MONDAY. Ml 111 in rVi, ■ry«eV;-.V>-’ V*‘ 'jf, Miss Klisabeth Jennlng*. of Lenoir, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Jennings at Pores Knob. Mr. Prank Watson was among those attending the State-V. P. I. football game Saturday in Win ston-Salem. Mrs. J. M. Palmer, of City Flo rists, is attending a florists con vention in Charlotte today and tomorrow. Miss Margaret Pritchett, of A. S. T. C., Boone, spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Jennings at Pores Knob. « Mr. E. E. Myers, of Greer, S. C., visited his mother, Mrs., T. C. Pos er, of Wilkesboro route one, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Wiles and .. V*/ , daughters. Doris and Carolyn, (2) soothes irritation, (3) relieves ! of this city, spent the week-end transient nasal congestion ... And ' ^ith Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Winters brines greater breathing irt. You’ll like mf ■($ v jf _ JOu Letu Shniniite, of North ^lUltoeboro, .route one was a vis itor In West Jefleraon Saturday. ■>r " Mr. W. J. Caroon, attended the State-V. P. I. football game in Wln^on-Salem Saturday. Mr. R. C. Jennings. Jr., of Statesville, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Jennings, at Pores Knob. Mrs. J. M. Bumgarner and daughter, Miss Helen Bumgarner, who are now residing in Char lotte, spent the week-end in ■ Wilkesboro. L, IF tTOORl FIUSDP TONtIHf fi-A ,y». m m'% Mfs Do this—Tiy S-pofwoM Va-tro-nol. It (1) shrinks swollen membranes. -VICKS it. Follow directions in folder. VA-TRO-IIOl in Laurinburg. Mrs. D. G. Wiles accompanied them home after spending a week there. N Mary Martin and Bing Crosby head ..rlk, gpoat cast of laugh-makers in Birth of Blues comiA# to the Liberty Theatre Thursday and Friday. Featured With Bing and Mary will be seen Carolyn Lee, Rochester and Brian Donlevy. Undor al^.hy TirWe o^_ er, contained in a certi' Thiist 'executed by Je. Foster and- her. ^ hnshai Foster, said Jfw corded in Book 202, w#e, Wilkea County , Jkfflstm ^ undenigned lYu8te^,;aefitilfr.M^ ing been.made in tne pflyntem m tiic note secured therwy ana « the requestholdW;,»f-a8W note, the undersigfflsd ^Stee wjll sell the land hereto des^M ^ public auction'fmr -caahf to'npnt ®^' Walter Wellborn’s Service Station, Wilkes County, North Carolina, to EYiday, December 12th, 1941 at D o’clock a. m. the following describ ed real estate, to wit Beginning on a stake former a chestnut now dead and down, W. D. Adams and W. D. Rumoles’ cor ner and running South 84 degrees East 48 rods to a white oak; tneuce North 48 degrees West 40 rods to a stone and pine in said Adams and Rumples’ line; thence South 8 degrees jWest 48 rods to the be ginning, containing 12 acres, more or less. 'This the 6th day of November, 1941. EARL C. JAMES, Trustee 12-l-4t (m) If k.-yv.. Rl, -r i?. vrfT IPIH irsi 11P' W The Picture All n r n F 1 North Wilkesboro 11 la 11 lai Has Been Waiting for -«v as A NEW WARNER TRIUMPH, with ' WALTER BRENNAN-JOAN LESLIE G£ORG£ TOBIAS • STANLEY RtOCES ^A HOWARD HAWKS PRODUCTION deduced by -lesse L Lasky and Hal B. Walhs I Ut»m PWI w A*»« rwM a mror c**m.v — swe*. a m« r-^rnm • sa Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Meadows, | A son. Terry Kent, was born of Martinville, Va„ spent the j Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Gran- week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R.C. . vllle Barlow at tnelr home on P Meadows at Pores Knob. Mr. W. B. Warner, of Wilkes boro. left today to take a job in the Martin airplane factory in Baltimore. Mr. T. H. Thompson, o£ this ctiy, was among those attending the Duke-Davidson football game at Davidson Saturday. Work is progressing on the new home to be occupied when com- ' ’ , , , , . ... pleted bv Mr. R C. Goodwin j and had as his gues , h.s and family. The new residence is !r~te, Mr, Jim HasseU, of located on Highway 421 about .J^enion. street. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kizer and their niece, LitDe Miss Betsy Keith BoBwman, and Mr. Dwight Nich ols were visitors to Winston-Salem Saturday afternoon, where they attended the State-V. P. I. foot ball game. V. P. I. won 14-13. