flbor coj^deratioib of the cOnfeso- idAiUl pnoii. ^teoi After heer- jli*‘Finanektf’; ^traerd fhjkt it '4n«T >M«me;jneo^, *0 Ktytgydtefc ft^, tSotUntr ■Mi|K|AR||i||K|||f ak ' i^^uae T^^fSSlr expect,' to «11 up ■l^ bflt Monii^,-with'^bate last- d*yl^t>d piA^fre antici pate we4i^ The rules evaamitteevprtmded that Rep. AJ- ^•^t Gowr (B^> Tend.; may. offer Sis drastic ‘'freezingt”^ plan as a inbstitute /or the adtninistration’s kss-stringeot^lective. ceilings bill. Baruch, hi^d of the' "Wbrld War iidtijftries'BoaYd. renewed his plea fJK dtastlC 'ddiTffllls such' as would le provided byt*e Gore bill as a aiBins of checkihe the rising: tide of isflation. He declaim that prompt action is '^rtpofative" to meet an astutely da^erous situation. He asserti^' ’that the United States today 1»'‘'‘a nation at arms” and said 'Sr^'^thust fit'ourselves to defend thp country on ail fronts intead of m^ely ajttempting: to put 1 figrhtinfj' force on the sea and in he field." He recalled that, in a recent let- »r to Gore, he sugrgrested that pro duction of the “bire necessities" W standardized to wipe out the ad- 'COUNUr PE ymen Die, rer hjured Auto Wreck t Jefferson.—The death toll toll in the automobile ac- t Mven miles west of Inde- ee Thursday rose to throe ay with the death of Thom- ’tttff -of Blna, believed to haVe b^il the driver of the car which left the highway and crashed in to au embankment. Mrs. Jessie Dow Jones Siim- mey, 24, of West Jefferson, and Miss Kathleen KiiiK. 17. of Bina, were instantly killed in the acci dent, which was not • discovered until early Friday. Misb Kihg i.s a sister of Thomas King. King, suffering from a broken leg and*Internal injuries, was un conscious until late Friday. He died Saturday at the Ashe county hospital here. 1J.THE JQURNAI^P^!OT..NOflTH 5^-' ‘BeDe Starr’At Alia 10-/ iUK-^' b Suomuti / *■: ■'Sin.' The Sunday school at Yellow H Harrisoir Pkten Tells Sbwiff Baptist church is jirp^iiw W MM. He Wes Shot By Clem • Holcomb ^«-:v M 4ed costs of Varied styles and de- West Jefferson — Beside the tiodies of two young women killed when his automobile hurtled from the highway against a bank near Independence, Va., an Ashe county man was discovered lying uncon scious in the wreckage early Fri day morning. Both young women, Mrs. Jessie Dow Jones Summey, 24, of Weat Jefferson, and Kathleen King, 17, MAVE OPESlMe: foT” for North Williesboro and Wilkes county. Buaincs.s already estab lished. Write Singer Sewing Machine Co., Hickory, N. C. •S_-27-2p (of Bina, had been dead for some time when the wreck was discover- ed. Apparently they were killed | I instantly. g I Thomas King, brother of Kath- leen King, and driver of the car, yf hfi I / remained unconscious several hours I = after he was brought to Ashe County Hospital. He suffered se- I fieu-"* injuries, including a broken leg. Investigators believed the car .. .— .smashed into the bank about 9 IS n or Thursday night, three hours before the wreckage was I discovered seven miles north of Independence, headed toward Wytheville. Force of the crash threw Miss WANTED —. Yauag I.ady, High King under the car, her throat school education, preferably one -slashed by gla.ss from the wind- who has some typing, short- shield.. Mrs. Summey died of head hand or bookkBeping. to train -”d neck injuries, for a good position. We will se-j Mis. Summey was the only child cure work in a home for such Dt- and Mrs. EJdgar Jones of student where she can earn her^'^o-st Jefferson, and made her boani, room, and tuition while.f’onie here. In addition to ittcnding our evening classes. I'atents, she is survived by The amazing transformation of Rciitr Sun* r” from a sheltered Southern beauty to a fearles.s bandit queen with a price on her head is graphically depicited Voung German Air Ace Killedi .Also we have a call for two boys 5o work for their board and room, and another boy to work for half hisr tuition. Write at ence for information. Draughon Bu.siness College, > Winston-Sa lem, N. C. ll-24-6t (m) In addition to her is survived by one .son, Fred Taylor Summey, and her grandparents. Miss King was the daughter of rs. Walter King, postmistress at Jina. who survives, with Miss .