HAS BIAZli‘"'THlt¥lUIL't)F l^OGR^ IN THE WaTE OF WILKHSS; FO| 'OVER'^HlRTY-THREE yE[4BS — |i' \ —-Sir- ***•;',^ h-: ^ .n .;-i '■ ■: y—*" ..; ',':^^"f%'^"''...;: .a:.3>.^. £514 I ■•* 'ahNews British Mass Libyan For^ For New Push Gcniuuis Bothered With Third Front In *'' Jogoslavia Powerful Russian offensives hurled back a German Panier army ^ from the soutnern ap proaches to Moscow and pursued westward defeated Nail divisions previously thrown out of Rostov and Taganrog, Soviet dlspa*ches said Wednesday, while in Ubya the British massed tanks and ar tillery for another attempt to knock out the two panzer divis ions standing between vthttm and the conquest of North Africa. In occupied Yugoslavia, the Germans were reported to have sent three divisions in a major offensive against Serbian troops ,nd irregulars entrenched in the valleys of the Morava River. Quarters saw in this campaign the opening of a “third front ’ with the Germans compelled to fight again in the Balkans. Nazis Gain -\t Moscow The Germans claimed that on ; the Moscow front Nazi tank units and infantry, supported by dive bombers, gained more ground “despite s'rong resistance and local enemy counterthrusts’’ but gave no details regarding po.M- tions west of itostov. the Germans said. Russian attacks were “no* as strong as they were’’ but Nazi dispalche.s gave no details of the fighting there. •,‘.'■St' ■W 1 For motiud ad do your Wilkeflbor(^f)i@ trading c ’ ' western ‘ •- ‘r ^ij^ndays and Thursdays^ NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C.. THURSDAY, DEC. 4, 1941' jfl^sb - ^ FOR YEAR 1942~ AT SAN DIEGO/ . fifll To Speak Here T^w liefilig VOL. XXXIV, No. 73 Publle OVER 200 C^MINAL cases— Wilkes Begin On Monday Cripple Clinic 11th Attention is called to the fact that the next cripple clinic will be held at the Wllkfs hospital on Thursday, December 11. and all crippled and deformed persons are urged to be present tor free examination. URGE ATFENDANCE AT Nine Meetings To Jesse Ward Gise Is Calendared For Tuesday 2nd Week Many Minor Charges Con tinued From August Term Are Awaiting Trial - , December term of Wilkes supe-: TolL rioit*vlnrr T/\ rior court will begin in IVilkesbo- 1 CUK LfdirjlUg 1 U ^ ro Monday. December S, wi h _ . I Judge Hoyle Sink, of Greensboro, Be Held In tounty , i ^ I Th^ terra will be used for trial \ Tax Listing Will He^ January 2nd In'WiOces County List Takers Appointed and Will Post Notices Of Times and Places Wilkes county and town of North Wilkesboro 'ax listing will get under way on January 2, It was announced today by tax offi cials. „ . 1 j of criminal case» and a lengthy Farnham, County Agent and of all the more than 200 Assistant Will Lead ' .1. !•’. Harrelson, of Kalis. biii"y, grand chancellor of Knig|iU.J (Of I*j»fl>las in Xorfli Carolina, will addrcs.s the lo cal K. of I*. lodge on Slonday, night. I>eccinlM*r 8, 7:.10e’clock The Discussions cases pending has been made out by Solicitor Avalon E. Hall, of Yadkinville. J. R. Snipes. IVilkes coiintv ag-; There are few cases of major ent. and H, C. Colvard. assistant ■ interest calendared, the majority agent, have planned a number of ^ of them being ac ions in which farmers’ me»tings in the county misdemeanors are charged, to di.scu.-s (he subjects of ’)reed-j The murder charge against I ing. feeding ami manageiiu'iit of , Je.sse Ward. Roaring River youth The American-Japanese crisis cattle. | charged with fatally shooting P?icific Crisis Enters Period of Dark Quiet ^ \ fell last night into one of Us re curring periods of uneasy and relative quiet. The world watch ed to see what effect the great developments in southern Russia The meetings will have spec.al Ora Jay Holder of Moravian significance iii view of the fact that decision of Coble Dairy Pro ducts company to locate a plant in Wilkesboro was announced and the Middle Ea.