X’-iM ■ FAQisiX NORTjy' ■ ■ ■» s ' .ttSwdayTw N Mc^Anlo Price gOTern Bntish Take Old U.'^Sr SuLniarine ? ■■•-•■ . . ..-i' ■'■•.. iV'.l! KS»*Sii wteWiigton. — The Mat last 'night prepared to se' Maimom price ceilings (or new ■■toBiobUea amid growing signs flhat cars produced during the Minainder of the emergency may he drab, standardised modhls without the countless shiny gad- cets so dear to the American mo- twist. The possibility of limiting fu- fare production to simpler models is the interest of saving material • for defense, arose an represents- Cres of the auto industry named a 15-man committee to work with the office of production ad- salnistration on a schedule of Mzlmum prices for new cars. Cyrus McCormick. OPA auto shief told the dealers that price •Bilings were necessary “because Inflation - has already star’ed in the auto industry.’’ %'P s'- ^ v*>v ^ ^0.*br.* V H Aktft 20 ■ .> amtoatjd^ r?nn chest; may^ I can prt ; Susanville, Gal-'^AathwIties be-, rights ^ v>^oB^«lr« jait tte buA I waot L4i» Ke3^'fflld the iiiHtme^ ae i,'' * J5. ^ Al , 4^ i; » « hottest' ' Alexander aa^ *so»d' lieve today' they had the suspect yet in the wrecking of tlje X .. c t, • the, passengers’ ,during, the streamliner ‘City of San Francis- confusion. ij- co’.' two years ago with a loss of — ■■- UNU8UAI. The Crowders Creek 4-H Club • GaGston county has submitted a record from each meiober of ‘he dnb, a mark other clubs should ntrire to reach, says Assistant l^rm Agent W. Z. Smith. Artificial breeding associations are now operating in 22 counties in New York State, all managed The Voion Jack is raised to the Jtcksiaff. of the old U. S. submarine j R-S, as she is transferred to the British navy at the Groton, Conn., sub- i marine base, under terms of the lend-lease act. Another snb, the S-25,1 which bad been refurbished and put in top condition by the G. S. navy, ^ went to the Polish navy at the same time. The R-3 is a 600-tonner of j 1918 Tintege. He stole tods'froni a-shed diid 24 lives. I pried loose a seetitm i>.t track, then They had a ‘detailed confession,’ hid across the river to iraait the they said, from Clarence Alexan- w’reck. ^ Aer, twenty-four, of Cleon Springs,; , He saw the,fast train hit Okla., a railroad section hand. , loose rail and l^rtle into'the shat- Police and special agents have low creelt bed, 18 of ite. 17 cars received many “confessions” from’ smashed into wreckage. He said; tranks since the fast train was de- “When I heard the moaning and liberately wrecked near Harney screaming of passengfers I was Nev., August 12, 1938. but ,\lex- .'cared, and I caught a freight ander’s statement looked authentic, train East.’’ authorities said, and showed only a An Interstate Commerce Corn- few minor ^iscrepgncies. mission inquiry had found the They took him to Harney to go wreck was due to sabotage and over the wreck scene. Southern • Pacific Lines, one of Said Sheriff Olin Johnson: thre railroads which jointly oper- “We want to check some more ated the crack train, offered a details of his confession, but we $10,000 reward for apprehension are not of the opinion Alexander of the culprit. is a crackpot.” | 1 Alexatrder was arrested after a' Where he applied phosphate on motorcycle accident. Sheriff’s of- hLs lespedeza this past sprinig, ficers said he let slip he was a Mitchell Melton of Argura 1>' railroad worker. Jackson county reports a 50 per Johnson called in railroad and cent increase in yield, says As- Federal agents and directed the slstant Farm Agent O. R. Lack- j ciuestioning toward the train dis- ey. I ^’IllS^was ysAi his tmm ng. to .dflnbi^ cpollli into a i,.whem ^ gmoa came bf. ho#' did get .these into the JtHfiltrt V kaosii iVJi A WINDOW NOT QUITE FULL OF THAT GOOD Queen OfUie West Flour TO BE GIVEN AWAY tREE Saturday, Dec. 13th at 2 P. M. 7 • ASK THE CLERKS • Goodwil “YOUR STORE’ adn directed by dairy farmers of those counties. ADMINISTRATOR’S NO'TICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of J. P. Davis, late of Wilkes county, N. C., thLs m to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersized, whose address is North Wilke- sboro, N. C., duly verified, on or before the 6th day of November, 1M2, or this notice will be plead.. ,„i„der in bar of their right to recover.j^pp receiving retirement benefits A1 persons indebted to sard estate , secnritv Act.. When Old-Age - Survivors Insurance Recipients Go Back to Work On Jobs * — M’Uh defense industries calling for workers of all ages, Mr. Louis H. Clement, manage of the So cial Security Board office in Sal- Lbury, N. C.. today issued a re- o men and women who will please make immediate settle ment. ’This 6th day of November, 1941. JOHNSON SANDERS. Administrator of the estate of J. P. Davis, dec’d. 12-ll-6t-t ADMINISTRA’TOB’S .NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Lela L. Shoemaker, late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against .said estate to present them to the undersign ed, whose address is North Wilkes- boro, N. C., duty verified, on or be fore the 6th day of November, 1942. or this notice will he plead in bar of their right to recover. All persons indebted to said e.'tate will please make immediate settlement. This 6th day of November, 1941 JOHNSON SANDERS under the Social Security Act.. “Xot that the Social Security Board would discourage retired workers from going tiack to work.” Mr. Clement said, “bnt tliey mu.