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of thej power of sale contained in an i der from the Superior court of Wilkes county, in an action en | titled Wilkes county vs. William Dowell, and wife Mrs. William | Dowel, James Dowell and wife, Nora Dowell, Johnie Martin and wife EXta Martin. The undersigned Commissioner will on the 6th day of December Mr. Sam Smoak, who is in school 11941, at the courthwse door in — - • - Wilkesboro, North Carolina, sell highest ( V at State College at Raleigh, was here for the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. 0 two miles west of the city. Mr. Biicky Faw has returned to Rome, Ga.. where he is a stu dent of the Darlington School, after spending several days in the city with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Faw. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Smith had as their guests last week Mrs. Smith’s mother and sister, Mrs. H. | A. McLeod and Mrs. Roderick Md- Iver, and her small son, of Cheraw, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Adams and daughters, Virginia and Bei".lee, all of North Wilkesboro, -. jute one, spent Sunday in Winston- Salem with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Elledgc. Among those from Wilkesbo- ros who attended the State-V.P.I. football game in Winston-Salem Saturday were: Mayor and Mrs. R. T. McNiel,; Miss Billie Barnes. North Wilkesboro. sponsor, and escort Mr. Paul Haigwood,; May-: or H. A. Cranor, of Wilkesboro; Miss Goldia Erickson, Wilkesboro sponsor, and her escort, Mr. R- Michael; Mr. Dick Dwyn, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cawood, of .Maryville. Tenn., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Gibbs. Mr. Cawood is manager of the J. C. Penney Company store in Maryville, while Mr. Gibbs is manager of the local Penney store. Mr. and Mrs. Cawood were greatly impressed with our thriving lltttle city. Junior Order Will Meet Tuesday Night An Interesting meeting of the North Wilkesboro council of the Junior Order will be held Tues day evenfrig. T'r’SO.^Officers will be nominated and degree work will be carried out. Refreshments will be served at the meeting A large attendance is especially desird. Time Of Service At Boiling brings Changed Rev. J. G. Huffman, pastor, has announced that time of ser vices at Bolling Springs Baptist church have been changed from the first to the third Saturday night and Sunday. 11 a. m. All are invited to the church services at public auction to the —„ bidder for cash at the hour of 12 M. Noon, the following described i rdal estate situated in Edwaj-ds township Wilkes county, N. C., and, bbunded as follows; | Being two acres of land more or. less, listed in Edwards township j Wilkes county, in the name of William Dowell, in 1938, by Wil-1 liam Dowell. For further descrip tion reference is made to descrip tion found in Book of Wills No. 8, page 18, item 4 of said will “Two acres of land in the extreme, Northwest comer of my fti™ (2. acres in a square), see deed re-' -crHed in Book 90 in the Regrist^f. of Deeds office at page 316, which reference is made a part of this | complaint as if fully copied there-, ifi- . . ^ Said land will be sold for cash and to be confirmed by the court. This the 6th day of November, 1941 F. J. McDUFFIE , . ^2-l-4f (m) I “COLUMBIA” Nationally Advertised Venetian Blinds as featured in leading hom^ niagaziM*. Noted for their fine, genuine basswood slats, thoroughly season ed or baked on enamel steel slats. They harmonize with woodwork, have soft decorative lines, and are finished with a high quality washable enamel finish. a CALL US FOR ESTIMATES • Rhodes-Day FURNITURE COMPANY “Complete Furnishers Of The Home” Ninth Street North Wilkesboro, N. C. Limited Engagement—3 Days Only WED.-THURS.-PRI. November 12-13-14 SHOWING AT ROAD SHOW PRICES • — MATINEE — CHILDREN Admission Federal Tax Total ... — NIGHT ADULTS Admission - *50 Federal Tax 05 Total — -55 4 Shows Daily—Show Opens 12:45-6:45 Allen Jbeatre W A Brame, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. , ORDER .AU'THORIZING T®? Ralph Church. _] COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND j BE IT ORDERED by the Boato swh Carolina I of County Commis-sioners of the mitaSr , of Wilk.., North C.r„lin., TJndor and by virtue of the pow- as follows: , r j er of sale contained in a certain Section 1. That Imnds of said nf Tnmt pitecuted by C. J. county for the maximum aggro- THplett Same Wplett,/gate "amount of $71,000 are here-, to Eleanor Smoak, Trustee, on