.UMD^Kosphate Home Gard^M i_ ■ ■ It. vaa ' announced today from ill* county AAA office by Law- r«)i«e Miller, aecretary of the - itH ottaUl news ax- tneaterday that ' ipen^-it wero'klll- .jiSS^.-****'**® .«nn«Ions de- ■•r^Diigw np unddr fke' former iW^tr National .Sank at Uiice ' ' munitions 'wer* stored irf •i|HWk vanlts by Serbian Com- I ’ Ilte 'ttews agency said," •"fw the newspaper Obnova that Serbian police killed ,,.pr, captured *^®(M*8d8 of CojnniunistsV in watoriag order at Uzice and the , ,^thy city of Cacak. ‘The bolsheviks' attempted to •ee Diice in their own train but '••i***^ were .,*topped near Preljin and destroyed,” the dispatch said, fit ^id not say whether the mu- ■It ions cache exploded before or ■Iter the “Communists” left the holding.) s —jV 5?^ Convoy Duty Scared Him, Seasick Doug, Junior, Admits Reykjavik, Iceland, Nov. 20.— flayed)— Douglas Fairbanks, ., the death-defying hero of M movies, admitted with a wry grin today that he was “scared” during several weeks of active ■erviee aboard a destroyer on convoy duty in the, north Atlan- tte. In the uniform of a lieutenant. Junior grade, his blond mustache still as trim as when he was in the movies, Fairbanks talked en- tiiusiastically of his e.vperience.s. On Battiesfilp He came here for’ a visit while •n leave from a battleship to which he w'as transferred recent ly for the duration of liis three- months' active service. He declared: “I was really scared most of the time anoard the destroyer, but so was everybody else. “It was my first extended tour dnty since I became a Re.serv- 1st, also my first under combat conditions. “.After the danger liad died do wn. I asked the cap ain wlieth- cr r was scared just becau.-^e I was only an amateur sailor. "He replied. Of course not Bverybody was scared and so was P.” Yes, He \Va.s Fairbanks admitted .sheepish- that he had suffered seasick- •ess several times. He proudly displayed a copy «f a report his destroyer captain jen*t to the Navy department cer tifying that he had stood regu lar duty as a junior officer under ppmbat conditityns- C.A.C.A. that 20 percent pho6pha‘e would be available through the program to be used on gardens. Amounts up to 500 pounds will be approved by the office, and will be avail able sometime In the months of January und February to all who an* to luse It. Farmers are re i^ndetf fhat this material is no* full course fertilizer, but only tarnishes the phosphate that i« needed in all gardens. This should be supplemen'ed by oth er types of fertilizer in order to secure greater analysis. Ail farm ers who anticipate that they might need this ma erial for their gardens should contact the coun ty office as soon as possible. Absurdities - * * , By DWIGHT NICHOLS, et al. C. for X total of 10.440,000 persons were employed in agricultural work November 1. a much more tlian seasonal decline of 1.112,- *«0 workers 'from the number •B October 1. Use the lovemsing columns o' this pane’ as vom- shonning WANTED WANTED: Man for |{awUM«!i fi*ute. Permanent if you ar” » htretler. For particulars write lawleigh’s. Dept. NCL.,-lo4-102, Richmond. Va. Itpd. ANTED at once: .Ail iKirg-aiii ■eekers to see my stock of merchandise. Mrs. Dennis Bargain Store, next to Curl) Market. 12-a-4t TXKl.VL OPENINGS 10 tenant farmers. NORTH CAROIilNA OPENINGS 1 teacher, vocational training (sheet metal), general shop work), 1212.50 per month; print er VII, 40c per liour plus over time; 2 loopers (full fashioned) 914c per dozen;; 1 greenhouse florist, $25-$35 per week. I NTTED STATES OPENINGS 10 coppersmiths, $1.25 per hr.; 10 shaper operators, metal. 90c per hour plus 10 lir:s. wk. over time at 1 ‘4: 10 sheet metal workers, $l.