Si W' ea- ■jOU^AL-PA'nUOT HAS BLAZED-'5 rVW. - • ■ ■^•‘—^ -lI.: li: '"“ "■' "rvjviiik- ^HE “StATE Or^WILKES^ FOR C^VER TMiRTY^tSREfi Soviet* Check Nazi Drive Upon Moscow TBE _-tfi]¥0T IDOtRSl r\ij do y&ai 'farSdiog wosteni North Csnti i. f ^ '4 L VOL. XXXVI, No. ^jO Publ TiNGBTH WILKESBdBO. N. MONDAY, NOV.^^?^ 194ilv tlw Brftlah Torpedoes Hit 8er« Eeemr VeeMb te The BCedtt^rnuteaa HIT WITH THREE BULLETS-^ British Imperial forces pouring through and around axis forces hsve captured Bardia and two other strongholds and driven the entire axis tank army of Ubya Into four extermination pockets, while on the eastern front the Russians said they had checked the newest and greatest Nazi as- sault on Moscow. On the sei side of the co-ord inated Bri'lah offensive, seven (Or more axis ships In the Medi- irranean have been sunk or damaged, the British said. Two of the axis ships were Italian cruisers, at least one of which was sunk. Seize Cities New Zealand and Indian troops seized Sidi Azeiz and Sidi Omar Nuovo in additoion to Bardia Cairo dispatches announced. The main tank battle, now raging in its sixth day, was said to have moved SO miles of desert to the Tobruk area where it has reached a critical stage with the axis almost completely hemmed Moravian Falls Troops’ in the Making OypRDOUI ' ' ■ MTtEAltJg. ed Cross tm Special Vei^re Of Wilkes Men Going To Newland Court Sheriff C. T. Doughton today was summoning a special venire of 35 Wilkes men to report in Avery county court at Newland tomorrow morning to serve in a murder case. Several local men were among the number sum moned. Victim Sb^Ffi ByJesseWai^dHere i Election Officers , Of Junior Order On Tu®*dAy Night Killing Saturday Ni«l»t Grew Out Of Quarrel Qree A»- tomobile Repair Bill in. Three-fourths of Funds Rais ed Will Be Used To Buy Fluoroscope For Hut The eastern front situation was more critical than for sever al weeks, with the Germans hurl ing tens of thousands of troops forward regardless of losses in a desperate attempt to smash the Moscow defense arc. At points the Russian ^’"®| The campaign in Wilkes coun bending, although Soviet , added signilk-ance anc6 was furious and nazi ^aln^ FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS— Chrislmas Seal Drive Is Slarted In Wiflces Counly Ora J. Holder, 28-year-old ga- ^ rage mechanic at Moravto provbieiial' w blttaUon, commanded by MaJ. was fatally sh^ on Mam -filfogaa. Wadertwo. N« C.. wat arganlied as a weq^ of opportu- bere m front of the Allen Thw^ fe combat hoatUe mechanized threats aHany part of the frsnt where Saturday mght abw.. ten ocio« ^ might break throngta. Pbotc showa battery D returning fire by Jesse Charles k m advalicBag "enemy” tanks, snpporteC by nuwdilne gnns. , Roaring River, who admitted the ,. ^ . shooting. ' Local council of the Junior Order will elect officers in the inee'ing Tuuesday night, 7:S{f. In addition to the election of offffcers, there will be degree work and all Thanksgiving com mittees are asked to report. An interesting meeting is antlclpa- (ted and all members are asked to attend. I , !■ II Number Reports ^ t To Be Received Frmn die Coimty UnebaTy Foundry Second 100 Per Cent Indnalry In Membership Drive Holder, who died at 4:45 a. m. jo ATLANTA, CHILUCOTHE, LEWISBURG, ETC,— .1 ’ j.t_ — TTF 1« Fal vtra o - ■ s - ^ t ^ * 'I i Sunday in the Wilkes hospital, was, hit by three bullets of four -fireid The 36th annual Christmas 'some opened today, Monday, November 24. were admitted in ^ few sectors. Hitler Calls Allied Group For Meeting will have added this year becauuse 76 per cent of the proceeds will be used in the county and will be used for the purchase of a fluoroscope for the county tubercular hospital. Physicians for several months from Ward’s gnni Police Chief J. i E. Walker said. Holder was hit in j both shoulders and in the upper, part of his left thigh, ifhere.a main, artery was cut, Ward used ^.32' calibre revolver. The killing is said to have re,, suited from an argument over garage bill which- Holder had Ward owed him. Prior to the shootipg Holder and his wife had