-t would havoj.jjjjj week and because dair,- pro upon Tokyo—the continued Ger-| ^^e foods vitally needed in man defeat back from Rostov and President Roosevelt’s ex en- sion of lease-lend aid to Turkey This was so because Japan all along had seemtsd to become em boldened with Hitler's military 1 e«a«e«ese» and- jnade cautious by. ■his reversals. Tokyo’s reply to the latest American move--President Roose velt’s question as to what Japan meant to do with her greatly in creased mili'ary forces in French Indo-China — had not been re- m)*-m ON TUESDAY NIGHT— City Fathers In December Meet Walker Appointed Assistant Building Inspector; Bid For Lot Is Rejected the defense program, the county agent said. The meetings will be held on December .S. 9 and 10. and F. R. Farnham. dairy specialist .)t the extension service, will be present a‘ each meeting. The county ag ent said that all farmers and 4- H club members are urged to at tend the meetings nearest ‘hem. The fundamen'als in develo.nnent of a better program in dairying will be especially stressed. Dates and places for the meet- Ipfts 'wcre annouficed as follows; Monday. December 8: Moun tain View at 10:15 a. m.; Cham pion at 2:00 p. m. and Roaring River at 7:20 p. m. Tuesday. December 9; Millers Creek at nine a. m.: Ferguson at 2:00 p. m. and Boomer at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. December 10; Benham school at 9:00 a. m.: Ronda at 2:00 p. m.; Traphill | at 7:.30 p. m. City board of commissioners in December meeting Tuesday night with Mayor R. T. McN’iel transae'ed a number of business matters in addition to the regu lar routine. T. H. Waller and J. E. Walker gave a report for the fire deu'irt- ment relative to a number of fire hazards. J. E. Walker, who i- al- .so police chief, was appointed a.s- sistant building, plumbing and electrical inspector with power act on recommendations of the fire hazards repor*. W. P. Kelly, city clerk, was appointed tax list taker with Miss .Mary Nichols as assistant. An agreement with the Caro ling Motor Club to sell North Wilkesboro automobile and truck license plates was executed. A bid -submitted by Mrs. Dui.i Johnson for a lo* the town has . for sale near highway 268 was rejected and a committee com posed of Ralph Duncan, R. G. Rtaley and A, F. Kilby was ap pointed to appraise the property, which the town still has for sale. Falls, here on November 22. is set for trial on Thursday of the first week of couurt. Solicitor Hall has not stated whether or not the state will ask a verdict of first degree murder. All pending murder ca-e., were tried during the August term of Wilkes court but many other cases in which defendan’s J»ad obtained bond were oontinued. GRAND CHANCELLOR— Harrelson Will Address K. of P. Interesting Meting Monday Night Will Feature Ad dress By High Oficial "irst WilkeH Armed Defense Forces Dick Pardue Is Hit By Truck Here Today FOR EVERYBODY- Scout Meet The Boy Scouts of America is the only agency chartered by Congress for the wholesale train ing and development of the youth of this country. We have had several troops of Boy Scouts in the Wilke.sboros for a number of years and the value of this ■work to our growing boys is well known to all. A recent survey through the (Continued on Page Five) J. F. Harrelson. of Salisbury, grand chancellor of Knights of Pythias in North Carolina, w'ill adcire.ss the North Wilkesboro K. of P. lodge on Monday night. December S, 7:30 o’clock. It is expected to be a mrnt in leresting meeting and a large at tendance of members is expected to hear the address of the highest officer in the lodge in the sta'e. Third degree work will be car ried out on four candidates: Robert S. Gibbs. Jr., Ted R. Hayes. B. G. Gentry and R. E. Gibbs. Refreshments will be served at the close of the meeting. C.C.Tharpe. 