THE *• ^ 't. riiiT' - I . i- ' ,-i>i i,i .y* >' iuiinn DlAmw.n einair:>'mrttt' '- ' wto-tk* -Hf ■ anm mt Duke tfniranttr thv> there aw In iwHhw' eonnty wlH father at on4 pJace to lee 11 men on a side try to oiirry a odd''shaped'hem over a Iftte. To see them scramble, "you’d think the fate- of the nation de- !>ended on getting tiiat baJi acroas a certain fine. i . I^rty - Are thousand will pay up to $2.75 each to see that go on. '■ ' And they will sit on' hard boards bolted doirn to harder concrete. ’ ,., ^ The weather may be cold or wet, but that won’t make any difference. Silly, isn’t it? Yet we’d ikd hrery much to be one of the 45,000 people gone mad. Machines _ Fo** Sevringr ^oom For Red Cross Mra. J. A. Rousseau, Wilkes production chairman lor the Ajnerican Red Cross, said today that the Red Cross sewing room located over Tomlinson's Depart- menCstore needs several sewing fOacSines. ; It'is not asked that the ma chines be given but it is reques ted that machines be loaned for use In the sewing room. Mrs. Guy Lniard Is Red Cross sewing room chairman. Any who would loan one or more machines is asked to call Mrs. Rousseau as early as pos sible. Women Of The Moose Celebrates Book Week Here ONK POINT VKKY CliK.AR The very gracious letter ' ielved from''Governor Broughton ippointing us to serve on the Unemployment Compensation advisory board here was very def inite on one point was attached to the job (BY VIRGINIA iTNOW) Senior Regent Mrs. Victor Gaddy, of the North Wilkesboro chapter No. 476 of the Women of the Moose, announces her or ganization’s participation in the annual Nation-wide celebration of National Book Week. The chapter celebration was in charge of the Library committee of which Mrs. Mazie Church i.s chairman. Co - worker Virginia Smart mw CO., piedmont- mountain FREIGHT LINES, INC., FbRMED (Continued from page one) ' will be at Motor Service Sales company on Ninth street In North' M’ilkeshoro, where Messrs. Bil lings and Caudill will he actlre- ly in charge. In addition to the homo office here a terminal will be maintained at 1619 Bryant street In Charlotte 24 hours daily and with a pickup and de- livory service. Cities and towns on the Galax, Va.. to Charlotte routes with Im. mediate service are Galax, Fries and Independence, Va., Seqrta. Elkin. North Wilkesboro. MMlkesboro, Lenoir, Taylorsville, Hickory, Statesville, Conover, Newton. Lincolnton, Gastonia, Stanley, Charlotte and all inter mediate points. Connections are made at Hickory for Morganton. Asheville and other points west. In Galax. Va.. the line makes connections with Bliiefleld. W. A school’ for food and. nutrl tlon leaden in the 12 home dem onstration clubs of Wilkes coun- Norih ty will be held on Monday af- r|5V.‘'A, £},■ ternoon, two o’clock, November 9;45, -churcn 17, in the demonstration room at vrorshlp -theme, Duke Power company. Miss j stumbling Block”I'^refpdp, Lar- abeth Williams, home demonstra- Xerxe^ t Hendei; ra tion agent, announced today Miss Mary Thomas, nutrition specialist of the extension ser vice, will conduct the course. The two food and nutrition projects leaders from each club are ex pected to attend. Demonstrations In making Christmas cookies will feature the session. Traphill Resident Claimed By Death announced the program, the that no pay I special feature of the evening job. being an intere.sting talk by Mrs, We inquired, around to find | jiazie Church on the origin and out a little of what the whole significance of National Book -K„„. and found out ] week, which in substance was a.s follows; “Henry Ward Beecher thing is about little The brand -new tune selected by Guy Lombardo for Hit Parade Honors this week i.s “The Sun knew the true value of books and of their chief channel of di.stribu- Miss Queen Ester Mainess, age 18, daughter of George and Carrie connections «itu ■ j-me Brooks Mainess, of Traphill, Va.. and all points in the Wednesday evening. Funeral northwest. Excellent connections i)g held at Traphill are made in Charlotte with Atlanj Friday, 11' a. m., with Rev. L. E. ta and all points south ond^pjjg charge. Surviving ^rg midweatern lines, company offi- father and mother and we cials said. First day delivery j,j5.(.g,.. i|| t. from Atlanta and second day de-1 livery from New York are All cargo is insured and work men’s compensation is carried by the corporation. Any member of the firm will be glad to discuss motor freight delivery problems with anyone interested. Toy land To Open At Penney’s Friday T Oil., ■ r. • V. tion the Library—when he said Is Shining Brighter,’ as smooth \ , . . i I. , U1. „ A library is not a luxury, but a tune as ever eha.sed the blues ^ ^ ,r _ . one of the necessities of life,’ away. You get the complete ^ words ami music free *in 'Sun day’s Wa.