(Tr per hr.; 50 arc w'elders, $1.07 per hr,: 120 Tainees for aircraft materials inspector coiir.se, 10 weeks course no pay during training, $27-$S2 per week upon completion of training. Negro Shoots Wife Way He Does Rabbit Cassie Marlin certainly isn’t a rabbit hut she received in her grrin a load of shot that her hii.sband. James .Arthur Martin., negro, fired wliile he told wit nesses, “Tills is the way 1 kills H rabbit.” according to testim my nreseiited in Migti Point munici pal court yesterday. Martin, who lives at 112 Hob son street was ordered held for superior court |on a charge of assault with a deadly tveapon with intent to kill upon his wife although the wife told the coiir' she “knew’’ he didn’t mean to shoot her. Two witnesses took the stand and testified that Martin was holding a 12-gauge shotgun in his hands in the bedroom at his home and was saying. "This i.s the way 1 kills a rabbit.” when the gun accidentally discharged iu.st as his wife walked through •Jie doorway iiro the room. Thev said most of the shot hit a wall near the door liiit that some of it ricoche’ed and struck Cassie Marlin. Oflicers. however, took the stand and testified that when tliey arrived on ihe scene of the shooting, all the occupants of the lioiise in.-^istcd tha' nothing had happened and that they found it difficult to secure any information almiit the episode. Cure Jap’s Diabetes Tbank You, Mr. R. Tokyo. Nov. 22. Ichiro Ke- wose. memlicr of parliameP.L said in a newspaper article today that he thanks President Roosevelt for his cure from diabetes. Kewose wrote 'hat since the United States gasoline embargo the number of operating automo biles aaid taxieal>s has been so reduced that he is forced to walk wherever he goes. This exercise, plus the reduc tion in sugar served at home and in restauurants. he said, had en abled him to regain his health. APPEAL To PRESIDENT Because we are going to face an Impending emergency about the first of year we are writing the following open letter to Pres- Iden* Roosevelt: North Wllkesboro, N. December 4, 1941 Franklin Delano Roosevelt President of the U. S. White House, * Washington, D. C. Dear President: Knowing what you did Thanksgiving, we are hoping you can do something about the prob lem to face us when New Year’s Day rolls around. Our troubles loom for that date because it happens to be when Duke University’s Blue Devils will play Oregon State in he Rose Bowl at Pasadena Cali fornia. , January 1, we have been taught to believe, is ' New Year’s Day. and reference to the calendar discloses the sad fact that .New Year s Day, dale of the Rose Bow! football game, will be on'Thiirs- ilay. and Thursday is one of our press days. Because of the time difTefeiice, (inaylte vou could do something about that too) the game will be in our la'e afternoon and even ing. the busiest time on Uie bus iest day of what will he the bus iest week of the whole season. Frs. u. W. Brown — Funeral Frii^y Funeral servtc* will •) be hel4 Friday, 11 a. m., at old Roaring River church for Mrs. Myr'le Elizabeth Brown, age 68, wife of G. W. Brown, of Traphill. She died Tuesday at her home. Ntt’tfa ^IHK^boro HetltodM Thii pis'0^," Rev. A, C. Wa goner, (Mivek a -message of eepMbl'ttterest to women at, the ll'o’eldiek seiwloe - and aH'aVe urged to atteAif. Regulat evening She is survived by her husband gej-vlce will be held at 7:30. ' and fourteen song and daughters: Mrs. Maude Yannoy, who. resides in Pennsylvania; Claude Brown and Mrs. Pearl McBride, of Trap- hill; Mrs. Bertha Sldden, Win ston-Salem; Mack Brown, Bur lington; Mrs. Flossie Martin and Miss Edna Brown, Winston-Sa lem; Lonnie and Nora Brown, of Kernersvllle; Paul Brown, Win- ston-Salem; John Brown, Vonley, Va.; Mrs. Ruby McBride. Joynes;- Bessie and Vaughn Brown, of Traphill. Rev. G. R. Cox and Rev. A. C. Sidden will conduct the funeral services. SUNDAY SBRVICFS AT 1 FIRST BAPTW CmhtCR W George * l(?imerarilRttld (jeorge Wjslt Tbl), . John Tnll,’bf this city, died ekrilt Saturday morning folloutfnc f. heiurt a'tadi^at the homfr of .ftih dat^ghteK 'lirrs. Seorge FrinklUton. He was 80 yean of age.’f.X^’"- ■ - ■ Fune^l and burial servjice was held at 'ICiiuton Christian ehureh Sunday! i^rnoon. ^ t''’ - ■ Snrvtr^ are his widow, Mrs. Rowena ihttl; two sons,'* Job* TuU, otjAts city, and Ero^t 1^1^ of ChiciH^j three daugbten. Milt. W. M. ^Rk^ntz, of Lovell,’Wyo.; Mrs. Rnhft R. Terrell, of-'Chapel Hill; aft$ Sirs. Cooke. 