\:ng’s brothers, Thomas, Roger and Walter. New York, Nov. 21—The Ger man radio announced today that Capt. Baron Franz von Werra, young German ace, who escaped from a British prison camp in Canada and later jumped a depor tation appearance bond in the Uni ted States, had been killed in ac tion at the head of his pursuit squadron. Von Werra, who was 27, and then a sub-lieutenant, escaped from a Canadian prison train in the Lau- rentian region last January 23, I'.itch-hiked to the St. river and rowed across to the vi- here by Gene Tierney, who b^s the title role ip the 20th Cfn- turv-Fox TechniiOlor production which comes to the .Allen Thea tre on Thursday. Uandolph Scott appears opposite her. fatally injured'somewhere in Ger many. The new anriouncement told neither when nor where von Werra was killed. KNITS HER lOOTH SWEATER FOR NEEDY Mystery' still shrouds tbo shooting Incident which occurTed In the Cycle ^ community Friday night, November 14, resnltlng U Harrison Pftfnlx, of that section^ being shot in the leg with a sholf* gun. He was taken to the Elkin hospital, where his leg was later amputated. - , In a statement made to Deputy Sheriff Ray Graham, who was working with Sheriff A. L. iL score on the case, Plnnix said from his hospital bed that he was shot by Clem Holcoihb, a young 'white man of the same comm uni ty. Pinnix related that Holcomb came to where he was guarding a store of corn against thieves, and said, "I’m going to shopt your leg pff.” Whereupon, he said, Holcomb shot him. Holcomb’s side of the story is that he knew nothing of the shooting until the ne.rt day in Elkin, when he learned the sher iff was looking for him. Finding that the sheriff was in ElkCn, he sent word for him to meet him pt a certain place in the city, which he did. Holcomb told the sheriff that on Friday night he. Red Gatton, Cliff Collins, and two small Holcomb boys went possum hunting, and did not see Pinnix. He related tbat be and the party had heard a shot while hunting, but knew nothing about it. The two men and the two boys substantiated this statement according to Sheriff Iik^core. Holcomb made bond for $r>00 before Magistrate J. S. Hinson for a hearing on the casfe when Pin nix becomes able. WA\’TF,1)—Mao' health to tak^' rural business, tomobile, good 4J!, in gixifi iver established Must have a'l reputation and znxioii.'i to make over $25 per week. For further details write Watkins, Box So. 5071, Rich- nond. Va, 27-lt pd 'W.AN'rED—To Buy A Small Tract of land near town.—Wilke.s Hat chery. ll-27-3t FOR SALE ^wo-horsc was«m, di.se harrow, set team barnc^ss. comnlote blacks-'ilth shop, mare ■with 6- sionth.^ old filly colt, one-horse wagon and harness. Mrs, A. G Foster. Congo. 12-4-41 'll U. S. Shooting German Craft, Harriman Says London. — W. .Averill Harri man. Ifnited .States lend-lease represeiUalive in liritain, said- la.st niglit tha" the U. S. Navy now is “shooting German.s—Ger man .-iiiimarines and aircraft at .sea. ’’ This “shooling." he said in a South America, returning to Ger many by plane last spring. He was promoted to captain and given command of a pursuit squadron. Reports from Berlin la.st Octo ber 28 said the airman had been "SAI^E '•OR S.AIjR; Four-room house, eKwtric lights, ba.sement, seme onthuildines, !> V4 acre.s I^nd. Highway 18. Mrs. J. A. Miller, Moravian. Falls, hC C. It-p TIANO l*rioeis . Will .Advance Soon—If you conleniplafe the pii !'t‘hb?!e* Of a ^piano, you can ■rffect quite a"sartng hy plac- nig your order now. We have 3 limited stock, of Spinets and Studios to sell At old price. Come in and let ue talk it over with you. Easy terms can be arranged. Garwood Piano Co., Across Street from Post Office, north "Wilkesboro, N. C. ll-27-2t broadcast, still wa.s designed lo_ keep the United S ate.s out of the war," I “But during these mouths, the words 'keep u.