher Real Estate business, which was operated Juniors To Begin Thanksgiving Drive council of $1,000 each, numbers 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 22; 23, 24, 33. 34, 35. 46, 46, 47, 57, 58. 59, 69, 70 and 71, bear ing interest at the rate of 5 1-2 per cent per annum, and numbers 3 to 10„ 14 to 21, 25 to 32, 36 to 44, 48 to 56 and 60 to 68, inclu sive, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. Section 2. 'Iliat a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds herein authorized when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the county debt has been filed with the clerk and is open to public in- ( spection. Section 4. 'That this order shall OS North Wilkesboro the Junior Order is beginning take effect upon its passage and , . , ~ shall not be submitted to the- vot- their annual drive at Thanks- giving time for support of the The foregoing order has been Order children’s home at Junior Lexington. The institution, best in the south introduced and a sworn statement has been filed under the County Finance Act, showing the asse.s.scd one of the valuation of the county to be $15,- is owned and 139,112.00, and the net debt for m late Tviiiv,!! soum. is ownea ana ana uiu ueut lui , I by his father, the late W. R. An- supported by the state council of school purposes, including- the pro- ‘"‘sher, and is now in charge of! the order. In asking Thanksgiv- ' '''•’d.s. to be $ 23,857.42. A Join our Lane Qe^ar Chest Christma* Club Now. By using our Lay-Away f*lan, any pay ment you make from now Until time delivery is made can be considered a part of the 10% down payments on Lane Cedar Hope Chests. a CO''" »"*' o®- BEAUTIFUL DOLL FREE WITH EACH LANE CHEST AS LONG AS THEY LAST — Be Sure To See Our Window — Rhodes-Day an order AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $196,000 RE- FUN^G bonds of WILKES BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Wilkes, North Carolina, as follows: Section 1. That bonds of said county for the maximum aggre- -rate amount of $196,000 are here by authorized to be is.sued Pur suant to the County Finance Act. amendedd, for the purpose of refunding valid subsisting indeb tedness of said county incurred for necessary expense^ and evi denced by the following outstand ing bonds dated July 1, 1935 and payable July 1, I960 and which are redeemable at the option of the county on any semi-annual in terest payment date prior to their maturity: $20,000 Refunding Road and Bridge Bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbere'd 3 to 6, to. 11, 13 to 16, 18 to 21 and 26 0 28, inclusive, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per an num. $11,000 Refunding Road and Bridge Bonds of the denomination , of $1,000 each, numbere.d 1, 2, 7,i •12, 17, 22. 23, 24, 29, 30 and 31. bearing interest at the rate of 1-2 per cent per annum, $22,000 Refunding Bridge Bonds f the denomination of $1,000 ach, numbered 18 to 39, inclusive, be.'-n iiig interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, $17,000 Refunding Bridge Bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered 1 to 17, inclusive, bear ing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, $60,000 Refunding Road Bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered 1 to 10, 22 to 31. 43 to 52, 64 to 73, 85 to 94 and 106 to 115, inclusive, bearing in terest at the rate of 4 3-4 per cent per annum, and $66,000 Refunding Road Bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered 11 to 21. 32 to 42. 53 to 63. 74 to 84, 95 to 105 and 116 to 126, inclusive, bearing interest at the rate of 5 1-2 per cent per an num. Section 2. That a tax suffifeient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds herein authorized when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the county debt has been filed with the clerk and is open to pub lic inspection. Section 4. 'That this order shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to the vot ers. The foregoing order has been introduced and a sworn statement has been filed under the County -Finance Act, showing the assessed valuation of the county to be $15,- (139,112.00, and the net debt for other than school purposes, includ ing the proposed bonds, to be $1,- 047,402.44. A tax will be levied for the payment of the proposed bonds and interest, if the same shall be issued. Any ekizra or the business. •Absher Real Estate company bus become a well known firm and is expected to continue its progre! sive business. Some of the proper les now on hand are lis ted in an advertisement else where in this newspaper. I ing contributions I the orphanage, facts are given: provide fr od for iQTiifQariy_ — -r — tax will be levied lor the payment! tor support or proposed bonds and interest, j the following jf (;},g game shall be issued. Any 29 cents will citizen or taxpayer may protest 1 hungry child against the issuance of such botrds ■ A NEW WARNEA MOl TSIUMm alA WALTER BRENNAN • JOAN LESLIE GEOAGE TOSUS • tTANEEV mOeO A HOWARD HAWKS PRODUCTION riMiuA k> nCE L LA»T MAI i. VUEU for one day, seven cents will at a meeting of the board of clothe him for one day, two cents county commissioners to te held ...ill 1.1™ Jii at 10 oclock a. m., November 17, ■will give him hospital and meal, „„ aHinnmmenl- tberenf cal care for' one day, or an adjournment thereof.) - - ■ II cents c. C. SIDDEN, J will give him the tender care of Clerk of Board of Commissioners UJLEN iTri 111 III I \ Sugar 5 Pound Bag--29*^ 10 Lb, Bag — 57- 25 Lb. Bag—$1-40 Western Carolina Tender Green Beans No. 2 Can Only Coffee Rich Flavor, lb 17c 3 lb. bag 47c Master Blend, lb. 20c Royal Flavor, lb. 25c e Each Pound Custom Ground e Several Cents Savings on Each Pound PET MILK 6 25c 325c PURE LARD 4 lb. Carton 8 Ib. Carton 55c $1.07 MOUNTAIN . . Buck V^eat Flour Water GVound 4 pounds MV Pork Sausage 20 Varieties Clapp’s Strained Baby Food 4 cans 29*^ Lb. 25 Queen THE West Flour 48c 88c Rib Stew Beef 2 25*= 12 lb. 24 lb. Bag ^OC Bag The Best Flour for the Money Roast Beef 20^ Lb. NICE SIZE Pnmes> 2 fb. pkg. 15c SWEET SIXTEEN Fruit Cake Ingredients for Thanksgiving and Christmas just arrived. • LOWEST PRICES • Oleomargarine fb 15c Lean Pork Chops 30*^ Lb. Pinto, Great Northern, Navy, Small Lima Beans, Pound 6c Pt Fresh Oysters SELECTS 35^ Q. 69 Furniture Co. “Couvlete Fumiah^ Of The Home’ NortH W»Uk«WO«>« N-C. . epupty, cojga>( missionen to be held at 10 o’clock G.P. it 99 “B” SmET NORTH ^IXESBORQ, N,, . ... - X,. ™.. - ... V. - —' ■

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