the by authorized to be issued pui- 29th day of August, 1936, to se- suant to the County Finance At ., cure the payment of a certain as amended, for the purpose of re note which^ote is past due and funding valid subsisting indebted- unpaid, and demand having been ness of said county which was in- made upon the said G. J. Triplett curred by said county as an ad- and said wife, Sallie Triplett, for ministratiye agency of the State payment of said note, and pay- for providing the uniform State ment refused, and the Trustee system of schools for the s^ huvine been requested by the own- months term as required by the ers and holdeT of said" note and Constitution of North Carolina, deed of trust (which deed of trust which indebtedness is evidence s duly recorded in the office of by the following outstanding bonds IP Register of Deeds for Wilkes of said county redeemable at the ounty in Book 173, Page 241) to.option of said county pnor to their cercise the powei of sale therein i maturity on any semi-annual in- jntained: . terest payment date; The undersigned Trustee will on I $71,000 School Refunding Bonds the 17th day of November, 1941, dated July 1, 1935, payable July at the courthouse door in Wilkes-'1. 1960, of the denomination of boro. North Carolina, at 12 o’clock $1,000 each, numters 1, 2, 11. 12, noon, offer for sale to the highest 13, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, p. 46, 46, bidder for cash the following real 47, 57, 58, 59, 69, 70 and 71, bear- estate: ing interest at the rate of 6 1-2 BEGINNING on a water oak on per cent per annum, and numters the South fork of Elk Creek; 3 toi 10„ 14 to 21, 26 to 32, 36 to thence South 54 degrees West 19 44, 48 to 66 and 60 to 68, inclu- Arim:««inn .36 poles to a white oak; thence South sive, bearing interest at the rate ^ ^ 68 degrees West 8 poles to a dou- of 5 per cent per annum. Federal Tax *04 |,ie maple; thence South 30 degrees Section 2, T^at a tax svrffioent Total 40 West 38 poles to a pine on top of to pay the principal and interest the ridge; thence North to a Cot- of the bonds herein authorized ton Wood, thence a Northward when due shall be annually levied course to Richey comer in the and collected. Montgomery line; thence South Sections. That a statement M Keeton line 235 poles to a stake; the county debt has been filed with thence North to the Meadow the clerk and is open to public in- Branch; thence down the branch to spection. Admission 22 Elk Creek; thence down the creek, Section 4. That this order shall rto'to the beginning, containing 75 take effect upon its passage and Federal Tax -03 ~cres, more or less. shall not be submitted to the vot- Total 25 No bids will be accepted unless ers. ■ ' jits maker shall deposit with thej The foregoing order has been ' Trustee the sum of Twenty Dollars' introduced and a sworn statement ($20) as a forfeit and guaranty of i has been filed under the County his compliance with his bid, the Finance Act, showing the asso^d same to credited on his bid when accepted, and unless said de posit is made said lands will be re sold immediately At the same place on Uie same toy and upon the same terms. EJvery deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly returned to the mater ADULTS CHILDREN upon the expiration of the perito allowed by law for filing of aa* vance or upset hid. This the 17th toy of October, 1941. ELEANOR SMOAK, ^ ll-lt-4t (n) valuation of the county to be |16,' 139,112.00, and the net debt for school purposes, including the pro- losed bonds, to be .^23,867.42. A tax will be levied' for tiie payment of the proposed bqnds and interest, if the same shall be issued. Anv citizen or taxpayer may proteat against tte issuance of such bonds af*a ''toeetiog' of the board of county copumssioaers to be bald ,at 10 o’clock a. m., November 17,i 1941, or an -.•jyi..; - Ct. Now Open Our Big New Used Car Lot is now open at our new building four blocks out on Boone Trafl. We have a good stock of used cars and trucks at this time, lk>W- ■■■ —— j ever, if yon plan to buy or trade sow, it wffl pay you to see us now. Good used ^ ^ cars and trucks are beconung y&ty scarce and hard to get due to sbwtagcol U.'. .* new cars. See us today.. Used Car Department —Phone211 — Norik Wakeubdro^ Nortli CmtoHm /

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