'Christ,.;, the-. Hope of- the World” wn 1m the sermon sub ject of the pastor at the eleven o’clock service Sunday morning in (he First ^ptigt church this Sunday. At the 7:30 p. m. ser- ^ tJetober marked the vice, the pastor will speak on i .October marked the the topic "In the Other Fellow’s anniversary of Mr. Place.’’ Sunday School convenes at 9:45 a. m., and the Baptist Training Union meets at 6:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend the services. indie 81 Wflkesbw*, N, "iW-- Better Shoe RefM^ At - 'Reesonebie Pnceej^ i INVISIBLE SPUIIG Shoe Sq^iBee, Dyes, PoUshM M 59th and Mrs. 'TuH. Mr. and Mrs. John Tull. -went to the home Saturday and returned here Monday. Mrs. Buf&rd Jones’ Father H Kilted D C Pendergraa?. 53. of Wood-' Sunday. HU topic will be “Chrls- Ipaf, died Tuesday night in the tian Priorities”. We are hearing Rowan hospital at Salisbury much 'oday concerning priorities from injuries received on Sunday needed for national defense, afternoon when his au’omobile What values, what virtues ought WILKESBORO METHODIST The pas’or.ADr. James C. Stokes will preOTh at the Wilkes, boro Methodist church at 11 a. m. was hit by another near his home. He wag the father of Mrs. Buford Jones, formerly of this city and now residing in Wilmington. Those from here attending the funeral in Sali.sbury. Wednesday were Mrs. T. R. Grayson, Mrs. 'Bryce Caudill, Mrs. Arvil Phifer Twenty-two Jlock demonstra tion records completed by Jones, county poultrj'men show that; chickens are paying better this j year than in 1940, reports Assls- i tant Farm Agent Jack Kelley. > WilfianuMotoij: Company T. H. WILLIAMS, M«r« BEAR FRAME SERVICE Good,;l/«ed Cars, Truelu and Tractora • EASY TERMS • Greene county farmers using | inexpensive lamp brooders have found them bo'h satisfactory and economical to operate, re ports J. W. Grant, assistant farm ' agent. Will Pay Cash for Late .Model Wrecked Cars and Trucks Zomplete Body Rebuild Siectric and Acetylene Weldlag 'PHONE 334-J Now. we ask you, how in the sam hill ran we listen to a Ro.se Bltwl game at that time of day and on pres.s day? .Something has got to be done about it and you are just the man who can do it. You changed Thanksgiving for somebody. We never did under stand just whom you made tbe change for or why. But th? fact remains you did change Thanks giving and made it s’irk. even in North Carolina, and that is going some. Now. we waiitta know, won’t yon plea.-=e move New Year’s Day forward.s or backwards so’s it won't come on Thursday, which will be press day in spite of H and HW and regardless of any thing else. Put New Year’s Day on Tue.s- day. Friday. Saturday or maybe Wednesday but for gosh sakes don’t make it Monday. That U another day to go lo press and it "pappe-is lo b e the only one which would he worse than Thursday. Listening to radio broadcasts of football games is aliout Ihe on ly fun Us combination edilors- columnist-printers get and don't you thi.ik it would l)e tragic to miss than just hecau.se New Year’s Day, according to ihe cal endars just out with the piclures of pretty .girls, women, etc., comes on Thursday? Yours truly. WORRIED PS. 7> S,—On second thought don't New Y''ear’s Day on Wednes- pnt is family night day because tliat at both theatres liere wnen ad mission is only ten cents and one cent lax. Benefit Program At Mt. Pleasant ■ ANTHiD: Em>cn«noNl beauty operator. Grace’s Beauty Salon. North 'Wilkeshoro. 12-4-2tpd FOR SALE BOB S.XLE: Nic.e young c«lar for Christmas trees, any sizes. 