occupied seats in the theatre in front of Ward and Wil-' Lit Sentenced U. S. Court November Term MORE MILK SOUGHT— Fahiham Talks To Kiwanians Here on Subject of “Milk” Says Dairymen Assured of I High Milk Prices Through Coming Year More than two times the am ount raised last year has already been collected in the enrrent Red Cross roll call and many reporta are yet to be received, Dr. Joha W. Klncheloe, Jr., roll call chair man, said today. The amount received to date by the treasurer, W. Blair Owyn, ,is $1,264.25. Reports from some of the ia- dnstries and from several work- €ra in various commuunitles have not been received, the roll call chairman said. Llneberry FVJundry was the second local Industry to report 100 per cent of its employees DNB Declares Leaders WIU Ex- pppws Spirit Against Bolshevism Berlin.—A Berlin conference of 10 or more powers to discuss renewal and extension of the mailed to people first anti-Comintern pact signed • Wilkesboros and that ru by Germany in 1936 will begin Tuesday, the day the pact expires was announced today. ton Litton, also of Roaring River, j ^^om D. Absher, age 62, well Ward told officers afterwards that of the Fairplains Physicians lor several momua all four left their seats in the the-, . . have pointed out the need of a atre about the same time and W community near this city, died at fluoroscope there but on account j during the show Holder and Ward his home early Sunday morning, of a lack of funds the need has | had carried oh some conversation, jjg jj^d been in ill health for sev- not been filled IW.ard and Litton oaused before „..oi m^niha and seriously ill for Mrs. Boyd E. Stout of Wilkesboro kes county, Dr Absher Taken By Death; I f n J 117 1 Last Rites Today lu oecouQ Week In Wilkesboro , . . !• A 100 per cent or Us employees m F. R. Farnham, dairy specialist Cross members. Internation of the North ^Carolina e&penment . — _ . , service, addressed the North Ward and Litton paused before months and seriously ill for North going out of the theatre and when ia chairman for Wil- She said today that Judge Hayes Presiding; Fif teen Placed On Proba tion Since Thursday it f* pW in the Wilkesboros and that ru ral people may secure seaU through the schools. Bangle Day will be observed — -- — some time. they reached the sidewalk Holder, p^^gral service was held Mon- and his wife, were there. t^ay afternoon, 2:30, at Cross Roads After exchange of a few words with' Rev. AHi .Long in Ward pulled his gun and Mrs. j. their fighting spirit against world where he was picked up and car- Bolshevism,” the official German Wilkes county is ,i.ed to the hospital. ^her, and Mrs. Tyre-McNeill, all of news agency DNB said. J450. Seventy-five per cent of the j Ward walked about the ^stance Wilkesboro. -The statesmens meeting begins | anioiml raised will he used in the |of one block to Dixie Barber shop ■ Tuesday (tomorrow! with a sol-. county 'He%ffLdVresist- $10.00 13 MINIMUM- f*mn state ceremony. the reDiainder goes to oiner luuu . *. u a ij > emn suiejie 1 purpose throughout . ance to arrest. He told Chief Wal- ¥ UCll | ker that Holder had his hand m his: Joe Gamblll rionie |t e • pocket and was advancing on| Burned On Friday' „e as many seals as possible”.!him when he fired his gun. Offi-| Imps Stout said in announcing weapoms onj rr.:.' j w.*s „ «wi.i i ctrch .-o ™l., .... of .M. I BAD START FOR THESS- ™ was destroyed by fire early FTi- ----- 1 Eleven men received prison sentences and fifteen were placed on probation in federal court since Friday morning. Court today began the second week of the November term with Judge Johnson J. .Hayes presid ing and may contlnune the re- -- criminal docket Is clear Prison and reformatory sen tences meted out since Thursday were as follows: Mastin O. Bou- chelle, year and a day in Peters burg. Va..: William Andrew year Wilkesboro Kiwanis club Friday on the subject of “Milk,” which is very timely in. Wilkes at a time when efforts to secure a Coble Dairy products plant appear to be reaching a successful culmination. Friday was the day for Carl E. VanDeman, orchard