' TWO '' I i.jiiij.iiiMr(]^^^f ;i_ tWtWWBWftCNT IN TOLmCS ii ^KUfalMd Moikdays and Hiarsdart at F'Hili Wilke*boro, N. C. 1 'm i ff jb, J. CARTER and JULIES C, HUBBARD Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ^«e ICear |1.5« Six Months ». .76 Pour Months .* 60 Out Of the StjSte $2.00 per Year Entered at the poet office at North Wilkee* boro, N. C., as second class matter under Act »f March 4, 1878. THURSDAY, DEC. 4, 1941 sistailce and co6p^.?^t$^ in a,spienw.|^| ner. To all these and all others who helped;^ Wilkes owes a unanimous vote of thanks.' Borrowed Comment Milk Plant And Progress Choosing the above heading for our sub ject, we wish to explain it as far as our ability to explain will allow. The decision on the part of officials of Coble Dairy products company to estab lish a dairy plant in Wilkes county is one of the greatest things which has happened to Wilkes in a long time and one which will mark the beginning of a new era of progress for Wilkes county agriculture. There are few industries which would affect a great number of people favorably than a dairy products plant and there are few, if any, which would have more far reaching benefits. As these columns have pointed out from time to time during the past decade, Wilkes is ideally situated for dairying. It has the soil and a climate which makes possible the growing of pastures for graz ing almost throughout the year. It ha.s the best water in the world. It has every thing for dairying. The sale of milk and the regularity of the milk checks makes dairying an all year income proposition. There is no big harvest month with the other 11 months being without income. It means money every month, in fact twice each month. That is only one of the many benefits of a milk products plant. The farmer will perhaps realize a great profit in improve ment of his lands. It means development of better pastures, which will practically eliminate roughage feed costs, help the soil and prevent erosion, which is one of the greatest enemies to agriculture *in Wilkes. It mean.s that farmers will grow great amount of feeds, particularly hay, and that in turn means he will grow more le gumes, which make the land more pro ductive. It means that barnyard manure will be available to use on the land, reduc ing fertdizer co.st.s and increasing produc tiveness of soil. The cash income from sale of milk means money to build and improve homes, to educate children—in short, to raise the standard of living. It means that farm children will have a source of income on the farm—^that they will not have to leave the farm to earn a few dollar.s. The plant itself will mean employment for a sub.stantial number of people, adding greatly to the total industrial payroll of the community. It means that more people will make their homes in the vicinity of the plant, which in turn means residential construc tion. jobs for builders and a market for materials. We could go on and on enumerating the probable benefits from location of a dairy products plant in the county. Certain people are due credit for this major step in progress of Wilkes. It was through the influence, perspec tive, foresight and business connections of ■ S. V. Tomlinson that a proposal was first j made to locate in Wilkes. J. B. Williams ; took the matter up and worked untiringly ; in behalf of the movement until success i was assured. . » Mayor H. A. Cranor and members of the W'ilkesboro board of commissioners, com posed of W. E. Sraithey, S. T. Colvard, James Lowe and C. E. Lenderman, are due much commendation for the cooperation on the matter of town taxes and furnish ing .surplus water to the plant. Special mention should be made of Mayor H. A. Cranor, who sold his home and that of his son. together with some valuable land, in the western part of Wilkesboro as a loca tion for the plant and at a modest price. The officers and directors of both banks here, the* Northwestern Bank and Bank of North Wilkesboro, rendered valuable as- And aociaI 4 MISS MAMIE SOCKWjEU^ feditor—Ph^e^iiS^I^^ advertising enusts for service (Reidsville Review) Without advertising, a free competitive economy could not exist. Without adver tising the chances are that the United States would never have become what it is today—^the country which has produced and distributes more goods among its peo ple than any other country on earth. ^ence it is reassuring that Leon Hen dsrson, price administrator of the 0PM., has laid down in very definite terms his own feeling on the 'place of advertising in the defense effort and the present situa tion in general. It has been freely rumor ed that Henderson was apathetic to ad vertising, though he always denied it, and that some sort of restrictions might be laid down to govern its use. Henderson in a speech at Hot Springs, Va., to a group of advertising men, not only reiterated his previous denials, but laid down some eminently sensible princi ples. Advertising, he is reported as saying, i.s the cheapest and most effective means of distributing goods, and in an expanding economy there is a place for even more of the right kind of advertising than at pres ent. Further, advertising, the total of which equals only two per cent of the val ue of all manufactured goods, has not even been considered as a major cost factor in the fixing of price ceilings. Except in some particular case, in which an