2 miles -west of Traphill. W. M. Spicer, Traphill, N. C Itpd nor S.ALE: l-Vrur room hou.se and lot at a bargain. On J Street. See Austin Lovette, 1212 Hlnshaw Street. Phone JJ5-I. 12-4-2t-pd NOR SALE: One three year old any. See Dr. J. G. Bentley Pores Knob, N. C. 12-8-3tpd EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of Bynum C. Price, late of Wilkes County, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the said estate to present proof of claim to the undersigned Executor on or before the 12th day of No vember, M42, or this notice will be plead in bar of their rig'nt to re cover. All persons indebted to the sau estate will make immediate settle ment. 'This the 12th day of November A. D. 1941. DEWEY BROYHILL, Ekerutor, of the Estate of By- nunii C. Price, deceased. A. H. CASEY, Att’y. 12-18-6t (t) Two-horse wagon, disc harrow, -*et team hamess. complete hlacksmlth,-sh«*,‘-ntare with 6- months old fUlr colt, one-horse wagon and harness. Mrs. A. G. Foster, Congo. 12-4-4t A leiiefif program with plenty of entertainment will he held at Ml. Pleasan’ school under spon sorship of Willing Workers class of Lewis Fork Chiircti on Friday, December 12, seven o’clock. J. Roby McNeill will he master of ceremonies and some of the many features will he quartet singin'g. . string music, panto mine numbers by children, cake walks, bingo and bazaar. No admission will be charged and everybody is invited and giv en every assurance of an enjoy able evening. and son. John Charles, Mrs. J.A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Jones and Mrs. Vernon Kizer. Dolores Carr, Girl Billiard Artist, To Perform Here Tenth Dolores Carr, age only 19 but recognized as the world’s great girl artist in pocket billiards, will perform at Recreation (Cen ter here on Wednesday, Decem ber 10, 7:15 p. ni. She will go through a dazzling display of fancy and trick shots following each game. She has been widely acclaimed at every public appearance and it is ex pected that a large crowd will see her perform in this ci’y. RATIONS The British ra^h books for Oc'ober contained tickets for the purchase of two eggs only for the entire month, and no extra meat, cheese or butter. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Will Joines, late of Wilkes county, N. C„ this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersized, w'hose address is North Wilkes- boro, N. C., duly verified, on or before the 18th day of November, 1942, or this notice will be plead in b.ar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 18th day of Novefnber, 1941. JOHNSON SANDERS, Admini.strator of the estate of public auction to have a place on the Chris'ian personal priority list? The pa.s-1 tor will seek to give an answer j to this question. ) There will be no evening wor ship service at the Wllkesboro Methodist church, but a meeting is scheduled for 7 p. m. at Union Methodist church. IX>ST More than 90,000,000 kilowatt hours of electrical energy are es- imated to have been lost so far this year due to silting of major power reservoirs in North Caro lina, Sduth Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Try PRUNOL, The Fruit Juice Laxative Guaranteed To Reiieve Constipation Prunol ia a scientiflcally homogenized emnlsion of tasteleiMi ■Un* era! oil, tasty prune juice aiid'phenolphthalein. mnol acts toi soften waste matter, lubricate the intestinal canal, and fefftlFi stimulate muscles controIUng bowel movements. All three actioMi are necesMiy to provide relief from constipation and Pmaol is gnar-i : anteed to give relief or your druggist will refund every cent ofji your money. , Prunol is the ideal family laxative. Children as well as adults Ukei its creamy “prune whip” taste and easy, effective action. Ask your; dmggist for Prunol. It comes in 60c or $1.00 sizes. Prunol is soUtl,^ and guaranteed by HORTON’S DRUG STORE North Wllkesboro, N. C. FArr.S VS. PALI.ACIES .ABOUT YOUR HEALTH Is spinach good for you? Does liquor cure snake bite? Does scaring you half to death atop hiccup-s? Read about many com mon fallacies in interesting scien tific article in December 14th is sue of Tile .