-i out of war’ have come to have a new meaning.” he added. “We know now and understand that we can have no peace until Hitlerism is destroy ed.’' Harriman said .Americans had been educated to believe that the ocean secured them from the strife in the Old World. "Yet gradually the United States has come to understand TOR ^-\LE—^Two-Horse Wagon »nd electric fence battery; also one mare, six years old and two- iorse riding cultivator. Mrs. Stace Alexander, Wilkesboro, N. C. 11-24-tf TOR SALE or IKmt: flve>-room house and two acres land 4 V2 miles from town between Mul. herry and kfOtintf^n View high ways. See Oleary at the Smoak Purnltare Co. ll-24-2tpd. FOR'«ENT 1941, at the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for ca.sh at the hour of 12 o’clock M. Noon, the following de scribed real estate situated in New Castle town.ship Wilkes county. North Carolina, and bound ed as follows; Beg nning on a red oak in Hen ry Simms line *hence running East with Henry Simms line to the Yadkin county line, thence North the meaning of the Nazi menace , county line to Robert C. to ui.’’ he said ‘ In fact, we star ted at once measures designed 'o help destroy Hitler, yet all purporting to keep us out of the war.” Harriraau said that while the United States "wants no part of communism.’’ he believed that most Americans “now see clearly that aid to Russia In her fight against the Nazi invasion in no way compromises our attitude to ward communism.’’ “Many people ab first did not understand the signlflflcance of the fight in Russia and wantgd to know a lot about it before they were satisfied help should be given,” he said. United States Marshal Middle District of N. C. for the NimCE OF R&SALE NORTH CAROUNA, * WILKES COUNTY. Wade Houck, Admin-strator of ' Isabell Howell I vs. ’ Myrtle Becknel Et A1 Under and by virtue of- an or der of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, made in a special proceedings as above entitled, and Myers’ line, thence West to Jeff ^^e same being No — on the •' ... . ...... * vvmsvnAAHi'n/W0 fl/vyilTAT aW Foster’s line thence South to a red oak in Henry Simms line to the beginning containing 60 acres more or less. ’This the 20th dav of November, 1941. F. J. McDUFFIE, 12 15-4t (mi Commissioner 9WO rooma tor. Ught house- keeplne. ItWsr *fWi^Bio R. Gray- ■on. Phone 206-W. H ffnT brick furnished beidre^s with steam beat; alse4|||l|ilp»*»'Hbai>^228. T33 Kensik«li*»-AveiMie. It tor rent—T#* or Thxe* ftirnishc.d ap«ri»e«t.' 310 ^h Stree*, Phone '1^7 ll-27-2tp ioE RENT—"B” St Sfewlv ^eat- ^ W. R. New^; raone 150. ll-27-2tp apartment e Trnfshed) OB OBfr-wsy^^ e 18S-J. !**'•** sDccial proceedings docket of said Cour’, the Unr.dersigned Commis sioner will on the 24th dav of De cember at ten o’clock A. M. at the Courthouse door m Wilkesboro, N. C., offer fer sale for cash to the highest bidder a certain tract of bnd. lying and being in Boomer Township, Wilkes County, North NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Carolina and more particularly de- By virtue of the power of sale scribed as follows, to ■wit: contained in a certain Deed of FIRST TRACT: Beginning on Trust executed to me on the 17th a hickory, Laxton's comer, then day of November, 1937, by Roff running with an agreed line be- Davis and wife, Elsie Davis and tween Howells and Sommers and at the request of the holder and Eastward course to a sourwood on owner of the bond secured thereby, the bank of the branch then I shall on SA'TURDAY. DECEM- crossing the branch a northward BER 27, 1941, AT 12:00 CPCIXXIK course ■with a marked line to a NOON, sell to the highest bidder holly bush on the bank of the old by public auction for cash at the Ferguson road, then with the said Courthouse door in Wilkesboro, road to Laxton’s and Parson’s line. North Carolina, the follo'wing de- then ■with Howell’s line South to scribed tract or tracts of land. the beginning. Containing 10 Lying and being situaterd in Lit- acres more or less, tic River Township, Alexander SEX)ND ’TRACT: Beginning County, Novth Carolina, and in on a red oak near the ■wagon road Boomer Township, Wilkes County, at Fergcison’s and Howell’s comer North Carolina, and adjoining the Northwest to T. C. Howell’s house, lands of —^— Pearson and others,running South 53 East 13 poles to and bounded as follows: two small white oaks near the old BEIGININING on a Walnut run-1 mill road, then North 3 degrees a il T, nf nultplnin? North 20 degrees East 92 East 19 poles to a stake in the Dan Hill, •^5" j, poles to a Hickory; thence North wagon road, then South 36 degrees iQ.'tR Robs Bowl foot- degrees West — poles to Pea'.