industiT might claim increased advertising costs as a rea son for claiming price increases, the 0PM inclines to leave the decision of when and how much to advertise entirely to the ad vertiser. Further, he indicated, when peace comes again, and the problem of turning defense production back to civilian Uses becomes paramount, advertising will have an even greater job to. do in moving the goods whose production in peacetime factories will give work. These are sensible points of view, and everyone who familiar with the facts of the production and consumption of goods in a free economy knows them to be true. Advertisers, like everyone else, have their responsibilities to the whole people, to the nation, and to its defense; adver tisers, like everybody else, are subject to certain common hazards in these times. But advertising has a job to do, and it i reasuring to note that this is recognized by those responsible for policy-making in Washington. Advertising has served America great ly ; it can serve it now; it can serve it even more greatly in the expanded future. Mountain Stars Triangle j Met In AsheviDe I By 'unanimous vote Mrs. Leola j M. Byerly, Junior Past Granil j Matron,, of North Wilkosboro, was elected presiding officer for 1941 and 1942 of the Mountain Stars Triangle, a permanent organiza tion. The meeting was called to order on Saturday, November 29, at 7:30 o'clock at the Mason ic Temple in Asheville with Mrs. Byerly presiding... Hostess chap ters, were Esther. Chapter No. 12, and Asheville 191, of Asheville, and Blltmore No. 38 of Blltmore, which served refreshments after the meeting. Mr. E. M. Jarrett of Andrews, responded to.^ Mrs. Byerly’s gra clous welcome. Distinguished guests included Miss Bessie Gad dy, of Raleigh and Wingate, Worthy Grand Matron; Mrs. Nellie B. Stine, of Lenoir, Grand Trea.surer; Mrs. Lillian Guigou, of Valdeae, Grand Ruth; Mrs. No lan K. Hunnicutt and Miss Minnie K. Lewis, of Asheville; Mrs. By erly, of North Wilkesboro, Past Grand Matron; Mr. John J. Orr, of Bryson City. Past Grand Pat. ron; and Mias Lula B. McNeil, of Asheville, District Deputy Grand Matron of the Eleventh District. The Mountain Stars Triangle consists of counties west of and including Alleghany, Wilkes, and Iredell counties, comprising dis tricts 10. 11, and 12, of the Grand Chapter of North Caroli na Order of the Eastern Star. Around 100 attended from the twelve chapters represented. Social Calendar Nichols-Bryan Marriage Vows Are Announced Rev. and Mrs. James T. Nich ols, of Purlear, announce the marriage of their daughter. Mary Arlene, to Ot'o Br^an on Novem ber 22. 1941, at Dillon, S. C. The ceremony wa^ performed by Miss Bessie .McLean, Notary Public They were accompanied there by Mrs, Bryan’s sister. Miss Dolly Nichols, and .Mr. William E. A. Wheeler, Jr., of New York City. Mr. Bryan is the son of .Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bryan, of White Oak. and hold.s a position wi'h the North Carolina Shipbuilding Company at Wilmington, where the couple will make their home. 18,000,000 COMMON COLDS (Lenoir News-Topic) One-third of the homes :n the United States reported colds during the week end ing November 15th, according to a survey conducted by the American Institute of Public Opinion. The fact that an estimated 18,000,000 Americans suffered from this common and widely prevalent malady indicates the enormous loss that is involved. Some au thorities assert that the American people lo.se more than $1,000,000,000 annually through the ‘common cold.” The people of Caldwell county have not been immune to the infectious condition of many of them have suffered what are re- fered to as ‘‘heavy colds.” As one who knows we say they are to be avoided if the victim can find the remedy. Despite considerable expert attention, nobody knows what causes the cold. The victims attribute their attacks to various factors. They likewise boast of their “cures” but, unfortunately, experience in dicates that what'^knocks out the cold one time will not do it again. The survey s^ows that, during the week in November, the population of New Eng land and the Middle Atlant^ States was least affected, with only 12 percent of the ^ people infected. The Far East reported[ 13 per cent, tKe South 14 per cent, the East East Central section 16 per cent and the West Central ^rea was heaviest hit of all, with 17 per cent of the population affected. Mrs. W. C. Grier U. 1). C. Hostesst The December meeting of the Wilkes Valley Guards chap ter of the U.D.C. was held Mon day afternoon at the home of ■Mrs. W. C. Grier on E street, hav ing tliirteen members present. The meeting opened by the group singing "Carolina” after which Mrs. Joe E. Johnson, the presi dent, presided for the usual bus iness session. Mrs. ,C. H. Cowles: led the devotionals and for the program Mrs. Grier read an in teresting article on the battle tha’ was fought at Fort Hamby dur ing the Civil War. At the clo-:e of the afternoon the hostess served tea and sandwiches. Episcopal AuxiliaiT Met With Mrs. H. T. Brown Mrs. H. 1. Brown was hostess to the members of the Episcopal Auxiliary at her home on E s'reet Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. B. Dula. the president, was in charge and led the devotional period. During the business session the following officers were chosen for another year: Mrs. Joe Bar ber, president; Mrs. Dudley