-tnieriraii Weekly llte Big Magazine Distributed AVith The B.ALTIMBK SUNDAY A.MERICAN On Sale At All Newssiancls 800,000 EXTRA TRAVELERS fhis CHRISTMAS " '(S’''*,*? A4 RE-SALE OP VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of au- thorfey conferred on the under- sigred commissioners by an or der of the Superior Court, in a. cer'afn Special Proceedings en titled “Benbow Mitchell and wife, Pansy Mitchell, et als, vs. Ed gar Mitchell and wife. Mae Mftch- ell et afs. dated December 1. 1941. and increased bid.s having been filed with the undersigned commissfoners, the undersigned commissioners will on Wednes day. December 17, 1941, at 12 o’clock Noon, at the courthouse door, in the town of Wllkesboro, North Carolina, offer for sale, at for cash, the fol- -GREYHOUND \LiN£5\ Will Joines, dec'd. I lowMng described real estate; 1^25-6t (t) i FIRST TR.4(7T — Being Nos. 4 and 5 in Block No. the Town of Gordon, N. C., ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qimlified a.s administra- register- lor of the estate of Mrs. Ina Davis, . „ ^ „„ 502. Said' late of Wilkes county, N. C.. this y an -toat l to notify all persons having claims again.st said estate to pre sent them to the undersiCTed, whose address is North Wilkes- boro, N. C., duly verified, on or be fore the I8th day of November, lt)42, or this notice will be plead ed in a deed from Gordon Indus- ^ 80 feet] on the BotTne Traii’Highway and 1 ex'ending hack of that same width .Southwardly 160 feet, and containing T2IJ80 Square Feet, together with conditions embrac- in bar of their right to recover. ■All persons indebted to said e.stati will please make immediate settle ment. This Ifith day of November 1941. JOHNSON SANDERS, Administrator of the estatt of Mrs. Ina Davis. de'’’d. 12-25-6t (t> Use the advertising columns o thi« paper as your shopping guid ADMINISTRATOR’S NO’TICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Lela L, Shoemaker, lat-e of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said estete to present them to the undersign ed, whose address is North Wilkes- boro, N. C.. duly verified, on or be fore the 6th day of November, 1942, or this notice will be plead in bar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. Ibis 6th day of November, 1941. JOHNSON SANDERS, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Lela L. Shoemaker, dec’d. 12-ll-6t (t) trial Corporation lo T. B. Finley for 'his property. SECOND TRACT — Beginning on a rock. L H. Pennell and C. A. Mitchell corner, running West with J. H. Pennell'S line to a slake to .1. H. Pennell’s line near • LIST YOUR PROPERTY • FOR SALE OR RENT WITH US We Specialize In Rentals and Sales of Real Estate Of All Kinds Absher Real Estate Co. Upstairs, Old Absher & Blackburn Bldg. • PHONE 312 • k S’! m to E. M. BLACKBURN, Manager a whiteo''ak: thence Northea.st to a persimmon tree on Jefferson MISCELL^ NEOUS —White and liver spot ted female setter. Answers to ■ame of “Beulah’’. Liberal ■wwlfrd tor return or intor- —Mnn leading to return. W. a. Gabriel at Belt’s Depart- ■ent store. It ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra- ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE tov of the estate of J. P. Davis, Having qualified as administra late of Wilkes county. N. C., this tor of the estate of Grant Cheek, is to notify all persons having ijate of Wilkes county, N. C„ this claims against said estate to pre-1 jg to notify all persons having sent them to the underrized, claims against said estate to pre- whose address is North Wilke- ggnt them to the undersigned, XOTTCE OP SKRVICP BY I'UBIACATIOV Nor'h Carolina, M'ilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK U. S. 