- West 14 poles to the beginning; son’s comer; thence West 66 poles. Containing 3-4 of an, acre, to a pine stump or stake; thence! THIRD TRACT: Be^inninj^ at South 90 poles to a stake; thence)a stake on the public road R. S Ex-Grid Stars Go Into Navy . Raleigh, Nov. 21.—Lt. Comman der James J. (Gene) Tunney ac cepted 16 college men here today for enlistment in the naval re serve as physical instructors in the navy’s new athletic-yirogram. University's 1938 Rose Bowl foot ball teaiHr mkI Gates Kimball and George Radman, former University of North. Omtolina football stars, , .. . were among the men who will be 1 East 66 poles to a chestnut oak;! Ferguson’s'comer, running South rii!t^^^hirfl^^wSn’8 mates thence South 48 degrees East 19 53 East wl*h his line. 20 Doles to a poles to a stone; thence Nqrth.68 amall hirkoir in said Kne. then to help train the bluejackets and officers of the navy. ’The men approv^ by Tunney were selected from 36 ajfplicants, and will be part of 600 physical in structors who will oxierate an ath letic program for the navy udder the ex-bettVyiwaight boxing cham pion. poles degrees Eiast 4 poles to the be ginning, containing — acres, more or less. This includes all the land West of line between N. L. Russel and C. P. Russel. See Deed Book 172. Page 622. This the- 26th day of November, 1941. P. J. McDUFPIB, 12-15-4t (m)pd. Sout'' .60 degrees West 21 noles to a white oak in Sellie Walker’s line. tbpn;North 19 West 22 poles with said 'Walkers line to a stake at the public road, then with the said road 9 noles tO Hie beginning. This the 24th day rf November, 1941. . - t; R. BRTANi Trustee .l2-J6-4t (m) ' MF. T. P; Church will tdon W ’hia home. ... BoriUtd Mr. and ^r ' ChuMb «B Novend^' Williw* Tbiane. . Mr. a.id Mrs. and da^hter ha\^ ipttouM to theirilHHne in Baltimore aft er spending a few days ^^tli Mrs. Silverman’s parents, ^r. 'and Mrs. W. B. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Church and daughter visited Mrs. Herbert Church. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Church and children, of Del Rio, Calif., have been ■visiting Mr. Church’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Church; and Mrs'.l Church's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchqi Reeves, of North Wilkesboro. They left Wednesday for Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Owens and children visited Mrs. Owens’ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Walters, Friday. | 3 4h*n Slfifc rffriTrkiT ■ n -f WW if roa iMveidM. Iifl|| of 1 Certited I. kSbUmp to make Meing eieier. Grand to read bjr, too. Made to 94 ataodarda for better light end eaier aerrice. Make a«re of thit profcctioa: look for thia L E. S. badge of honor when ro« bnjr. POWER CO. Adg. get attention—and leaultr Hours 9 to 5 Ninth St Chedtertown.—Mrs. Elizabeth P. L. Bell of Chester^own, is no slouch when it comes to knitting. She just completed her one hundredth sweater, donating it to an organi zation sending clothes to the needy abroad. Use the advertisiiig columns oi rhio n«n«*r as your shonnlng guide Towne Cleaners Notice of Price Change—Effective Monday, Nov. 24 CASH and CARRY Sanitary and.Odorless Cleaning and Pressing SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED 49c PANTS CLEANED AND PRESSED 24c PLAIN DRESSES CLEANED AND PRESSED .... 