•I’ t: ri ■ V ., ^ Women’s Church, Civic And Social Activities MISS MAMIE SOCKWELL, Editor—Phone 216 Bct., Mre. A. C. Waggoner Hoste At Turkey Supper Rey. and Mrs. A. C. Waggoner were hosts at a turkey supper «t the parsonage Thursday even- fa* at 6:30 o'clock, having as Cveets the members ot the board •C stewards ot the North Wilkes- horo Methodist church. Around twenty were present and follow- fag the supuper enjoyed a delight ful evening ot fellowship togeth- Ruth S. S. Class Has Social Meeting Miss Yolande Kerbaugh was tosress to the members of the Ruth class of the First Baptist church at her home here, having eight ot the members pre.sent. In the absence of the president. Miss Wanda Kerley wa.s in charge of the business part of the meet ing and also led the devotioual.s. The 4 6th Psalm was read as uie •cripture lesson, and was tollow- «d by sentence prayers. Mis.s Blanche Halt wa.s elected as re porter for the class. .\t the close •f the meeting the hostess’ mother and si.iter. Miss Dori.s Ruth Kerbaugh. served i-ertesh- Bents. Intermediate Girls At Hinshaw Church Meet The Intermediate girls of the Hinabaw street church met,in regular session at the home of Pauline Absher Tuesday The members present were Pauline Absher. Annie Johnson, Opal Porter, Mrs. Bauguess and Mildred McHone. Ruby Lee Johnston had charge of the program. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Opal Porter on De cember 16th. Social The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service of the Wllkesboro Methodist church will meet on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. N. O. Smoak, -the president. N. Wilkesbo.-o P. T. A. To Meet Thursday The North Wilkeshoro Parent- Teacher a-ssociation will hold its monthly meeting in the schoo' auditorium on Thursday after noon at 3:15 o’clock. A musical program will he given by Miss Ia)uise Younce. public school music teacher in the school. The Wesleyan Service Guild of the Wllkdbboro Methodist church meets Tuesday evening at 7; 30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Virginia Rogers with Mrs. Rus- sell Pearson as co-hostess. The Spiritual Life group of the North Wllkesboro Methodls’ church will meet Tuesday after noon at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Cecil Hauss at 502 P street. The Wesleyan Service Guild of the North Wilkeshoro Methodist church will meet Tuesday even ing at 7:45 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Gardner with Mrs. Rufus .Morrow and Mias Margare' Hall as ho.stesses. Miss Edith Brown will have charge of the program. The circles of the Wilkeshoro Baptist church will meet on Tues day a.s follows: home of iOURNAI^PATBIOT.' NORTH , ,, b -_rp' ' ■■ MONDaIt, dec. tmmt- 5th Sunday SHbginsr It Highly ■Aw. ,. ■mmimmmmmKrn * ' '**’•' ’ Tho flftb 'Smiaar singing held at Fairplalns whs described b^ many as the ttest they ever atten ded. J. ' A. Giniam, chairman, said that in the entire history of the association he was satisfied that the singing of choirs, quar tets, soloists, and especially the Two At > Man,R0i Honored Mars Hlli, Deci 1. Edward, Darwin Dancy, Jr., son ot Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Dancy, of North Wllkesboro, has been elec ted president of the freshman class at Mars Hill Oollego for 1941-42; and Edward Adelman, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward PISH ,, Should'a wartime emergency arise, the annual enpply of lor food could be increased “al-| P C most Immediately,^ by 185,060,-/ .vI*'JEmOo 0^0 pounds, says 'the Federal Fish and WlldUfe Service ' ’ To reliewe Misery of congregational singing had never. Adelman, Sr., of Wllkesboro, been excelled.’' I**®® elected vice-president All available space In the au- of the freshman class. ditorium and the Sunday school rooms of the church was filled and many stood on the outside. "All classes and quartets were seemingly at their best. We don't think the singing can be beaten But you can never tell when our singing Chairs, and qiiartets make up their minds and put their souls Into this marvelous service. You are sure to hear singing that The election was delayed a week because of a tie in three of the offices. The election for the senior class was held last week. » Ads. get attention—and resolta. