I lOTPKOi THE "STATE OP WILKES'*^ FOR vOVBR MIRTY-THREE n~. ,'g „.J^sMwpb^the'irrp^l^ trading center of North western North Carolina ,;^^■.•.■'iS9^';'' ' ' "': ^ontrtt)ate no'tf to the Red 'Croflst^r reii^ _ fund.. Heip^ the men ! who are fighting for Rreedoa^^rg , :i^. ^ VOL. XXXIV, No. 88 MAY 60 HIGHER— P vkway Cdlision Toll Increased To Fom* Wednesday David C. Smith and James Monroe Cox Die At Hospital Here Tops in Autographs IN WIL|CES^R0^ Man In Alteitation On Monday Evening Royal McCarter May Be Fa tally Injured; James Rob ert Chatham Is Jailed James Monroe Cox, of Jeffer son, died at five P- «• Wednes- , day in the Wilkes hospital from injnries received in an automo- ;• hile-truck collision on the Blue Ridge Parkway Monday. He was the ^fourth victim of the ac cident. His body was carried to West Jefferson tonight to await funeral arrangements. EARLIER' REPORT David C. Smith, of Jefferson, died early Tuesday morning at the Wilkes hospital, bringing to three the death toll of an automo bile-truck collision on the Blue Ridge Parkway Monday morning near Laurel Springs. Luther Miller, of Jefferson, was killed instantly and Ulysses Yates, also of Jefferson, died while on the way to the Wilkes hospital here Monday morning with ten others injured The accident occured when a WPA truck driven by McKinley Wagoner and loaded with WPA worKers from the Springfield ccxmmunity of .Wilkes county was passing a parkway service truck and collided headon with the auto- I Chinese ambassador. Or. Hu Shih, ' leaves White House with book, “The Personal Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt,” presented by staff and autcgraphed by the President. FOR BLACKOUTS— Raid Wardens Recommended For Thie County Civilian Defense Helping Form Air Raid Warden Organization Royal McCarter, 26, was serious ly if not fatally hurt Monday evening in an altercation with .Robert James Chatham. 25, of Union Grove, on Wilkesboro’s Main street. With arms locked the two young men staggered through the door of the drug store in Wilkesboro about five o’clock and both were appar ently under influence of liquor, ac cording to information gained by officers from persons present. idcCarter was assisting Chatham to keep on his feet, seemingly un aware that it was himself who was badly wounded. It was soon learned that Chath am had slashed McCarter with a long bladed the cutting had occured a be minutes before one block up the , ,o street. First aid was given Mc Carter and he was rushed to the Wilkes hospital here, where exam- Committee ination disclosed long and deep; Imperml .Forces Close'In On Asus Troops In Libya a.,- ■ ■ high command com- ayihlaue jaid' today that British empiab forces were steadily clos ing in on , the isolated Germah- I'alian garrison In the Halfaya Pass sector of^ the Egyptian fron- tlre, last stronghold of axis troops in eastern Libya. Bad weather and poor visibil ity were siowing operations of the empire forces aground and in the air. COUNTY CHAIRMAN— Dr. Chamberlain Plans Drive For Polio Fund Here Mrs. Hadley Hayes Is Vice Chmn.; Birthday Ball Will Be Latter Part Month Pr. A. C. Chamberlain, of this , X, •« j city, has been appointed chairman pocketknife and ^be infantile paralysis fund drive to be carried out in Wilkes January 12 to 30. Dr. Chamberlain said that Mrs. Hadley Hayes will be vice chair- and that appointments of on'^jmART i»-. . a - To Avenge Son N.C.LeagaeTo. AidCrip^Td Have Meet Here "USTCD-^ s To The Civilian Defense Air Raid 1*1 ^1. j _ I AWrty*lcftrs for &ll p&rts of tbc couH” 1 lacerations on his left arm and a.worKers lor a y .slash which had penetrated his I ty are bemg made 'body Plans also call for a Presidents , mobile Committee for Wi^es county ib^ “g ®hdd“?n^wil^^•ail pending men and which was driven by An- • ,be office of S. V. Tomlinson on ; ini.irips drew South, also of Jefferson. ^Hh the folb.wing com- South and Willie 0. Bare, of Jef- ,„ittee present:' J-®-^'P®®’^^‘ Mrs W L McCarter, of Knott- rence Miller, ®-|ville. Chatham is a resident of V. Tomlinson and J. G. Billings I