4S PLEATED DRESSES CLEANED AND PRESSED 41 OVERCOATS CLEANED AND PRESSED 49c Towne Cleaners BACK OF HOTEL WILKES NOTICE—In The District Court of the United States for the Middle District of North Carolina. Wilkes- Lawrence' boro Division. United States of 0 the vi- America vs. 1941 Ford Pickup cinity ofVgd'ensbmgrN. Y., where N^>.»-«210609 (Burl , *1 J , rr d J Cl 1 Johnson). In obedience to a War- he was captured by United States .^nt of Seizure to me directed, in authorities for illegal entry. the above entitled cause, I have While deportation proceedings'seized and taken into my posses- vvere under way von |Weira jump-lsion the follo'wing described prop- ed the 35,000 bail given by the erty: 1941 Ford Pickup Truck, Mo- German consulate and ■went to No. 18-6210509. For the causes HOME OWNERS! Mt forth in the libel now pending in the United States District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina, at Wilkesboro, I hereby give notice to all persons claiming the said describe property, or knowing or having anything to say why the same should not be con demned and forfeited and the pro- jceeds thereof distributed according COMMISSIONERS ’ OF LAND I Under and by virtue of the pow-ito the prayer of the libel, that they I cr of sale contained in an order be and appear before the l said from the Superior court of Wilkes Court, to be held in and for the county, in an action entitled Middle District of North Carolina. ' Wilkes county vs. C. A. Osborne at the United States Courtroom, in and wife, Mrs. C. A. Osborne, Jake the city of Wilkesboro on the 8th I Osborne, Eli Osborne, Mattie Os- day of December .1941, at 10:00 A. | borne, Lila O.sborne, G. E. Stin- M., if the same be a day of juris- son,*Mrs. G. E. Stinson', R. M. diction, otherwise, on the next day j Osborne, Guardian Ad Litem, for of Jurisdiction thereafter, then and Isaac Osborne, j there to interpose- a claim for the ( The undersigned Commissioner, same, and to ■make their allega- wil! on the 20th day of December,' tions in that behalf. Wm. T. Dowd, AnENTION! Buy Your Oil Heaters Now! • We Have Reduced The Price of Our Entire Stock of 1942 . . . ALLEN OIL BURNERS 10 • from • .o 20% Most Any Size- Most Any Model Oil Burners Are .^proved odebn CO isiffOB^ Washington, Nov. 13. — Amendments to the defense housing critical list and to interpretation No. 1 of this list, announced today by the priorities division, restore to good standing the use of oil burners in defense housing construction on the eastern seaboard. Because of petroleum shortage Axisting at the time the original critical list was issued, the acquisicion of oil burners for defense housing units in certain eastern states was not assigned the priori ties assistance applicable to other building material. It has been found desirable to further encourage con struction for rent, rather than for sale, and this has been done by assigiiing high er preference ratings than formerly to houses which will be rented by defense workers, since rental is bet ter suit^ than purchase in their needs. Amendmcnte become effective Nov. 16tb. I ORIGINAL Prices Range from 39.50 to 119.$. LESS 10 TO 20 PER CENT T he “ALLEN TWIN-UNIP’ Parlor Furnace is the last word in modem comfort, convenience and clean liness. TWIN BURNERS - DOUBLE PERFORM.ANCE “ALLEN’S” Twin-Unit Fuel oil-burning Parlor Furnace gives you the widest range of clean, healthful, humidi fied heat of any oil heater on the market today. You may operate one burner or both, at low, medium or high One Used Allen Oil Burner, in good condition, former price SuSTt. $39.50 'One Westinghouse Washing Machine, in A-1 condition,— former cost, J69.60— $1?>95 One Used Crosley Refrigera tor—good condition and ready for service. » ft. ^OO tCA Unit—Only— ^ A A • J V One New Gas Range, Four Burners, full size oven and broiler. Former price $89.50. Si— $49.50 • One Used Bosch Radio. Ori ginal price $219.50 — Reduced for quick sale. ^ 1 Q C A Only iPl^y.OV • One New Oil Burner. Original Price $59.M. Close out St- $37.50 Easy Terms Use Our Lay-Away Plan THE HOME OF FRIGIDAIRE ’Phone 75 North Wilkesboro, N. C. Cominissioner

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