^hlngtO'i Times-Herald. now on sale. Use the advertising columns o' this paper as your shopping guide. Says Help Keep Soldiers Happy News bureau of the New Or leans As.sociation of Commerce picks up comment from visiting soldiers at the reservation ,center there to send to the soldiers’ home town papers. The Journal-Patriot has just received an ftem from the bu reau relative to comment by Pvt. Harold Proffit. of Purleaf, route one, who listed the Journ sponse, thres-fold ^amen; offer- tory, Mnil, Leola M. Byerly, lolst; podtttde, “t’eace, Perf^t Peace’’, Blckersteth. 6:45, Youth Fellowship League; 7; 30, worshJii theme, “Christian Growth”. The officers and t6ach-> egs of the church school will be installed at this service. 7:30 Wednesday, prayer ser vice, to be followed by choir re hearsal. SUNDAY SERVICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH At the eleven o’clock worship service In the first Baptist iurch this Sunday the pastor, DriJohn W. Kincheloe, Jr., will speak on "What It Means to Be a Chris- i^dpn”. Sunday School convenes at [9.;,45 a. m.. and the Baptist Vrain- ihg Union meets at 6:30 p. m. “The Church Marches On” will he the sermon subject for the 7:30 p. m. worship service. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to attend the services. It was because books were con sidered “iiecossities of life’’ that Book Week was inaugurated to emphasize .and estaHIsh their im portance in the minds of the peo-, pie. National Book Week. which Ads. get attentioa—and r?>»ult». | ^ celebrated the .second week ^ of N'ovenilier each year, origin,1. ted ill the mind of WANTED W.-WTED; Colored man and wife must know how to. drive cai and milk, steady work, wife free to do housework. Ogilvie Gardens, Oakwood.s. phone 27F0 4. It FOR SALE FIVE ROOM AI-ARTMKNT with hath, also baseoiont; good condition. See E. M. Black burn, Absher Real Estate Cq. It FOR SALK; I»:!H tttdor in good condition, extra clean, bargain, would trade for real estate. Austin lavveite .phone 295-R. it i;i-2tpd PLACE YOirR OR2JKK.S now for dressed turkeys for Thanks giving and for Christmas. Mrs. A. J. Eller. Purloar. ll-17-4t FOR S.ALE—l;t-rooni house, wiUi three apartments, on Trogdon Avenue: good investment for right party. Priced right. Telephone 295-W or -see C. B. Grayson. 11-13-41 Penney’s toyland located in the basement of the J. C. Penney company store here, will open on Friday morning. November 14. S • 0 o*clool\ } Opening at Penney’s toyland , al-Patriot as his home town pa is a happy event yearly for many.^®'' bureau, children. There are numerous j He stated that he was on his things to provide fun for all, W for service in Panama and both young and old. Mrs. Mabel that his visit in New Orleans had Hartley will be in charge. [ been interesting. The message And here is another important he said he would like to^^send announcement: Santa Claus will back to home folks was: Help be at Peuney’a Friday, 4:00 to to keep the soldiers happy who 6:30 p. m, and on Saturday, nine are fortunate enough to stay in PREACHING SERVICE ; Rev. Rogers Gwaltney will preach at Mt. Pleasant church on Sunday evening. November 16, 7:30 p. m. All are invited to the service. until 11 a. m. FOR RENT X)H RENT: Stoker hoatesl bed room for man., hot "water. Phone 228. 733 Kensington Avenue. ,j for RENT: Two ooanoctipg rooms suitable for light house keeping. No children 406 C Street. FOR BkN'I’ — Apartauent With three rooms and bath, on Ken sirigton Heigkto. Paul J. 'V’ee tal. North Wflkesboro. »-3«-tf MISCELL^ NEOUS IXIST — Blue speckled female hound dog. Reward for return or. information leading to te- turn. Henry Welborn at Dixie Barber Shop. ' ^ Willi^uns Motor Company T H. WILLIAMS, Mgr. BEAR FRAME SERVICE Good Used Cara, Trncka and Tractors | Franklin K. Matthews, chief lilirariiin of the Boy Scoul.s of -America. Mr. Matthews interested other libra rians in the idea of devoting a paricnlar .seven day period of each year to stressing books for boys. The project met with im mediate success hut the ques- Mon was eventually raised as to why girls were excluded. There being no justification. Boys’ Book Week hecam-.i children’s Book Week. The Women of the Moose adopted tlieir I.ihrary program in 1930. Thus, what was known as Boys' Book Week and then Children’s Book Week, has become National Book Week as it carried its message to all ped- ple with no dislinetion of sex., or condition of education. The Women of the Moose have exemplili‘-d th.