community and pie commdtee ®®tabl>s‘'ed following sub-divjsions _of Wjlkep^^^ examined for 'the draft. ferson, were badly hurt but are improving. Occupants of the truck who sus tained minor injuries but who are expected to recover include: Mc Kinley Wagoner, Roscoe Tedder, Hoey Pike, Sam Brown, Paul C. Hall. Luther Wint Brown and Quincy Wagoner. ^ IN aTonference-^ ^ ^uiifmkciiiiicry Repair and Scrap Metal Discussed IS 1 latter part of the month as a part !of the fund raising canipaign, as well as the march of dimes and other methods. One-half the proceeds Irom the drive will be used in Wilkes for Representatives From 20 Counties Will Have Meet ing Here January IS North Carolina League For Crippled children will hold a dis trict meeting here for representa tives of 20 counties on ’^ursday, January 15. t According to the announcement here today, the meeting will be held at the Woman’s Club house at 11:30 a. m. and luncheon will be served. Among those who will be pres ent to lead the conference will be A. H. Thompson, director of ex tension, National Society For Crippled Children,, Elyria, Ohio; and C. E. McIntosh, of Chapel Hill, executive secretary of the North Carolina League for Crippl ed Children. Every civic organization in northwestern North Carolina will be urged to have a representative present. Organizations and groups asked to be represented include Kiwanis, underprivileged child committee and vocational guidance committees of Kiwanis clubs. Lions, Junior Chamber of Commerce, American Legion, Woman’s Club, Parent-Teacher associations, min isters, Easter Seal committees. Red Cross committees, Christmas seal committees and newspapers. “They got my boy and now they can take a crack at me,” said Lonto Tyler of Los Angeles (left), as be enlisted to avenge his son, George, who was klUed in action at Pearl Harbor. He is shown iviih Llent. Comdr. George M. Howe. TWO FOR WILKES— Tire Rationing Boards Begin On Duties h County Volunteers From Woman’s Clubs Will Handle Cleri cal Tasks For Boards (Continued on Page Eight) TAKES HEARSE FROM DOOR OF DECEASED Newark, N. J.—^The thief sure had a queer sense of humor. While th^ benefit "Ilf Pantile paralysis [undertakers were delivering a body victims and the other half will go at an East Newark house he stole to Warm Springs Foundation, Dr. the hearse. It was discovered Chamberlain said. I abandoned eight hours later. ^ - Want Volunte^s For Civilian Defense civilian defense activities in Wilkes xx.= ---- - - . - ^ county will begin on Friday mom- jWilkesboro had donated the us^ of tMrs ^roin ®eJWo 'olra- and not too old fdr any of the ^bs B’s Club an4 are urged to register. offiermom on’the’second floor NYA workers will handle the reg- Following is a reproduction of iiifir at the city hall, H. Me- an - » v i. • j. x* Elwee. chairman of the civilian for the civilian /‘f’'i"!,' “"„sons defense council for Wilkes, said called attention to the fact that! All persons old the card which will bo used in the enough to per- registration of volunteers: WILKES CX)UNTY CIVILIAN DEFENSE VOLUNTEER ENROLLMENT r The Agricultural Authorities Hold Important Meeting In Wilkesboro Tuesday Date.. Name.. Age. .Married Single- Repair of farm machinery and collection of scrap metal were subjects discussed by 0. F. Mc Crary, northwestern district ex tension agent, before the Wilkes agricultural defense counsel, hardware dealers and the exten- tion workers council in Wilkesboro Tuesday morning. The -iistri't agent emphasized that with a shortage of labor farmers will need to use machin- erv rtiD^'h HuriDcr the f'orniD^ ye?iT ftui make inventory of their needs nuw. iie ha.u fcs.