«t remember to notify the Social Security Board when tht:y do so.” .4s .stated in the “award le ter’’ they received when their claims were approved he explained, tliey cannot receive ilieir retire.ment benefi's during any montli in which tliey earn earn as mucli a $15 a month (tha‘ is. more than $14,991 on a job that (Simes under the Social Security -Act. This is a matter of law. Mr. Clement points out. and there is r penal V for disregarding it. a man and his wife are both get ting benefits, they must notify the Board if they get a divorce- if one of them dies, the .survivor must give notice of the death. Some member of the family must notify the Social Securi’y Boar.i when young beneficiaries between the. ages of 16 and 18 stop school or marry. For further informa tion regarding old age and sur- vor.s insurance inquire at the Salisbury, N. C., office of the So cial Security Boat'd, 301 Post Office' Building. SAYS FOUR MILLION SHIFT JOBS YEARLY Washington.—Mrs. Clara Beyer assistant chief of the bureau oi labor standards, said that 4,000,- 000 migratory workers crossed state lines each year in search of jobs. ‘‘We can’t aford to have these people shifting around in these times when the country is concen JOHNSON SANUEtCa. a pena. y .or aisrcgarou.K - Administrator of the estate of The penalty causes a loss of ^ house labor su -com T.0I0 I. oVinamulror rioc’H ijiQntliy payments for every one — — iliat should not have been paid Mrs. Lela L. Shoemaker, dec’d 12-ll-6t (t) ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Will Joines late of Wilkes county, N. C., this is to notify all per.sims having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersized, whose address i.s North \\ ilkes- boro, N. C-, duly verified, on or before the 18th day of November. 1942, or this notice will be plead ir bar of their right to recover. All persons indebW to .said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 18th day of November, 1941. JOHNSON SANDERS. Administrator of the estate of \Vill Joines, dec’d. J2-25-6t (t) RE-SALE OF VALCABLE RE.\T , ESTATE “Tlie same requirement applies 1 I’nder and by virtue of au to Uie wife or children of a re- thority conferred on the under tired w-orkei- who are receiving signed commissioners by an or- l enetit pavmen s on his account,’’ der of the Superior Court in d Mr Clement added. “They are cer’ain Spe^cial Proc.eedtngs e_n- .... • titled Benbow Mitchell and w-ife not entitled to receive benefit Mitchell, et als. vs. Ed- payments for any month dunn * .ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Ina Davis, late of AVilkes county, N. C., this i» to notify all persons having claims again.st -la d estate to pre vent them to the undersigned, whose addre.ss i.-, Nori.h Wilkes boro, N. C., duly verified, on or be fore the 18ih day of November >9-12, or this notice will be pleac m bar of their right to recover. AH persons indebted to .s-aid e.state will please make immediate settle ment. 'This 18th day of November 1941 JOHNSON SANDERS, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Ina Davis, de-’d. 12-25-6t (t) NOTICE OP SERVICE BY PUBJJtlATION ■orih Carolina, Wilkes County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK U. S. Vestal. Administrator of Lellar Harris Smithey, decea.-ied; Rtbel Harri.3 St. John and hus- •aad, Gracy St. John. vs. ■onroe Smithey. widower: Pearl Harris Osborne and husband, Hnghie Osborne. Pernie Carrie Harris; Hallle Mac Harris P»r- «ne and husband, Carl Pardue; William Guy Harris, Annie Paul- We Harris, Ru-by i-e€ Harris, and Bet'y Lou Harris. The defendant, Carl Pardue. will take notice that an action cotitled as above ha» been com menced in the Superior Court of Wilkes Coun’y. North Carolina, to sell the Izd as described in the petition entiUed as above: ud the said Carl Pardue will farther take notice that he is re- mired to appear in'the office of (he Clerk of the Superior Court «( said county at the court hoii.se ^ Wilkesboro, North Carolin.-i. «a the 24th day of Jannary, 1142, and answer or demur to ni'-mentp. are stopped.’’ Nor are he wives or children ■ntitled o rei-eive their bentit lavmenls if tliey themselves go o wor': on a joli which comes under the Social Security Act. •!ui if :i pay.s them m,.re h;ri a month. This applies al- .-0 to widows orpiians. and de pendent parents who are receiv ing monthly insurance payments under t!ic .