- objectives of Na tional Book Week in all the ac tivities of the I.ihrary committee They are constantly striving to lead mankind to llie world .'hroiigli their efforts to build an adequate I.ihrary at Mooseheart; to encourage more reading of books among their membership, and the general public: and pro- ■m^ote at the .same time the re sources of their local library. No organization i* to be found with greater objectives or with more good deeds to broadcast, as it celebrates National Book week than the Women of the Moose who have conlrihuted ov er 20.000 hooks to the general libraries at Mooseheart: placed thousands of additional books in local, county and state institu tions of all descriptions.. The month of November with Book Week on the calendar of every chapter adds a new incen tive to our daily activities of ‘carrying Mooseheart Standards into our homes- and communi ties.’’ The Book Week slogan— “Books to Grow on." gives our organizations a wonderful op portunity to c-arry out the ob jects set forth by National Book Week.” Before adjourning the chapter voted to send a book to Moose- heart as lU contribution durinr Book Week. Senior Regent Gad dy announced that the local men lodge had. signified an interest in participating in the Bool- Shower for Mooseheart and they plan to send a book contri bution to the “City of Child hood.” Registered Nurses Raised Their Fees Effective November 1. register ed nurses in the Wilkesboros will command higher fees. In an nouncing the raise in fees, an announcement said it was in line with other rising costs af pres ent. Private duty nurses will re ceive $6 per day instead of $5 as heretofore per 12-hoar duty and will get $8 for 20-hour duty. Nurses on obstetrical cases will receive $7 per 12-hoiir duty and isolated cases will be charged $7 tor 12-hour duty the good old U. S. A., and keep fingers crossed for those of us who are going to Panama and to foreign service.” Local Moose Team At Hickory Meet Degree team of North Wilkes boro Loyal Order of Moose ini tiated a class at the ..Hickory lodge Tuesday night. Members of the local team going to Hick ory were C. J. Swoflord, gover nor: Colt Dyer, past governor; Arvil Dyer, junior governor; Chalmer Dyer, prelate; Maurice Walsh, sergeant at arms; Tam ■Shumaker, orator. New Hours Services Walnut Grove Church I The hours of services at Wal- j niit Grove Baptist church. Pores; Knob have been changed for the j winter season, as follows: Sun-j day School—1:30 p. m.; church service—2:30 p. m. The public, and especially the members of the church, are requested to note the change in hours. Musical To Be Heard! By A Large Crowd} The musical, which will be held! at the Wilkesboro Methodist church Sunday evening, Novem-| her 16th, at 7:30, is expected to be heard by a large number of people. The evening .service at the Wilkesboro Baptist {church will not be held and members of that church will attend the musi cal, it was learned today. The colored choir from Damas cus church will give a program and there will be other special numbers. No admission will be charged, but an offering for the benefit of the church will be taken. Use the iavemsing columns > hin nanei as voiir shonnine Yours is here. Thess new Fall Suits anJ Coats have the fabrics, the styling, the tailor ing that can be creat ed only by high stand ards of quality aj^ workmanship. They’re ready and waiting—set you be the judge. Come in today and see^ what’s new. The price? Just— $24.50 Crosby Square Shoes Botany Ties Manhattan Shirts Mallory Hats MARLOW’S MEN’S SHOP “New and Correct Men’s Wear” rflhuiiinilksgiivViinifil Used Car Values We can’t sell you a Turkey for your Thanksgiving Feast, but we can seD yon a used car or truck that will give you years of satisfactory service—on easy terms, too! ’-39 Chevrolet Sport Sedan $600 ’38 Ford Touring Sedan $445 ’39 Pontiac Sedan $565 ’40 Chevrolet Town Sedan $685 ’39 Mercury Sedan $575 ’37 Chevrolet Town Sedan ........ $395 ’36 Ford Tourii^ Coach.. • EASY TQIMS • Will Pay CtL* tor Mirf«l Wracked Ckw Tmeta Complete B«id£Heb^dyj and “^’pW6i ’37 Ford 60 Coach $345 ’36 Ford Coach ’34 Ford Coupe $185 ’36 Ford Pickup, Vz-ton $195 ’39 Ford Touring Sedan $545 ’32 Ford Fordor Sedan . $1,35 ’31 Ford A Model Coach $145 ’39 Chevrolet U/i'ton Truck ... $445 ’37 Ford U/2-ton Truck LOT TODAY ....$235 Bangs Disease Work Progressing! J. B. Snipea, Wilkes county ’•sent, reported today that work of eradicating bangs disease BBiong cattle in Wllkee county is going forward. Dr. Wilder, who was called in m service recently has been ro- jlUced by Dr. Rogers. The work of testing cattle will , Speeded np with addition of ptfcar man and 'will be comple- ‘IM'M soon as practical. Gaddy Motor BOONE TRAIL HIGHWAY (4’BLOCKS WEST) ir' : USED CAR DEPARTMENT ’ f.

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