research spe cialist, to have charge of the pro gram and J. B. Snipes, county agent, introduced the speaker. Farnham spoke first about apples, pointing out that apples unprofit- Klncheloe said. able for market shoidd be manufac tured into sweet cider or vinegar and sold. He stated that he is particularly interestedi in food for defense. He pokited out'that Ainerira haa al Shoe Company had reported 100 per cent earlier in the cam paign. Efforts will be made to secure all reports this week. Worker* and others may report to W. Blair Gwyn, Red Cross treasur er, at the Bank of North Wilkes boro. Any who have not bee* contacted during the campaign are asked to carry or mail their Red Cross membership donation* to Mr. Gwyn, treasurer. Dr. FELL INTO HOT WATER— Burns Fatal To BCyd Cami Jcie /klrin" Campbell, Age 4, Succumbs; Funeral Held On Friday Fanners’ Truck Plates V2 Price that the foods necessarily must be in concentrated form. He told of the importance of milk in the de fense program, saying that 125,- rew 000,000 pounds of milk must be produced next year. That means aiLeniuun m v-,........ v..,w„v Church, year suspen 128,000,000 pounds more in North | cfmrch in Roek Creek township placed on probation, ^ '‘Carolina than last year and for Joe Alvin Campbell, four- brook, year and a day in Lnllli- Funeral service was held Fri day afternoon at Church of Christ manager cothe: Curley Pruitt, year and a day in ChilliCothe. Ohio, re formatory: Tag Morrison and I Walter Parks, prayer for jndg- I nient continued; Royal Caudill, of ! year and a day in L^wisburg, Pa., day night. Flame.s of undetermined ori- [ gin had made much headway be- j fore being discovered by mem-, bers of the family and but little furniture was salvaged from the six room residence. No insurance | was carried on the property, ac cording to reports here. Get 12 Hunters Without License J. C. McDiarmid, the Carolina Motor Club branch j prison: James Roy Church, here in charge of sale of automo- v/muiiiia iimii -..u jor joe Aivin Ayaniin’t". luu*- Wilkes county an increase of about year-old .son of Mr. and Mrs. AI- 1,000,000, adding 270 cows to getjijgrt Melvin Campbell, who died the increase. Thursday at the Wilkes hospital Dairymen are assured, he said, burns received Monday ,of high prices through 1942. Thej^^gp fgn a tub of boiling [speaker did not advocate going into the yard of their home (debt heavily to get the increased ,on North Wilkesboro route two [Charlie Ward, of Roaring R'ver, | plates, calls attention ' and was employed at Wilkes Hos- gj, appeared at one ‘icry Mills, ' Hearing for Ward w ill be held I l»\/ 0(1 XiXiVFl — — - ! point in the license plate article in , Thur.sday’.s Journal-Patriot. Tuesday afternoon, one o’clock. | County Game Protector. Ho-j mer Brookshire, Makes H. T. McNiel at The article stated that license plates on farmers’ trucks used before Mayor the city hall. | solely for farm purposes would be Funeral service for Holder was — . .. B T. U. Meeting At First Baptist Tuesday Evening 'en dollars. That is the minimum Arrests Thanksgivmg ijigid today, two p. m„ at Moravian any“f^^niei’s truck license and . I Falls Baptist church with Rev. E. .. ■ ; one-half the regular T„.v. W»».. ^ H. “ "ny Rt off to a bad start whe Greene conducting the service. Hellars. of in the the Greene conducting the service. ,,g ^p,.g ^,,^0 ten dollars. Burial was in Moravian FalKs cem etery. Holder had been in the garage business with his father, Felix Holder, at Moravian Fall.s. Sur viving are his widow, Mrs. Char- get quail and rabbit season openad on Thanksgiving day. Homer Brookshire, county game protector, apprehended an even dozen who had gone into the Associational meeting of the forests without a ma- ^,,g Ay Bap'Sst Training nion n equipnifint hunting lotte Setzer Holder, hi.s father ani; Brushy Mountain associa ion wi 1 jjgg^^g [mother and the folowing brothers' The county game protector; sisters: said the hunters had ample warn-' ing to secure license and that persons going hunting without license may expect to be prose cuted according to law. pLites for 1942 will go on sale December 1 and early pur- is urged. be held Tuesday evening, ember 25, at the First Baptist church in this city. Officers conference will take place at 6:30 and the general mee'lngs and conferences will begin at 7:30 p. m. All B. T. U. officers, workers, pastors, church leaders and others in tjie associ ation who are interested are urged to attend, Rev. T. Sloan Jr., associational B. T. U. Men’s Fellowship Dinner On Friday Guy, director, said today. 