‘Social Security Art. They -should no ify the Social Security Board to slop their ben ctit payments while they eariii.ig more than $14.99 a month on a job that comes under he Social Security Act. ■Write to the Board immedi ately.” Mr. Clement advi.ses, ”so that your eliecks for the months you are at work will not be mail ed. If a check does come, yon should re-urn it at once to the United State.s Treasury in Wash- ington with an explanation of the reason for its return.’’ There are still other occasions. Mr. Clement points out. -when gar Mitchell and wife. Mae Mitch ell e' als, dated December 1, I 1911, and increased bids havhig ; been filed with the undersigned commissioners, the undersigned commis-sioners will on Wedne.s- riay. December 17. 1941. at 12 o’clock Noon, at the courthouse door, in the town of Wilkesboro. North Carolina, offer for sale, a' public auction, for cash, the fol lowing described real estate; FIRST TRACT - - Being, lots Nos. 4 and 5 in Block No. 4 in the To-.vn of Gordon. N. C., a.s de scribed on map of same register- ed in Rook 90, pra.ge 502. Said are let having a frontage of 80 feel, on the Boone Trail Highway and ex'pndin.g back of that same width Soutliwardlv 160 feet, and containing 12SR0 Square Feet, together witli conditions embrac ed in a -deed from Gordon Indus trial rornorn'ion to T. R. Finley for ’his property. SECOND TRACT — Beginning' on a rock .T. H. Pennell and C. A. Mitchell corner, running West with J. H. Pennell’s line to a stake to .T. H. Pennell’s line near a wbitenak; thence Northea.=t to a ner«immon tree on .leffersor and AVi’ke'-bnro road; ‘hence people who are receiving monthly down said road to a redoak bush benefit payments should notify thence Southwest to a whiteoak the social security Bo^”When ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE con’aining 8 acres more or less. Having qualified as Administra- i THIRD TRACT Beginning tor of the estate of L. Bumzmer.' on a Spanish oak. running West deceased, late of Wilkes County, with H. O. Pennell’s line 50 poles North Carolina, this is to notify to the James Pennell Road, a !ill pei-sons having claims against rock; thence Northeast with said the estate of said deceased to ex- road 22 poles to a whiteoak; hibit them to the undersized al thence the same course continued Wilkesboro, N. C., on or before the with a marked line to a black- 10th day of November, 1942. 01 oak on the hank of the public this Notice will be plead in bar of road leading to the Curtis their right to recover. All per- Bridge; thence with said road sons indebted to said estate will 35 poles more or less to a s’ake- please make immediate payment, thence South to the beginning This the 10th day of November, containing 8 acres more or les“ sA-1 . .M *-» rn T> 4*1. 1941. less 2 acres sold to T. B. Os CHARLIE G. BUMGARNER Admr. of L. dec d. The commissioners will sell the 12-18-6t (t) ' first tract separate from the last EXECUTOR’S NOTICE trac’s, and reserve the right Haring qJidified\rexe^utor of last two t^cto sepa Bynum C. Price, late of Wilkej rate then to sell the last two County, this is to notify all per- tracts as a whole . .. sons hiring claims azinst the A ten per cent cash deposit will said estate to present proof of be required of the last zd high- claim to the undersized Executor est bidder on the total purchase on or before the 12th day of No- price as liquidated damages in vomiier, 1942, or this notice will be the event the sale is confirmed pijad in her of their right to re- - and the purchasers refuse to corn- cover. ply with their hid, and unless All persons indebted to the sail said deposit Is made, the property a«iMvMA^M j 84A4a1 V -nA f A y - - perBUiiis luueuMsu w witr Baiu (he petition In said action, or tne .^jj| jxiake immediate settle 1 -will Immedia’ely be resold to plaintiffs will apply to-the court ^g^t. Ithe highest bidder who complies for the relief demanded in said •e'lon. . „ This the 2nd day of December. C. C. HAYES, Clerk Superior Court. n-«-4t(H) ment. ithe highest bidder who complies This the 12th day of November yyjth this requirement. A. D. 1941. I This the 2nd day of December, DEWEY BROYHILL, I1941. Ehcecutor, of the Estate of By- KYLE HAYES nnm C. Price, deceased. A. H. CASEY, Att’y 12-18-6t (t) 12-ll-2t (t) J. H. WHICKER. Sr. I Commissioners. 'i\\^ a ?i!m T he stockings were hang by the chimney with care, In the hope that REDDY KILDWATT soon woald be there” The Christmas Eve dreams of every house wife include this charming, helpful fellow, for his presence means an end^to drudgery. Reddy's gifts bring comfort, leisure and usefulness. He is a miracle-worker in the kitchen where he helps prepare and preserve food - a helper throughout the house, lighting your reading and study and ^sgiving you wonderful music and entertainment. Right npw, Reddy solves your most f/‘ difficult gift problems! mmm n icV* too*' Ae« cFVi \V .0^ WiC .COA> HOURS 9 TO 5 NINTH STREET^-