2, Clifton Te«itt Will Play Elkin Basketball team of the North Wilkesboro .state guard company will play the Elkin Red Elk.s on Friday night, eight o'clock, in the North Wilkesboro high school gymnasium. The guard has a good team in the making and a most interest- C. C. Poindexter, Wilkes tax supervisor, said list takers have been appointed and that dates and places of listing will be posted at public places by the list takers in all ‘he townships. He urged early listing. Town of North Wilkesboro listing will be'done by W. P. Kelly, list taker, and Miss Mary Nichols, assistant, at the .same 'ime of the county listing at the city hair. E. M. Blackburn is the county list taker for North Wilkesboro township. The list takers for the various townships, as appointed by Mr. Poindexter and approved by the county board of commissioners,! wdll be as follows: | Antioch, C. A. Sparks. Beaver Creek. G. H. Walker. Boomer. Mrs. John .Andrews. ( Bru.ohy Mountain. .A.lonzo An- j derson. Eiwards number 1 Edwards number Prevette. Edwards number Lewis. Elk. W. E. Carlton. Jobs Cabin, O. M. Watson. Lewis Forks, K. T. Fairchilds. Lovelace, iohn Hendren. Moravian Falls, Mrs. Julia B. Greer. Mulberry number 1, I. E. Se- ba.stian. Mulberry number 2, Mrs. Coyd Elledge. New Castle, Charlie Hanes. North Wilkesboro. E.M. Black burn. Reddies River. W. A. Hayes. Rock Creek. W. J. Templeton. , Somers, J- W.^Robbins. __ 'Stanton. R. t). Cooper. Traphill. John A. Holloway. Union, P. E. Dancy. Walnut Grove. L. E. Sparks. Wilkesboro number 1, Mi-'is Frank Somers. Wilkesboro number 2, C. G. Glass. Dick Pardue, an employee of Parker - Triplett Electric compa ny, was sturck by a truck driven by Vinson Church, of Summit, on Main 8'reel here this morning. Pardue sustained painful brui ses but no serious injuries. He returned tb his home after treat ment at the Wilkes Hospital. The accident occurred as he was taking some materials from the back of a truck while Church was passing. No charges were made against Church. HELP FIGHT T. B.— Response Good To Appeal For Purchase Seals Young Marine Is Victim Of Crash Of Dive Bomber Body to Arrive Saturday and Funeral Will Be At Mt. Pleasant Church 'Theodore Church, 19-year-eld old marine, was the first WiTkes county casualty in the armed forces of national defense. He was killed in the crash of a bomber at San Diego, California on Thursday. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Church, of Purlear route one in the Mount Pleasant com munity. The body wiU be brought back to Wilkes for burial and the fu neral service will be held Satur day afternoon, 1:30, at Mount Jaycees To Conduct “Bond: churc^ith the ’ I pastor. Rev. Grady Hamby, in 3, C. B. Sale”; Early Returns On Seal Buyiiig Urged Response to the Christmas Seal sale appeal has been very encour aging, Mrs. Boyd Stout, Wilkes chairman, said today. She urged early returns from those who wish to buy seals and thus aid in the fight against tu berculosis in the county, state and nation. She pointed out that three-fouruths of the amount raised in Wilkes will be used to purchase a fluoroscope for the county tubercular hospital. Junior Chamber of Commerce will conduct a "bond sale’’ in de nominations of $5, $10 and $25 to aid the cause and liberal pat ronage is asked. . New Albany, Ind.—Geo. My«». is not only pained, but also a little bored with the behavior of his left leg. Myers was admitted to a hos pital last May 17 with a fracture suffered in a fall. On crutches, he tripped a month agf and re-broke the fracture. Today Myers is not only bored, but fears his conversa tion might be boresome to listen- The “zipper” fastener was in-iers. He is telling the same old me maKiiig ana a musi, imcicai.- ven'ed by Whitcomb Judson in jstory: “Still on crutches, I broke ing game is expected. Admission 1893, but Gideon Sundback later the same leg, same place. That’s ! will be 15 cents to everybody, improved and patented it. 'the third time.” charge. The body will arrive here by train about noon, accom panied by Pvt. Keith M. Ander son, of his marine corps platoon, as escort. The young man was killed when the Navy dive bomber he was in crashed soon after takeoff from the San Diego air port during a practice flight. The pilot, Russell L. Garner, 22, av iation chief machinists’ mate, was also killed. They were the only members of the crew. The plane burst into flames after it crashed and crash crews remov ed the bodies from the wreckage Church had been in the marinq corp.s six months and had made an excellent “record. He was studying aviation mechanics and would, have graduated from that course on December 17. His grades had averaged between 90 and 95. Prio^ to his enlistment in the marines he had been in a C.C. Camp in Utah for 5 months. Surviving are his father and mother, two brother.', George B. and Robert Church, and two sis ters, Vivian and Irene Church, all of whom reside at the home. The father, a farmer of mod est means, said here that he was deeply grieved at the lo.ss of his at 7:;t0 p. m. i — WoriTOiTDairy Products Plant Soon Will Begin George S. Coltlo. Secretary- Treasiirer and principal owner of Coble Dairy Products. Incorpor ated. announced this week il.at his company will begin immedi ately to coastruct a unit of their | dairy products plant in West W’ilkesboro on the property for- merly owned by Hugh A. Cranor. | Mayor of W’ilk^sboro. j The Jouurnal-Patriot has been I reliably informed that the new . plant in W'ilkesboro will cost ap- | proximately $150,000.00. Con-j struction work is to begin im- | mediately. Voorhees & Ever- ! hart. -Archi'ects. of High Point. X. C.. have drawn plans and (continued on page four) ARCHITECTS’ DRAWING PREVIEWS DAIRY PLANT— DAIRY PRODUCTS FACTORY TO BE LOCATED IN WILKESBORO son Ixit was consoled in the knowledge that he died in the service of his coiin'ry. He ex pressed deep appreciation for a telegram of consolation from Mrs. Elaine Garner, widow of the pilot who was tlie other victim of the crash. ON ANY FRIDAY— Wlute Boys May Enroll In C.C.C. w Applications Must Be Made In Office Of County Welfare Department All white boys in Wilkes who are eligible may enroll in C. C. CamiM, it was announced today from the county welfare officer. Eariy each Friday morning a truck from the camp at Buffalo Cove stops at Wilkesboro to pick up those who want to enroll. Ap pllca'lons must be made prev! onsly in the welfare office. On last Friday two Wilkes boys itlStett' Blaine Mliler and Gaither Is Miller, were enrolled at the ’BbSsIo Cove camp. The United Sta'es purchased V jplorida from Spain in 1819. f DIED ON TUESDAY— Thomas G. Perry Is Taken By Death Funeral Is Held Wednesday Afternoon for Well Kno'wn Educator Here Thomas Gray Perry, age 68. for several decades one of the best known educators in North western North Carolina, died at the Wilkes hospital at 4:30 Tues day morning. He had been seri ously ill for two weeks and in de clining health for four years. ,, Funeral service was held Wed nesday afternoon, 2:30, .at his residence on Eighth street in this city and burial was in Mouhtain Park cemetery near Wilkesboro. Mr. Perry was born in Alexan der county, a son of 'he late Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Perry. The family moved to a Yadkin River farm near Wilkesboro in 1901. Soon after coming to Wilkes he entered business as a merchant in North Wilkesboro but returned lo the farm following the death (Continued on Page Five) IN WILKESBORO— Sanitarians Of II Counties Meet District Sanitarian Explains Re'vised Regiulations Governing Cafes Sanitarians of 11 countie.s gath ered in Wilkesboro Tuesday to hear M. M. Melvin, of Raieigh, and W. A. Broadway, of .Asheville explain the new cafe regulations land grade chart soon ’o be used. I The new regulations, the dis- I trict sanitarian said, will mean more uniform enforcement of ' sanitation laws relative to cafee. j The new regulations will be put into effect as .soon as cafe oper- I ators have been informed of all provisions and have opportunity to put them into practice. Counties repre.sen ed at the meeting were Wilkes. Surry, For- Stokes. Yadkin, Davie, syth. Burke, Caldwell, Watauga, .\sbe and Alleghany. NEWEST GROCERY— Dixie Home Store Is Opened In City I Began Busine* Todny lu .T)ie Building Next Door To Northwestern Bank Here is a reproductitm of the architect’s drawing of the Coble Dairy Products company pln^t to ^ erected in the western part of Wilkesboro on the H. A. Cranor property. Deed for the site was signed Saturday and con- structiem of the plant will begin ini a few days. Dixie Home {Stores, featuring their complete grocery depart ment and “super market”, opened today* in the building formerly occupied hy Crest Stores next door to the Northwestern * Bank (Continued on Page Fire) _N