'Vestal, Administrator of Leilar Harris Smlthey, decea.sed; Ethel Harris St. John and hus band. Grady St. John. vs. Monroe Smithey, widower; Pearl Harris Osborne and husband, Hughle Osborne, Pernie Carrie Harris: Hallie Mae Harris Par- due and husband, Carl Pardue: William Guy Harris, Annie Paul ine Harris, Ruby Lee Harris, and Bet'y Lou Harris. The defendant. Carl Pardue. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in tbe Superior Court of Wilkes Coun’y, North Carolina to sell the land as described in the petition entitled as above: - - will and Wllkesboro road; ’hence down said road to a redoak bush: thence Southwest to a whiteoak: thence Southwest with J. H. Pennell’s road to the beginning, containing 8 acres more or less. third TRACT — Begmmng on a Spanish oak. running West with H. O. Pennell’s line 50 poles to the James Pennell Road, a rock: thence Northeast with said road 22 poles to a whiteoak; thence the same course con’inued with - a marked line to a black- oak on the ^ank of the public road leading to the Curtis Bridge; thence with said road 35 poles more or less to a s'aks; thence South to the beginning, containing 8 acres more or less, less 2 acres sold to T. B. Oa- horne. The commissioner.s will sell tne first tract separate from the last two trac’s, and reserve the right to sell the last two tracts sepa rate then to sell the last two tracts as a whole. A ten per cent cash deposit will Almost any Boy or Girl would be delighted to own one of these splendid little volumes. and the said Carl Pardue „ ^ further take notice that he is re- jje required of the last^and quired to appear in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the court hou.se In Wllkesboro, North Carolina. est bidder on the total purchase price as liquidated damages the event the sale Is confirmed and the purchasers refuse to com- , XT /-I J 1 J — — •>—'Ion the 24th day of January, i niv with'their bid, and unles* sboro, N. C., duly venfi^, on or whose address is Eakin, N. C., duly demur to gaW deposit is made, the property LITTLE FOLKS Spec.’zl Reduced Price PICTORIAI. BIBLE PrepM-*a ta Appeal to tba Child’a Ova btaraat 8ELF.PRONOUNCIN6 SUMOAY-SCMOOI. SCHOL- ARS’ BIBIE attll BEAUTIFUL PICJURM ol So«nM In BlWn LaaPn, naS ilELJ^ TO BIBLE 8TUBV. . Thn Text U SnU-prcominalH. Iv du ftld Of wbleb ehUdran eea loom to pro* aouDCO th« dlfllcuU SCSll^jrnBB PROPER XAMK8. ^ AU efforts of tbo ifflogbuUoo uid oil deieriptlcQs io words cadboi nuke the of tho Bible m reel tod rirtd ee t wtlk throuib It bf metos of Fletunt which iUuAnU eceoee tnd pitcee ukwj from Doture tod life to tbe Holj Lead M they oow exist. Cleer Priot—81m SKxSK loobee Ne. 5208 MOROCCO GRAINED BINDING Duroble and FUodbU, Ower- Uppiof Covers, GoldTItlM EVERY BOY wd GIRL 8H0UUI HAVE A BIBLE. Thn Blhla li Uin void of Ood. thn Bnt Book of Books for the eoUre ClvUUed World. Tbe Ubo Of Nstioos tre bteed oa tbe prladplee m«n- tkmed in the Blbla Ite etirly Impreeeicot on the yeiffhfttl mind trt boch bewsfloUl tod •'*'irtaf. It builds chtrtctsr tod its inffuwion it toward Ghffs- tltoitr eod RishX Uviat. R emade for tB'RMdi good tod ooble tod sjmboUset tbe hijheet MeOb of life. • ALSO • Higher Priced BIBLES WITH WORDS OF CHRIST IN RED Zipper Bindings ★ References Family Record Maps In Coin’s Study Coarse persons will please make immediate settle ment. This 6th day of November, 1941. JOHNSON SANDERS, Administrator of the estate of to recover. All persons indebted to said estate ■will please make im- mediate :,ettlement. T^is 23rd day of October, 1941. JAMES MARTIN BURCHAM, Administrator of the estate of J. P. Davis, dec’d. 12-ll-6t-t Grant Cheek, dec’d. ll-27-6t (t) This the 2nd day of December, 1941 C. C. HAYES, . '* Clerk Superior Court. 12-25-4t(H) This the 2nd day of December, KYLE HAYES ^ J. H. WHICKER, Sr. Commissioners. l?-ll-2t (t) Carter-Hubbard Pnblishing Co. North Wilkesbort), N. C.