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the pow- «r of sale contained m an order will Inspire the soul and lift one from the Superior court of Wilkes will inspire lue soui, county, in an action entitled to higher heigh s of Christian ^ ^ ^ Osborne living. We hope Bro' her Gilliam |^j.g q ^ Osborne, Jake may not let up until he enlists Osbome, Eli Osborne, M.'.ttie Os- every choir of singers in the borne, Lila Osbome, G. )D. Stin- bounds of the association. We son, Mrs. G. E. Stinson, R. M. looking forward to the next Osbome, Guardian Ad L tern, for Xs&flc OsbornCj lif h Sunday.’’—One present. © J.B.S CO. Wilkeshoro .Football Bo.vs Given A Delijthtful Party The football ooys of the Wilkes horo hi.eh school were honored at a deliglitful party at the Oniii- muiiity Hou.e 'Tnursday evening given by Misses Hea Godfrey, '.u- cy G.'ier. and Addie Lou Saylors. _ Ilobiiy Smoak. and Jack Howard, j The group were directed in a ^ niiniher of games by Miss Godf'Ty and at tile close were served re fresh men's. Red (’ross Sewini; Room To Re Open For Work The Red rvos.s sewing room is >o tie open each Monday. Wediie.s- day and Friday afternoons at one o'clock. Any organizations or cluhs. wild wish to sew ai night or on days other than tlie.se will please call Mrs. Guy l.illanl. British Women Gettincf Into Real War Work Circle No. 1 at the .Mrs. Sloan Guy. 3 p. m. Circle No. 2. at the home of Mrs Charles McNeil, 7:30 p. m. Circle No. 3. at the home of Mrs. W. H. Foster, 3 p. iii. Circle No. 4, at the home of .Mrs. Charlie Bumgarner, 7:30 p. ;ii. Circle No. 5. at the luime of > active par! icipatioii in the war. Mrs. -Mvin Sturdivant, 3 p. in. London.—Women ot the Auxil iary Territorial service — like I their counterpart in Russja I—are taking a more and more Women’.s riub.«! Are Colleetins Tin Foil As a project in National De fense the Women's cliiHs in Dis trict number three are collecting tin foil. The presidents of the clnh.s in the Wilkesboros have ap- poin'ed coniniitteos to he respon- sihle for this project. In the Wilkeshoro Senior cluh .Mrs. N. The undersigned Comm'ssioner i w'ill on the 20th day of December,; 1941, at the court’nouse door in. Wilkeshoro, North Carolina, sell at j public auction to the highest bid- j der for cash at the hour of 12' o’clock M.,Noon, the following de scribed real estate situated in New Castle township Wilke.s county. North Carolina, and bound- . ed as follows: | Beginning on a red oak in Hen ry Simms line thence running East ■with Henry Simms line to the Yadkin county line, thence North with the county line to Robert C. In ever increasing proportion.^, they are working with—and in | dyers’ line, thence We.st to Jeff many cases even replacing—-the Poster’.s line thence South to a red men of Britain in active war oak in Henry Simms line to the work. As recently revealed in *he Hou.se of Coiiimoiis. Britain does not intend to increase the number ot divisions that today make up her army. Expand (lixiiijcs New call-iip-i. foreign volnn- eers will be sent into already beginning containing 60 more or less. This the 2flth day of November, 1941. ■ . F. J. McDuffie, ’?’.5-4t fmt Commissioner! O. Smoak is chairman and in regiments and organi- Stetsons Christmas Treat For that maa on your mind. Get u Stetson gift certificate, $.S to $20, and tuck it in the cute hat-box with the miniature Stetson hat. Comes Christmas and the lucky chap will be set for the Stetson of his choice. Drop in for the easiest ''hopp'iig ever! PAYNE Clothiiig Co. North Wilkeshoro, N. C. Hnppv Tuners ('lub .Viet Friday F,veninjf The Happy Tuner’s club, of 'vliicli .Mrs. .Andrew Kilby is counsellor, mei Friday evening at the home of Miss Lucille Cas (*y. New officers for the year were Pieced a.s follows:: PreRideiit. I’al.-y McNeil: Vice-president. .Mary Evelyn Crook; Secretary. .Naiicy Rousseau; Program chairman. Dorris Casey: and pith- licity chairman. Elizabeth Mc- .N'eil. The following pupils played piano solos; Agnes Keiierly. .Margie Newton. Dorothy Shell. Mary Evelyn (Took. Jane Carter. Nancy Rousseau, Mary Ellen and Lucille Casey. A social Itonr and refre-^hments were enjoyed :it (lie close of the program. i"1iti.()!i-Giay .Mr. and .Mis. A. C. .lolmsou "’1 ■.niuinnce the marriage of li.'ir yo'.nigest li.ingliter, .liilia ■r: ni ‘ s. to Bax er Gray on K'ri- i!;iv. Novemiier 7. at Doi'son. '.vitli Rev .