Hill, vice-president; Mrs. William Bar her, secre'ary; and Mrs. Hoyle Hutchens, trea.surer. A large number were present and were served refreshments during the social hour. Ladies Bible Clas.s Planning S. S. Party The Ladies Bible Class of the North Wilkes.boro Methodist church, of which Mr. P. J. Bra me Only once in history, during Lincoln’s term were five living ex-Presidents in the United States. This unusual number was a result largely of the fact that no presi dent elected between 1836 and 1860 serv ed more than four years. Goldsboro, N. C., took its name from M. T. Goldsboro, of Maryland. HIGH SCHOOL AND college graduates , Prepare to earn a good sal ary. A complete business course at Jones Business Coflege will give you the surest way to em ployment and of earning mon- ey. Join our fall and winter classes ihow forming. We have one of the largest and best equipped business colleges in North Carolina. College and university trained i,eacher8. Free employment service. More calls for well trained office.help than we can supply. Send for information. A few'girls can work for room and board. Jones Busmess College •HIGH POINT, N. C. P. P. Jones, M. A., President Fully Accredited by American Association of Commercial Colleges The Legion Auxiliary will meet Monday ervenlng,-,7:30^ ,at the home of Mrs. Gordon, Finley with Mrs. T. A. Finley and Mrs. I. B. McCoy as associate hostesses. The Fidelis class of the Firs: Baptist church will meet Tues day evening, December 9, at 7:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. A. H. Casey with Mrs. R. P. Casey Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, Mrs. S. L. Pardue, and Miss Emma'Eller, as hostesses. The members are ask ed to note that the meeting is be ing held a week earlier. „ ^for th« nicest drore bridge gatas' fta wdhten IwMt - ’to K^hery n Tront- rji*n''andi:'for!'the '.-men to Fred finbl^d, Jr.' Mrs. F. C. ,Fores- tei(. won the turkey tha^ was giv en as a prize. Ught refreshments were served at the beginning of, file evening. . , j liAROER , branet.' The Octoher volume of gener-j^bottiarfii al merchandise’sales In small. dei^ii^‘ ~ towns and rural areas was larger' ___ than for any previous month ou i /a n g/\ record, except December of last ^KC^/^^ w Uwlww’i^ year. ^ ' ' forC^idMtClMiifCoMtitrod^HR is teacher, 1s planning a Christ mas party to be held at the par- .5onage Tuesday evening, Decem ber the ninth. Supper will be ser ved at 6:30 o'clock each member to bring a covered dish with food beginning with the first letter of the first name. feach one is also to bring a gift wrapped, with name on inside, the gift not to exceed twenty-five cents, and these gifts will be exchanged. Following the supper a series of games will be enjoyed. Commit tee making arrangements for the party is Mrs. A. C. IVaggoner, Mrs. Ivey Moore and Mrs. R. E. Gibbs. Mrs. E. S. Cooper Is Bridge Club Hostess The members of the Young Matrons Contract club and a few' extra guests were delightfully en- lertained by Mrs. E. S. Cooper at her home Tuesday evening. A dessert course was served to the guests at the beginning of th.s evening after which bridge was played al three tables and rook at one. The lop score pri/e in bridge was won by Mrs. Rufus Church while Mrs. Aiene God frey Upchurch held the prize for honors, and In rook the same p\ize was awarded to Mrs. -\I. B McNeil and Mrs. Warner Miller, Sr. To Mrs. Warner Miller. Jr., the hosteas presented crystal in her wedding pattern. This Christmas GIVE ELECTRICAL GIFTS .. and You Give More For Your Money Mrs. J. B. McCov Entertains Her Sewing Club With .Mrs. J. B. McCoy as hos tess the members of the Wednes day Sewing club and some addi tional guests were graciously en tertained at a luncheon at the Wilkes Hotel Saturday. Lunch eon was served at one o'clock wi'h covers laid for twenty at a table which was attractively dec orated with »:tumn leaves and flowers. An informal hour was enjoyed by the group at the close of the luncheon. Large Number Attend Benefit Can! Party Seven'een tables of bridge were in nlay at the benefit card party .sponsored by the Civic and Social club of North Wilkesboro, which was held at the Woman’s clubhouse on Trogdon street on Saturday jevening. At the party I .Mrs. Will Blair and Mrs. Claude i © More Convenience, Comfort, More Pleasure from Living. Convenient electrical appliances give lasting service . their lifetime is not limited to a few days . . . or weeks . . . their service is measured in years . .. years of satisfaction and pleasure. Shop electrically NOW! See for yourself. There is an electrical gift for practically every person on your shopping list . . . The low prices, too, ara sure to please you. See Your Electrical Dealer or DUKE POWER CO. HOURS 9 TO 5 NINTH STREET /a/um “I love Harry Pulbam but when he asked me to marry him, I knew, it would never work.. his way. "You see, I had been vrith him to Boston met his friends. . saw what his background had done to him .and know what it would do to me.. to our love. "Harry belopgs with me I've taught him to live, to laugh, to love .but will aU this hold him...when every instinct draws him back to the life he was bom to lead?" At Last It’s On The Screen! -k MQJJ0N3 HiVEJIEJUllT! n i Boak-Oi- Tha-Moitb aelactiao... «8 a Readers' Digest stsig!.. •aaMcCaU Migiziie sariiL MON AND TUE at 1:00-3:10 7:00-9:10 m