-L tiiA. .nuy oe unable to obtain parts unless they make their orders now to the dealers, who in turn can place the orders immediatclv with manufac- tureers. In this manner only the said, can farmers be assured of se curing needed parts for machinery. He urged that the -oun iimm-| diately put on a scrap metal col lection campaign to aid in the de-1 fense program. It was suggested , that many places in the county be | designated as collection points and , that C. A. Lowe, local scrap buy-i er, be contacted for such arrange-1 ments. I The agricultural defense board members present Were Paul J. Ves tal, J. M. (German and S. S. Pre- vette. Members of the workers (Continued on Page Eight) IN THIS^COUNTY— Public Assistance Total Is $9,093.96 70 Needy Aged, 309 De. pendent Children and 46 Blind A/ded Last Month A total of 19,093.96 was paid from the Wilkes welfare office in ■nuhlic flssist’ince ^nd general re lief funds during the month of De cember, according to figures re leased today.' More than half the total went in regular monthly grants to 703 needy aged, the amount being $6,- 918.50. Aid to denendent children funds totaling f2,162.50 went to 162 families with 309 children. . Forty-six blind received grants to taling $587. General relief and other direct aid expenditure's to taled (435.96. (Last) (First) (Middle) Male Female.. Home Address.. ..Phone.. Postoffice Street or R. F. D. White Negro.. Business Address.. Present Occupation.. .Phone Township.. ..Employer Address.. Other recent jobs Employer.. ..Address... TIME AVAILABLE FOB VOLUNTEER WORK: Morning Afternoon Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday - Sunday Night Can you drive a car?.. Will you be willing to use your own car for volunteer service? Offices for the two tire ration ing hoards in Wilkes coun'y have been set up, W. H. McElwee, chairman of the civilian defense council, said today. ’The board for district number I, which comprises the same part of the county as that for draft board number 1. is composed of C. B. EHler, Mack Moore and C. II. Ciwles. The office will be in the federal building in the district attorney’s office. Volunteer Wom an’s Club members who will han dle fhe clerical work will be Mrs. HIl, of the Wilkesboro club, and Mrs. Hadley Hayes, of the North Wilkesboro club. Tire rationing board for dis trict number two is composed of C. P. Walter. W. W, Harris and J. B. Carter and will have offices on the second floor of the Bank of Nnr'h Wilkesboro building. ITse of the office was donated by the bank. Handling the clerical work a,= volunteers will be Mrs. T. G. McLaughlin, Mrs. Fred Hubbard. .Ir.. Mrs. E. A. Shook and Mrs. E. H. Helms. Sale of new tires is restricted ito certain persons whose cars are essential. The firs* etep to SjBCure a new tire is to get an application blank from either postoffice or from the tire rat- ioing board offices. Next s'ep is to go to the dealer and get as sistance in filling out application Then the old tires must be in t^pee'ed. John Culler is in«nector for district one apd T. H. Thomp son for district two. Ther'’ i“ '■ place on the blank for the in spector’s report. The appHcatior then is ‘aken to the rationing board for action. The hoards will meet at their offices at two p. m. on Saturday. January 10. Have you had any military training? Form 100 1 6 42 IM Education: (check) Grade School High School College Technical Special Training: (check) Nurse Sftenographer. Mechanic - Other. CHECK ^ ANY OF THE JOBS LISTED BELOW WHICH YOU CAN DO NOW. UNDERSrCORE ANY OF THE JOBS USTED BELOW IN WHICH YOU WH.L BE WILLING TO TAKE TRAINING: SoanisVi American War Veteran Tries To Get Into Army Air Raid Warden Volunteer Fire Fighter Volunteer Police Duty Fire Watcher Rescue Squad Road Repair Unit Electrical Repair Unit Home Nursing First Aid Pyood Preparation Knitting Sewing Bandage Making Caring for Qiildren Telephone Duty Telegraph & Radio Operator Messenger Service Fund Raising Collecting various materials Typewriting General Office Work Additional Information: r/ Charlie Cannon, a veteran of the Spanlah-American war., is unhappy because they will not let lilm enlist in the armml ’ force*. Cannon, who lives in the Buck .commnnlty, saw action at a number of places in the war durim^ the hitter years of the last eenturv and lie d'"e.sn't like for the Japanese to he de stroying and taking the posses sions the United Slates gained in the war with Spain. Gannon sa’d he had tried to enlist but had found