\ It. Aliernelliy oflieiailng. Tile iiroom is ilie youngest .son of .Mr. I.iiUier Gray ami llf> late .Mrs. Nannie Stroud Gray, of Cycle. Tin- young couple arc now at home wi ll the groom’.s parents. North Wilkeshoro club Mrs. J. D. Schafer, and her assistaiitj: are ^ Mrs. Ray Hoover and .Mrs. W. ' 11, Diihling. Boxes are being placed in drug stores and other public places for the people to deposit their tinfoil. Wilkeshoro Won nn s Club To Have Benefit Party The Senior Woman’s Club of Wilkeshoro Is holding a benefit card party at the Community House Friday evening. Deremher 12. beginning :at eight o’clock. Anyone wishing to make reserva tions may call Mrs, E. N. Phillips president of the club. zations—which will he thus ex panded. hut not increased in the number. For this reason, a- well as be cause of the growing shortage of man power on these islands, women are taking over more and more of the so-called “men’s jobs.’’ Especially in the Royal Artille ry is their activity and responsi bility increasing. They are now being trained as anti-aircraft gunners. ••Aid In Work Women are already engaged on much of the work of anti-air- AOilt E Oe S.ALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed ofj Trust executed to me on the 17th | day of November, 1937, by Roffl Davis and wife, Elsie Davis aTid i at the request of the holder and (,wner of the bond secured thereby, I .shall on SATURDAY. DECEM BER 27, 1941, AT 12:00 O’CLOCK NOON, sell to the highest bidder by public auction for ca.sh at the Courthouse door in Wilkeshoro,! North Carolina, the following de-| scribed tract or tracts of land. j Dying and beung situated in Lit tle River Township, Alexander County, North Carolina, and in Boomer Township, Wilkes County, | North Carolina, and adjoining the lands of Pearson and others and bounded as follows: j BEGINNING on a Walnut run ning North 20 degrees J5ast 92 poles to a Hickory; thence North i The general level of prices re ceived by farmers for agricultur al commoditie.s on November 15 declined four points from a month earlier, reports the T. S. Departmen: of agriculture. Durham county farmers, now I hat the tobacco season is over, are giving more atli ntion to such farm improvements as 'erracing and forestry, savs .Assistant Farm .Agent James L. Huff. ■sicraft defense, but have no‘. up 48 degrees We.st — poles to Pear-| -"’^'•no-.Ahe present, taken entire son’h comer; thence West 66 poles, re-1 to a pine .stump or stake; thence; charge of gun pits. South 90 poles to a stake; thence 1' East 66 pole.s to a chestnut oak;' thence South 48 degrees East 19 j *©r94« A Little Man With a Big Idea about... CHRISTMAS 6IVING For such a litile fellow Reddy has a lot of big ideas . . . take Christmas giving for instance , . . there he's practical . . .You give Christ mas presents to your family and intimate friends because they’re special people ... to remind them thev are special people . . . and that you want them to be happy. Then give something that will keep on giving the year ’round . . . giving comfort . . . con venience . . • service. Nothing so comnletelv meeLs these requirements as dependable electrical appliances. Shop electrically! NOW! it LEADER Wood’s Hybrid Golden Prolific poles to a stone; thence North 68 led ten other varieties in a test degrees East 4 poles to the bo-, conducted by J. D. Aycock. Black ginning, coPtaining — acres, more _ , T, 1- 1 0 or less. This includes all the mnd Creek, Route 1 yielding 6-’ 9 between N. L. Rnsse! bushels of shelled corn an c. P. Russel. See Deed Book reports J. A. Marsh. a.-isis'aiit 172^ Page 522. farm agent of Wilson county. I This the 25th day of November, -■ 11941. Use the advertising columns of 1 F. J. McDUFFIE, fhie naner ns voo'^ stionn'm'’ goidc J2-15-4t fm)pd. Tnistce I POWER COMPANY HOURS 9 TO 5 NINTH STREET T Garbo plays twin sisters ...and ever-lovin’ Meivyn Douglas falls for both of them! Together again for the first time since "Ninotchko," these stars bring you twice the J love-laughs and sparkle! miwm immM ••5N ■iiSiisiKiai MELVYN DOUGLAS nwmcEDNOWui SHE RfiUswims with Constaace Roland BENNEn-TOUNG ROBERT RUTH STERUH6 ■ 60RD0N OiiviulSaraMPIaybrS. S«lk« Vl«t»l *»d G«oro» Oi>o«nk«lm»x I NOW SHOWING I ESQ. • THUR. and FRI. THURSDAY FRIDAY Liberty iiiiUkfiunik GADDY MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. 4 BLOCKS WEST ON BOONE TRAIL NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.