7 WHITE, 2 COLORED— 9 Wilkes Boys Enroll In C C C CHARLOTTE THIS WEEK Sheriff, Police Chief at School _ Felix, Jr., Billie and i Betty Holder, of Moravian Falls. | mey classes and Mrs. R. (W. Wall, of Radford, Baptist Sunday Va. MUST SERVE TERM— Shepherd,Appeal Is Turned Down Doughton and Walker Re ceiving Training in Civil- an Defense This Week Supreme Court Confirms Su perior Court Trial of Ambrose Shepherd school will have a fellowship dinner Friday evening, 6:30, at the fraternal hall In Reins-Stur- divant building. Tickets at 25 cen'B each are now on sale by committees of the classes. Rev. A. S. Hale, pastor of Mt. Airy First Baptist church will be the speaker. VPar V J UIl INOIHI VVlirvcnuvjv rwuvv. ». .. vr ^ “ I milk production, only as far as the .pj^g badly burned on • I XILiifW and a day in Chillicothe; R'>bert|^^eir way waj out.j^j^ . ^nd little hope Ltindaford. year and a day in | ^p. j recovery. Sur- Petersburg,; Robert Brown, ^ they can and pay out in a months in A’Janta, Ga.. prison; .fg^v months. There will still be a Elmer Chambers, year and a day in Lewisburg Those placed on temporary or term probation follow: John H. Gregory, Clinton Johnson, Les ter P. Johnson, Raymond M. Ma- iors. Willie Holbrook, Walter Holbrook. Mrs. Georgia Anna Sheek, Fred S. Frazier, Herman Handy. Edward Taylor, John Henry Roberts, Grover Lewis Dezern (.sentence suspended), Beldin Adams, Warner Benton (sentence suspended), Charlie Samuel Johnson. war is over. He pointed out that Wax 19 wci. XXV ^iviiiccu v/ixv j _ — lack of milk in the diet was pre- j ALSO COAT HANGERS— sumabiy responsible for many peo- _ I' 11 a. pie being under par, physically,! I I Allxk^f and predicted a greater consump-j lU VUUCLl tion of milk in normal times as a, |> « result of findings in the selective £ HDCF 1 UCSUrtVS service draft examinations. j * *' Directors meeting for Thursday' „ . Y 1 evening, 6:30, was announneed. Boy Scouts To Make Rounds Fiddlers’ Meet At Mulberry Dec. 2 A most enjoyable occasion is anticipated when the annual fid dlers convention will be held at Mulberry school Tuesday night, December 2. Prizes will he given in several conte.'’ts and en'Tants are Invited. Proceeds will go to the lunchroom building fund. J. E. Walker, North Wilkesboro police chief, and C. T. Doughton, Wilkes county sheriff, will attend Nine Wilkes boys, seven white tlie civilian defense school all this and two colored, were enrolled in week in Charlotte. , . , . , „' The school will be conducted by Camps last week, Charles Investiga- Wilkas- welfare officer gj^g enforcement in charge of selection of C. C. C. [officers valuable training for civil- applicants. said today. |ian defense in case of war. A The seven white men who were : C. C. McNeill, enrolled at Buffalo Cove were; John Turner Baldwin. David Ju nior Caudill, Richard Gwyn John son, Joe Leonard Reavis, Elmer Lee Rot«t, Sstradle Roten and Lonnie Elmore Wagoner. Two colored, James Marshall Davenport and Maynard Walker, were accepted at the Danbury North Wilkesboro Saturday and contacte.i the officers relative to attendance at the school. c*mp. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Eshelman and son, Tom, went Friday to Woodtferry Forest, Va., for their son and brother. Ward Eshelman. Jr., who accompanied them on a week end trip to Washington, D. C. Ambrose Shepherd, prominent farmer of the Reddies River com munity, must serve ii) the peniten tiary for the fatal shooting of George Johnson at the Shepherd home in June this year. The supreme court in a decision handed down last week confirmed the judgment of the Wilkes super ior court in the August term, when he was convicted of manslaughter and pentenced by Judge Hoyle Sink to from three to five years in the penitentiary. Johnson was shot by Shepherfi in the road in front of the Shep herd home. In his defense Sher- herd said that he shot Johnson as Johnson was advancing toward hjm with a rock in ’ each haV 'Iney had been qnarreling a few minutes before the shooting, acord ing to the evidence in the trial. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND— market for milk, he said, after tne viving are his father and mother and one sUter, Shirley Ann Camp bell. IN DEFENSE COURSES— Three Wilkes Boys Get NYA Training Of Homes Elach Tuesday Afternoon, 3 O’Clock Bov Scon’s will collect waste Mrs. Maude S. Miller Says Several Mewe; May Get Resident Center Courses Three Wilkes boys have been I paper here each Tue“day after- i noon about three o’clock, it was announced today by Paul Cash s' ion, secretary of the Lions Club, which has been carrying out a pa per collection project here for several weeks. All residents are asked to have old newspapers, magazines, card board boxes and other forms of accepted for defense courses Gaddy Motor Company Formal Opening Friday ♦he NYA resident center at Dur ham, Mrs. Maud S. Miller, of Wilkesboro, personnel director for the NVA, said today. in ■ waste paper on their porche* ready for the Scouts at three o’ clock on Tuesdays. Gaddy Mo tor company will donate trucks for ’he Scouts to use In the can- Foral opening of Gaddy Motor company’s modern plant located four blocks west on the Boone Trail (highway 421) will be held on FViday, November 28, eigh* a. m. to nine p. m. Formal opening of the latest major addition to North Wllkes- boro’s business life is expected to be an occasion of much inter est and the company Is making arrangem jnts to welcome a rec ord number of visitors on that day and evening. ’The huve bnl’dlng, 150 by 250 feet dimensions, is superbly eoulpned throughou*> and is rap idly being made ready for the for mal opening. The plant was edeoted to ac commodate further expansion if the firm, which’ has been one of the fastest growing business houses in North Wilkesboro dur ing *he pas: several years. Its former location was on Tenth Street, having moved^to the new building a few weeka ago. Refreshments will be served all visitors at the formal opening and the firm InvI'es all people of northwe'tern North Carolina to attend the opening. They are: Paul John Hiiie, of i vass. Moxley; Van R. Bowers, Moxley; ! And all people are also.remin- and Carl Miller, Wllbar. They ded that the Scouts will also col- will get .sheet me’al and machine lect coat hangers. The Scouts can shop training, and should be rea dy for jobs in defense industries in from three to four months. Mrs. Miller said there are other vacancies in NYA resident cen tra for Wilkes boys and any who put them to a very good use in furthering Scou’i work and all donations will be appreciated. At the Lions meeting Friday night the program was in charge of Dr. H. B. Smith and Dr. J. S. are'in'erested may get further, Deans. .... information from Mrs. Miller on ( Bev. A. C. Waggoner, pastor Wednesdays and Fridays at her!of the Me'hodlst church, was office In the Wilkes court house, j presented and he spoke very in- Mrs. Miller explained that at terestingly. NYA resident centers the boys receive room, board, work clo'hes and a small amount of money In addition to their training. Mr. Bob McCoy, student at the leuu LUD 6- CiUdel at Charleston, S. C., Watch for ’Thursday’s Journal- spent the ThankaglTlng holidays Patriot for fnriiier aewa of the here with his father and mother, formal opening. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCoy. The theme of his address, which was received with much in. terest, was that a person should not let minor obstacles stand la his way once he has selected a goal of accomidlshmenta. ' j Mr and Mrs. Joe Canter spent ’Thanksgiving' with telattyes 'ta Indep«dence, Ya. -S' ■.:r.

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