that his 66 and one-half years placed him altogether out of the pic ture as far as active service In the armed forces is concerned. Judge J; H. Clement WO^j Preside Ove Term For Trial Civil Cases January term of Wilke* Bupa-yj rior court for trial of civil ca* . will conven In Wilkesboro Mo : day, January 12, with Judge J. Clements, of Wtaeton - Sale preeiding. It win be the first term court under the new schedule offl Wilkes courts set up by the 1941 legislature, which slated a thr weeks term to begin on Janui 12. Jurors were drawn by thaS board of commissioners for the j term as follows: ^ First Week. Clarence ' D. Rash, Reddleal River; Q. O. KUby., Reddles Rlv-I er; R. E. Pierce^ Lewis Fork; IX | M. Shell, Elk; C. B. E4mln8toa»J Beaver Creek; Calloway Haynes,] TT’aphlll; Vance Lovette, Reddle River; E. R. Wright, Wllkeeboro^ A. G. Parsons, North .Wllkeehor J. H. Shore, Somers; J. H. R* tor. North Wilkesboro; Luthe Nichole, Reddies River; D. Caudill, Rock Creek; A.T. Spear Stanton; W. A. Bumgarner, Sr., and Jesse Marsh, Reddies Rive W. W. Carter, Edwards; Monr Bumgarner, Reddles River; R Roope, Rock Creek; John B.J Ferguson and Thomas P. Howerfii Boomer; U. L. Sebastian, Nor Wilkesboro! W. D. McGee, Elk;1 T. H. Deal, North Wilkesboro;] Bill Minton, Reddies River. Second Week Henry Swain. Edwards; W. Carlton, Elk; Richard G. Flnle North Wilkeiboro; G. H. Bowlt Elk; W. M. Tucker, J. S. bough and G. C. Poplin, wards; W. E. Ya'es, Wllkesbor Charles P. McNeill, Mulberry; |j? —Jlamrnesg... North Amie Cox and W. A. “ N. C. Church, Reddles Rive J. J. Anderson, and Frank Cranor, Wilkesboro; J. W. Ble iins. New Castle: Isaac J. PerrjfiJ T’nion; W. .A. Rullis, Nor Wilkesboro: Harrison Felts an^ Bruce .lohn.son. Rock Creek; George H. Brown, Moravlal Fall.s: Vernon Minton. ReddI* River: J. A. Vickers. W’ilkeshoro C. 0. Parsons, Stanton: Feldok Campbell, Somers. Tliird We«-k R. C. Woods. Elk: Shobe .Minton, Jobs Cabin: William Prevette, Wilkesboro; J. Brewer and J. F Lankford .Nor h Wilkesboro; H. F. b’letck er, Moravian Fails: W. E. Sparh Edward;?: Sid Lane, Wllkesbor R. L. Transou. Ixovelace; Majfl Haynes, Mulberry; Rudy Wyatl Union; James A. Law.s, Reddlq River; John Buchanan. Nor Wilkesboro: C. T. Eller. Stanton O. B. Kemp. Somers; Gastfl Parks and T. M. Foster, Wilke boro: E. S. Ferguson. Boomed C. N. Roope, Rock Creek; G« aid McGee, and W. A. Tripletj Lewis Fork: Arthur O. Mille Union; J. Gordon Forester R, .1. Bauguei^s. Nor h Wilke horo; John B. Walter, Union, j PAY NOW AND SAVE— Penalty To Be Added to Unpail Taxes After 1 " CIVILIAN DEFENSE OATH “I faithfully pledge my devotion to my country, the United States of America, ^ on to service. I agree to put myself under orders. I solemnly promise to perform sa^actonly the_^I« asffl^ “ time as I am relieved of my wsponsibllity. I wUl strive uncewingly to do my duty to the of my ability so long as my services are needed.!’ * > ,• ^ ‘ McCoy Chairman ' Air Raid Group J. B. McCoy has been appoint*^ head of .a committee to appoint air raid wardens for North Wilkesbo ro, W. McElwee, chairman of the county civilian defense coun cil, said today. Meanwhile another comnuttee has ' made recommendations for pmraons to be appointed air raid Tfarden* for the vast rural parts, of the county. ' County Taxes May Now Paid At Par But Pen«*J ties Begin After Feb. 11 According to law a penalty j one per cent will he added tol Wilkes coun'y taxo: which remj unpaid after February 1, 194 This means that the of January remains in whicli make payment of county without being assessed wl*' penalty Tax notices were mailed some time ago by Sheriff ' Doughton and payment of cou Uxes may now be made at amount shown on the notice. ,| ter February 1 one per cent be added to that amount. It W expected that throughout the county will terested in paying their this month and thereby s* amount of the penalty,^ would be well worth savlBk-;] By making payment this.j the taxpayers will he ‘ “ oonnty tnd will be helping' selves by saving money., '

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